.net - Conversion To C# - Interface Event Declaration For Non-EventHandler Events

Nov 24, 2009

Ran into this while converting a VB.NET interface to C#; the VB version defines an event which doesn't conform to the typical (object sender, EventArgs e) signature:


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Conversion From C++ (Eventhandler)

Mar 4, 2009

I have found a sample code of something I am trying to complete in VB.Net however the sample is in C++, and I am having a hard time understanding how to translate it.

I have everything basically covered except for the actual EventHandler line.


I would like to know how to translate this easily into VB.Net. I understand i may have to create an Event and a Raise Event, but not sure how.

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Events - EventHandler Managment In .NET?

Aug 19, 2009

I am right now in an project using VB.NET and needs to translate this C# code into VB.NET

oldCommand.CanExecuteChanged -= commandReference.CanExecuteChanged;
newCommand.CanExecuteChanged += commandReference.CanExecuteChanged;

For me it seems like the an event hooking up on an another event?But I have tried everything to translate this into VB.NET code?I have found out that EventHandler management in VB.NET is far from as good it is in C# as many other things.


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Redirect Events In Button Declaration?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a MyUserControl in which I have Button1 and Button2 buttons. I need to "delegate" that button clicks to the MyUserControl's Button1Click event and Button2Click event respectively. Below is a stub I don't really know finishing...

Private WithEvents Button1 As Button
Private WithEvents Button2 As Button
Public Custom Event Button1Click As Eventhandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
AddHandler Me.Button1.Click, value
End AddHandler
[Code] .....

I wonder if I need the WithEvents in the buttons declaration, and how to achieve the RaiseEvent part...

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C# - How To Get Actual EventHandler Delegate Instance From An Event

Nov 5, 2010

In C#, I could do something like this:

EventHandler handler = this.SomeEvent;

...which would allow me to, for example, do:

Delegate[] attachedHandlers = handler.GetInvocationList();

In VB.NET, I can't seem to figure out how to do a similar thing.

This doesn't work:

Dim handler As EventHandler = Me.SomeEvent

...due to the following error:

Public Event SomeEvent(sender As
Object, e As EventArgs)' is an event,
and cannot be called directly. Use a
'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an

But this doesn't work either: [Code] So how can I actually get an EventHandler from an event in VB.NET? The only idea that's immediately coming to mind is to use reflection, but that seems pretty ridiculous.

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Remove All Eventhandler From Specific Event Of Control During Runtime?

Dec 29, 2009

I do have a customized treeview which inherits from treeview. The customized treeview offers - amongst other - the functionality to automatically check/uncheck the child and parent nodes according to the selected node.To do so, I use (or mabye abuse?) the AfterCheck-event of the treeview in the class where the inherited treeview is customized. Code looks like that (Submethods not included):


I temporarily remove the AfterCheck-Event in the event-procedure to avoid it getting fired when I programmatically check/uncheck the checkboxes of the treeview. Works fine so far, only problem I see: if another programmer wants to use the customized tree view and tries to make use of the After-Check-Event, he'll get caught in an infinit loop, because his own After-Check-Event (he added himself to the treeview) was not removed and keeps on firing every time a checkbox is automatically checked/unchecked.

How can I remove ALL methods linked to AfterCheck-Event without knowing which method someone added to the treeview-control? My guess is to use reflection and to get the underlying delegate of the AfterCheck-Event by using the .GetInvocationList somehow - but I was not able to make it work.

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Interface Implementation - Class Declaration Line

Jul 5, 2010

In the code below, when I use the same interface with O in the Class declaration line and the Inherits line, I then get a compiler error when I access the interfaces Year member in both the properties. It says " 'Year' is not a member of 'IRegionYear'." I get the same thing if I use the same class with each Of.

I don't get this error when the interface or class entered for both Of clauses are different.
Interface IRegionYear
ReadOnly Property Year() As Integer
End Interface
MustInherit Class RegionYears(Of IRegionYear)
[Code] ......

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Event Declaration - Adding Nonserialized Attribution?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm adding a vb.net assembly to existing c# application. All of my vb.net types inherit from:


My problem is that the event can not be serialized. In c# code, the event is declared like this:


But I can not see how to do this in any way with vb.net. Is there extended event declaration that I can use to make the event not serialize? Or other attribution?

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How Could I Create Declaration(event) To A Variable Control

Nov 22, 2010

How could I create declaration(event) to a variable control in VB .net ? [code]please i need to know how to insert this (declaration) newweb_ DocumentCompleted it's similar to WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted but it's a variable

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Memory Leak In Disposable Class With A Event Declaration In It

Nov 17, 2010

I have been searching for memory leaks in my application and come down to this weirdness. I have a class which implements IDisposable and one single event in it as shown below:[code]

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.net - Conversion Of Interface To C#?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a control that overrides the protected GetService method and assigns it to the IServiceProvider interface:

Class MyControl
Inherits Control
Implements IServiceProvider


I'm struggling to convert this to c#. I've tried implicit v. explicit but I must be getting the syntax wrong.

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Events, Delegates And Interfaces - What To Declare In The Interface

Apr 30, 2012

I have ended up with the following event structure in a custom control - it seemed to be the recommended way for my scenario in MSDN (though it wasn't easy to follow!) This is the MSDN page I used,MSDN - How to: Implement Events in Your Class.


What now has me totally confused (even more so than I was about setting up the above pattern) is what to declare in the Interface? I wanted to declare the event in the interface since there will be several other classes that do similar things and they need to be used interchangeably (hence an Interface in the first place) and if I've gone down the Interface route it seems smart to make sure the 'minimum' content that each class will have to implement declared in the Interface...

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Declaration Of Dynamic Runtime Array Declaration

Jun 21, 2011

I got problem regarding declaration of dynamic runtime array declaration Here is my code


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Declare Properties/Events Such As IsPostBack/Init On An Interface That A User Control Will Implement?

May 2, 2012

I'm having trouble porting some .NET2-era C# to .NET2-era VB.NET. Specifically, I am trying to define an interface that an ASP.NET user control will implement.(For background, I am trying to re-implement Phil Haack's Model-View-Presenter example from several years ago: http://haacked.com/archive/2006/08/09/ASP.NETSupervisingControllerModelViewPresenterFromSchematicToUnitTestsToCode.aspx)

The C# interface I'm working from defines properties and events (IsPostBack, Load) that are already implemented by the base control.However, VB.NET is forcing me to explicitly implement these properties/events in the user control (Public Property IsPostBack() As Boolean Implements IView.IsPostBack...). I'd like to just define these in the interface and not have to do anything special in the code-behind of the implementing user control.I'm assuming that I can do this in VB.NET, I just don't know how. I've spent all sorts of time googling/bing-ing, and haven't come up with the answer.

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C# To .NET Event Conversion?

Jun 20, 2009

Porting an application from C# (1.1 framework) to VB.NET (3.5 framework), and I have this one last event based issue I cannot get my head around.


The SpecialLogWriter constructor is expecting a SpecialEventHandler, but the Me.SpecialEvent in the constructor of SpecialLogWriter gives me the error message that this is an event and cannot be called directly.

Am I missing another delegate, or is this just one of this declaration issues between the languages?

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Run Events On An Event?

Sep 12, 2009

for example, i have button1, label1, label2. let say i put a audio1.wav play on label1.click event, and audio2.wav play on label2.click event.can i call both label1.click and label2.click event at button1.click event. in this way maybe both of the audio can play at the same time.

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Vb 6.0 To .Net Conversion W.r.t FormActivated Event?

Mar 11, 2010

We are converting a Visual Basic 6.0 application to vb.net 2008 and are having an issue, while executing the code under "form activated event". There is a difference in behavior between form.activate in Visual Basic 6.0 and form.activated in vb.net. In Visual Basic 6.0, the Activate event was raised only when switching between forms in the application; in Visual Basic .NET, the Activated event also is raised in case of showing messagebox and when switching from other applications.(by msdn)In vb6 application the purpose to use form activate event is, to execute some code when forms become active. In our application forms are loaded, hide and show in different flows. So whenever this form is shown from hide state or any of its child form return focus to it, we need to reflect different changes in the application to the specific form controls.

* For example user changes its application preferred language.

* As the application is huge, so shifting logic to other place with respect to the current scenario might solve the problem for the current form but then I have to re think it for all other forms (which is very hectic and more or less not feasible).

In the migration process it is required to make as little changes in the existing code execution hierarchy. So we need a similar behavior like form.activate in vb6.0 with some other event or restrict some functionality of Activated event in vb.net.

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Event Handlers Fail After C# To VB Conversion

Mar 20, 2012

Visual Studio 2010 I am trying to learn Caliburn Micro. The sample project is presented in C# only (and runs OK) I have tried several on-line C# to VB converters, without success. Well the conveersion runs without error - - - but the Visual Studio editor chokes on the results. The principal problem seems to be with (what looks to me like) a Lambda. Advanced code conversions are really tough in any case, - but when you do not know C# nearly impossible.


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VB 6.0 To .Net Conversion - Form Activated Event

Jul 9, 2010

We are converting a Visual Basic 6.0 application to vb.net 2008 and are having an issue, while executing the code under form activated event. There is a difference in behavior between form.activate in Visual Basic 6.0 and form.activated in vb.net. In Visual Basic 6.0, the Activate event was raised only when switching between forms in the application; in Visual Basic .NET, the Activated event also is raised in case of showing messagebox and when switching from other applications.(by msdn)

In vb6 application the purpose to use form activate event is, to execute some code when forms become active. In our application forms are loaded, hide and show in different flows. So whenever this form is shown from hide state or any of its child form return focus to it, we need to reflect different changes in the application to the specific form controls.

* For example user changes its application preferred language. * As the application is huge, so shifting logic to other place with respect to the current scenario might solve the problem for the current form but then I have to re think it for all other forms (which is very hectic and more or less not feasible). In the migration process it is required to make as little changes in the existing code execution hierarchy. So we need a similar behavior like form.activate in vb6.0 with some other event or restrict some functionality of Activated event in vb.net.

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Keyboard Event Doubling Events?

Oct 15, 2010

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown If e.Modifiers = Keys.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.A Then


And whenever I click control-b (on keyboard) it inserts the bold tag twice.why does it do that? i use to have that code in a button, and the keyboard event would lead to button1.performclick but now when putting the button code in the keyboard it adds the tags twice

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.net - Get Event Type In A Sub Handling Multiple Events?

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating a program using Visual Basic 2010 Express.

I want to make a Sub handling both MouseHover and MouseLeave events. Is this possible? And if possible, how do I differ between MouseHover event and MouseLeave event?

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Event Handler Does Not Catch Raised Events?

May 12, 2011

I have a test class with an implementation similar to this:

public class MyObject Public Event testEvent(ByVal duh As Boolean)
Public Sub New()
'some code here
End Sub


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Event Handles - Handling Multiple Events In A Sub

Dec 3, 2010

I had a question about handling multiple events in a sub, like this:

Private Sub Form1_MouseUpOrDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseUp, Me.MouseDown

'do something

End Sub

Once the sub is called, is there any way to tell which event called it? (Whether it was a MouseDown or a MouseUp event?) Right now, I am doing a work-around as follows... having each event call the same sub and pass the info in. But it would be nice to not have that overhead.

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
ExecuteMouseUpOrDown(EventTypes.MouseDown, sender, e)
End Sub


Don't use ACCESS, EXCEL, or a TEXT FILE as a database. If you want your program to use a "local database", without any of the hassle of setting up a MS SQL or MySQL server, just click this link: >>> SQLite <<<.

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Convert An Interface's Event To C#

Mar 24, 2010

I'm struggling to convert the below code to C#.

Class Class1
Implements IMyInterface
Public Event MyEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MyEventArgs) Implements IMyInterface.MyEvent


I'm sure I can find out what to replace the NotImplementedException parts with but VS is still telling me that the definition is not implemented anyway.

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.net - Error Exposing Event Through Interface?

May 19, 2010

I have this interface

Interface IProDataSource
Delegate Sub DstartingHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Event starting_Sinc As DstartingHandler


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Asp.net - Define Event Handlers In An Interface?

Nov 12, 2010

I am making an interface that has a number of events defined in it. When I implement the interface in a class the events will show up. I want to force a class that implements my interface to also have to make the event handlers too. I don't care where the class raises the event, but I want them to have to define what happens once the event is raised. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?

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Event Logic And Phidget Interface?

May 7, 2010

I have a Phidget Interface board that has 16 digital inputs. When I trigger an input it fires an event. The problem is that the event fires twice because it fires when the input goes high AND when the input goes back low. I just need it to trigger once per input state change (Input to high and input back to low = 1 button press There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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How To Raise Event In Mocked Interface

Jan 31, 2012

I'm trying to raise an event in a mocked interface. I can get this in C#, but for some pain-in-the-butt reason can't get it working in VB.Net. Hopefully I haven't missed the boat conceptually and all I'm missing is some syntax. This is similar to the code I'm working with:

Public Interface ISendable
Event SendMessage(message As String)
End Interface
Public Interface IPrintable
Sub PrintAnnouncement(announcement As String)
[Code] .....

How to complete or correct the line in my test class that begins "sendable.Raise..."? Maybe there is more setup I need to do, but the Moq site didn't seem to indicate this is the case.

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Implement An Event Defined In An Interface?

Jul 13, 2010

I defined the following interface:

Interface INewFileDetector
roperty PollIntervalMsec As Integer


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Implement An Event Interface Defined In A COM App?

Sep 21, 2011

I need to implement an event interface defined in a COM app so I can get events. I want to use System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer. In Adam Nathan's ".NET and COM", Adam shows some C# code that connects to an IE event set. There he does this:


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