Building A Server Control That Inherits Button And Giveing It Other Click Capabilities?

Dec 11, 2008

building a server control that inherits button and giveing it other click capabilities

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ADVERTISEMENT - Building A Server Control That Inherits Button And Giveing It Other Click Capabilities - Catch The Click Event?

Dec 1, 2010

I want to create a server control that inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button but gives it special capability, now what do i mean? i want my button to be a confiorm button that will work like so:

Renders to the page as a button of lets say cancel after the user clicks it i want to catch the click event (within the server control) and now after the click makeing the button not visible and makeing some kind of content placeholder (that will render from the server control) visible. that content place holder will have 2 buttons inside of it: yes and cancel. I want the programmer that adds this control to be able to register a function to the click event of the yes button. and the second cancel confirmation button should make the first button appear agian. (i know how to do this all in the client side but this time i need it all as server events)

My question is this: how do i catch the click event? i want it all to be handled inside the server control itself. so a programmer that adds this control wont have to worry about anything but just needs to register to the click event of the "yes" button.

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Created A Button Control - Change Into Single Click Insted Of Double Click ?

Feb 26, 2010

I created a button control ,, by double clicking only the process was going on,,when iam single click the button nothing is to be happenend,,so i want to change into single click insted of double my coding is given below.......

<asp:Button ID="getrec" UseSubmitbehavior ="false" runat="server" Style="left: 30px; position: relative; top: 0px; z-index: 101;"
Text="Get Record" />


Here the coding is all are correct but the problem is when double clicking the button only it was worked ,,,iwant want to change it into single click

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Active X Control - Click Event - User Has To Double-click On Button In Flash Movie

Mar 23, 2009

I have a application that uses Flash movies (AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash). I have buttons in the flash movie. When they first start using the application, they can single click on the buttons in the flash movie and button responds accordingly. But after a while (and I haven't been able to pin-point an exact thing that changes it or my issue would be solved), the user has to double-click on the button in the flash movie for them to work.

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Inherited Listview Control Could Have Built In Cross Threading Capabilities?

May 15, 2009

I've not got any issues with Cross threading but I hate the amount of work involved in sorting cross threading issues out.I thought today that my inherited Listview Control could have built in cross threading capabilities; it would decrease the amount of work on the form, and tidy things up.I've got this to work (EnsureVisible method), BUT I'm a little stuck when it comes to the Items.add below is my example control.


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Adding An Event For The For The Button In The Custom Control?

Sep 16, 2009

I have created a custom control that has a few labels and a button on it. In my main program i dyanmically add this control to a stackpanel. When i add the control i add a few events for it by doing th e following:

Dim newqueue As New UserControl1
AddHandler newqueue.MouseDoubleClick, AddressOf PrintMessage

How would i go about adding an event for the for the button in the custom control?

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Handles Event From Custom Control Inside Other Control?

Jul 29, 2009

I've created my own ascx control with button inside it. Now I'm using this control inside other control. (In my case it is a webpart). What I would like to do is program logic from my custom control inside webpart

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Using Inherits Within A User Control?

Jul 11, 2011

In another post entitled "Creating a button in vb that could get the path of any file/folder or application in a textbox" some code for creating a FileTreeView control is given which starts


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Click A Button And It Send Various Commands To VPS Server Through SSH

Aug 3, 2011

I want to make a simple program where I can click a button and it send various commands to my VPS server through SSH. I have had an extensive search online but the SSH Components range from $200-$500 which is far to expensive for what I want to do. I was just wondering if anyone knows any other free alternatives. Or maybe has seen a free SSH Component. I am very well aware that free clients exist like putty but would very much like to incoperate it into my own program to be automated.

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Click The Button Link In The Web Application But It Says I Don't Have Access To The Server?

Apr 8, 2010

I have browser control in a winform application that navigates to a secure intranet location. In the web application that sits in the browser are several links that bring up other windows outside of the browser... like dialog type browser windows that may contain information like user information... etc.

When I run the application in a regular browser, it runs the new window perfectly but when I click on the same button link in the web application, it brings up a windows with no data saying that I don't have access to the server.

View 1 Replies - Event Click In Server Control Don't Happen?

Feb 16, 2012

I have created this user control.

Imports SAAQ.Utl.W00692BaseControle
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI


However, the method Button_Click is never called when i click on of the button thatt his method handle. The specifics events arent raised.

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Create User-Control That Inherits The Functionality Of A TabContol

Apr 16, 2009

I want to create a User-Control that inherits the functionality of a TabContol.

I begin by starting a new project of the type Windows Form Control Library. Next I place a TabControl on the UserControl designer surface and Dock the TabContol to Fill the UserControl.

I go to the code editor for the UserControl and enter the following line of code.

Inherits System.Windows.Form.TabControl

Then I run the program and get an error. Intellisence recommends that I use one of two recomendation. When I accept the recommendation I and try to run the program the problems esculate.

The design-surface is no longer accessable.

I try to comment out the problem lines of code in the UserControl1.Designer.VB file but that doesn't help.

How can I create a UserControl that Inherits the Properties of the TabControl so that the properties of the TabControl are visable in the Properties Window?

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Show Two Rectangles On A User Control Which Inherits Picturebox

Mar 7, 2009

I need to show two rectangles on a user control which inherits picturebox.For that I have used pictureboxes (so that i can move and resize them), with transparent background. [code]

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Click A Button In The WebBrowser Control?

Jun 4, 2011

how to click a button in the WebBrowser Control... I've tried stuff like:

WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).Item("btnG").Click but this doesn't seem to work.

So how would you go about clicking a button in the webbrowser control in Visual Basic 2010? how would you type "Daniweb" into the google search bar and click the "Google Search" button?

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Creating Custom Control By Inherits BindingNavigator - How To Add ToolStripItem By Code

Sep 28, 2010

I'm creating a custom control which inherets the BindingNavigator.I need do add one ToolStripButton at specific posistion (9 element) on the ToolStrip of the BindingNavigator.So, I wrote the following code:


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VS 2008 Displaying Text On Custom Control (Inherits ListBox)?

Mar 24, 2010

So, I'm working on a custom LitBox that accepts custom items. needed the item collection to be more than just strings, I needed to be able to store avalue to display in the listbox and an associated value (Property: Text) that holds an index value (Property: Tag) of DataTable I'm working with.I have created the new item (iListBoxItem) and the collection (iListBoxItemCollection) and have modified everything so that I can do normal Collection type methods (Add, InsertAt, RemoveAt, etc) to this collection.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class iListBox


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C# - Setting Focus Onto Another Control From Button Click?

Sep 24, 2009

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and VB.NET

On top of my page I have a button called btnViewRecords. When the User click on the button I want to set focus to another button or label further down on the same page. How can this be done.

This code does not work for me..............


Even if my code did work, i dont want to reload the page every time.

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Click A Form Button With Webbrowser Control?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to automate a web form. The button that submits the form's ID is "buttonID".

I know that my submit variable is matching the element because i've successfully performed submit.innerText

I need to be able to click on this button... how is it done?

Dim submit As HtmlElement = wb.Document.GetElementById("buttonID")

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Use WebBrowser Control To Click A Button On A Webpage?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a VB program that uses a web browser control to navigate some websites for me but I need to click a button.

The button is in a frame and in a form with 4 buttons. I have already figured out how to navigate the individual frames and forms but I can't figure out how to click the button I need.[code]...

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VS 2008 Click Button Without Using The Web Browser Control?

Mar 6, 2010

How do i click this button without using the web browser control

<p class="btn">
<input type="image" value="login" name="s1" onclick="xy();" id="btn_login" class="dynamic_img" src="img/x.gif" alt="login button" />

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Click Event Handler With Custom Control Button?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Custom Control for my web application which is basically an ASP.NET Button control contained inside multiple <div> elements (for styling purposes).How can I create a Click event handler for my custom control so that my control acts as an ASP.NET Button?


<cc:Button id="myButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" />
Sub myButton_Click(sender as object, e as EventArgs) Handles myButton.Click
End Sub

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Give Focus To Previous Control After Click Of Button?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a form with few text boxes and other control on it like button etc. On click of a button on form i do some validation (like x = 2) if yes then it gives warning message and i want to give the focus back to the previous control (the control which was having focus before clicking button). I tried following on click of button

dim prevcntrl as control = asctivecontrol
if x = 2 then
Magbox("not valid")
activecontrol = prevcntrl


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Making A Click Event For A Non Existing Button Control?

Aug 17, 2010

make a click event for a non existing control but for example: when the end user clicks the new button(or something else) a new text box pops up with a button on the same form and when the button is clicked I want the form to open another window(or something else). Here is the the code for doing that(only the part needed):

Private Sub MenuBtnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuBtnNew.Click
Dim Tab As TabItem = TabControl1.CreateTab(NewDialogBox.NameBox.Text + NameDesign)
Dim Panel As TabControlPanel = DirectCast(Tab.AttachedControl, TabControlPanel)


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Pass Link-Button Click From One User Control To Another?

Jan 18, 2012

I have two user controls on the same page. One contains a ListView that displays navigation links, the second user control should be updated when user clicks on the buttonlink in the ListView.

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User Control Button Click Event Not Raised

Nov 4, 2010

I have a User Control that has been added to the page dynamically. When I click a button on that user control[cod]e...

View 2 Replies User Control In Repeater - Catch Click Event Of Button

Feb 23, 2012

I have a User Control. In this user control I have a Repeater. In this repeater I have again a User Control. If I try to catch the click event of an ImageButton in this user control, I'm gettin nothing because the event has not been fired. Is there a way to catch this event?

Some code:

first user control:


In myUserControl:


This event isn't firing:


Also the following does not work because it returns nothing:


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Gathering Textbox Text From A Listview Control After Button Click

Nov 16, 2010

Creating a shopping application using ASP. Using a list view control to display 6 items per page. Each item has details such as picture, name and price. I have a textbox to enter the quantity desired and a add to cart button to create the "cartItem" (saves the selected item to a cart item object)


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Update A Textbox On Form From A Click On A Button On User Control?

Nov 20, 2009

I need update the text of a textbox when I do click on a button on a user control.

How I can do that?

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Update A Textbox On Form From Click On Button On User Control?

Nov 19, 2009

I need update the text of a textbox when I do click on a button on a user control.

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VB: User Control In Repeater - Catch Click Event Of Button?

Apr 9, 2009

i have a User Control.In this user control I have a Repeater.In this repeater I have again a User Control.If I try to catch the click event of an ImageButton in this user control, I'm gettin nothing because the event has not been fired.

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