.net - Performance And Linq In Iterations?

Mar 16, 2012

These 2 ways of working both work, but I'm wondering if there's a difference in performance:

Dim collection As ItemCollection = CType(CellCollection.Where(Function(i) i.IsPending = True), ItemCollection)
For Each item As Item In collection
'Do something here


For Each item As Item In CellCollection.Where(Function(i) i.IsPending = True)
'Do something here

I thought the second one was better as you'd have a variable less and looks cleaner, but on second thought, I'm not quite sure what happens when you put a linq query in the iteration.

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Performance Gain In LINQ Query Vs LINQ Stored Procedure?

Aug 6, 2009

if there is that much of a performance gain in running a LINQ stored procedure versus a LINQ query?

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Linq To SQL Performance Using Contains?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm overloading a vb.net search procedure which queries a SQL database.One of the older methods i'm using as a comparison uses a Stored Procedure to perform the search and return the query.My new method uses linq.I'm slightly concerned about the performance when using contains queries with linq. I'm looking at equally comparable queries using both methods.Basically having 1 where clause to Here are some profiler results;

Where name = "ber10rrt1"
Linq query : 24reads
Stored query : 111reads


Forgetting for a moment, the indexes (not my database)... The fact of the matter is that both methods are fundamentally performing the same query (albeit the stored procedure does reference a view for [some] of the tables).Is this consitent with other peoples experiance of linq to sql? Also, interestingly enough;Using like "BER10%"

resultset.Where(Function(c) c.ci.Name.StartsWith(name))

Results in the storedproc using 13125reads and linq using 8172reads?

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Performance Side Linq Or Dataset.Datatable?

Apr 30, 2009

from a performance point of view is it faster to work with linq to sql or dataset.datatable?

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VB Iterations Using Table/array Value?

Jul 14, 2010

I know how to run through iterations using a counter. In my current application I need to iterate throughspecific users from a table, get however many rows are there for that user, write a table and email message (table and

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HTTPWebRequest For Loop Hangs Every 10 Or So Iterations

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to loop through an array and perform an httpwebrequest in each iteration. The code seems to work, however it pauses for a while (eg alot longer than the set timeout. Tried setting that to 100 to check and it still pauses) after every 10 or so iterations, then carries on working.

Here is what I have so far:
For i As Integer = 0 To numberOfProxies - 1
'create request to a proxyJudge php page using proxy
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]")
request.Proxy = New Net.WebProxy(proxies(i)) 'select the current proxie from the proxies array
request.Timeout = 10000 'set timeout
[Code] .....

I have tried a using block, eg:
Using response As HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
Dim pageSourceCode As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
'check the downloaded source for certain phrases, each identifies a type of proxy
[Code] .....

Does the try catch statement automatically close the response, or do I need to put something in Finally? If so, what? i cant use response.close() because its declared in the try block.

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Looping For Iterations And Excel Writing

Oct 20, 2011

I need to loop the "buttonOneClick for one second iterations. The program will send a "P" character, wait one second, send a p, wait one second, etc... Also I need to write the information it receives to an excel spreadsheet.

Here's what I have:
Public Class Form2
Dim buttonOnePush As Boolean = False
Dim buttonTwoPush As Boolean = False
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Send strings to a serial port.
[Code] .....

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Identify The Repeating Values In A Two Dimensional Array Throughout Many Iterations?

Jun 24, 2009

I am using VB2008 express edition. I have this code:

'Age = 3 Iterations
Age = 3
Dim Myarray1(2, 3) As Integer


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Parallel.For With Nested Loops Causing Inconsistent Iterations?

Dec 23, 2010

I'm trying to implement parallel computing using .NET 4 on an asp.net website housed on a clustered server consisting of 6-8 dual core servers. My original script contains two nested For...Next loops iterating through a range of values in a grid of x by y.

For each point in the grid (x,y), we should perform a computationally intensive subroutine called MakePartsMatrix which accesses a SQL server database with dataviews and manipulating the local variable "unfilled" which is passed in ByRef.

Without the parallel implementation, the nested for loops work fine except its slow -- taking about 60 seconds to run.

When I parallelize the outer For loop, the script is about 50% faster, completing its calculations in 20-30 seconds which is great. However, I have noticed that the parallelization causes random parts of the grid to be either completely skipped (eg, grid (1,5) is never evaluated by the MakePartsMatrix), or some points in the grid (eg, x=10 & y=5) to be evaluated multiple times, resulting in duplicate work.

When I parallelized only the inner For Loop, the script execution time also improves by 50%, but now the last row (y-1) in the grid is skipped entirely and the results in "unfilled" are completely wrong.

When I comment out the "MakePartsMatrix" subroutine, the parallellization (either inner or outer For loops) does appear to visit every point of the grid (x,y) once, and only once.

Dim ConcurrentListofResults As ConcurrentQueue(Of FindBestResults)
ConcurrentListofResults = New ConcurrentQueue(Of FindBestResults)
Dim FBSResultsItem As FindBestResults


View 11 Replies

.net - ActiveRecord Linq/NHibernate Linq Not Building Query Completely?

Jul 14, 2011

given this function:

Public Function Search(ByVal StartIndex As Integer, _
ByVal MaxResults As Integer, _
ByVal AccountNumber As String, _
ByVal LastName As String, _


instead of what I expected:

Select count(*) from remitline where lastname = "smith"

What am I doing wrong building up the where clause? I'm using Castle ActiveRecord 2.1

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Linq To Entities. GetPropety(name).GetValue Not Recognised By Linq?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a listbox on my xaml form that I bound to a List(Of MyType) property. I populated this list like so:

Dim fields As List(Of CheckableFields) = New List(Of CheckableFields)
Using context As ITIPEntities = New ITIPEntities()

Now I'm at the point where the user selects the fields they want included in a report and I need to iterate over the required fields. This is my linq query:

For Each checkedField In _requiredFields
If checkedField.IsChecked Then
If checkedField.FieldData IsNot Nothing AndAlso checkedField.FieldData.Trim IsNot String.Empty Then[code].....

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Best Version To Use For Performance

Mar 15, 2011

I am running windows vista with 1gb memory and 2ghz proccessor. What would be the best FREE version of .NET to use for best performance? Its been years since I have done any PC programming and I would like to do a little bit =]

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Get 64-bit Performance Data?

May 4, 2011


The upper picture is the output of a Unix task. The lower picture is what I have in VB. Enumerating tasks is not difficult however the rest it is because it's not documented anywhere.

What am I interested in if I want to get 64-bit performance data?

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High-Performance TLS With .NET?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm working on a project that calls for high-performance networking with TLS encryption in VB.NET. The stock SSLStream sucks rotten eggs; its 'asynchronous' read/write operations aren't async at all, meaning that they'll operate parallel to each other and to the main thread but that it offers absolutely nothing that resembles async read/read and write/write, which means that reads are totally synchronous to each other and writes are too (only 1 read and only 1 write can be done at a time).

I've done a lot of reading on this failing and it seems like MS has no intention of ever fixing this.Hoping a whole lot not to have to write my own TLS implementation. I've tried the Mentalis open source SSL suite, which will NOT compile. I've tried SocketWrench tools which will not compile under VS 2010 (and whose documentation indicates it's in fact synchronous on its async threads too; can only do 1 async read and 1 async write at a time).

What I want/need is an SSL/TLS implementation that actually works with DotNET that actually allows me to do multiple asynch reads/writes over a TCP/IP transport stream. Anybody have any experience or recommendations on 3rd party toolkits or alternate methods of SSLStream I/O?

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IDE Versus EXE Performance In .NET?

Oct 5, 2009

I've developed a .NET application that, among other things, does the following:Uses WebClient to retrieve data from a remote server.
Serves as a socket server to 2 'satellite' applications run on the same machine or on a LAN.When I run the app in the VS IDE, it works great. It quickly gets the data from the remote server and communicates perfectly with the 2 satellites.However, when I build it and run it as an EXE, the response from the remote server is very slow and its communication with the 2 satellite applications become very poor.Is there some important difference between running an app in the IDE and running it as an EXE that could effect it like this?

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Ping Using VB - Performance ?

Jul 20, 2009

I have this code to ping a list of over 400 switches , the program works fine but for some reason the first time i ping all the switches alot of the attempts time-out(even tho they shouldnt) which makes the program alot slower , if i click ping again less of the attempts time-out(and as a result the program runs faster) and if i click it a third time i usually get a completely accurate result with all the switches pinging back "success" (except for a few which i know for a fact are down anyway) any ideas why this is ?


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Which Is Better For Performance, And Vs AndAlso

Jul 15, 2011

When writing an If statement, I've always used And when needed like: If 1=1 And 2=2 Then. The only time I ever used AndAlso is if the second condition will error if the first isnt true like: If Not IsDbNull(Value) AndAlso Value=2 Then. However, recently I've heard that AndAlso is better for performance than And as the second condition is only read when the first is true. In this case, should I always just use AndAlso?

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How To Get Lamda In LINQ To Actually Filter For Dynamic Linq

Sep 10, 2009

Example-I have a person class

Public Class Person
Private _fname As String
Public Property Fname() As String


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LINQ Query Using The Dynamic LINQ Library?

Mar 31, 2011

Forgive my ignorance on this.I have this LINQ Query:Dim ngBikersDataContext As New CarBikeWalkDataContext

bikersList = (From c In ngBikersDataContext.Reg_Bikers _
Order By c.L_Name _
Select New Bikers() With { _
.BikerID = c.BikerID, _
.F_Name = c.F_Name, _


with the error "Overload resolution failed because no accesible 'Select' accepts this number of arguments."
Over the "NEW" I get an error " ')'expected."

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.net - Performance Of Implementation Of IComparer?

Jul 14, 2011

I'm sorting a collection of type "Document" (usually around 100k records). Sorting usually takes around 4-5 seconds, and I'm wondering if there's a way to speed up sorting by modifying my "DocumentComparer" class which implements IComparer(Of Document). Since the Compare() method would be called hundreds of thousands of times, are there any performance improvements that could be made here that I've overlooked?


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.net - Performance With System.Net.Mail?

Apr 12, 2010

I have this unusual problem with mailing from my app. At first it wasn't working (getting unable to relay error crap) anyways I added the proper authentication and it works. My problem now is, if I try to send around 300 emails (each with a 500k attachment) the app starts hanging around 95% thru the process.

Here is some of my code which is called for each mail to be sent


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.net More Performance For Moving Objects?

May 31, 2010

I have the mission to make a small game for a school project. Pictures boxes, moved by a timer for walking enemies.If there are around 5 or 6 moving picture boxes at the form, my application get troubles and lags.After I kill some enemies (remove them from the Controls Collection of the Form/Panel) It come back smooth.I think the loop of the enemy movement is too complicated but I don't know how to make that simpler.


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Better Performance With Multi Threading?

Feb 15, 2009

I'm creating a password hash recovery tool that uses brute force. I have the brute force algorithm run in a background worker. It all works, but some similar apps I tried out have performance ~100x bigger then my app. (mine does 50k keys/second, some others do 5m keys/second or more.)I realize this is partly caused by using a .Net language, but I suspect there are ways to significantly speed up the brute force. A lot of ppl say I should use multi threading, but how is this done in practice? Splitting up the passwords to check would slow down my app I think.

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Big Performance With Oracle DataReader In .Net

Nov 10, 2010

I have a few Oracle procedures that generate/return a large amount of data that I need to write out to a file.I'm currently trying to accomplish with a data-reader. It seems to be working, I've successfully generated a 479mb file without any trouble.It took less than 4 minutes from the time I retrieved the dataReader to complete the file.But the dataReader I get for a particular procedure is crawling.It's unbelievably slow.I modified my code to try and get a better idea of what is going on[code]I'm writing a PL/SQL block that will open that cursor to see if the performance issue exists when I remove the .Net code..

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C# - Improving Code And UI Performance?

May 22, 2010

I am dealing with a situation that I need some help with here. I need to improve performance on functionality that records and updates UI with user selection info. What my code current does is

'This is called to update the Database each time the user 'makes a new selection on the UI

Private Sub OnFilterChanged(String newReviewValueToAdd)
PageReviewGrid.Rebind()'Call Grid Rebind
End Sub


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Combobox Performance Many Items?

Oct 28, 2008

So, I've been reading around on the internet and through MSDN trying to find a way to add thousands of items to a combobox without taking 12 seconds.I KNOW, I'm going to incite reflex-responses involving: bad design; use categories and filter; use BeginUpdate ...Here's the thing.I've read through a lot of similiar forum questions as the one I'm asking and none really seemed to answer the question, but these responses are common.The problem is, there is no way to further categorize.I have thousands of customers and each customer can have anywhere from 1 to tens of thousands of designs.The designs have to IDs: DesignID and DesignTitle. The data entry people sometimes have the one and sometimes have the other. If they have the DesignID than all they've got is a number ranging from 1 to (at this time) 60,000. One Customer has 11000 designs. I don't know of any way to further categorize.The reason I use a combobox is for autocomplete. Also, with most customers there are only 10-20 designs, but for some there are thousands.I have to have one practical solution that handles all possibilities.

As far as BeginUpdate or SuspendLayout is concerned, neither have any effect.The sad thing is, the DataSource takes less than a second to load from my DataBase.It's just the setting of the datasource for the combobox that takes so long.It seems to iterate through the entire list once for the bindingsource and then again when I set the DisplayMember.I can set the display member before I set the binding source but that doesn't make any difference in terms of performance.Performance is improved by almost half when I don't use a BindingSource and just set the Combo's DataSource to the List directly, but, sadly, I need to use the bindingSource because there are multiple Combos using the same list.I know WPF uses virtualization for it's combos,.On the internet I found a Technical document on how to implement a Virtual Combobox in C#, but the code was incomplete and I don't really have the time to spend several days creating and debugging something like that.

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CPU Performance Counter Always Returns Zero?

Mar 29, 2010

In the following block of code always returns zero for the CPU usage. However, if I run it through Visual Studio in debugging mode, do a "Quick watch" on the variable "pcCPUCounter", add ".NextValue()" at the top, and tell it to reevaluate, that returns the varying percentage (eg, 5%, 71%, 16%, etc etc) as the processor utilization fluctuates.

Why would the code always print out zero, but the quick watch doesn't?

Private Sub UpdateCPUUsage(ByVal strSelectedServer As String)
'Performance items come Performance Monitor: perfmon.msc.
'The right-click on columns at bottom and select "add counter" to see list.


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DataGridView Has Poor Performance

Jun 24, 2010

I have a VB.NET app that has DataGridViews and Drop Down boxes.In VB6, the FlexGrid was fast, scrolling was smooth.Now, in VB.NET, the DataGridView is really slow to scroll through, and the dropdown boxes are sluggish as well.For the interesting bit. If I run Microsoft NetMeeting and either leave it open or click the X to close it (it still stays as a resident program in the system tray though), all the data grids and drop downs work smoothly again.If I actually terminate NetMeeting, they go back to slow/sluggish again.What is it (was it?) in NetMeeting that maybe can be incorporated into my program (some Microsoft library?) that changes how the graphics redraw?

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Degrading .net Win Application Performance?

Oct 27, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Memory leak in .net application I am working on a desktop application in VB.net 2005.The application contains a timer with an interval of 1 min. Each time the timer ticks, a set of functions gets executed, mostly database related. Initially the application runs fine. In processes(Task manager) the cpu usage goes to 100% every time the timer is invoked. But the timespan is around 1 sec(negligible). However as the time passes and after around 20 hours the time span of timer_tick increases to something like 20-30 secs. In this period cpu usage is 100% and the application does not responds.Gradually the time span of timer_tick increases to 1 min and the cpu uses gets stuck to 100% and the application does not responds. All objects are properly disposed. Moreover, this issue is with pentium 4 processors. The application runs fine on core 2 duo.I am using DevEx controls in my application.The program runs fine with less records in database.I have run the CLR Profiler. The code seems to be fine.

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Get The Diagnostics-Performance Log Entries?

Jul 11, 2009

I want to get the log entries of "Applications and Services LogsMicrosoftWindowsDiagnostics-PerformanceOperational", do not know how to do that. I know how to get System event log:

Dim myEventLog As New EventLog("System", ".", "EventLog")
Dim myLogEntryCollection As EventLogEntryCollection = myEventLog.Entries
For Each objELE As EventLogEntry In myLogEntryCollection


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