Building A ASP.NET Profile Wrapper To Use With An ObjectDataSource Control?

Dec 26, 2011

building a ASP.NET profile wrapper to use with an ObjectDataSource control. I would like to have the serialized profile data that I have defined in web.config be accessible via a FormView control within a user control. I'd like the users to be able to view and update their profile data. I have part of the code but am lacking the experience to complete it. I'm using a aspx page with some text boxes and having users update via a simple form now but I need something more reusable and efficient, not to mention moving the logic to a middle tier. I see that the ObjectDataSource control has some intrinsic ability to view profile common data but that seems to be limited.

Namespace SiteMemberShip
Public Class ProfileWrapper
Private FirstName As String
Private MiddleName As String


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ADVERTISEMENT - Pass A Value To From Listview Item Control To Another ObjectDataSource Inside In The Same Place?

May 8, 2011

i have to list views A,and B listview B is inside listview A. i want to pass some parameters from Listview A to Listview B's ObjectDataSource.

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Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' Has Multiple Definitions

Jul 22, 2009

when building my application I am getting some temporary files shown in Solution Explorer under Miscellaneous Files lie App_Web_YDKG.VB with following code block in that generating error

Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile
Return CType(Me.Context.Profile,System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile)
End Get
End Property

Error : Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesinfinityvb2ae71c27d560144bApp_Web_pwduczex.38.vb456

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VS 2005 Building A Custom Control

Apr 14, 2010

While implementing this article,i cant understand what they try to mean by this:Still in the Code Window, change the line that reads:Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl So that it reads:Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button..if i change this line of the designer form: Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl to this: Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button...then when i return to the designer,i am getting this error: The designer cannot process the code at line 22: Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!) The code within the method 'Initialize Component' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.

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Building A Database Control Layer DLL For Project?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm building a database control layer DLL for my project.HelpDB is the project.HDB is the class name.I've written a few methods for connecting to the db, querying, and the usual.I've recently included a public class HDB_ParamValue in HDB to handle query parameters.


Note 1: I'm moving from VB6, so you'll appreciate that I have little experience with this real OOP. If there is a link or article you can recommend that might answer this, recommend away!Note 2: I'm not concerned about databases and parameters per se, but more the _concept_ of class in a class (or class of a class).

View 5 Replies

Building A Web Browser Using The WebBrowser Control In A Normal Vb Form?

Feb 4, 2009

I'm building a web browser using the WebBrowser control in a normal vb form. I would like to add an option where the user can view the source code for the page like in internet explorer.

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Building Custom User Control - Default Property Of Class?

Jan 22, 2012

If we say blue is the default colour of the Backcolor property I understand it as if you don't specify a colour for Backcolor blue will be its colour. But I could not make sense of default property of a class in the context of building a custom user control. After calling an instance of a class we have to either call one of its members or assign an other object for it. Therefore why should there be a default property?

View 9 Replies

Building A Server Control That Inherits Button And Giveing It Other Click Capabilities?

Dec 11, 2008

building a server control that inherits button and giveing it other click capabilities

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IDE :: ObjectDataSource X64 Bug?

Jan 26, 2012

Original project is VB, but did other testing in Web Developer.Essentially, when a project is compiled as x64 in the ".inx64" directory, "Choose a Business Object" ends up being empty.My workaround was to go into the project's properties and change the compile directory from ".inx64" to just ".in".

View 4 Replies

C# - Use Multiple Objectdatasource In Detailsview?

Nov 14, 2011

Just want to ask, can we use multiple objectdatasource in detailsview?

Example, i have 2 different tables with same fields.

Insert, Update much work properly.

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.net - Modifying ObjectDataSource Deleting Parameters?

May 26, 2011

I am trying to add a parameter to the deleting event of an ObjectDataSource as in the example below from msdn. I generated an event handler for the ObjectDataSource's deleting event, and it had the same signature as in the example, however, when I try to clear the paramsFromPage as in the example, I receive an error stating that

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Checking Return Of

Jan 17, 2010

I just wonder if it is possible to simply check if the returns any rows?e.g.

If ObjectDataSourceM.Select().GetEnumerator Is Nothing Then
End If

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Updating Custom Objects With ObjectDataSource?

Mar 7, 2011

I am using VS 2010 web application projects

I have an object datasource connetced to a custom object. The data from objectdatasource is displayed

in the Formview. When i try to do the Update. It sends me two empty objects of the class.

This is my objectdatasource

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="obj1" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetValues"
TypeName="CustomDAL" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"
UpdateMethod="Edit" OldValuesParameterFormatString="old_{0}"


View 1 Replies - ObjectDataSource.Select() Not Always Firing On Page Postback

May 15, 2012

I have a form with:


Whenever I change the value of MyTextBox and press MySubmitButton, the select method of MyObjectDataSource is invoked and everything works OK. But if I change the value of any of my check boxes (without changing the value of MyTextBox) and press MySubmitButton, the select method is not invoked, thus the "MyObjectDataSource_Selecting" event doesn't take place and I get the same results as before.

One way I found to work around this was to explicitly invoke MyGridView.DataBind method whenever MySubmitButton was clicked. Is this the best way to handle these type of parameters? What I am afraid is that this may cause the select method to be called twice making the page slower.

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IDE :: Pass Parameters To Stored Procedure Through ObjectDataSource?

Jun 7, 2007

I am building a three tierd app, and therefore have all my data access methods in a class by itself.This class only calls stored procedures, basically, I need to pass in the following:

1) stored procedure name as string

2) parameters as IDataParameter() -- an array of parameters

3) other fields ( not important to this discussion)

If I use a GridView on my web form and choose an ObjectDataSourceObjectDataSource, and then choose my business object and method, since the method is a call to a stored procedure with a parameter array, I don't know how to pass it values in the IDataParameter format.The Method Signature listed on the wizard is "RunSP(String spname, IDataParameter[] params), returns SqlDataReader" which basically is calling a method called RunSP with two parameters, of which the second parameter is a parameter array for a stored proc.

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C# - Using ObjectDataSource And DataObjectTypeName - Handle Delete Methods With Just An Id Parameter?

May 27, 2009

If I have an ObjectDataSource setup like:

runat="server" [code].....

How do I get the objectdatasource to use the Delete method with the parameter that is not an Employee object? what is the recommended alternative architecture?


To clarify, I want to use the method signature on my data/business object as shown above, however if I try to allow an Employee object to be passed into some of the methods using DataObjectTypeName, then I seemingly lose the ability to have some methods take just an integer id for instance.If I do not use the DataObjectTypeName, then I have to place all the method parameters in the ObjectDataSource and change the methods on the data/business object to match, this seems like a bad design choice because as the Employee object changes I will have to update each of these methods.

View 6 Replies

Getting The Selected Row From A FormView Bound To ObjectDataSource In The ItemUpdating Event?

Oct 16, 2010

I have to maintain an application in VB.Net.There is a page with a FormView bound to a ObjectDataSource.I have to add some business logic on the ItemUpdating event of this FormView.Unfortunately, some the data that I need to add this business logic is not exposed on the FormView user-interface itself, so I can not use FindControl to get the values (I could add the controls, bind them to the fields I need and set their visible property to true, but that's ugly).

View 2 Replies - Building A Server Control That Inherits Button And Giveing It Other Click Capabilities - Catch The Click Event?

Dec 1, 2010

I want to create a server control that inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button but gives it special capability, now what do i mean? i want my button to be a confiorm button that will work like so:

Renders to the page as a button of lets say cancel after the user clicks it i want to catch the click event (within the server control) and now after the click makeing the button not visible and makeing some kind of content placeholder (that will render from the server control) visible. that content place holder will have 2 buttons inside of it: yes and cancel. I want the programmer that adds this control to be able to register a function to the click event of the yes button. and the second cancel confirmation button should make the first button appear agian. (i know how to do this all in the client side but this time i need it all as server events)

My question is this: how do i catch the click event? i want it all to be handled inside the server control itself. so a programmer that adds this control wont have to worry about anything but just needs to register to the click event of the "yes" button.

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What Is DLL Wrapper

Nov 6, 2011

I know what is the actually DLL wrapper and how to create? I'm actually want to use a DLL which is written in Delphi and I try to do some search on the internet and I came across the term of wrapper.

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Create A VB6.0 Callable C++ Wrapper?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to call functions of "well documented" C++ dlls from a VB6.0 application. how to create VB6.0 callable C++ wrapper.

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Getting Predicate Wrapper Error

May 9, 2012

So I have a some code I've been using for quite a while and it has worked fine. This project is rather large so I'm using a detailed namespace and I can't get it to work.[code]...

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Unable To Create A COM Wrapper For That OCX?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm trying to add a control on my form and each time an error pops up : "Failed to import the ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered". I'm currently upgrading from VB6 to VB.NET (VB2010 running on Win 7).I installed vb6 on my win 7 PC and i can still add that control on any form - so definitely the OCX is properly registered. My guess here is that VB.NET is unable to create a COM wrapper for that OCX.

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Wolfram Alpha API Wrapper For VB Not Working For C#?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm using the Wolfram Alpha API wrapper for .NET at this location http:[url]......However it's written in VB.NET and written for version 1.0 of the API. It's unusable.

View 1 Replies - Creating Own Word Wrapper For String

Sep 14, 2009

How do I make my own word wrap function for strings? I want each line to be no longer than 50 characters and respect existing CRLFs.

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Create A .exe Wrapper For A Flash Player?

Feb 9, 2010

I would like to create a .exe wrapper for a Flash Player using VB.NET. I am having a few problems.1.I seem to remember being able to import Flash Player as a control into Visual Studio (2008 Pro). For some reason, I can't seem to VS to import it anymore. (I tried using the OCX from Visual Studio) Perhaps I'm looking for the wrong file. What file am I looking for?

2.Is including Flash inside of a VB program legal?

3.When a control is included in a VB.NET program (such as Flash) does the control need to be distributed in a separate file, or will the compiled application contain it in the ".exe"?

I was able to import the control as the Flash10b.ocx from c:WindowsSystem32Macromed directory as a COM component. Question 2 and 3 still remain.Is there documentation on the ActiveX control? I am trying top figure out the API for ExternalInterface.

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IDE :: Flash In The IE 64bit Web Browser Wrapper?

Aug 16, 2009

Flash in the IE 64bit web browser wrapper?

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Read-Only Wrapper For Customized List

Dec 7, 2009

I have created a customized list (by implementing IList) where I added a few special methods. Sometimes (but not always), I only want to expose this list as read-only. To do this for normal lists, I use the Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection wrapper, which works fine typically. But it seems by passing my customized list through this wrapper, my added methods are no longer visible, which defeats the whole purpose of having this customized list object in the first place. How can I create a read-only version of a customized list?

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[2008] Generate Wrapper For A Native DLL

Feb 18, 2009

I have a file called CalcProg.DLL written in Delphi which is used in Plaxis. I am planning to write a wrapper for this DLL. The problem is that I don't know what function names there are in the DLL. I was wondering if there was a wrapper generator so I could input a DLL and the generator generates a dummy CalcProg.vb with the function names so I could have a VB class that does something like this:


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Creating A Wrapper Dll For Favorite Windows API Functions?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm Creating a wrapper dll for my favorite Windows API functions. Normally when windows API calls fail, Nothing happens and you don't know why and this frustrates me. Although you can use their return value to determine If it was successful.


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Design An OPC Client - Documents Regarding Automation Wrapper

Apr 23, 2010

I am actually a beginner in OPC world. I want to design an OPC client using VB.Net, so in this regard i want some documents regarding automation wrapper. Also i have collected some codes from internet and stuck in some command like additems etc (Need some explaination regarding fuction of OPCAutomation Class), so i need some documents which can help me in this regards.

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