.net - Apply Locale To Decimal Formatting In Excel?

Aug 16, 2011

I am generating excel from code.I am trying to customize the cells through .net code.and I also want to add the localization , so that after generating the excel when the user tries to enter the decimal it should take that locale number format.how to format decimals with thousand seperator en-US a number looks like 1,000.45 and Dutch-Belgium it becomes 1.000,45 I mentioned decimal in my code as worksheet.Range(Range).NumberFormat = "###,###.##" How to chnage this format for different locales.

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Apply Locale Change But No Response?

Jun 22, 2010

I just change the country from "US" TO "French(Canada)" through control panel, then run the code.But the display name is still as "English(United States)", if I shut down the app then restart it. The name becomes "French(Canada)" then.Why?

If (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DisplayName) = "French (Canada)" Then
' do something

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Formatting :: Add Comma, 2 Decimal Places To Cell Values Excel Interop?

Jun 22, 2010

Does anyone have any vb.net or vba code that will format excel values or a range of cells to have comma for 100s, 1000s,10000s etc

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Apply CODE Formatting To A TextBox?

May 28, 2010

I'm playing with a simple string replacement editor for editing VB.Net functions outside of VB. Is there a way to apply VB.Net code formatting to a string?

For example. The txtboxCodeEntry looks like this:

If strVar="dummy" then 1 else 0 Endif

I would like it to "autoformat" to:

If strVar = "dummy" Then
End If

The formatting would match whatever formatting VB.Net does when you're editing code in the Visual Studio IDE.

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VS 2010 - Apply Text Formatting To RTB?

Oct 2, 2010

I was using VB6 and all my text formatting is stored in a database from the way VB6 stores it. How do I apply this formatting to a rich text box in VB 2010?

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Apply Colour Formatting To A Richtextbox *as User Types*?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a RichTextBox with an OnChanged event. The OnChanged event should look at each line in the RichTextBox and if the line is of prime length colour it red, otherwise colour it black. How do I do this? I think it is possible to select from index a to index b and set selection colour, but I think this will lose my cursor position.

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Apply Formatting String When Binding DateTime To MaskedTextBox?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a MaskedTextBox using the mask "00/00/2�00" to restrict input to a format of XX/XX/20XX, with the Text property bound to MyBindingSource.SomeProperty of type DateTime.

Recently, values with a single-digit month or day recently started displaying incorrectly. I expect that the ToString() method is being called on the value at some point in data binding, and I believe the call is not padding month / day with zeroes.

I tried setting the format type of the MaskedTextBox.Text property to DateTime in the advanced data binding properties, but it didn't help.

How can I apply ToString("MMddyyyy") when converting the DateTime object to a string, before the value is bound to the Text property?

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Formatting 2 Decimal Places?

Apr 19, 2010

At the end of a calculation Pweight stores a number, I need to format this number so that it only shows to 2 decimal places.. I have tried this:


This actually seems to make it miss calculate, so I've put it back to Pweight.ToString() and left it at that but I get around 12 decimal places.

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Formatting Decimal Places?

Feb 27, 2011

I have designed a unit converter that converts between different units. The value and unit to be converted from are entered in the first text box, for example "1 km" and the unit to be converted to is entered in the second text box. Then after pressing the calculate button, the new value will be displayed in the second text box as the output. By default the output will be specified to two decimal places. However, if the input has any number of decimal places, for example "1.045 km" the output should be displayed to the same decimal place, in this case 3.Displaying the output to two decimal places was easy enough to figure out, I just used:

FormatNumber(finalValue, 2)
But I'm completely stuck on the other part however and I'm wondering if anyone here has any suggestions. I thought about doing something like this:


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Custom Formatting Of Decimal Numbers

Oct 21, 2010

I'm having a bit of an issue getting the number formatting of VB .NET 3.5 to work just right for me. I have to convert numbers to scientific notation, with 2 digits for the exponent and 6 digits after the decimal. I've been able to get this for numbers that have enough digits, but for other numbers, it truncates the number to use as few digits as possible. For example, I would like 0 to be converted to 0.000000e00, or 123.4 to be 1.234000e02.

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Formatting - How To Convert Decimal To String

Apr 14, 2009

I have an app that deals with currency. For display purposes I use the nifty VB FormatCurrency function which will format based on the OS's region setting. So, if in France you might get 123,45 where in the US you would get 123.45. To perform calculation on these amounts I use CDec() to convert to decimal.

My problem is that when I convert the Decimal to a String using toString() it formats according to the currently set region. I need to be able to always convert the decimal into a String representation for the US, i.e. with decimal points. I thought I would be able to do something similar to this:

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Formatting Numbers With Decimal Places?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm a noob, so please bear with me. I'm working with VB in Visual Studio 2008. I have an application that displays dollar amounts. With the application installed on my desktop all of the dollar values display with 2 decimal places. However, after moving the application to the server and executing from there, trailing zeroes after the decimal point are lost.

For example - 7.00 displays as 7 - 10.60 displays as 10.6 I'm guessing there's an options file somewhere that determines how these numbers are displaying but I have no idea what that file might be.

Can someone tell me how to get both digits following the decimal point to display all of the time?

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Datagridview: Formatting Cells To Two Decimal Places?

Dec 17, 2007

I'm fairly certain I'm missing the obvious, but I'm trying to force a datagridview cell to format the contents of a cell to two decimal places when the value is changed e.g. the user enters 20 in a cell and it's formatted to 20.00 when the cell is moved away from.

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VS 2008 Textbox Formatting From Decimal To Integer?

Sep 12, 2011

In a textbox on my form, I have a value that loads in it that is something like "10.38 - 12.33"

I want it to where the textbox will display whole numbers only. So it will show "10 - 12"

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DataGridView Cell Editing With Decimal/hexadecimal Formatting?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataTable that has 1+16 columns defined as Integer.The default cell style is hexadecimal 2 digits (.Format="X2").When entering in cell editing I would like to provide to the user, the possibility to write the value in decimal or hexdacimal.Hexadecimal could be written like, for example, 0x00, 0X01, x02, XFF
Decimal like 0, 1, 2, 15For this reason in EditingControlShowing I add "0x" to the TextBox value

Private Sub BankGrid_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs)
Dim grid As DataGridView = DirectCast(sender, DataGridView)


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Formatting Decimal Field For Text File Write Out

Mar 25, 2009

I have a VB Application that is loading an Array with Numbers from the Sequel Server that have numbers 315054 no cents and leaving the .00 off even numbers. I need to write out the number to a textfile that has 14 zero's to the left removing the decimal point from the number.

The Number should format and be written out like this:
00000031505400 in the text file.

My coding does this as long as the even number has a decimal point .00 but if the number comes in as 315054 into my array my coding gives an Argument error with the coding below.
SCreditTextBox1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right("00000000000000" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(_sData(Irow, 7), _sData(Irow, 7, ".") - 1) & _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(_sData(Irow, 7), 2), 14)
Is there a way to check for no decimal point and then place the number with no .00 as 00000031505400?

The accounting people are entering the numbers into the server this way incorrectly. The .00 is suppose to be entered with it, but not all even numbers are entered this way without .00, just a few, but I need to check the number to see if there are decimals and without decimals do something. Could my coding be re-written to account for not having the .00 and to format the number correctly to avoid the argument error?

I need for any number to format with:
$3,000.00 would appear in server as 3000 or 3000.00 and should write out like this below: I need to check for decimals and without decimals and writeout the format like this below:

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VS 2008 Numeric Value Formatting - Only Show 2 Places After The Decimal?

Jun 9, 2009

how do I limit a numeric value (Integer type Array) to only show 2 places after the decimal ? ie: 25.00 and not 25.00175?

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C# - Globalized Custom Number Formatting - Variable Decimal Points?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to alter the existing number formatting in my company's application to make it more readable for international users. This is a stock trading application, so most stock prices come in with numbers precise to 2 decimal points, like so-> 17.23 We could also get ticks in that have precision out to 4 decimal points, so a penny stock might be 0.0341. The original string format that we were using for stocks was "#,##0.00##" Which would give us the format we wanted (essentially trimming '0's). The problem here is the ',' and '.' are forced onto the user, where in many other countries the thousands separator is '.' and the decimal point is ','. Boss man doesn't want to use "N4" for all numbers, even though this would resolve the globalization issue. Is it possible to have a globalized custom string format?

Other options besides writing some middle man code to internationalize numbers formatted the original way or another string.format method?

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Formatting Worksheet In Excel (Exporting Excel)?

Aug 22, 2011

I got a code that exports datagridview to excel, how can I format the worksheet in excel through coding in vb.net because I have to include a header before the data in the datagridview nd some data that is in my form in vb.net like the values in my labels and textboxes.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel


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.NET And Excel Table Formatting?

Feb 29, 2012

I wrote a small program in VB.NET to export data from DataGrid to Excel and it works perfectly. My manager now wants me to display the data in a presentable format. How should I go about it. I recorded a macro but was unable to apply that in vb.net.

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C# - Number Formatting In Excel

Apr 8, 2010

Can someone give me some code to set the cell of an excel spreadsheet to a number format that use a max of 2 decimal places. Or would it work better it I change the data I am putting into the cell to a proper format? Here is a sample of data that is going in. Right now its going in as a string... col("ADJ").ToString() where col is a DataTable oject.

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Formatting Dates In Excel

Jan 21, 2009

I have this really weird problem, in excel I'm using a user form to get the date from the user. I used the calendar control in toolbox. So when the user selects the date it goes to its text box, still in the user form correctly formatted as dd/mm/yy.


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Formatting Excel From VB2010?

Mar 9, 2011

I am an Engineer and have been programming VB6 for 10 years and now writing in VB2010 Professional.I am trying to write technical data to Excel which works fine with this code: In a module I dimension

Public appExcel As Object
Public wbook As Object
Public wsheet As Object


I got this code by recording macros and transferring the code. Everything after the "=" sign gets the error "is not declared. It may be inaccessible..."

eg .LineStyle = xlContinuous The error items are shown in itallics.

I sure would appreciate some code that opened current worksheet, write to the worksheet and do just those formats that I mentioned (cell color, border).

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Change Locale Using Registry?

Feb 19, 2011

Is it possible to check locale format on form_load and change it to en-us via registry if any other is preset?

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.net - String.Format Decimal With Sign Fixed Number Of Decimal Places, No Decimal Separator?

Jun 27, 2012

What is the cleanest, most readable way to String.Format a decimal with the following criteria

start with a sign symbol (+ or -)
a fixed number of fraction digits
no decimal separator
right aligned
pre-padded with "0"'s

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Conditional Formatting (BarType) In Excel?

Jun 30, 2011

I want to add BarType conditional formatting for my range !

I have :


How to add :


I tried :

sheet.Range("F3").FormatConditions(1).MinPoint = New ConditionValue(ConditionValueType.LowestValue, "0")

But It gives Error : ConditionalValue is not defined.. ??

I have following imports :

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

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Conditional Formatting For Excel Charts?

Mar 4, 2009

Is there a way to conditionally format an Excel Chart? For example I have a bar graph. Currently I have the bars a purple color. I would like to turn a certain bar red if it meets certain criteria. Is there anyway to do this?

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Copying Conditional Formatting In Excel?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a column 'A' in worksheet 'two' and another column 'B' in worksheet 'one' !I want to copy the conditional formatting of Column A in two to Column B in one !Basically, I want to copy everything from Column A in two to Column B in one except the data

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Exporting To Excel With Color Formatting

Oct 20, 2011

I have this page with a gridview that displays data that needs to be formated with different colors according to the values it gets. Now, I already export it into excel, no problem, but someone decided that the excel file should be colour formated just as the grid on the web page. You can see on the attachment the web page and the excel file in question. When I export to excel, its all white, obviously. How do I get to do this? To worsen things, I'm not even into VB, I do Java, but somebody asked me to solve this, It wasn't even me who did the export to excel code in the first place.

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Formatting Excel Worksheet Cells?

Jan 26, 2011

suppose I have an excel worksheet, I want to paint the particular cells with gray color then save it as a new file.

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