.net - Filter Duplicate URLs Domain From List C#?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a list of 100,000 urls in list(Of string) which can contain urls in the form.[URL]..i have tried using a combination of regex and the Uri class, but that didn't help, so i dumped the code. i also tried using this code, but it will only remove duplicatse of exact form, since its not domain specific.

list = new ArrayList<T>(new HashSet<T>(list))

How filter these duplicates and keep just one of these url if it contains the same name e.g yahoo.

all URL are of different domains, but can usually have duplicates like the example i gave above

also, am using .net 2.0, so i can't use linq

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Remove Duplicate Urls From List Of Urls

Jun 22, 2011

I have a list of 100,000 urls in list(Of string) which can contain urls in the form. [URL] i have tried using a combination of regex and the Uri class, but that didn't help, so i dumped the code. How do i filter these duplicates and keep just one of these url

View 8 Replies

Remove Urls Containing Some Unwanted Domain?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a list of URLs in a listbox and I want to remove the Urls containing some unwanted domain for example google.com also I want to know if is possible remove all URLs no containing a domain for example yahoo.com

I have the same problem in a ritchTextBox.

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C# - Regex Delete Duplicate Urls

Jan 19, 2011

I have a list with several urls like


How can I remove the first the 3 entries keeping [URL] to 6 and same goes for yahoo?

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Show List Of Urls Instead Of Webpage ?

Aug 25, 2009

Here is the thing at the moment I have a list box and i have a text field I also have a drop down box so u can select which search angine to use

My problem is this when I type in the search Box it opens up my internet explorer and shows me in search there what I typed in my program

Instead I want my program to display list of urls in my list box.. this is what my cod looks like at the moment

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then


when I hit Go it will display list of urls in my list box no info just web url in list format

View 24 Replies

Forms :: Visit List Of URLs While Moving Progress Bar

Jun 2, 2010

I'm looking to be able to open a .txt file (with sites 1 per line) and visit all of those sites silently while moving a progress bar.

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VS 2008 Get A Combobox With List Of Items And A URLs Binded To Them?

Dec 14, 2009

Im planing to make a little radio application for my own use,I want a Combobox with list of items and a URLs binded to them.for example i got 3 items in the combobox:


I want it to be like when im choosing the "Radio1" and press my Play button ( AxWindowsMediaPlayer2.Ctlcontrols.play() ), the will open.

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VS 2010 Connect To Several URLS At The Same Time And Add Information To A Listview List?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm pretty new to visual basic .net (have been a hobby VB6 developer for a few years) but now i have moved on to vb.net and i must just say it, what a difference in the language!So im trying to make a program that connects to several websites and parses some information out and then add the information to a listview list. The listview have 2 columns: Site and Nuts. So i load a bunch with urls in the site columns (that isnt a problem) but the problem is to take 5 websites at the same time and connect to them and then write "OK" in the Nuts columns.

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Remove Duplicate Items But Leave At Least One Of The Duplicate Items In The List?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a List object and I want to remove the duplicated items but leaving at least one of the duplicated items in the list;I wrote something like this however I would optimize this code for better performance, is there something faster?

Const chars As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim mylist As List(Of String) = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(Function(i)


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.net - Multithreading Function To Implement Threads Fetching From A List Of Urls To Parse Content?

Feb 2, 2010

I have the following multithreading function to implement threads fetching from a list of urls to parse content. The code was suggested by a user and I just want to know if this is an efficient way of implementing what I need to do. I am running the code now and getting errors on all functions that worked fine doing single thread.for example now for the list that I use to check visited urls; I am getting the 'argumentoutofrangeexception - capacity was less than the current size'/Does everything now need to be synchronized?

Dim startwatch As New Stopwatch
Dim elapsedTime As Long = 0
Dim urlCompleteList As String = String.Empty


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Getting A List Of Users On A Network Domain?

Nov 25, 2009

I want to get back to get a list of users on a network domain using VB.Net.

I will have the domain name available to me for use.

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Quick Domain Up Down - End Of Sub Is Make It Go To The Next Instance In The List

Jan 19, 2010

All i want to do at the end of my sub is make it go to the next instance in the list

say if its on A (the first instance) i do my thing then it rolls to the next instance B and so on

View 7 Replies

Add A Domain / ID To Outlook's Safe Sender's List Using Program?

Aug 19, 2009

I am working on an application using VB6.0, in which mails are to be automatically sent through an SMTP server.The mails which are sent through the server are going into the recipient's JUNK-FOLDER.One way could be adding the sender's domain/ID to Client's Outlook Safe Senders List manually.But instead of setting it manually, I want to add a domain/ID to the Safe Sender's List through my application itself.

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Enumerating List Of Drives On A Remote Domain Workstation

Jun 29, 2011

I am trying to come up with a good way to enumerate hard disks on remote workstations, possibly including administrative shares, so I can audit key files on them without having to access them via sneakernet.I have domain administrator rights. Security policy prohibits using WMI which would be a great solution.I can retrieve a list of computers using Active Directory, but I need some way to determine what drives are available on each system. Is such a thing feasible? A fellow developer offered some VB6 code from years ago that used WNetOpenEnum, but I was hoping that since we are at .NET framework 4, maybe there's a more elegant / managed way of working with this. I'm keen to use technologies that are more generally supported, such as standard APIs etc. WMI is a great solution but apparently is blocked by default by Windows Firewall, so its availability is not guaranteed.

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Adding Active Directory Sub Domain User To Main Domain Group?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a function that works perfectly when I attempt to add a user from the same domain into a group of the same domain.

Function AddUserToGroup(ByVal strUserDN As String, ByVal strGroupDN As String, ByVal strGRPDC As String, ByVal strUserDC As String) As Boolean
Dim oUser As DirectoryEntry


The error is actually being thrown on the Invoke line, but as I said earlier, if the user is in the same domain, this works perfectly.

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.net - How To Get Duplicate Items From A List

May 31, 2012

I have a List(of String). For example: {"C1", "C12", "C10", "C1", "C6", "C22", "C1", "C6"}. I am trying to write a function to give me a list of duplicates: {"C1", "C6"} in the list. Each duplicate will be listed only once. The function I wrote does give me anything back at all. I can't figure out why. how to translate that syntax into VB.net since I am not up to speed on LINQ yet. It is here: How to get duplicate items from a list using LINQ?

''' <summary>
''' Given a List(Of String), returns a list of items that are duplicated in the list.
''' Each duplicate returned is unique.


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VS 2008 Loop Causing Duplicate In List Of String?

Aug 21, 2009

Basically what happens is each time it loops through it adds a number to the end of the string, and by the end I should end up with an array full of string in a format like "111 222 333 444 555 666" but I end up getting strings like this "111 111 222 222 333 333". The weird thing is, if I add a message box in every loop it works fine, but obviously I don't want a message box pooping up every time it loops through. What is causing this and how might I fix it

The code is:
For x As Integer = 0 To (NumCards.Value - 1)
NumRep = 0


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Filter A List With Linq?

May 3, 2011

Public Sub adjectAllNormals()

Dim qry As LinkedList(Of CElement) = From elm In Elements
From id In SelectIDs()
Where elm.ID = id
End Sub

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How To 'filter' List-view

Mar 30, 2011

I have a listview populated from a database (im a bit of a novice with programming) and i want to be able to type a surname into a textbox and search the listview for that person. I can easily populate textboxes from searching the database but am unsure how to "filter" the listview so if i type "jones" into the surname box it only displays the people in the listview who have the surname jones.

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Asp.net - Dropdown List To Filter Gridview?

Oct 21, 2011

I would like my gridview to be filtered by the dropdown list I have. It is pulling specific information from the database, so when you choose a value from the dropdown list, it should search through all the records and find only records with the ddl value in them.

The code that I am using in the codebehind for the SelectedIndexChanged is not right though. I get an error message saying 'Value' is not a member of 'Integer'. This is on the line dsCompanyFilter.SelectParameters.Add

It probably has something to do with the gridview not tying to the dropdown list properly, but I am not sure how to fix that code.

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="body" Runat="Server"><br /><br /><br />
<asp:linkbutton id="btnAll" runat="server" text="ALL" onclick="btnAll_Click" />


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Filter A Dictionary To Return A List?

Apr 23, 2012

I know I can do this with a for loop cause that's how i'm doing it now. I was hoping for a more efficient way to accomplish the task.

I have a dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean) or Of String, Boolean. i want to get a list(of integer) or Of String from the dictionary where all the values are true(or false depending on what i need at the time)

and to generalize it or "black box" it, it could be any dictionary(of whatever, whatever) and return a list(of whatever) where the value = whatever i'm looking for at the time.

string, string where value = "Closed"

in short: i want all list of all the keys who's value = some criteria

my current code:

Public Function FindInDict(Of tx, ty)(thedict As Dictionary(Of tx, ty), criteria As ty) As List(Of tx)
Dim tmpList As New List(Of tx)


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How To Filter List Of(t) By Multiple Criteria

May 14, 2012

I am trying to filter a list of (t) by multiple criteria. here is what i have:


I now want to filter this list by myObject's various properties. Heres the problem:

1. A user should be able to either filter on one specific custName or remove the filter for this property AND

2. A user should be able to either filter on one specific notificationDate or remove the filter for this propertyl AND

3. A user should be able to either filter on one specific materialType or remove the filter for this property

I know I can just write a lot of if..then but i'm looking for a more elegant solution.

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How To Filter List View Using Textbox

Jan 27, 2012

this is the codes but not working

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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DB/Reporting :: Filter A Database Query Using A List?

Apr 23, 2008

How to Filter a Database Query Using a List..

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Filter Item List In Excell 2003?

Nov 18, 2009

how can I get the list of Items proposed by the AutoFilter function for a column in an excell sheet (Excell 2003)? For example: I have activated the AutoFilter in an Excell sheet.In the column A, the filter propose (All), (Top 10), (Custom...), A, B, C, (Blanks), (Non Blanks).I want to retrieve in Visual Basic the items A, B, C.

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Generic Function For List Type Filter?

Jan 13, 2011

I would like to write a generic function that would search a List(Of T) for all elements of type TFilter and return a List(Of TFilter) which comprises those elements.

I've tried this:
Public Function FilterList(Of T, TFilter)(ByVal ListToFilter As List(Of T)) As List(Of TFilter)
Return ListToFilter.FindAll(Function(z) z.GetType.Equals(GetType(TFilter))).ConvertAll(New Converter(Of T, TFilter)(Function(z) CType(z, TFilter)))
End Function

But, it gives the following error:
Value of type 'T' cannot be converted to 'TFilter'.

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Linq To Entities, Filter Using Where And A List Of Stings?

Nov 2, 2011

I am trying to write a query for an existing database, I am using LINQ on EF3.5 inside VS2008 as that is the only environment available to me.I have a starter query that gives me a list of items so the user can select what they want.

"e.Result =
From c In MLDb.TBL_FeatureInfoSet

The user can then select from the list one or several items they are intersted in and i want to use these as the filter in a further database call. It's not then difficult to have a where to filter on one string however, I would also like to be able to allow the user to select several items from the list box and the data for all of those to be returned.


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Dropdown List To Attach To Repeater That Will Filter Gridview?

Oct 28, 2011

This post is similar to one I have posted before about a dropdown filtering results in a gridview. Well now I need this dropdown to attach itself to a repeater that will filter results into a gridview. I have tried rptLetters.DataBind() in the code behind of the dropdown list, but that doesn't seem to be changing any of the letters at the top of the page when I click on different items in the dropdown list.The screenshot doesn't show enough of the products, but in this case it skips from G to L, and in the repeater the letters between G and L are still shown. I need to be able to get that repeater to recognize the letters that start each of the products associated with the company chosen.

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="body" Runat="Server"><br /><br />
<asp:linkbutton id="btnAll" runat="server" text="ALL" onclick="btnAll_Click" />
<asp:repeater id="rptLetters" runat="server" datasourceid="dsLetters">


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.net - LINQ Query For Filter By Selected Items In Checkbox List?

Jun 30, 2011

Could not find this through Google or in SO questions.I have a checkbox listbox on my form. I want to filter my List by the list of selected Ids from that listbox that are checked, in SQL I would have done this like "Where TypeId In (1, 4, 5, 7)"... how do I do that in LINQ?

I feel like I am missing a really obvious answer, but cannot get it.

For argument sake... here is the what I have for sample data:

In Colors (List<of currentColors>)
ID, Name, TypeId
1, Red, 1
2, Blue, 1
3, Green, 2
4, Pink, 3

Selected Types 2 and 3 in CheckboxList: filteredColors


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Count The Duplicate And Show The Most Duplicate?

Mar 17, 2011

I have this data in txt file and the data keeps changing all the time.


I would like to read all lines and compare, if the same name and same address is found, which is in the [......], then i need to count it and show the most frequent buyer!should i read it all and put in array, and compare and put the duplicate data and count into another array?

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