.net - Vista Seems To Prevent .net From Reading/updating File Attributes?

Jun 3, 2010

The following function copies a file from Source & Path to Dest & Path, normally setting file attributes to normal before copying.Yet, a user of my app has reported it to fail when copying readonly files, returning a permissions-related error. The user is however running the code as administrator, and the error happens - quite strangely - on the SetLastWriteTimeUtc line.Although the code reports that the file attributes are set to normal, windows explorer shows that they are set to read only.


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File I/O And Registry :: Reading Xml Attributes?

Aug 9, 2009

I am trying to read all the attributes, there are 3, from a single node. This is what I tried from an example I found:

Dim xl As New XmlDocument
Dim rn As XmlNode = xl.SelectSingleNode("p1")


I have used a messagebox to show the xl.OuterXml, I see the file is loaded.

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C# - Prevent HTML Encoding Of Attributes In The Code Behind?

Jul 27, 2011

I have the following in my aspx.


How can I get the < > " characters to render properly?

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VS 2010 Storing / Reading / Updating An XML File?

Apr 3, 2011

I have an application that gathers data from a SQL database that is used by a 3rd party helpdesk application.My application is pulling out information of the number of hours worked by each engineer for the current and previous 2 months.Also as part of this process, my application works out the target hours for each of those months.

My application has 3 groupboxes whose label is generated at runtime. My application gives the Groupbox1.text the name of the current month, Groupbox2.text the name of the previous month, and Groupbox3.text the name of the month before that (e.g. Mar, Feb, Jan).

What I am trying to do is have 2 text boxes for each month where I can enter the number of engineer holidays taken and the number of public holidays if any. I want to store these values in an XML file, and I guess they need to be stored to match the Groupbox text (i.e. Mar, Feb, Jan).

When the application starts, I need to parse that XML file and re-populate the text boxes with those number of days - BUT if the month has moved on, so that the Groupboxes are now called Apr, Mar, Feb then I want the Mar and Feb data to be loaded, and I want the XML file to be updated so that Apr is added and Jan is removed from it.I want the XML file to keep the current and previous two months figures only.

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Reading Attributes From XML?

Jun 2, 2009

How would I go about reading this xml file?

<Login Username="d" Password="d"/>
<Application Name="1" Key="1" Owner="1"/>


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XML, Reading Attributes To An Object .net?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to get the price out (90.0) of this xml document but get it to work, i've tried using the xmlTextReader and the ReadElementString function but I guess I need to get the attribute. I then looked at using the GetAttribute function.


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Reading Multiple Node Attributes And Adding To DataGridView?

Sep 22, 2009

I am currently trying to read an XML file and display the information within a Datagridview. I currently have this working using the below

Dim xmldoc As XmlDocument
Dim xml_nodelist As XmlNodeList
Dim xml_node As XmlNode
xmldoc = New XmlDocument()
[Code] .....

Basically what I want to be able to do is for each <ADVERT> node, so in this case there would be two, I can get the information from both the TITLE and NAME attributes and add them into the Data table which then gets displayed within the data grid view. Currently I can only get the TITLE attribute values to show?

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VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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Reading/Updating From/to XML?

Jul 15, 2010

working with data in VB.NET, and the easiest method seems to be XML, since ini isn't supported. So I tried but couldn't find a way to read XML attributes and then replace/update them if needed. So for example I have this XML File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entry1 font="Arial.ttf" R="255" G="255" B="255" effect="Stroke"></Entry1>
<Entry2></Entry2> - In the same format

How do I load those as strings, for example I want to write them to a file later, and I use the code:


But instead I want to load the attribute from Entry1, instead of loading it from pre-defined variables. one more thing I want, when the user clicks a button to update an attribute (Font for example) to the current textbox text.

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MySQL Data Reading, Inserting, Updating?

Apr 22, 2010

I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to vb.net and databases and I have a small favor to ask anyone I am looking for a very basic example on how to connect, read, update and insert data into remote mysql database. I have successfully connected to my database with the code below,, and for the moment I am just trying to LIST data from it in a listview control,, and then would like to find a way to insert data into it and update data.

Al examples I find on the net are too long and usually have too many unnecessary data around the code I need so I get a bit lost in it.Can anyone point me in the direction of SIMPLE examples that are easy to follow or provide a bit of useful code I could learn form.


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Status Updating While Reading Standard Output?

Dec 23, 2010

I use the following code to read the standard output from a command line application from a main winforms application, and then I use the BeginInvoke code to update a textbox with the status. What I am not sure about is if I can have a smoother process. The code loads up about 10 to 20 text inserts, and those are all seen at once... not a smooth process where each status is updated. Any thoughts on if the reading of the standard output and/or the beginvoke code could seem more smooth to the user?

Delegate Sub UpdateUIStatusHandler(ByVal StatusMessage As String, ByVal JobName As String, ByVal Direction As String)
Dim ProcessJob As New ProcessStartInfo(GSyncExe, RunJob)
ProcessJob.UseShellExecute = False : ProcessJob.CreateNoWindow = True : ProcessJob.RedirectStandardOutput = True : ProcessJob.RedirectStandardError


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Simultaneous List Updating - Prevent The List From Being Updated From Different Locations

Nov 26, 2008

I use a List(Of T) (where each T is a custom type with a few members) to keep track of about 500 items that change all the time. The list can be changed from different locations within the program (uses background workers that monitor the list).

Question: Is there some built-in way to prevent the List from being updated from different locations or from different threads at the same time? For example, one thread may remove an item from the list while another location changes one of the members of an item, causing conflict, wrong data and errors. Perhaps there is a standard way in VB.Net (framework) to solve this type of problem?

I use VB2008 (VS2008 Pro) and WinXP SP2.

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Reading Or Updating The Video Capture Filter Properties

Jan 29, 2009

I'm looking for some help/examples on reading or updating the video capture filter properties in VB.NET. I am working with a USB video device that came on a Panasonic Toughbook. The camera has alot of functions that the user can set when running the software that came with the toughbook (zoom, bightness, contrast, etc)


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File Attributes That Can't Be Together?

Jun 14, 2009

I need to know what file attributes cant be added with another I know that Normal ontradicts all but Directory and NotIndexed. I also found out about Temporary cant be with encrypted or compressed and visa versa

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How To Get Attributes Of WAV File

Apr 23, 2009

How do I get the attributes of a .wav file using VB.NET. In particular, I am looking for a property which has the Duration of the .wav.

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Audio File Attributes?

Jun 1, 2010

i'm trying to read the details information from various audio formatted files, most of which are mp3s. specifically i'd like to be able to read the title, artist, and # for a few hundred files that need renaming and resorting, so i'm trying to start with a single file.basically, if you view the properties of any mp3, and go to the details tab, all of this information is listed. i need to grab it programatically using visual studio 2010

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Read Attributes From XML File?

Jun 2, 2009

How would I go about reading this xml file?[code]...

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Read Attributes Of A .wmv File?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a lot of video I'm in the process of indexing and I'd like to gather information about the videos for queries and stuff. When I right-click a video and select properties, I can see a list of values under the summary tab: Audio Bit Rate, Sample Rates, Title, Comments, Duration, etc.


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Use Or In Comparison Between File Attributes?

Feb 3, 2012

I have searched a lot on the web about changing file attributes in .net , it takes me a long time to get the final code but it was really good. But after all of my search I didn't know why we use "And" when we compare file attribute like this:

If (System.IO.File.GetAttributes(FilePath_txt.Text) And System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) = System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden Then
MsgBox("File is hidden")
MsgBox("File isn't hidden")
End If

Otherwise when I want to set Multiple attributes for on file I have to use "Or" with it like this

System.IO.File.SetAttributes(FilePath_txt.Text, IO.FileAttributes.System Or IO.FileAttributes.Hidden Or IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly)I know this isn't a big problem but , I can't write a code I don't know how it is actually works.

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Add A File Attribute To Existing Attributes?

Jun 16, 2009

I know how to set an attribute and set multiple attributes but how would I add a attribute to the existing attributes...

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Changing File Attributes (BitWise)?

Jun 14, 2009

m_ArchiveBoolean, m_HiddenBoolean, m_ReadOnlyBoolean, m_IndexedBoolean, m_CompressedBoolean are all form level booleans that's set from their appropriate Checkboxes on the form before this code runs in a BackgroundWorker.

Why is it that this code works:

Dim fi As New FileInfo(element)
With fi
If m_ArchiveBoolean = False Then


In this 2nd one attributes are being changed, but they're the wrong ones and I can't pinpoint it right off hand.

Edit: What the overall goal of this is that if the user has the attribute checkbox checked then the file needs to have it set, other wise the attribute (if it's present) needs to be unset.

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Finding Wave File Attributes?

Jun 22, 2009

I am trying to figure out the numSamples in this:The canonical WAVE format starts with the RIFF header:

0 4 ChunkID Contains the letters "RIFF" in ASCII form
(0x52494646 big-endian form).
4 4 ChunkSize 36 + SubChunk2Size, or more precisely:


This works fine for getting the wave file info, It just doesn't display the numSamples which I need.

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Parse XML File And Distribute Attributes

Oct 5, 2010

So I have been searching around the next and keep finding solutions that all have errors due to upgrades. Basically what I want to do is load the following type of XML file when a button is pushed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Do not edit this file -->
<DATA version="1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="[URL]" xmlns="[URL]" xmlns:xsi="[URL]">
<NOTES> <NOTE NameId="Name1" Colour="13" PNotes="Test7" />
[Code] .....
But after that I want to sort out the attributes. I want all of the NameId's to go into a ListBox. After I get that problem sovled I am wanting to have the info in the PNotes attribute to be displayed in a TextBox when the connecting NameId is selected in the ListBox.

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VB2008 Audio File Attributes?

Dec 13, 2009

I think I have posted my question in VB6 forum. Sorry for that...I am currently working with MIDI files. Could someone show me how to get an audio file attributes such as; BitRate Attribute and Duration Attribute.I need to read those informations to be able to synchronize my Metronome with the music file tempo.

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Does IO.File.Copy Replicate Files Attributes

May 13, 2010

Does the IO.File.Copy method preserve file attributes? Especially, if I have a write-protected file, will the copy be write-protected to?

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Setting File Attributes After Deploying An Application?

Nov 20, 2009

I have an application that uses a text file for its settings. This file is placed in the application folder but deployment sets its file attributes as "Read Only". I have to manually change this attribute every time I deploy the application or an upgrade. I tried (successfully) to place the text file in the "Documents and settings|All users|Application Data" folder, creating a specific folder for my application in which to place my file. The folder and file were created by the setup process but then, users who did not have admin rights still did not see the file, let alone open it.

I have gone back to placing my text file in the [Programs files]|[Manufacturer]|[Application name] folder but am saddled with manually changing the attributes. Is there a way I can do this programatically during deployment (e.g. by some post-deployment process)?

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VS 2008 Changing File Attributes (BitWise)?

Jul 3, 2010

m_ArchiveBoolean, m_HiddenBoolean, m_ReadOnlyBoolean, m_IndexedBoolean, m_CompressedBoolean are all form level booleans that's set from their appropriate Checkboxes on the form before this code runs in a BackgroundWorker.

Why is it that this code works:
Dim fi As New FileInfo(element)


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.net - System.IO Will Copy Files But Fails To Update Destinations File Attributes?

May 25, 2010

I have a little vb.net script that will copy a file, set its attributes to Normal, update the file time, and then set back the attributes to match those of the source file.

If IO.File.Exists(Destination) Then IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)
IO.File.Copy(Source, Destination, True)
IO.File.SetAttributes(Destination, IO.FileAttributes.Normal)


I however I'm encountering a quite strange problem. On some configurations, IO.File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc triggers an UnauthorizedAccess error, although the IO.File.Copy instruction worked very well.

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File I/O And Registry :: Use The Bitmasking Capability Of The FileAttributes Enumeration To Indicate Which Attributes Changed?

Nov 18, 2009

I've got an issue with an Access97 replicated database that I'm writing a small monitoring app for. I've got FSW's to track changes to the necessary files, but am having some issue in enumerating exactly what has changed in some instances, specifically when attributes may have changed. I'm using a similar strategy to track this as I did for changes in size. I've got a Private class variable for the size of each file and a local method variable and compare the two, when different, update the class variable for the next comparison.


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Grab Attributes Of Articles Element Under Custom Section In Web.config File

Sep 2, 2009

I am building the 'TheBeerHouse' project in vb.net (the book is written in C#). Once I understand the concepts, I can usually convert it to vb. However, there are a few areas that give my some problems (which I will address individually). The first issue I have is the C# 'base' to VB 'MyBase'. [code] My understanding of this conversion is that I need to grab the attributes of the <articles> element under the <theBeerHouse> custom section in the web.config file.This code does not compile and the get the following error: 'MyBase' must be followed by '.' and an identifier.

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