Enumerating List Of Drives On A Remote Domain Workstation

Jun 29, 2011

I am trying to come up with a good way to enumerate hard disks on remote workstations, possibly including administrative shares, so I can audit key files on them without having to access them via sneakernet.I have domain administrator rights. Security policy prohibits using WMI which would be a great solution.I can retrieve a list of computers using Active Directory, but I need some way to determine what drives are available on each system. Is such a thing feasible? A fellow developer offered some VB6 code from years ago that used WNetOpenEnum, but I was hoping that since we are at .NET framework 4, maybe there's a more elegant / managed way of working with this. I'm keen to use technologies that are more generally supported, such as standard APIs etc. WMI is a great solution but apparently is blocked by default by Windows Firewall, so its availability is not guaranteed.

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Dll For .Net To Com Works On Dev Workstation But Not On Remote Workstation?

Jan 20, 2012

I created a simple dll in VB2008 on my development workstation (uses a GUID and Implements an Interface,It is a basic "Hello World" & someInputValue. I reference this dll in a MS Access code module and works fine on dev machine. I run Debug.Print testDll.HelloWorld("xyz") and I get I then copy the mdb and dll, tlb files to the remote workstation (where I am also running all versions of the .Net framework) and try this on the remote workstation -- Everything compiles fine within the Access code module on the remote workstation, but I get an error message that the ActiveX control cannot be created when I try to run the procedure. I tried to register the dll regsvr32.exe "C:myDirmyTestDll.dll"and get the message that the dll is loaded but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found. This file cannot be registered. I know that I have tested other custom dlls on this remote workstation before, and everything worked fine.

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Enumerating Only 'active' Domain Machines?

Apr 3, 2009

I'm having trouble with program I'm writing for work. It's basically a GUI for some remote management scripts I wrote a while back.I have a listbox (listbox1) to which loads a list of computers from active directory, which works perfectly and quickly.The problem is that I also want to add to another listbox (listbox2) a list of machines 'currently active' on the network. I can't see an easy way to do this in .net but came up with a logical solution.Basically my thought was to 'ping' all of the machines in the directory listing and use the results to make the list...

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry()


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VS 2008 Locking A Remote Workstation?

Sep 30, 2009

how can i lock a remote workstation?

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VS 2008 Enumerating A List Generically?

Jan 7, 2010

Is there a way to write a single routine that could enumerate a list regardless of the data type? I am trying to write a custom XML serialization class and it would be great if I could enumerate all items in a generic list the same way, regardless if it was of type String, Integer, etc.

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Create A VBA Script That Can Be Used To Input A List Of Workstation Names?

Feb 5, 2009

I need to create a VBA script that can be used to input a list of workstation names and display the memberOf, Home Server and OU for that workstation?

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Add A Domain User To A Local Group On Remote Computers?

Mar 6, 2009

add a domain user to a local group on remote computers

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Get List Of Hard Drives?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to get a list of current hard drives (that part is done), but then go through the list one by one and remove those that have no size (dvd drives for example). I'm sure this is horribly wrong (4 errors are shown in the list). Could someone give me a hand?

Here is what I have so far:

Dim dInfo As New System.IO.Directory
For Each drive As System.IO.Directory In dInfo.GetLogicalDrives()


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How To List Network Drives

Nov 4, 2011

How to list all network drives.I have the below code, but is there any other alternates..[code]

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Access Control List For Removable Drives?

Feb 15, 2010

I configured access control list for the local drives using System.Security.AccessControl

I need to configure it for removable drive .

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VS 2008 Show List Folder On Drives

Nov 3, 2010

Im beginer for programming vb. show list folder on drives. for example, I have a form (listbox and button). If I click the button, the listbox will show list folder on drive C.

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Getting A List Of Users On A Network Domain?

Nov 25, 2009

I want to get back to get a list of users on a network domain using VB.Net.

I will have the domain name available to me for use.

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.net - Filter Duplicate URLs Domain From List C#?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a list of 100,000 urls in list(Of string) which can contain urls in the form.[URL]..i have tried using a combination of regex and the Uri class, but that didn't help, so i dumped the code. i also tried using this code, but it will only remove duplicatse of exact form, since its not domain specific.

list = new ArrayList<T>(new HashSet<T>(list))

How filter these duplicates and keep just one of these url if it contains the same name e.g yahoo.

all URL are of different domains, but can usually have duplicates like the example i gave above

also, am using .net 2.0, so i can't use linq

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Quick Domain Up Down - End Of Sub Is Make It Go To The Next Instance In The List

Jan 19, 2010

All i want to do at the end of my sub is make it go to the next instance in the list

say if its on A (the first instance) i do my thing then it rolls to the next instance B and so on

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Add A Domain / ID To Outlook's Safe Sender's List Using Program?

Aug 19, 2009

I am working on an application using VB6.0, in which mails are to be automatically sent through an SMTP server.The mails which are sent through the server are going into the recipient's JUNK-FOLDER.One way could be adding the sender's domain/ID to Client's Outlook Safe Senders List manually.But instead of setting it manually, I want to add a domain/ID to the Safe Sender's List through my application itself.

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Adding Active Directory Sub Domain User To Main Domain Group?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a function that works perfectly when I attempt to add a user from the same domain into a group of the same domain.

Function AddUserToGroup(ByVal strUserDN As String, ByVal strGroupDN As String, ByVal strGRPDC As String, ByVal strUserDC As String) As Boolean
Dim oUser As DirectoryEntry


The error is actually being thrown on the Invoke line, but as I said earlier, if the user is in the same domain, this works perfectly.

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Get List Of Filenames From A Remote Directory FTP SSH?

Apr 19, 2012

I need to get the list of all the filenames through SFTP with VB. I'm trying to place it in an ArrayList, but unsure on the commands to use.[code]...

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GetPrivateQueuesByMachine - Get A List Of Queues From A Remote Machine

Dec 4, 2009

I'm using the 2.0 framework to get a list of queues from a remote machine. Sometimes the machine has a firewall and then the user has to wait 80 seconds or so before an exception is thrown stating that the machine is unavailable. Questions: Is there any way that I can set/change the timeout for GetPrivateQueues ByMachine? Is there any other method I can call before running GetPrivateQueuesByMachine to see whether the machine is responding? One that has configurable timeout, Any other solution?

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Creating List Of Files (remote Folder) And Download

Oct 22, 2009

how to get a list of all the files in my remote folder. I want to have them listed in a listview (whatever) and download them seperately.

This is the code I have so far:

Imports System.Net
Public Class frm_download


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VS 2010 WMI Code To List Remote Share Permissions?

Apr 30, 2010

I've been struggling for hours now to get some working code to list the share permissions of a remote share. I've got WMI code which uses win32_share which lists the shares and path and it works great. I"m now trying to add in a routine to get the share permissions as well.

I've searched just about every site for some sample code and can only find some C# (I think) code.


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Retrieve List/rename Hidden Files From The Remote Host

Oct 23, 2009

way to retrieve list/rename hiddne files from the remote host. I need to upload the file to a server and then move it to another directory, but the file after being transfered becomes hidden. If I try to rename it any way I get the dreaded 550 in response. I would hate to move to commad line scripting which at the moment seams to be my only option.

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Enumerating Controls With Variables?

Jun 22, 2010

If I had 5 text boxes on a form, TextBox1...TextBox5, is there a method to do something like this?

Dim strFld As String
For intFor = 1 to 5
strFld = "TextBox" & intFor
Me(strFld).Text = intFor

It doesn't like the line of Me(strFld) but I figure there must be a way to reference a field via a variable instead of hardcoding the field name.

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Enumerating Strings As Bytes?

Apr 24, 2012

I was looking for a way to enumerate String types in (vb).NET, but .NET enums only accept numeric type values.

The first alternative I came across was to create a dictionary of my enum values and the string I want to return. This worked, but was hard to maintain because if you changed the enum you would have to remember to also change the dictionary.

The second alternative was to set field attributes on each enum member, and retrieve it using reflection. Surely enough this worked aswell and also solved the maintenance problem, but it uses reflection and I've always read that using reflection should be a last resort thing.

So I started thinking and I came up with this: every ASCII character can be represented as a hexadecimal value, and you can assign hexadecimal values to enum members. You could get rid of the attributes, assign the hexadecimal values to the enum members. Then, when you need the text value, convert the value to a byte array and use System.Text.Encodings.ASCII.GetString(enumMemberBytes) to get the string value.

Now speaking out of experience, anything I come up with is usually either flawed or just plain wrong. Is there any reason not to do it like that?

As pointed out by David W, enum member values are limited in length, depending on the underlying type (integer by default). So yes, I believe my method works but you are limited to characters in the ASCII table, with a maximum length of 4 or 8 characters using integers or longs respectively.

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LINQ To XML Enumerating Over Descendants

Jan 13, 2011

I am trying to write a simple linq query from a tutorial I read. But i cannot seem to get it to work. I am trying to display both the address in the attached xml document, but can only display the first one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Email group="FooBar">
<Subject>Test subject</Subject>
<Content>Test Content</Content>
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Enumerating AD Properties From A DirectorySearcher

Apr 17, 2008

I am trying to get the AD Properties from a Search that I do. When I do so I get this as a result "System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection". How do I get the value? I know that it is a collection but everytime I try I am not successful.


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click
Dim resEntry As SearchResult
Dim lstItem As New ListViewItem
Dim currentEntry As New DirectoryEntry


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.NET - Enumerating The Handles Not Windows Of A Specific Process?

Oct 16, 2009

I have some code designed to locate a specific process based off of its window text, gather the main handle, and then all of the child windows. However, I have run into one problem. I cannot seem to gather all the handles and their respective text. For example, when I test my program and do a handle count on the specific process, it tells me that there are more than 400 handles for this one process. How do I get the handle pointers for this process and also gather the text associated with these handles.I have included my source code for reference.

Code:Public Class Form1
Const GW_CHILD As Integer = 5 Const GW_HWNDNEXT As Integer = 2 Const WM_GETTEXT As Integer = &HD Const WM_GETTEXTLENGTH As Integer = &HE Const BM_SETSTATE As Integer = &HF3 Const WM_LBUTTONUP As Integer = &H202 Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &H201


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Enumerating The Handles Not Windows Of A Specific Process?

Aug 30, 2010

I have some code designed to locate a specific process based off of its window text, gather the main handle, and then all of the child windows. However, I have run into one problem. I cannot seem to gather all the handles and their respective text.

For example, when I test my program and do a handle count on the specific process, it tells me that there are more than 400 handles for this one process. How do I get the handle pointers for this process and also gather the text associated with these handles.

I have included my source code for reference.

Code:Public Class Form1
Const GW_CHILD As Integer = 5 Const GW_HWNDNEXT As Integer = 2 Const WM_GETTEXT As Integer = &HD Const WM_GETTEXTLENGTH As Integer = &HE Const BM_SETSTATE As Integer = &HF3 Const WM_LBUTTONUP As Integer = &H202 Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &H201


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Internet Explorer 8 :: Enumerating Tabs In IE8 And Firefox?

Jun 27, 2011

Is there a way to list the text that appears in each of the tabs of IE8 and Firefox as part of the list of running processes along with the handle.I can list all the running processes fine with their hwnd's but I cant list all of the tabs that are open in either IE8 or Firefox, only the active tab

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VS 2005 Enumerating Items In Outlook Mailbox?

Oct 26, 2009

I need to enumerate all the items in an email inbox. However, this code fails

For Each MI As Outlook.MailItem In folderToProcess.Items
'Console.WriteLine("Subject:" + vbTab + MI.Subject)

It fails whenever it comes across an item that ISN'T an email (e.g. a meeting request). I've spent the last hour or so trying to find a way of enumerating every item no matter its type. So far all I've come up with is to use the base Object type and then work from there but that's Late Binding and I'd prefer to avoid it if possible.

Has anyone come across this problem before? How can I determine what type of Outlook item it is during enumeration?

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ActiveX DLL Not Working On Different Workstation

Mar 30, 2010

I have created a VB ActiveX Control. I embed the DLL using the following semantics. It appears to be working fine in my local machine. However, it does not in other's workstation. But I was not able to generate the LPK file using the LPK_tool.exe since the ActiveX control did not show up in the list.

<object id="printUtil" name="printUtil" classid="CLSID:440616e0-8d63-47b8-b16d-4fd281dc652b" >

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