- Creating Own Word Wrapper For String

Sep 14, 2009

How do I make my own word wrap function for strings? I want each line to be no longer than 50 characters and respect existing CRLFs.

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Creating A Wrapper Dll For Favorite Windows API Functions?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm Creating a wrapper dll for my favorite Windows API functions. Normally when windows API calls fail, Nothing happens and you don't know why and this frustrates me. Although you can use their return value to determine If it was successful.


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Creating A Word Document With VB Bolding A Word In The Middle Of A Paragraph?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm using VB to generate a word document When using the += operator to add additional text to a paragraph like

Para1.Range.Text =
myReaderRef("Referral_City").ToString() & ", "
Para1.Range.Text +=


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Find A Word In A String In Eng And In A String Of Unicode (no Space Between Each Word)?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm trying to write a function to find a word in a string in the this format : "ThisissometextthatIneedtofindandthisisthetext. This is another text."It's read as " This is some text that I need to find and this is the text. This is another text." but there is no space between each word. I want to get the word "text" or any word in that string. Can you help me with this function with a code sample ?

And I think that this method can be implemented with a string of Unicode also because in a sentence of Unicode it contains one or few, sometimes zero spaces between each word.

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Formatting In Creating A Word Document From A Copy Of Another Word Document?

Oct 1, 2010

The application I support is creating an amalgamted Word document by copying couple of Word documents in one document right after each other. The problem is the format of the some of the fields of the document that gets appended is changed in amalgamated document while the amalgamated document is the copy of AppendDocument (imagine if we have one document to copy in the amalgamated document)


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Creating Array With Two Values Or Its Creating To String Index Which Will Take Value Later?

Dec 30, 2009

please tell me what is below code doing? is it creating array with two values or its creating to string index which will take value later? [code]

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Find Only Whole Word Not String Within Word

Jul 20, 2009

I am trying to create a function that searches each line of a richtextbox and returns that row if one of many search phrases are found.The app works wonderfully when used with longer words or muli word phrases as the search criteria.The problem I have is if the search word/ criteria contains a small string such as bae or sp then I get alot of false positives. Anytime bae or sp is found within any word it returns the results.I need the function to stop looking within the words for results and instead look at the word as a whole for a match.Below you can see that I am taking each line of text in the richtextbox, removing most non-alpha numberic characters and replacing them with spaces.Then I have it remove any double spaces with single spaces.For the search term list I have it take the text before the delimiter;and do the same.Trouble I am having is,if the search term is SP and the search phrase is "This is a space shuttle lauch"it will return the sentence since the sentence contains the word "space" which starts with sp.[code]

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Creating A Report In Word?

Feb 10, 2012

Imports System.Data
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Imports System.IO

i have been using the above references to print a report in word document but my problem is that i am failing to put headers and footers on my reports. i want to include report title on the header and page number on the footer. how do i do it?

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.net 4.0 - Error When Creating An Instance Of Word

Nov 15, 2010

I am getting an error when I run this app in VS 2010 (it works fine in VS 2008)


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C# - Creating A Word 2003 Add-In Toolbar

Sep 15, 2010

I have been perusing the internet in search of the best way to accomplish this, but have had no luck. If someone here has experience with Office add-ins, I'm not asking for a solution by any means, just assistance with which direction to take. The software I'm working on is primarily in VB.Net and C#; IDE is VS2008 Here's my scenario:


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Creating MS Word 2007 Documents ?

Apr 13, 2009

What would be the best approach for creating MS Word 2007 documents with that contains signature lines? I am currently in the planning phase of a project and I'm trying to gather some info. The idea would be to upgrade this program we have already developed(using to generate .docx files that contain signature lines that are created progmatically. The signatures would be added later by the user through a workflow in SharePoint I just need to create the document with the lines. I have seen different tutorials on creating word docs, but not sure which method would be the best for what I'm doing. Where should I start looking?

Also, there doesnt seem to be too many tutorials on adding signatures line through code, more specifically how to automate the signature line setup. e.g. Who should sign, signers name, signers email address. How do I set these paramaters through code?

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Creating Tables In Word Programmatically?

Sep 21, 2009

I am generating tables and writing them to word on the fly. I do not know how many tables there will be each time i write the data to word and the problem I am having is the second table is written inside the first cell of my first table. If there was a third table it is put inside the first cell of my second table.Is there a way to move the cursor out of the table? I have tried creating a new range with each table also but the same thing happens.I have also tried things like tbl.Range.InsertParagraphAfter()The closest I came was using the Relocate method, but this only worked for two tables.

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Creating A Custom Documentation Application Using Word And .NET?

Jun 9, 2010

Here at my company we have an Access application that allows users to create documents based on invoices that are in Great Plains, an accounting program. Documents such as invoices, packing lists, export documentation, etc., etc.This application is very old and very hard to maintain so we're doing a rewrite and I've chosen this project to be my first Visual Basic .NET project.Basically what the application is going to do is allow users to do the following:

Pull up invoice information and then add some secondary information such as comments and the like Choose which documents they want to print out Open the documents and then allow the user to edit the documents That last part is the tricky part. The users right now create these documents out of Access and print to a PDF and then edit the PDF with comments that can be specific to the document and customer. If they didn't have to do that, then I could just used canned reports or something.

What I am thinking of doing is creating Word templates with text boxes and inside those text boxes adding addressable bookmarks. When the user goes to print the documents, open Word, populate the bookmarks from the database (SQL Server) and then that will let them draw text boxes and fill them with whatever they want before they print the documents and then they can save them.

Here's the code I worked out to do this (of course the final result will be much more complex):

Public Const wdPageBreak = 7
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document


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Creating A Table In Word With Microsoft VB 2010?

Sep 10, 2011

error Public member 'Tables' on type 'ApplicationClass' not found when trying to create the table.The error occurs at the line

Dim tlb
As Word.Table = objWord.Tables.Add(NumRows:=4, NumColumns:=3)
My import statements include


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Creating A Word Table With A Different Number Of Columns In Each Row?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm working with Microsoft Word and trying to generate a table with headings that may span one to three columns. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. The table should look something like the following:Counters

Times (hrs)
Flows (gals)
Well Starts


To get it to look this way, I'm not exactly sure what to do from VB.

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Options To The User In A Menu - Create Sub-string - Replace A Word In The String

Feb 28, 2010

Problem: Your task is to take input from the user in string and give the following options to the user in a menu.

1- Find a String
2- Create sub-string
3- Erase a portion of a sting
4- Replace a word in the string
5- Count number of words and characters in the string without spaces.
6- Capitalize first character of each new sentence and convert the rest
of the characters to lower case.
7- Sort all the words in alphabetical order. (Use Bubble sort algorithm to perform sorting).

To perform all the above mentioned tasks you can only use pointers. Create a function to perform every task.

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Creating Word Report From Visual Basic 2010?

Dec 1, 2011

I have created an application in 2010, I have an SQL database that I want to gram some data from: Then Create a word document with that data and save it to a given location, this is what I got so far.

Dim oApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oEmail As Outlook.MailItem


This gets the file and attaches it to an email. I have created another button that is called CreateReport_btn when this is clicked I want to get the last data from the sql database and insert it into a word document.

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Office Automation :: Getting Word Instance And Creating Commandbars?

May 19, 2009

I'm working on and add-in for Word 2003 that creates a custom toolbar when the add-in is loaded. However, most of the users will open documents through a file management system that uses automation to open the documents. I tried using the GetObject function to grab the instance of Word created through the automation but the toolbar isn't made visible (it only sits in the background and the users have to manually make the toolbar visible).

Public Sub createToolbar()
On Error GoTo ErrorLocator


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VS 2008 Creating Word Object With Office.interops?

Feb 27, 2010

I am using the office interop to open word documents and saving as html to do parsing work.After a few executions I notice that in the task manager under processes there are still instances of WINWORD.EXE running. I have used the following to close the object but it is still there:

wordApp = Nothing

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VS 2010 (One App): 24-bit Word - Creating UDP Datagram - Calculating Checksum

Sep 22, 2011

I'm trying to create an app that controls a BSS BLU-80 (DSP) through Ethernet. I've written a few basic programs in the past, but nothing that used sockets or even required calculating a checksum. One of the values I need to send has to be 24 bits. This one really has me scratching my head. From the manufacturer's docs:


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Office Automation :: Error Creating Word Documents On Server

Jan 24, 2011

I am not an expert programmer and am just getting familiar with .NET office automation. I have two questions:

1. For me to create word documents from my code on a server, does word have to be installed on the server? My test server does not have word installed. Is there a way to have the code open word on the user's machine in this case?

2. I am trying out some code for creating word documents. It works fine on my machine. However, when I try to run it on server it gives me an error.. "Cannot create ActiveX component." Is this a permissions issue or related to the fact that the server does not have word installed?

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Word Processor - Creating Table Adding And Removing Rows And Columns Header And Footer

Apr 16, 2009

i'm making a small word processor program using vb 2008 and i need the codes for the following commands: creating table adding and removing rows and columns header and footer

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What Is DLL Wrapper

Nov 6, 2011

I know what is the actually DLL wrapper and how to create? I'm actually want to use a DLL which is written in Delphi and I try to do some search on the internet and I came across the term of wrapper.

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Create A VB6.0 Callable C++ Wrapper?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to call functions of "well documented" C++ dlls from a VB6.0 application. how to create VB6.0 callable C++ wrapper.

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Getting Predicate Wrapper Error

May 9, 2012

So I have a some code I've been using for quite a while and it has worked fine. This project is rather large so I'm using a detailed namespace and I can't get it to work.[code]...

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Unable To Create A COM Wrapper For That OCX?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm trying to add a control on my form and each time an error pops up : "Failed to import the ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered". I'm currently upgrading from VB6 to VB.NET (VB2010 running on Win 7).I installed vb6 on my win 7 PC and i can still add that control on any form - so definitely the OCX is properly registered. My guess here is that VB.NET is unable to create a COM wrapper for that OCX.

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Wolfram Alpha API Wrapper For VB Not Working For C#?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm using the Wolfram Alpha API wrapper for .NET at this location http:[url]......However it's written in VB.NET and written for version 1.0 of the API. It's unusable.

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Create A .exe Wrapper For A Flash Player?

Feb 9, 2010

I would like to create a .exe wrapper for a Flash Player using VB.NET. I am having a few problems.1.I seem to remember being able to import Flash Player as a control into Visual Studio (2008 Pro). For some reason, I can't seem to VS to import it anymore. (I tried using the OCX from Visual Studio) Perhaps I'm looking for the wrong file. What file am I looking for?

2.Is including Flash inside of a VB program legal?

3.When a control is included in a VB.NET program (such as Flash) does the control need to be distributed in a separate file, or will the compiled application contain it in the ".exe"?

I was able to import the control as the Flash10b.ocx from c:WindowsSystem32Macromed directory as a COM component. Question 2 and 3 still remain.Is there documentation on the ActiveX control? I am trying top figure out the API for ExternalInterface.

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IDE :: Flash In The IE 64bit Web Browser Wrapper?

Aug 16, 2009

Flash in the IE 64bit web browser wrapper?

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Read-Only Wrapper For Customized List

Dec 7, 2009

I have created a customized list (by implementing IList) where I added a few special methods. Sometimes (but not always), I only want to expose this list as read-only. To do this for normal lists, I use the Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection wrapper, which works fine typically. But it seems by passing my customized list through this wrapper, my added methods are no longer visible, which defeats the whole purpose of having this customized list object in the first place. How can I create a read-only version of a customized list?

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