.net - Workaround - ByRef Parameter Of A Property

Mar 19, 2009

I have a legacy COM-component with an interface declaring a property like this (IDL notation):


This interface is implemented in a calling application written in VB6 like this:


Everyting works fine until I try to do the same in VB.Net. VB.Net refuses to compile code where a parameter of a property is passed ByRef. MSDN says VB.Net doesn't allow such parameters. Is there any way I could implement such a property in VB.Net?

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ByRef Parameter With Type Conversion

Mar 19, 2012

I did create a XDateTime class that is able to handle inaccurate date and time. This class has all the CType operators required to convert to and from a string and it has been fully tested during the last months.


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C# - Accessing Constructor Parameter ByRef?

Nov 22, 2010

I want to make a generic EventArgs sub class that has a write-only property which, when updated by the code that is handling the event, will also update the byref parameter of the constructor of the class.

The code I have so far doesn't work. How do I get the property "Item" to update the "item" constructor parameter so I can retrieve the value that was set?

public class EventArgsSet<T> : EventArgs
public EventArgsSet(ref T item)


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'ByRef' Parameter '<parametername>' Cannot Be Used In A Lambda Expression?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm using SharpZipLib to compress files. The library is wrapped in a plugin interface, in a separate DLL. I pass the plugin dll a ByRef parameter to keep track of the compression progress.SharpZipLib, while compressing, will periodically call a delegate sub passed when launching the compression. I can't figure out how to update the ByRef parameter when the delegate is called. If I try to assign the ByRef variable in the body of a lamba expression, I get a 'ByRef' parameter '<parametername>' cannot be used in a lambda expression error.


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Reflection - Get The Name Of The Object Passed In A Byref Parameter?

Aug 29, 2011

How can I get the name of the object that was passed byref into a method?


Dim myobject as object
sub mymethod(byref o as object)
end sub


I'm using this for logging. I use one method multiple times and it would be nice to log the name of the variable that I passed to it. Since I'm passing it byref, I should be able to get this name, right?This would give you the parameter name in the method and it's type, but not the name of the variable that was passed byref.

using system.reflection
Dim mb As MethodBase = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()
For Each pi As ParameterInfo In mb.GetParameters()


If you put that in "mymethod" above you'd get "o" and "Object".

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VS 2008 ByVal / ByRef List Parameter

Sep 4, 2010

I have a class OrderManager, that takes a parameter of type LocalFuturesList on construction. Now.. It doesn't seem to matter if I use ByRef or ByVal here.. It still references the parent class instance of it. It also doesn't seem to matter if I type New or omit it.. Probably also because it's just an address reference. But why is it like this? And what type of objects "acts" in this way? Further I find that if I change the object in the parent class by deserializing from a file (with my method call shown), then suddenly this reference is broken in some way, so the OrderManager instance now holds Nothing I believe.If my observations are correct I see two challenges:

1. How to pass a list NOT by reference?

2. How to maintain a list reference through deserialization? [code]

View 17 Replies

Pass The Property Of An Object To A Function ByRef

Jul 16, 2009

If you pass the property of an object to a function ByRef, and the function doesn't modify the ByRef parameter, the property Set is still called.


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VS 2005 Byref / Byval - Copy The Image Property To A Queue?

Jun 23, 2009

I have a 3rd party (c#) class that raises an event. on accsing this event i want to copy the image property to a queue.

Dim myQ as queue
Private Sub imageprocessor_NewImage() handles camera.NewImage
End Sub

But when I view myQ at a later date it tells me the parameters of the images are not valid.Is it adding them by reference?i would have through adding an object to a queue was byval. how can i enforce this?

View 8 Replies

C++ - When Using COM Interop - Why Does Late Binding Fix The "ByRef Value Type Parameter Cannot Be Null" Error

Jan 12, 2011

I'm using an interop dll in a VB.NET project to get access to some functions in a MFC project.

Dim bIsSupposedToWork As Boolean = True
Dim api As API = GetObject(, "MyProject.API")



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.net - Databinding A Property With A Parameter?

Apr 23, 2010

I would like to databind to a property that requires arguments.

I thought about defining custom columns and cells because the parameters that the property requires are available from the within the object bound to the row, but I'm having trouble materialising this idea.

As an additional problem, that I think leads on from this, I have also created a custom column and cell for the datagridview that takes the implementation of an interface during it's construction. I have added this column to the datagrid view programmatically (passing the Interface implementation to the column constructor). I've overridden the paint method which evaluates a property from the Interface implantation using arguments from the other rows in the column, but it doesn't seem to call the paint method at all. Even on DataGridView.Refresh(). Essentially I would like this column to also update, evaluate a property from the interface implentation using arguments from the underlying object bound to the row and print this number in the cell.

The reason for this second problem is so that I can implement the interface many different times and just at a column dynamically to display it's evaluation.

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Method Parameter Name Same As Class Property?

Apr 21, 2010

Is it accepted to have a method parameter named the same as a property? At least it gives no error, even if in the same letter-case.. How does the compiler distinguish? does it always prioritize the local parameter?


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Data Bind To A Property That Contains Parameter In Silverlight?

Apr 14, 2010

In silverlight, can you bind to a property that contains parameter? For example, the following doesnt seem to work. Am I missing something or is this not possible?

private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> ValuesField = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();


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Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Jun 4, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused? What are the possible solutions to this error?

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Parameter Is Not Valid Error When Reading From An Image Property?

Apr 20, 2010

I am getting a "Parameter is not valid " error when reading a value from an Image property and I don't know why.

Writing to the property works just fine (MyControl.EditImage = PictureBox1.Image) .

Reading from the property causes an error (PictureBox1.Image = MyControl.EditImage )

The Property looks like:

Private mNewImage As Image
Public Property EditImage() As Image


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Specified For Parameter 'index' Of 'public Readonly Default Property Cha?

Nov 29, 2011

Argument not specified for parameter 'index' of 'public readonly default property chars(index as integer)as char'. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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C# - Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column Site On The DataSource.{10}Parameter Name: DataMember

Sep 18, 2010

When I try to use the following line of code:

cboSite.DataBindings.Add("Text", _dtSite.Select("Site <> 'ALL'"), "Site")

I get the following exception:

EXCEPTION : Cannot bind to the property or column Site on the DataSource.{10}Parameter name: dataMember

details I am connecting to an Access database and using .net 3.5 and writing the code in VB. In this database I have a table named Sites with a column named Site and when I try to use the line of code above I get the exception noted. I was under the impression that I could explicitly name the column that I need to use in my control (combo box).

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Error : Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Feb 5, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box in vb.net to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused?

View 14 Replies

Error: This Causes Two Bindings In The Collection To Bind To The Same Property - Parameter Name: Binding

Aug 15, 2010

error in binding

Dadapter = New SqlDataAdapter(dat, conn)
bs.DataSource = Me.Table
DgvTire.DataSource = bs
txtserial.DataBindings.Add("text", Table, "serialn")

error: This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property. Parameter name: binding

what should i do with this error?

View 7 Replies

Looking For A Workaround For Using DatagridViewComboBoxCell Dynamically?

Nov 20, 2009

[URL]..But I can't design a solution. Could anyone try to help me out here? I know there are some workarounds to be found, but either the links are dead (check above link) or it's writter in a language I still can't read. Here's my code.


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What Is The Equivalent Or Workaround For A Typedef

Dec 22, 2011

I am coding a VB.NET application which heavily deals with a collection type. See the code below:


I have to type the above line for so many times. If I changed the collection type, then I have to make the change for all the instances. So if there is a way to use "a typedef equivalent", then I can get rid of all these problems. I tried with imports, but it is only for namespaces and it can't be used for classes.

Note: I am using VB 2008, windows XP. The application type is windows forms(VB). EDIT: I made some tries based on code_gray's below answer. This is the first try.


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ASP.NET: Httpwebrequest Date Header Workaround?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm trying to integrate with an API that requires the "Date" header in a web request. As you may well know, .NET has removed the ability to append or even display a default Date header in your request, so I was wondering about a workaround.Here's the catch: you can't use TCPClients because I don't have "permissions" on my server for such a thing as sockets. Is there some way to "cheat" the system to fake a date header or to trick it into posting a Date header? Or should I just give up on this API?

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Sql Server - Workaround With 'Column Name Is Not Valid'?

Jan 11, 2012

there any workaround with this one?

SELECT invoices.no, customers.name, invoices.mdcode,
SUM(iproducts.unitprice * iproducts.quantity) AS total,
SUM(iproducts.unitprice * iproducts.quantity) - SUM(rinvoices.payment + rinvoices.discount)


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Workaround For Partial Method Using CodeDom?

Nov 30, 2009

I know CodeDom doesn't support partial methods, but is there a workaround? I found a workaround for C#, but I need one for VB.NET.

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Design Mode Preprocessor Directive Workaround?

Jul 12, 2011

I know that there is no DESIGN, DESIGN_MODE, DESIGN_TIME, etc preprocessor directive value. However, I need something that can do the trick. I can't use a normal If statement, because in my case I need to change the inherited class so that the control renders properly at design time. If not, I'll receive an exception due to the fact that the inherited class is an abstract class.Here's what I'm looking to accomplish:

Partial Class MyCustomControl
#If DesignMode Then
Inherits UserControl
Inherits WidgetControl
#End If

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Large Array = System.OutOfMemoryException Workaround?

Jan 23, 2009

I'm downloading a bunch of files from a URI but when they get big, I get an utOfMemoryException. I thought at first it was MemoryStream error but I'm pretty sure now that the error is rooted in the declaration of an array of Bytes that's too large. (Half a gig is fine, 1.7 gig is not.)

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Is This Workaround/architecture Correct Using Classes (complex Properties)?

Feb 15, 2012

what's a Class, and Object, a Method, a property and thins like that, but I have this doubt:Let's supppose I have a class "Laundry" this class has (just for this example) 3 propierties:

1.- laundryID
2.- Name
3.- Washers

Id and Name are "primitive" types or simple types (integer and string), but Washers, represent a list of object of type "Washer", that has 3 properties:

1.- washerID
2.- laundryID
3.- capacity
4.- brand

All of them (for this example) simple/primitives types (integer,string,string).So this my dilemma, it is correct to have a constructor like this (VB .net)

public sub new(ByVal laundryID as integer)
'' Here I'll query for the data of the Laundry on DB
'' After that I will query for every washer that belongs to this laundry


And inside of that constructor query for all the washers that belongs to the laundry with id=laundryID parameter, and create objects of type "Washer" and add them to the list of Laundry ?I'm not sure If I explain myself, any comment I'll be really grateful, in less words, what's the correct approach (or good practices) to work with class/objects that has properties which are complex (other class/objects).I usually work with ADO.net probably ADO/LINQ/Entity solve this thins in an transparent way, but if they do it I don't really know it.

Note: I'm familiar with VB.net, C#, PHP, so if you prefer explain/help me using examples with its syntax, it's ok

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VS2005 @ X64 Environment - Workaround To Enable Edit And Continue?

Jun 22, 2011

It's kinda overkill (i7, 8GB, SDD, W7 x64) for what I actually need but it is supposed to last for a few years.For maintenance issues I had to install Visual Studio 2005 and it turns out that "Edit and Continue" wasn't working . I found a thread here HTML Code:[URL] in which I read that E&C is not supported in 64-bit OS.

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Workaround For Lack Of True Transparency In Labels And Other Controls

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to make a label transparent. When I set the BackColor to transparent, all it does it take the color of the form it's sitting on, i.e. It's not truly transparent. I've googled it and found this in another thread (from a MSFT MVP)".NET controls do not support true transparency. You can set their BackColor to Transparent (in some but not all cases) and the parent control will show through, but only the parent control. If there is some other control behind that is not the parent it will not show through. That's because the control is not truly transparent. It basically copies its parent in the area behind it and uses that as its background, but that doesn't include sibling controls that may be behind it as well." To me, this is completely unacceptable. Why even include the transparency option when all it does is set the control's backcolor to the form color? I'm trying to add a label over a progress bar to give my user some feedback (because the Visual Studio progress bar doesn't support text, which is also a horrible design shortfall by the way), and have yet to find a way around this.

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Using And / Or Operators For Logical Short-circuiting: Any Compiler-directive / Workaround?

Jun 20, 2010

I found using AndAlso/OrElse, all the time, VERY annoying. It reduces code readability, especially when conditioning get complicated.

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Byref New Object - Top Pass New Object As "byref"?

Sep 7, 2009

Below I tried to do an Example:


Below is the called method: Friend Sub SplitOU2(ByVal inDN As String, ByRef OUDN As Object, ByRef Organisation As Object, ByRef VerksamhetTyp As Object) By doing this I can skip to declare the in this example "useless" variable Dim VerksamhetTyp as Object = "".

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