Wolfram Alpha API Wrapper For VB Not Working For C#?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm using the Wolfram Alpha API wrapper for .NET at this location http:[url]......However it's written in VB.NET and written for version 1.0 of the API. It's unusable.

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VS 2008 Alpha Chanel Not Working With Direct 2d?

Feb 2, 2010

I am using direct 2d to render an animation... just wondering how i can render alpha channels with direct2d cause it seems to ignore it if it is done this way...I am using (to draw):

New LineShape(D2DItems, New Point2F(32, 32), New Point2F(256, 256), 3, renderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(New ColorF(255, 0, 0, 128)))


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.net - Know If PNG Has An Alpha (or If The Alpha Is Completely White)?

Jan 13, 2010

I have PNG and need to know if it has an alpha (or if the alpha is completely white)? How can I accomplish this in vb.net code.

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What Is DLL Wrapper

Nov 6, 2011

I know what is the actually DLL wrapper and how to create? I'm actually want to use a DLL which is written in Delphi and I try to do some search on the internet and I came across the term of wrapper.

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Create A VB6.0 Callable C++ Wrapper?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to call functions of "well documented" C++ dlls from a VB6.0 application. how to create VB6.0 callable C++ wrapper.

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Getting Predicate Wrapper Error

May 9, 2012

So I have a some code I've been using for quite a while and it has worked fine. This project is rather large so I'm using a detailed namespace and I can't get it to work.[code]...

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Unable To Create A COM Wrapper For That OCX?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm trying to add a control on my form and each time an error pops up : "Failed to import the ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered". I'm currently upgrading from VB6 to VB.NET (VB2010 running on Win 7).I installed vb6 on my win 7 PC and i can still add that control on any form - so definitely the OCX is properly registered. My guess here is that VB.NET is unable to create a COM wrapper for that OCX.

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Asp.net - Creating Own Word Wrapper For String

Sep 14, 2009

How do I make my own word wrap function for strings? I want each line to be no longer than 50 characters and respect existing CRLFs.

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Create A .exe Wrapper For A Flash Player?

Feb 9, 2010

I would like to create a .exe wrapper for a Flash Player using VB.NET. I am having a few problems.1.I seem to remember being able to import Flash Player as a control into Visual Studio (2008 Pro). For some reason, I can't seem to VS to import it anymore. (I tried using the OCX from Visual Studio) Perhaps I'm looking for the wrong file. What file am I looking for?

2.Is including Flash inside of a VB program legal?

3.When a control is included in a VB.NET program (such as Flash) does the control need to be distributed in a separate file, or will the compiled application contain it in the ".exe"?

I was able to import the control as the Flash10b.ocx from c:WindowsSystem32Macromed directory as a COM component. Question 2 and 3 still remain.Is there documentation on the ActiveX control? I am trying top figure out the API for ExternalInterface.

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IDE :: Flash In The IE 64bit Web Browser Wrapper?

Aug 16, 2009

Flash in the IE 64bit web browser wrapper?

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Read-Only Wrapper For Customized List

Dec 7, 2009

I have created a customized list (by implementing IList) where I added a few special methods. Sometimes (but not always), I only want to expose this list as read-only. To do this for normal lists, I use the Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection wrapper, which works fine typically. But it seems by passing my customized list through this wrapper, my added methods are no longer visible, which defeats the whole purpose of having this customized list object in the first place. How can I create a read-only version of a customized list?

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[2008] Generate Wrapper For A Native DLL

Feb 18, 2009

I have a file called CalcProg.DLL written in Delphi which is used in Plaxis. I am planning to write a VB.net wrapper for this DLL. The problem is that I don't know what function names there are in the DLL. I was wondering if there was a wrapper generator so I could input a DLL and the generator generates a dummy CalcProg.vb with the function names so I could have a VB class that does something like this:


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Building A ASP.NET Profile Wrapper To Use With An ObjectDataSource Control?

Dec 26, 2011

building a ASP.NET profile wrapper to use with an ObjectDataSource control. I would like to have the serialized profile data that I have defined in web.config be accessible via a FormView control within a user control. I'd like the users to be able to view and update their profile data. I have part of the code but am lacking the experience to complete it. I'm using a aspx page with some text boxes and having users update via a simple form now but I need something more reusable and efficient, not to mention moving the logic to a middle tier. I see that the ObjectDataSource control has some intrinsic ability to view profile common data but that seems to be limited.

Namespace SiteMemberShip
Public Class ProfileWrapper
Private FirstName As String
Private MiddleName As String


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Creating A Wrapper Dll For Favorite Windows API Functions?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm Creating a wrapper dll for my favorite Windows API functions. Normally when windows API calls fail, Nothing happens and you don't know why and this frustrates me. Although you can use their return value to determine If it was successful.


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Design An OPC Client - Documents Regarding Automation Wrapper

Apr 23, 2010

I am actually a beginner in OPC world. I want to design an OPC client using VB.Net, so in this regard i want some documents regarding automation wrapper. Also i have collected some codes from internet and stuck in some command like additems etc (Need some explaination regarding fuction of OPCAutomation Class), so i need some documents which can help me in this regards.

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Gadget Wrapper - Finding The Methodolgy Seems Quite Cumbersome?

Mar 16, 2009

I'm trying to write a gadget. Is there a method for taking a functional vb.net (or vb6) app, and putting a "gadget wrapper" around it? I'm finding that the methodolgy seems quite cumbersome and I'm having trouble getting things to work correctly. I'm new to JavaScript

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Put A Wrapper Around Some Functionality That Uses A Web Service To Return Some Information?

Nov 28, 2011

This is annoying. I'm trying to put a wrapper around some functionality that uses a web service to return some information. The intention is to wrap all of that communication into a dll such that the user can simply call functions from the dll to get back information, without needing to care about the service.As far as I can tell, that isn't possible, because the service information, as far as bindings and endpoints, HAS to exist in the app.config of the program that references the dll. That means that anybody using this dll won't just be able to add a reference to it and use it, like they would with any other kind of dll, they must also edit their app.config to add in a bunch of information. That's a simple copy and paste job, but it's incredibly unfriendly, and exposes some of the internal workings of the dll to casual inspection.

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VB6 Conversion To Wrapper To Prevent Null Exceptions

Sep 14, 2010

We are converting a large VB6 application to VB.net. The problem we have all over the code is the .NET converter did not "reorder" the "IF" and other statements in the code to stop execution when a DBNull value exists. For example, we have code like this all over the place.

"If rRow.Item("av_election_id") > 0 And (rRow.Item("Challenged") <> "SUSPD" Or IsDBNull(rRow.Item("Challenged"))) Then"

This causes a error when "rRow.Item("Challenged") is dbnull

The line of code below corrects this issue but we have thousands of lines of code to reorder and refactor.

dtAVVoterRow.Rows(0)("av_election_id") > 0
And (IsDBNull(dtAVVoterRow.Rows(0)("Challenged"))
OrElse dtAVVoterRow.Rows(0)("Challenged")
<> "SUSPD")

creating a wrapper class or something to allow us to keep the first example of code above where it will not throw an error when encountering a Null value? I don't know if a wrapper that reordered the If statements, or captures the error but continues the execution somehow?

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Write Small Single Function Wrapper?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to write a small application that will mount an image using imagex and show a progress bar as to how much of the image has been mounted.

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Get Alpha Value From ARGB?

Feb 11, 2010

1: Start with bitmap in picturebox colored white2: Draw a filled rectangle (50,50,100, 100) Color black - ARGB (255,0,0,0)3: Draw a filled rectangle covering black rectangle (25,25,150, 150) Color blue, with Alpha set to 100 - ARGB (100,0,0,255) -because of 100 Alpha setting the black rectangle is visible through the blue rectangleProblem : Using bitmap.GetPixel on the blue rectangle (over white background) the result is ARGB(255,155,155,255) -an Alpha value of 255. The new color loooks the same but is not transparent.Question: How to find Alpha(transparency) value of pixel

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Generate Info (wrapper) Class From Stored Procedure

Feb 26, 2010

I am trying to speed up the development phase by using codesmith for generating the business class DAL and info class for the tables of my project. There are about 50 tables with relationships parent child many to many and for retrieving data I have to code several inner joins in stored procedures. I have to combine fields from many tables and this makes working with the info class difficult. Is there anyway to generate info class from stored procedures or to be more exact is there a way to parse the result set of the stored procedure and to generate the info class with properties for every column in that result set.

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VS 2008 - How To Write Wrapper DLL For Accessing Function Calls

Jul 27, 2011

I have a camera for which the complete source code with header files(.h) and all libraries files(.lib) are given in VC++. Now if I want to access the function calls in the header files and in turn the functions in the library from VB.NET, I am required to write a wrapper DLL for accessing the function calls which I never did till now.

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How To Strip A String Of All Alpha's

May 26, 2011

Dim phoneNumber As String = "077 47578 587(num)"How do i strip the above string off every character which isnt a number. So only the numbers are left and then check to make sure it is 11 characters long?

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Per-Pixel Alpha Transparency?

Nov 17, 2011

I'm trying to create a program using Visual Basic .NET 2010 that alters the use of my media keys - Volume up, Volume down, Play, etc. All of the example I have found don't seem to compile quite correctly in 2010. Don't get me wrong they run fine and look exactly as specified but the problem is that the form cannot be edited because it claims the designer code is ill-formatted or something along the lines of that.

Can anybody possibly spare a project or form that has perpixel alpha transperancy?The only thing i want to do is show an overlayed png that has an alpha channel, on the desktop. The form border style will most certainly be "NoBorder"

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Red Color Of One Image To The Alpha Value Of The Second?

Jun 30, 2009

I am trying to create a function that would take 2 images. 1 of the images is a grayscale image and the other is a normal image. What i want to do is apply any of the R or G or B of the grayscale image (in grayscale image r=g=b so it makes no difference) to the Alpha of the second image. i DID succeed on it. However the code is EXTREMELY slow. It takes 1 second to perform it. And i have to perform the function atleast 30 times a second (it will be outputting to a Decklink card). Here is the code:

public function createOverlay(ByVal Main as Bitmap, ByVal Key as Bitmap) as Bitmap
For index as integer =0 To (Key.Width*Key.Height)-1
Dim crntX= index Mod(Key.Width)


This function will have to run infinitley until the user presses stop and keep updating the output buffer. How can i make it faster? ( i need at least 30 executions per second)

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Support For Alpha Transparency?

May 2, 2010

I would like to drop a few buttons onto a picture box or a container control that has a background image set.

I would like to have the button's image be an alpha PNG file.

I can manage the mouse over and click such that the button behaves exactly as one does on a web page.

I struggled with it in vb.net 2005 with no luck. If you take a PictureBox and lay it on top of another PictureBox, and set its images to alpha PNG's, and its background to transparent, then the form shows up in the alpha blend, not the other picture box.

And if i accept that i am limited to the background of the form, then it's performance then becomes unacceptable.Since i can Graphics.DrawImage onto a PictureBox's image fast, i assume that the folks at Microsoft must have decided to use the form's background (and slow painting, and not the other controls and the z-order), by design. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they have made that choice.

So my question is this:Does vb.net 2010 support the layering of controls that supports alpha transparency, and can we now create a custom-control with a transparent background?

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Build Error - Cannot Find Wrapper Assembly For Type Library

Oct 20, 2010

A co-worker checked a very simple Visual Basic Visual Studio 2010 application into our version control system. When I checked it out and tried to build it I got the weird error below, which I am guessing has something to do with which .Net Framework the build is targetted towards and also which Framework I have installed.

------ Build started: Project: VB-DEER10, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Build started 10/20/2010 3:35:57 PM.
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(1558,9): warning MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "Microsoft.StdFormat".
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.15
Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped

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Specify DEFAULT For Optional Parameter To Stored Procedure Wrapper Function?

Sep 18, 2009

My problem is this (apologies if this is a little long ... hang in there):I can define a function in VB.NET with optional parameters that wraps a SQL procedure:

Sub Test(OptionalByVal Arg1 As Integer _
Optional ByVal Arg2 As Integer _
Optional ByVal Arg3 As Integer


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Alpha On ListViewItem ForeColor / BackColor?

May 25, 2009

I've been tingling with the colors of listviewitems.For the most part, they work great, but I can't set alpha:

Me.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 40, 40, 40)
Me.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(1, 255, 255, 255)
Me.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 40, 40, 40)
Me.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 255, 255)

The result of any of these two lines is exactly the same ( no change in alpha ). The colors take ok though.

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Alpha Transparent PNG Form Too Slow?

Mar 5, 2011

I have problems with transparent form problem is that its too slow example if i click on button where it should just switch another panel control it takes 3-4 seconds because of redrawing [url] so at form load is called redraw() and if i click on a button and panel is switched i again call redraw() form load 6 second switching panels 3-4 seconds

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