.net - System.IO Will Copy Files But Fails To Update Destinations File Attributes?

May 25, 2010

I have a little vb.net script that will copy a file, set its attributes to Normal, update the file time, and then set back the attributes to match those of the source file.

If IO.File.Exists(Destination) Then IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)
IO.File.Copy(Source, Destination, True)
IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)


I however I'm encountering a quite strange problem. On some configurations, IO.File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc triggers an UnauthorizedAccess error, although the IO.File.Copy instruction worked very well.

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Does IO.File.Copy Replicate Files Attributes

May 13, 2010

Does the IO.File.Copy method preserve file attributes? Especially, if I have a write-protected file, will the copy be write-protected to?

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VS 2005 - Advanced File Copy - Multiple Destinations

Jan 8, 2010

I found this program and am amazed: [url] The promises is simple: copy larges file, to multiple removable drives in one go (instead of creating one separate process per copy), in order to make the copy FAST.

Publisher comments: "Rapid Copy is capable of copying data to the several destinations in one time. Lightning fast, Rapidcopy make backups and copies to up to 8 drives simultaneously." This was made using DotNet, since the framework is a prerequisite. Big Question: Is this REALLY possible? Does anyone here have an ideia on how this can be accomplished using VB.NET?

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DragDrop Control - Fails To Copy Files?

Mar 10, 2009

I am new to vb.net and development in general. The basics are I have a control that accepts dragdrop, I use this control to drag files onto - based upon the text contained in a combobox the directory path is built in the dragdrop event, and I initiate System.IO.File.Copy. I then refresh my listview, which is working well and is listing files based upon the content of a directory. Here is my code for the dragenter and dragdrop subs

Private Sub pnlDataDrop_DragEnter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles pnlDataDrop.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
[Code] .....

I have added some break points so that I can see the values for targetpath and myfiles(), and all looks ok. The app is in its very early stages, so I am only testing in the development environment at the moment. So you know, the targetpath is a UNC: \myservermydirectory.

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Copy All Files From One Folder To Another In .net2005 Using System.io?

Feb 24, 2007

i am working in asp.net/vb.net I have to copy all files from a folder to another folder through coding using system.io the files should be copied in the new folder with their existing names

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.net - System.IO.File.Copy Doesn't Copy?

May 27, 2011

I have a weird behavior when trying to copy a file with System.IO.File.Copy. The file never gets copied. More than that, the call doesn't generate an exeption!

I am using VB.NET, Framework 3.5. I'm trying to copy in C:Temp and I do have the privileges. Or at least I used to...

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PST Files - Outlook Has To Be Original And Have Its Own Files In A File (file System)

Sep 30, 2010

I am currently working on file carving techniques and found that outlook has to be original and have its own files in a file (file system) going on. You guessed it the wonderful PST file. right direction on opening PST files without outlook if possible.

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DataGridView Update Is Ok, Second Update Fails

Feb 13, 2011

I am beginning to work with .NET technology after several years of VB6 and C++ and I want to learn as fast as possible.

My problem is with a DGV. It shows the prices of several store items, and I intend to let the user modify those prices by entering a % in a textbox (radio button states if that % is positive or negative) or by editing cell by cell manually.

As editing prices is kind of sensitive, what I do is loop through the DGV, add or substract the % engtered in the corresponding column and ask for a confirmation after whole DGV loop is done. If user agrees, DB is updated with new values. No problem here.

If user denies (in case he/she made a mistake), I restore grid's DataSource to a copy I made before calculating new percentages and this automatically refreshes my grid to its original state.

The issue is that if a user denies the operation for a 2nd time, this 2nd execution of the code fails at showing the original values, disabling the pseudo-rollback function.

Here is the code:
If MessageBox.Show(mensaje, "Actualizo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) = DialogResult.Yes Then


remember this works OK if user denis once. What am I missing regarding DataSources or its Tables? Is there anything like .Redraw?

Btw, I tried update, refresh and I also used a sleep function (this helped me a few times back in VB6...).

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Update 4 Tables.if One Update Fails?

Mar 21, 2011

In one sequence i want to update 4 tables.if one update fails i want to roll back all updations.Data should be in starting state.how i can do that in vb.net

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Writing File/Folder Sync Prog, Result Text Boxes Not Updating Untill After All File Action Is Done Even Though Update Code Comes Before Copy?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program using VB.Net 2010 which will enable me to setup groups of files & folders for back up with syncing capabilities etc. I have a concept program which is based on some sample code I found out in one of the VB.Net forums. I have modified it from a command line based program to a form based program. At the moment I consider this code to be a "concept" program which once I have the various copy/sync routines developed and debugged will be integrated in to another program I wrote for
creating "Back Up" groups to automate the process. There are some 3rd party programs that do similar things that I want to do such as Microsofts Sync Toy, but none of them offer the grouping and exclusions options that I am going to program in to this backup/sync program.

So here is my problem, I have the included code taking two folders, a source and a destination, and copying everything from the source to the destination. It will skip over any unchanged files/folders and will delete anything found in the destination folder that is not found in the source folder and it will update all files in the destination folder that have a newer version in the source folder. In other words it will mirror image the source to the destination but will be smart enough not to copy unchanged items from the source to the destination thereby saving a lot of time. The sync part of the program is working fine, the displaying of the progress and results is not.


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Copy All Files On Disk1 To Disk 2 / Copy Files That Are In Use By Another Process?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a backup class it copys every thing but the unmovable files witch in return when i test the dive that i just backed up all files to will not boot up missing win system32 config files??how would i add permission to my code??? or how do i over ride cant copy file because a nother process is useing it?

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File I/O And Registry :: Getting An Alternative To The File.Copy Method Of Copying Files?

Mar 27, 2009

I've got an app which uses a background worker to copy files. It works fine but some files are quite large and it "appears" as though the app isn't doing anything. Is there an alternative to the File.Copy method of copying files so I can report on the progress of individual file copies, like the percentage complete?

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Correct Path For System.IO.File.Copy?

Sep 10, 2011

i got to do a program in VB.NET that copies a file from a pc to a usb device. I use the method System.IO.File.Copy(FileToCopy, NewCopy) in which i have to specify the destination path. The problem is that when i change pc the destination can change: for example in my pc i read my USB pendrive o G: and on my friend pc i read the usb pendrive on E:. How can i solve that? May i specify a general path to my USB giving it a name or anything similar?

View 5 Replies

VS 2008 Copy Resource To File System?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm writing a program that I want to attach another program (.exe) to. I tried adding it as a resource, but I can't seem to get the resource to export out to wherever the program is running.

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System.io.file.copy() Not Copying File?

Jul 11, 2011

im trying to create a dialog allowing the user to change the image currently being displayed to something they choose.the error occurs when i hit the system.io.file.copy().heres the function.

This is the event that calls the function to copy the file - its works fine
'get integer value of selected movie


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File.Copy Destroying Files?

Aug 7, 2009

I've almost finished my database application, and I had an idea to insert a button that creates a copy of the database. However, when I click the button, it destroys all of the data in the file before copying. It's a 2000 .mdb Access file with 500+ rows so far.

Here's the code that handles the backup: Private Sub btnBackup_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBackup.Click


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Reading An Ini File To Tell VB Where To Copy Files?

Oct 9, 2008

I have an .ini file on the computer that tells where my Data path is.I need to have an app that will read the ini data path and place the files in that location of the data path in the .iniSome files need to be sent to that data path in the ini and the rest of the files are to be put in the location of the software.

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File.Copy Many Times Results In System Crash

Jul 18, 2008

.NET masters!Im working on a VB.net file management program that copies 100,000s of small images (20 - 300 KB).At least it tries to. When doing large multi-hour operations I start getting exceptions with the"Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service." error message.In a few cases the computer has then crashed.After a lot of debugging, finally with livekd kernal dump I can see that the System PTEs in the Kernel Mem are getting very low.I can monitor the PTE's in realtime with Performance Monitor with the Memory/Free System Page Table Entries.After an hour or so the PTE's start dropping in what appears to be linear fashion as the program keeps copying.Im sure it is the copy function causing the problem, as when i let the code run but with the copy routine commented out, the free PTEs stopped going down.Behaviour is identical with both of these calls. System. IO. File.Copy(strFileSource, strFileDest, bOverwriteFile) My.Computer. FileSystem. CopyFile (strFileSource, strFileDest, bOverwriteFile)If I stop & close the program, PTEs do not seem to rebound at all. If I start the program again, the PTEs again start going down.SO: What is up with File.Copy? Why is it using and not releasing all these PTE's? Seems this memory should be free after the copy.How can I change my code to avoid running up the PTEs?The test computer is Windows XP sp2 with 500MB ram. (also been testing with 1.5 G ram)Ive found some helpful documents on PTEs, which discuss system configuration via registry settings. But this is not really an option for me as this is a commercial product that others will be using on their own computers.Detection, Analysis, and Corrective Actions for Low Page Table [code]

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System.IO.File.Copy - Move A Lot Of Pictures From FOLDER A To Another

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to move a lot of pictures from FOLDER A to another, FOLDER B. However, some of the pictures already exists in the FOLDER B. This stops my program saying it cannot copy the pictures over because they already exist. I'm trying to make it so any pictures from FOLDER A will copy over the pictures in FOLDER B if they are similar in name. Like... Folder A's pictures will just replaced the Folder B pictures if they have the same name. I was told to use the System.IO.File.Copy tool. Here is my code.


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System.IO - Getting The Attributes Of A Directory?

Dec 27, 2010

posted a discussion about a modified rendition of a function that John Wein came up with. I've been working with it some, trying to refine it. One thing I wanted to do is to avoid having any directories which are either system or hidden. Following is what I've come up with:

For Each D As String In Directory.GetDirectories(Dir)
' Do not include any that are either system or hidden
Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(D)


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File System Watcher - Application That Monitors A Specific Folder For File Changes Such As Modify Deletion, Update

May 4, 2011

I am developing an application that Monitors a specific folder for file changes such as modify deletion, update, etc. The only problem I have is , the application doesn't fire up File events.

Here is the code:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Class Form1


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.net - Linq-to-SQL Database Update Fails?

Aug 18, 2010

Very simple update. It simply fails, no error, no change gets made to the database.Dim db As New BarClassesDataContext Dim foo = (From a In db.articles Where a.id = 14 Select a).Single Response.Write("<h3>" & foo.title & "</h3>") foo.title = "This is my new, updated title for article ID #14"

Here is the relevent portion of my article class. Also, this is a web form so I have no console. Is there another way to view the T-SQL output?

<Table(Name:="dbo.article")> _
Partial Public Class article
Private _id As Integer
Private _issueid As Integer
Private _dateadded As Date


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Copy Files Into Folders Without Providing Full Name Of The File?

Mar 13, 2012

Can i copy files into folders without providing full name of the file? Different files will be distributed into different folder, my files have current date at the end, it also has split before the date. I would like to copy the files name before the split. Here is an example


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VS 2005 Connect To A Remote Server And Copy A File To Local System

May 27, 2009

I want to know how to connect to a remote system having some shared folder.(ex, \myservermysharedfolder).Actually, I was supposed to copy a particular file which is available in a shared location of a system. To copy that file, first i need to connect to that system with an user id and password.I know copying of file (), But not getting clear idea on how to connect to the shared folder. I have tried with System.Management class, but no use..

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Change Attributes Of Files?

Jul 14, 2010

How can I change the attributes of files. Like the command attrib on cmd?

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VS 2008 SQL Database Insert/Update Fails?

Jun 8, 2009

I have made a small form where I have bound textbox with records from database.Although my code for inserting and updating the record seems fine and working. But when I view the database, tables i see no inserts/updates made there. But When I run my application again, I see the records in the bound textbox but only for some seconds (for around 1 and half minutes), although they are not shown in the database (tables) actually.

When I close the application and run again it after 1-2 minutes there are no more records bound to the textbox, since no records at all.How can this be possible. I don't have any idea what's going on.

I have been using visual studio 2008 and sql server.Code I have been using for ::

'Update the Records Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click


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Copying Large Files And Determining File Size Mid Copy?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm using "My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory(...)" to copy large directories (30-50gb) from one mapped share folder to another. Using "FileInfo.length" to add up all file and subfolder sizes, determines the 'origin directory' size just fine. However, if I use the same method for determining the size of the 'destination directory', mid copy, it returns the full file size, despite the copy not yet being complete.I'm at a loss as to why, as this method works fine in testing, going from a local PC t

Private Function FolderSize(ByVal dir As String) As Long
Dim Size As Long = 0
Dim d As New DirectoryInfo(dir)


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Make A File.copy To The Program Files Folder But Can't Get Access To It?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to make a file.copy to the program files folder but can't get access to it.This is on windows vista and 7.

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Recover When System.Configuration Fails?

Feb 5, 2010

I've made heavy use of the convenient My.Settings feature but sometimes I run into problems using it.

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C# - Non-invocable Member 'System.Xml.XmlNode.Attributes' Cannot Be Used Like A Method

Apr 12, 2012

I am new to C# and trying to convert a VB.NET app. Using this code:


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