.net - Generate A Receipt Number?

Aug 12, 2011

On Stack Overflow, I found the question Generate a receipt number in this range.In answers (from Adam Maras) I find this code (very interesting for me):

Private Const FirstReceiptNumber As String = "GA00000"
Public Function GenerateReceiptNumber(ByVal lastNumber As String) As String
If lastNumber.Length <> 7 Then


But show me error in GenerateReceiptNumber().ow do I use that code to give me a receipt number in TextBox1 when I open this form?The receipt number must be +1 next time with Form_Load.

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Generate Unique Receipt Number In Certain Range

Dec 21, 2009

How would I go about generating a unique receipt number in the following range:
GA00000-GZ99999? I am not allowed to use the 'I' and 'O' letters so GI00000-GI99999 & GO00000-GO99999 would be excluded. Ideally, I'd like to create this in T-SQL but can also do it in VB.Net. This number will be stored in SQL and I can access it prior to generating the next one. They do not have to be sequential.

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Generate Receipt File And Send To Printer?

Feb 21, 2009

generate receipt file and send to printer.

Here's i want to copy them as same sample receipt

My receipt has a Total Gas official receipt, customer number, station number, purchased, amount and charge

at the bottom of my receipt they have cashier and date..

View 18 Replies

VS 2010 Get Unique Number For Each Receipt Of Payment?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a database with 3 or more tables. Each Table have 3 or more columns. In one of tables, named "Persons" i have ID column, Name Column, Date Column etc.I like to select one record (opened with click in new Form Window)for printing and give to the person one or more receipt (bill).Every person take every month one receipt of payment.

But every time i like the number of receipt to be unique. For all persons in my table and all payments.

Every payment need to show somewhere in Form for check if person has pay the months before this month.

The start number format will be 00000000 or 00.000.000 or A000000 and next will be +1.

Ask for further explanation.[URL]...I know how to copy text from text box and paste it to file in specify place and print this file.

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Visual Studio - Give Unique Number In Each Receipt Of Payment In One Table Of Database?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a database, 3 or more tables and a one of them with 3 or more columns.In this table i have ID column, Name Column, Date Column etc.I like to select one record for printing and give to the person one or more Receipt of payment (bill).But every time i like the number of Receipt to be unique. For all persons in my table and all payment.

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Generate A Random Number And Then Display That Number?

Nov 2, 2009

is there a way to generate a random number and then display that number?

like for example i want to say "i got # - # pencils" or something like that

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Generate Serial Number (last Six Digit Number)

May 17, 2010

I want to generate a serial number in this format: INDDMMYY000001, INDDMMYY000002, INDDMMYY000003, ... I can generate INDDMMYY using following code: lblNoSiri.Text = "IN" + Date.Now.ToString("ddMMyy") However, I don't know how to generate the last six digit number. I only can generate number without zero in front of it. How to create the number with fix number of digit?

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Generates A Number 1-13 BUT Doesn't Ever Generate A Certain Number

Nov 29, 2009

Anyway, I'm primarily a web developer so I'm only really fluent in PHP and everything else it entails.For my assignments the examination board suggests Visual Basic, so I'm just needing a little help as I'm not too great at it yet. [code] How could I ensure it generates a number 1-13 BUT doesn't ever generate a certain number, e.g. generate a number 1-13 but NOT 7.

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Auto-generate Number In .net?

Jun 21, 2010

How can i auto generate number in vb.net

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Generate A Number In Program?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a code which generates next number after clicking the button NEW like if there is 1 in table while clicking NEW it displays 2. what i want is default im inserting 001 in table then after clicking NEW button it must show 002 instead it is showing 2 only.[code]...

View 1 Replies

Generate Next Number In Textbox?

Aug 22, 2009

I have a form with Textbox CustId. And a Label CurrentDate(22/08/09). I want that when a new customer comes the system must generate the next number automatically. the pattern of CustId is: CurrentDate + Number For example system should generate CustId like : 22080901,22080902. 22080903 where 220809 is the Current date

View 11 Replies

How To Generate A Sequence Number

Jul 7, 2011

i have to generate a sequence code for my project it should be 8 bytes acii value.[code]

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Way To Generate Sequential Number

Apr 21, 2010

How i would generate sequential number in vb.net.[code]...

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Possible To Generate One Without Build Number And Revision

Dec 5, 2008

While versioning a .NET 1.1 assembly using Visual Studio 2003, is it possible to generate one without build number and revision. I would want just the major and minor version.

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Auto-Generate Next Number In Textbox?

Mar 31, 2012

How to display the auto generate next number from sql server 2005 to vb.net 2005 textbox. This code below is not displaying any data in the textbox after retrieving the data from the database.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class NewConnection


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Generate A Unique Number From DB Tables

Oct 12, 2010

I once posted a question on generating a policy number by table ID and user selctions from comboboxes. [URL]FYI . I am doing my project in vb, that why i posted it here. I managed to do that when i choose a region and product from two different comboboxes i generate a number but now my problem is that whenever i click on the comboboxes a policy number is generated before i save the record, so if my previous nummber was 72100002 whenever i click on the product combobox i generate a number e.g if i click on it five times by the time i save the number would be 72100007. I am using a stored procedure for this. Is there another way of doing this or i might end up with my first record as 72100001 and my second record 72100006.


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Generate Auto Increment Number

Jun 22, 2010

im working with my thesis, to generate auto increment number. for example,when the form load for the first time it will appear transaction 1, and then next time i'll load the form it will be transaction 2, so on and so forth. i am using a VB.net and SQL server.

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Generate Auto-number The Sequence?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to generate autonumber the sequence is like this. From left to right, last two digit from Year, Month in numeric and the last three digit number be from 001 to 999. I tried with the below coding but the sequence is not coming correctly.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Generate ID With Extra Character / Number

Feb 29, 2012

Assuming that I am going to add new record. I use this function to generate the ID for the new record.

Public Function GetMax(ByVal strTable As String, ByVal strField As String) As Integer
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(gStrConnection)
Dim no As Integer
Dim str1 As String
[Code] .....

It returns 1. How can I modify this to make it 20120001 wherein the first 4 number (2012) will depends on the year today.

View 8 Replies

Generate Random Binary Number?

May 11, 2010

i'm beginer in this forum and new in vb6.how to generate random number in vb6?

is it posible to represent variable in binary?

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Generate Sequence Number In Textbox ?

Sep 28, 2010

I am working on student application form in vb.net. I designed a form with fields like firstname, Middlename, Lastname, age ,____,DOB,Education.Height and Weight. Back end as SQL Server 2005. I just want to generate sequence numbers in textbox using vb.net. While loading the form,i should generate number as '1' and second time,if the form gets loading it shows '2' and goes on...

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How To Generate Random Number (Integer 1 To 99)

Jun 4, 2012

I know there has to be a simple way to do this but I'm not sure how the syntax would go. I need to generate a random number from 1 to 99. How do I do this? I have my attempt that failed below:

Private Sub LoadBoard()
Dim mynum As Integer = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99)
Storage.Slot1 = mynum(Int(Rnd() * 10 Mod 99))
End Sub

View 11 Replies

How To Generate Student Number In VB 2008

Dec 29, 2011

how to generate student number in visual basic 2008 in this format. the year+date+in what number that the student is enrolled. example: 111201. where the year will change depend on the year that the student enrolled for the first time.

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How To Generate Unique Random Number

Aug 2, 2009

I have an application that is made for a game that you have to draw cards for. So what I have done is created a random number generator that generates a random number and then using case statements that number is associated with a picture of the card, which is displayed in a picture box. This part works fine. Each time I draw a card it is not reshuffled so I need to store the random number generated and then if that number is generated again ignore it an generate a new number.

Now to complicate matters even further when a certain card is drawn the entire deck is reshuffled and everything starts over again. Here is what I tried... I tried using arrays to store the numbers but I cannot seem to get it to search the array for the number or store the number properly within the array. The array has to be dynamic since the game is expandable and I will be adding more cards to the game in the future.

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IDE :: Auto-generate Number In A Texbox

Jun 11, 2010

How to autogenerate number in a texbox. in Visual Basic .NET 2005 and Using OLEDB I hv created 1 application in which there is one field in the database called "treatment ID"... and now i want to Autogenerate an ID in Incrementing Manner.

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IDE :: Generate Some Random Number With Alphabert?

May 13, 2010

i would like to generate some random number with some alphabert inside.

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Program To Generate A Random Name And Number And Then Put Them Together?

Sep 27, 2011

I was working on a pretty basic program to generate a random name and number and then put them together and submit into a form through webbrowser.The random number part is fine, but I'm having troubles trying to create a random word. Any directions on what to try?

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Random Number Generate (within Range)?

Nov 30, 2009

The object of this project is to write a computer program that will allow the computer to guess a number that you have selected. The computer will make a guess and you, the player, will tell the computer if it guessed too high, too low, or that it guessed the number.The program will also allow the player to start a new game or to exit the program. PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Create a form with a labeled box to display the computers guess.

2. Create a new game and an exit button.

3. Create objects to indicate if the guess was too high, too low, or right on target.

4. Create program code to respond to the player�s indication by selecting and displaying a new computer guess.

5. When the computer guesses the player�s number, reset the so that a new game may begin.

I have done all as above and so far my code looks like so

Public Class Form1
Dim Guess As New Random()
Dim HGuess As Integer, LGuess As Integer, current As Integer


The problem i ran into is that if for example a user has a number 24, when the program makes an initial guess of 50,i want to be able to click low, and the program should generate a lower number say example 22. If i then click higher as my actual number uis 24, the program should not shoot higher than a number it has previously guess incorrect (in this case 50) it should guess anywhere from 22 - 49 and in turn limit the range of the next consecutive guesses it till hits the right number. My code right is guessing as it shuold but not within the limited ranges.

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Textbox CustID - How To Generate Next Number

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form with Textbox CustId. And a Label CurrentDate, I want that when a new customer comes the system must generate the next number automatically. The pattern of CustId is:
CurrentDate + Number
For example system should generate CustId like :
22080901, 22080902. 22080903
Where 220809 is the Current date. How I can code for generation of these numbers.

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VS 2005 Generate Such Arry Number?

May 12, 2009

I want to generate such array number


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