.net - Automation Scripting Tool Boston Workstation Alternatives

Dec 14, 2011

I been using Boston workstation for a project but the version i have is about 8 years old and it only works with terminal not GUI apps. what alternatives are out there for automation scripting Gui apps in visual studio.

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Dll For .Net To Com Works On Dev Workstation But Not On Remote Workstation?

Jan 20, 2012

I created a simple dll in VB2008 on my development workstation (uses a GUID and Implements an Interface,It is a basic "Hello World" & someInputValue. I reference this dll in a MS Access code module and works fine on dev machine. I run Debug.Print testDll.HelloWorld("xyz") and I get I then copy the mdb and dll, tlb files to the remote workstation (where I am also running all versions of the .Net framework) and try this on the remote workstation -- Everything compiles fine within the Access code module on the remote workstation, but I get an error message that the ActiveX control cannot be created when I try to run the procedure. I tried to register the dll regsvr32.exe "C:myDirmyTestDll.dll"and get the message that the dll is loaded but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found. This file cannot be registered. I know that I have tested other custom dlls on this remote workstation before, and everything worked fine.

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Developing An Automation Tool To Test New Desktop - Open Menu Items On Toolbarwindow32 Windows?

Aug 5, 2008

Currently developing an automation tool to test new desktop OS builds at work. Need to be able to open menu items on toolbarwindow32 windows (main menu of explorer windows). Now this requires retrieving information of all the buttons on the toolbar, obtaining the button ID of desired menu and sending a WM_COMMAND message with the ID. I'm having trouble retrieving button information.Now im using openprocess, virtualallocex to allocate virtual memory in the target process, and then sending the TB_GETBUTTON message with a pointer to the allocated memory then reading out the result. Allocation and the send message works fine but reading the processmemory back out is failing but not returning an error code, getlastwin32error returns nothing either.

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure TBBUTTON
Public iBitmap As Integer[code]....

As mentioned above, the read process memoery call fails, the return value is -1 The documentation states it returns 0 for fail, non zero for pass. Wondering if the problem lies in incorrect use of types in pinvoke calls or the struct tbbutton is incorrect, or my use of a pinned pointer is wrong,or whether I need to use adjusttokenpriviledges to ensure I have rights.Though I'm running under admin and examples similar to this don't use it.

Relevant documentation
Read Process Memory

View 11 Replies

Make A Tool Bar In Task Bar Such As Windows Media Player Tool Ba

Jan 5, 2010

I want to make a Tool Bar in my task bar such as windows media player tool bar.

I'm using VS2005.net Windows xp Professional Edition.

View 5 Replies

Put Tool Tip Text In Tool Strip Status Label?

Oct 17, 2010

how to put the tool tip text in status bar label this in form load event

View 14 Replies

Alternatives To RichTextBox?

Sep 8, 2010

For sometime now whenever I am in need of formatted text I have been using RichTextBox control and save data to RTF format. However lately I started using RTF editor control that allows you to insert images into rtf. And although this works, the file sizes grow immensely.I was wondering if nowadays there are any better alternatives (preferably available for free) that people can use in windows applications for viewing and editing documents.

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Any Alternatives To Codedom?

Jan 5, 2011

Are there any alternatives to Codedom? THe reason I am asking is because Codedom is not letting me use pointers(unsafe code) which is a must in my project. I have hear of the System.emit namespace though.

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FileLen And LOF Alternatives?

Nov 19, 2010

give me some alternatives to FileLen & LOF?

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.net Winform Grid Alternatives?

Dec 7, 2010

I am using vb.net / Winform 2010.I am looking for a free (or very cheap) alternative to the DataGridView, one that looks more like what I see on ads for XTraGrid. Something that will multiple lines per records, and for lines to be rolled up, and expanded by clicking, etc.

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C# - Cross Platform Alternatives To WPF?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm thinking of porting my application from VB.net to the C# based MONO project, so it can run on both Windows and Mac. However, I am in need of a Mac-friendly alternative to WPF. It has to have very similar functionality. QML (by QT) is not a viable option, as it costs far too much money for us.

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PaintEventArgs.Graphics Alternatives?

Jan 1, 2010

is PaintEventArgs.Graphics the only way to get the Graphics of a Form?

View 10 Replies

VS 2010 Alternatives For The Old Functions?

Sep 21, 2010

When I try to code in VB2010, I usually unmark the reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic. Because I do not want to use the legacy functions of VB6. I want to complete walk in .Net path. And I have found some alternatives for the old VB6 functions. But the rest not. Where can I find the list of those methods or classes (alternatives for the VB6 functions) ?(For eg: when I tried to find the difference of 2 dates, I couldn't find any other alternatives. So, I came back and used the Microsoft.VisualBasic reference for using DateDiff())?

View 24 Replies

VS 2008 Drag And Drop And Alternatives?

May 20, 2011

I'm working on a small utility program and found that I have a need to copy the contents of listboxes, textboxes and other control from one to another.

I just started playing around with Drag and Drop but it seems lacking a bit...for instance, if I wanted to drag the contents of a listview to a text box, it doesn't look like I can do that easily if at all.

Can you use a drag and drop to copy the contents of different control types easily?I thought about using the drag and drop method for notification of the intent to copy the contents and then I would code the copying.

The idea (although I know it will be slow but that is okay for this utility) to copy the source to a textbox and then from the textbox to the target. The content won't be that large and speed is not a concern at this point.

Here is my issue if I have to do it this way.

1 - How can I use the control names to do this?

2 - How do I get the target control name?

I figured I would create a function that I would pass the source control name and the target control name and based on type, perform the appropriate method of copying the data.

I haven't figured out a way to get the target control name. I can use activecontrol.name for the source.

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[2005] TabControl: Beautifying It Or Alternatives?

Feb 18, 2009

I have the need to constantly use the TabControl but somehow its current look is boring, is there any tricks out there to make it more interesting? Or what are the alternative controls that I could use to replace it?

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.net - Alternatives To SelectedIndexChanged That Don't Fire On Form Load?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm developing in VB.NET with Visual Studio 2005.I have a ComboBox (myCombo) on a form that gets populated within the Load method.I also have handled myCombo.SelectedIndexChanged to change a label on the form.

Edit: The way I added the event handler was by double-clicking on the combo box on the designer. Skeleton code then came up in the code view.It looks like what's happening is when the form loads, SelectedIndexChanged gets fired each time an item is added to myCombo.This isn't what I want, but I'm thinking there's another event handler that only gets called when the user changes the selection.

Here's some code for what I have:

Private Sub myDlg_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' this is all I do with myCombo in this sub
list = GetListOfItemsToAdd()


Update: The solution I used was to remove the Handles clause after the event generator, and add this before the "End Sub" above:

AddHandler myCombo.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf myCombo_SelectedIndexChanged

View 4 Replies

Alternatives For Accurately Representing Decimal Variables In C++

Mar 4, 2010

I am currently working on a program that takes Visual Basic data in the form of a text file, and then stores this data in C++. Some of the data from Visual Basic is of the type Decimal. C++ has no built in type equivalent to decimal. I don't want to use double because there is a possible loss of significant figures if the numbers are large enough.One option is write my own decimal class.

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Alternatives To SelectedIndexChanged That Don't Fire On Form Load?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm developing in VB.NET with Visual Studio 2005.I have a ComboBox (myCombo) on a form that gets populated within the Load method.I also have handled myCombo.SelectedIndexChanged to change a label on the form.Edit: The way I added the event handler was by double-clicking on the combo box on the designer. Skeleton code then came up in the code view.

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Web Browser Automation Automate Button Click And Automation Fill Textboxes Using IE Object

Jan 22, 2010

i am developing one automate application for tht i hav done some coding i dont know how to proceed further can any one guide me if possible? [code] I am using SHDocVw for IE. Now i need to know how to do. [code]

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ActiveX DLL Not Working On Different Workstation

Mar 30, 2010

I have created a VB ActiveX Control. I embed the DLL using the following semantics. It appears to be working fine in my local machine. However, it does not in other's workstation. But I was not able to generate the LPK file using the LPK_tool.exe since the ActiveX control did not show up in the list.

<object id="printUtil" name="printUtil" classid="CLSID:440616e0-8d63-47b8-b16d-4fd281dc652b" >

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Code To Lock Workstation?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm working on a small program to activate winlogon,and to automatically log out of my account, but I'm unsure how to implement this in code.

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Local Administrator On A Workstation To Run VB6?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to know if it is necessary to be Local Administrator on a Workstation to run VB6 I mean, just run VB6, write code and compile it.I do not mean to register DLLs, write in registry, etc.My question is just asked at the VB6 application level.

View 8 Replies

Office Automation :: Automatic Deployment Of Excel Automation Addin?

Jan 25, 2011

I have written an automation addin in Excel with C# (addin.dll). To use the addin, I need to 1. register it using "regasm /codebase c:...addin.dll"2. select in ExcelOptionsAddInsExcel AddinsAutomation the respective addin from the list

I would like to automatize 1) and 2), so that the user just needs to run an exe-file in order to use the addin. 1) should be no problem, but how can one automatize 2)?

View 12 Replies

Office Automation :: Excel 2003 Automation With VB 2005 Express?

Apr 20, 2010

Ok basically what I need to do is the following:Read FirstExcelDoc (attached)For every row in that: Retrieve data from sql server db based on info in the Orange columns of FirstExcelDoc Let's say I retrieved data elements A, B, C, D, and E from sql server. Then I need to enter those same data elements A, B, and C in another excel spreadsheet (which has formulas etc) After inputing A, B, and C in that spreadsheet, read a couple of calculated fields and compare those results to data elements D and E retrieved originally from SQL Server DB. Finally, output the results in the Blue columns of the FirstExcelDoc spreadsheet for that row.Loop through and do the same thing for row 2 of the FirstExcelDoc and keep on until you see "END TEST" in the FirstExcelDoc.

I'm looking for a method of doing this efficiently. I have read several articles over the past few days as well as those from Mike R. but just need some direction to get started on this.To start of I'm looking for whether to read the entire FirstExcelDoc spreadsheet or just read the info for first policy number(2nd row) and process it and write out the blue column info for that row and then loop through and come back and read the second policy number (3rd row) etc... Please attach a code snippet for either way of reading the data.

View 19 Replies

Office Automation :: Orphan Excel Process Started Via Automation

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using excel via interop in application.Sometimes users kill application that created excel instance and that results in excel instance sitting in memory without any chance of disposing it.First I tried to tackle this using ROT(running object table) looks like not all instances of excel are registered there.Than I tried to somehow mark excel process after it is started via interop.[code]This works as long as excel is visible but in my case excel window is invisible.All I need is to somehow mark process that started via automation with the parent PID, so that later I can kill it if parent does not exist.

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Office Automation :: PPT Automation = Multi-threading And RPC Server Unavailable

Apr 16, 2010

I have successfully automated a PowerPoint Metrics presentation with VB.Net. However, since there were many complicated calculations, it took quite some time to make the 120+ slide presentation - so I recently tried to revamp the application to be multi-threaded.


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Office Automation :: Word2007 Automation Without Word12 Object Library

Jan 21, 2012

I've got VS2008 and Office2010, but I don't have Office2007. Therefore, I have the Word14 Object Library but not the Word12 Object Library. Will the code that I create for Office2010 automation also work where clients only have Office2007 or will they have to upgrade their office suites?

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Check Which User Last Logged In To Workstation?

Jan 18, 2012

I need to create a spreadsheet of which kit is assigned to which person, within the company.

We have desktops & laptops, for the purpose of this post, we'll say desktops are named DESKTOP then a random 3 digit number (DESKTOP001, DESKTOP002 etc.) and laptops are named LAPTOP then a random 3 digit number (LAPTOP001, LAPTOP002 etc.)

I'm presuming the best way of checking which user uses each workstation would be to check who last logged in to it. doing this for ALL computers in a certain OU (lets say DESKTOP_OU for desktops and LAPTOP_OU for laptops in this example) (either with VB Script or PowerShell I would presume) and to export it to Excel.

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Creating Executable File That Can Be Used On Any Other Workstation?

Dec 16, 2009

i need some help in creating vb.net executable file that can be used on any other workstation

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VS 2008 Locking A Remote Workstation?

Sep 30, 2009

how can i lock a remote workstation?

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Office Automation :: Excel Automation - Call Rejected

Dec 17, 2010

I have been pulling my hair out trying to fix this.


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