Dll For .Net To Com Works On Dev Workstation But Not On Remote Workstation?

Jan 20, 2012

I created a simple dll in VB2008 on my development workstation (uses a GUID and Implements an Interface,It is a basic "Hello World" & someInputValue. I reference this dll in a MS Access code module and works fine on dev machine. I run Debug.Print testDll.HelloWorld("xyz") and I get I then copy the mdb and dll, tlb files to the remote workstation (where I am also running all versions of the .Net framework) and try this on the remote workstation -- Everything compiles fine within the Access code module on the remote workstation, but I get an error message that the ActiveX control cannot be created when I try to run the procedure. I tried to register the dll regsvr32.exe "C:myDirmyTestDll.dll"and get the message that the dll is loaded but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found. This file cannot be registered. I know that I have tested other custom dlls on this remote workstation before, and everything worked fine.

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VS 2008 Locking A Remote Workstation?

Sep 30, 2009

how can i lock a remote workstation?

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Enumerating List Of Drives On A Remote Domain Workstation

Jun 29, 2011

I am trying to come up with a good way to enumerate hard disks on remote workstations, possibly including administrative shares, so I can audit key files on them without having to access them via sneakernet.I have domain administrator rights. Security policy prohibits using WMI which would be a great solution.I can retrieve a list of computers using Active Directory, but I need some way to determine what drives are available on each system. Is such a thing feasible? A fellow developer offered some VB6 code from years ago that used WNetOpenEnum, but I was hoping that since we are at .NET framework 4, maybe there's a more elegant / managed way of working with this. I'm keen to use technologies that are more generally supported, such as standard APIs etc. WMI is a great solution but apparently is blocked by default by Windows Firewall, so its availability is not guaranteed.

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ActiveX DLL Not Working On Different Workstation

Mar 30, 2010

I have created a VB ActiveX Control. I embed the DLL using the following semantics. It appears to be working fine in my local machine. However, it does not in other's workstation. But I was not able to generate the LPK file using the LPK_tool.exe since the ActiveX control did not show up in the list.

<object id="printUtil" name="printUtil" classid="CLSID:440616e0-8d63-47b8-b16d-4fd281dc652b" >

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Code To Lock Workstation?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm working on a small program to activate winlogon,and to automatically log out of my account, but I'm unsure how to implement this in code.

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Local Administrator On A Workstation To Run VB6?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to know if it is necessary to be Local Administrator on a Workstation to run VB6 I mean, just run VB6, write code and compile it.I do not mean to register DLLs, write in registry, etc.My question is just asked at the VB6 application level.

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Check Which User Last Logged In To Workstation?

Jan 18, 2012

I need to create a spreadsheet of which kit is assigned to which person, within the company.

We have desktops & laptops, for the purpose of this post, we'll say desktops are named DESKTOP then a random 3 digit number (DESKTOP001, DESKTOP002 etc.) and laptops are named LAPTOP then a random 3 digit number (LAPTOP001, LAPTOP002 etc.)

I'm presuming the best way of checking which user uses each workstation would be to check who last logged in to it. doing this for ALL computers in a certain OU (lets say DESKTOP_OU for desktops and LAPTOP_OU for laptops in this example) (either with VB Script or PowerShell I would presume) and to export it to Excel.

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Creating Executable File That Can Be Used On Any Other Workstation?

Dec 16, 2009

i need some help in creating vb.net executable file that can be used on any other workstation

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Apply A Security Template To Stand Alone XP Workstation Using VBS?

Aug 26, 2009

Apply a security template to stand alone XP workstation using VBS?

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How To Know If MS Chart Controls Installed On Client Workstation

Oct 14, 2011

I developed a ClickOnce application using MS Chart Controls. It works fine for the charting part. But, as Chart Control needs to be installed beforehand (with admin rights and not with classic ClickOnce deployment), I need to detect if the component is available on the machine. So I tried to create a new Chart and to handle the possible Exception but it seems it is not possible to catch it (too low level Exception?) :

Dim oChart as New Chart
' Some user-friendly message to ask the user to contact the helpdesk
End Try

This code is never executed: I get a unhandled Exception as soon as I enter the event this code is in. See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

***** Exception Text ******* System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
'System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. File name:
'System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization, Version=,
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 : Install A Class Library On A Workstation

Apr 17, 2009

Is there anyway to install a class library on a workstation so any application can call it without it being bundled with that app?

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.net - Automation Scripting Tool Boston Workstation Alternatives

Dec 14, 2011

I been using Boston workstation for a project but the version i have is about 8 years old and it only works with terminal not GUI apps. what alternatives are out there for automation scripting Gui apps in visual studio.

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C# - Deploy SMO Application To Workstation Without SQL Server 2008 Installed?

Jun 15, 2010

I am trying to deploy an application that uses SMO on a workstation without SQL Server installed on it. The instance the app is connecting to is SQL Server 2008. The application is failing with:Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication, Version, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=89845cdc8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

The assembly in question is in the same path as my application as well as system32. I am running this on a Windows 7 64 bit box. I have run SQL Native Client, CLR, and SMO MSIs from the 2008 SMO redist download page.This app worked fine when connecting to SQL Server 2005.

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Copy Image Files From VM SQL Server To Folder On Workstation?

Jun 5, 2011

A user scans a series of documents which are sent through a program that places a .tif or .pdf of each document into a folder on a remote VM Server and sends the image location to a VM instance of SQL Server(along with other OCR extracted data).

It is my job to create a program that will:

1. Allow another user to see the filenames on a form, chose which files need to be processed (either by typing them into two textboxes {ie. start and end filenames} or by clicking on a start and end filename on the form {from a databound SQL container maybe?}.

2. The program then must show the images in a picture box as it is copying them to the destination folder.

3. Then the software must somehow be able to regonize which documents were processed, and not include them in new searches.


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Create A VBA Script That Can Be Used To Input A List Of Workstation Names?

Feb 5, 2009

I need to create a VBA script that can be used to input a list of workstation names and display the memberOf, Home Server and OU for that workstation?

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Networking - Getting A Path To Public Documents On Server In .net App When Run From A Workstation?

Jun 2, 2011

In our VB.Net application, we need to get the path to our data folder in Public Documents. In our standalone application this is straighforward using the SHGetFolderPath function. However, for our network application, we run into a problem when we load the application on a Win 7 server and run it from a Win XP workstation. From the workstations, SHGetFolderPath returns the workstation's public documents folder instead of the what we want, which is the server's public documents path.Is there any way within the application to query the public documents path on the server?

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VS 2008 32-bit UserControl In HTML Page Does Not Load On 64-bit Workstation

Sep 21, 2011

I built a specialized userControl using VB2008 (on XP 32-bit) to embed in HTML (not ASP!) and compiled it, pointing to x86 CPUs. I added the necessary keys to the registry (see attachment) to declare a classId in a HTML 'object' tag. This scheme works OK on all 32-bit OS I could put my hands on, but fails to load on 64-bit: I could test only on XP and Win 2003. No error message and Fiddler does not even know something happened... I installed VS2008 on the XP 64-bit machine and ported the code to a fresh userControl (to check the code). I got the userControl running on this workstation without any trouble. I copied this new DLL on another workstation and added the necessary keys to the register, but to no avail. I checked the registry and the 'Wow64' keys are there allright. As a check (and to provide you with a 'working' example), I:

- built a very simple userControl on the 32-bit environment (label, textbox and button to display the text in a mMessage box),
- on the 32-bit workstation:
+ copied the file to a 'program files' folder,


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Set The System Date Of A Workstation Based On The System Date Of The Server?

Dec 13, 2009

i want to set the system date of my a client pc based on the system date where the sql server reside.In short i want to sysncronize the date between the client and server.I have a working code in vb6 but i dont know how to do it in vb 2008.

dim RstDate As ADODB.Recordset
Set RstDate = New ADODB.Recordset
RstDate.Open "SELECT GETDATE() as ServerDate ", CnAP


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WinAPI Click OK Remote Desktop Works Only When Window Is Active

Jun 8, 2012

I have a timer in winforms that looks for a specific OK dialog on my server (it clicks OK on a third party application that runs out of memory, then restarts it -- there is no other work around). So, when I remote desktop the server and the remote desktop window is active (the actual remote desktop window is active, not the actual window that has the OK that has to be clicked. I can have a window that has nothing to do with the OK, and it works), the program works as it should. It finds the window of the OK, then clicks the OK button fine. When I am not in remote destop, or when the remote desktop window is not active (or selecte) it finds the window and finds the OK button, but cannot click the OK button.


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Connect To A Remote Network By Creating A Temporary Connection On The Fly By Using The Remote IP/Host Name?

Jan 20, 2010

Rather than use an Entry name of an existing VPN connection, is it possible to connect to a remote network by creating a temporary connection on the fly by using the remote IP/Host name, username and password?

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Link From Button - When Sheet1 Is Selected, It Works, But When Sheet2 Is Selected, Not Works

Jan 5, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with this code:

'insert link
sheet1.Hyperlinks.Add(sheet1.Range("P1"), "http://http://www.vbforums.com", "")
the code of the button (ribbon)


When I press the button, it connects to the web site. when the sheet1 is selected, it works, but when the sheet2 is selected, not works, why? the path is sheet1,What's wrong?

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Remote Desktop - Make An Application Of Remote Management For Images

Aug 5, 2010

I want to do a small application that made the broadcast of images from a PC. The idea is to make an application of remote management but without the management part, only with the viewing of images. Anyone know any code already done or any API that helps in the project?

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Code That Doesn't Works Runtime But Works Step By Step?

Jun 26, 2010

this is my code:

Dim WB As WebBrowser
WB = GetPage("http://speed.travian.ir/a2b.php?z=" + VillageID.ToString + "&c=" + Type.ToString + "&" + AttackParams)


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Connect To Remote Computer And Display The Status Of Process Running On Remote Computer?

Dec 27, 2009

I'm trying to develop a windows application where i can get connected to remote server and look for process state going in remote server.We have many remote servers where automatic installation of software going on. We have an xml file(installstatus.xml) where it tells us at what stage the installation is (Example : Inprogress , Completed, Failed.)

So our aim is to develop a windows application where i can get connected to that servers and look for their installation status(may be we can use installstatus.xml to look for installation status). Every time i connect to a server, the server information should get stored in XML file(i want to create a xml file where all the servers list i connect to should get stored)

The UI at left side should will have list of servers i can connect to. When i get connected to server, at right side of UI, i want to display the status of installation (In progress, failed , completed).

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.NET Works But Not C#

Feb 26, 2012

I have created lots of applications with visual basic 2008, tested them on many other computers, worked like a charm. After I moved to 2010, all my applications compiled, ran without a problem even on different machines (worst case scenario was that some older PCs needed the 4.0 framework to be installed first). Anyway suddenly I ran into a very weird problem which I cant figure out.I have Visual C# 2008 (Express Edition) on this machine installed and everything ran/compiled flawlessly but when I tried the application on a different computer, it can't even start. It crashes as soon as you attempt to run it and displays that 'Application Stopped Working' error.

I also tried to compile it as Release, then start the exe .. still the same problem. Sorry again for asking this on a VB forum, I just started playing around with C# after VB and didn't know where to ask.Aditional Info: Visual Basic 2008 and 2010 programs work perfectly on the same machines on which Visual C# 2008 doesn't. (I would be glad if some one could at least re-direct me to somewhere else )

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SQL Works MDB Does Not?

Jul 21, 2009

UserLogin.zip Starting off with a very simple user database with encryption based on [URL]..Updating to an SQL database WORKS FINE using the SqlDB classes. Updating to a 2003 Access MDB DOES NOT - when I use OleDB Classes. They are almost identical. I am getting an error ""Operation must use an updateable query", but all the articles on this do not seem relevant. I need to get the MDB working.

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.net - COM Object Only Works In It Not C#

May 10, 2011

I have a COM object that works fine in VB.NET, but not in C#. Both projects are .NET 4 console applications. The COM object loads in C#, but the methods don't return any values. Why would it work in VB.NET and not C#?


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Can't Get It Works In .Net 2003

Nov 9, 2009

I have the following code written in VB. It works in VB 2008 Express But not VB .Net 2003?

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Completed App Only Works For Me?

Mar 30, 2011

I just completed my app and used advanced installer to make a setup of it, i sent it to my brother for him to test but when he runs it and tries to sign in he gets these errors


When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.now i think it means that it cant find the mysql connecter and data and stuff but the user shouldn't need to have that right? it should come with the app to make it work for everyone

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Does ADO Works On VB 2008

Aug 17, 2009

does ADO works on VB 2008 ?i have this error when i tries to run this code

'Item' is 'ReadOnly'

and below is my code:

rs!("pwd") = TextBox1.Text (it gives me the error here )

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