.net - Replace The Asp.net MsgBox With Javascript Alert?

Nov 15, 2009

Protected Sub ListView1_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewCommandEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCommand
'...vwmr for view more; atcr for add to cart
Dim var As String = e.CommandArgument.ToString


i want to replace the asp.net MsgBox with javascript alert...how can i do that? the commented out lines are the once i have already tried out...the asp.net MsgBox does not work on client side after publishing the website.

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Javascript Alert Msg In Code Behind Asp.net 3.5?

Sep 26, 2009

How to use Java script alert msg in code behind? This message will be display after save the data.Here is my code,enter code here

Protected Sub Add_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Add.Click
'add new class
Dim DbClassMst = New ClassMst()


but is not working.

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Javascript - JQuery Alert When Bar Code Is Scanned

May 5, 2012

I want a web page that pops up a JavaScript alert when a bar code scan is done. I don't want to tie the event to any visible control such as a textbox so thus, I won't have focus on any control to capture the scan input. Can this be done with JQuery?

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Javascript - Response.Redirect AFTER Call To JS Alert Or Confirm?

Apr 13, 2011

I am working on a VB.NET web application. When someone successfully changes their password I want to show a popup message that lets them know it was changed successfully. After they click OK I want to redirect them to the main page. Code looks like this:

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "confirmScript", "ConfirmNewUser();", True)

Why does the redirect happen and the alert popup never displays?

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Javascript Msgbox If Statement?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a two JavaScript message boxs in an if statement which arent firing - the compiler just bypasses the code as if its not there. This exact same code works elsewhere when its outside the if statement.

If chk1.Checked And chk4.Checked Then
Dim message As String = "Invalid"
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()


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Javascript - How To Show Msgbox On Button Click Event

Jan 28, 2011

how to show msgbox on button click event if i have some disabled checkboxes and user forgot to check checkboxes. i m using asp.net Usercontrols How to show alert msgbox if user doesn't select atleast minimun 1 checkbox from asp.net checkboxes. if i have disabled some checkboxes on page load event then after user forgot to check checkboxes and click on button then still msgbox will popup "you haven't select checkboxes". to show msg box on button click event if i have disabled checkboxes and if user haven't select any of the checkbox [Code]

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Invalid Data Alert - Writing A Program That Has To Print An Alert Message In A Textbox?

Oct 3, 2010

I am writing a program that has to print an alert message in a textbox if the user inputs invalid data. Invalid data would be a negative number. The textbox is the same textbox as the result would be in provided they input valid data. Here is what I have but it will not print the alert.


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Replace String Inside Of Javascript On Page Loaded Into AxWebBrowser

Jan 26, 2009

I am using VB 2008 express and would like to know, If i can Replace a string inside of Javascript on page loaded into axWebBrowser so i can then execScript that function. The specific string i wish to replace is "_new" to "_self" this is so when i call the function it will load in the same page instead of popping into a new web browser. Also, is there a way I can just insert my own javascript function in the DOM as well?

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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to www.google.com, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to www.google.com

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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Msgbox Capabilities - Msgbox Cleared Without Having The User Do It Manually?

Nov 15, 2011

if its possible to have a msgbox cleared without having the user do it manually? what would be my best option here?

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MsgBox("") - Unable To Popup Msgbox If Count=0

Jun 22, 2010

I am unable to popup msgbox if count=0. It will work only if i use MsgBox(""). I am unable to understand how it has anything to do with msgbox("")

Private Sub txtstaffID_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtstaffID.TextChanged
Dim conn As SqlClient.SqlConnection


Both IF and Elseif code executes but the problem is the msgbox won't popup in both the cases( i.e when IF executes and when Elseif executes) unless and untill i have a msgbox("") before da.Fill(dt)

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Show The First MsgBox If The NewEntryName.text - Show The Second MsgBox If Openfiledialog1 = Nothing

Jun 17, 2012

If NewEntryName.Text = "" And OpenFileDialog1.FileName = Nothing Then MsgBox("Please choose a name for your game.", vbExclamation) MsgBox("Please find your game.", vbExclamation) Else Button1.Text = NewEntryName.Text game1 = True Panel1.Visible = False End If

I want it to show the first MsgBox if the NewEntryName.text = "" and I want it to show the second MsgBox if openfiledialog1 = nothing... how do I do it?

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String.replace - Replace The New Format YYYY-MM-DD Back To YYYYMMDD In The Code

May 5, 2009

The file reads in parameters and two of the parameters used to be in Date Format YYYYMMDD but will now permanently be in format YYYY-MM-DD. This change, I believe, is stopping the import of the file from working. I would like to replace the new format YYYY-MM-DD back to YYYYMMDD in the code. If possible I'd also like to see some output so I know that the old format has been replaced with the new format. The code is below. I added the two rows with .replace code in green in expecting that to be enough but it is still not working.

Sub Main()
Dim R1, O1, P1, C1, strDateFrom, strDateTo, strRunDate


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Replace Doesn't Replace / Formatting A Timespan For Display

Dec 8, 2008

I'm working on a timekeeping application in Visual Basic 2008 and am having trouble formatting a timespan for display. Here's how I want to the information:If a positive number my Label will be: lblTimespan.txt will show as "12 Hours And 15 Minutes" This works fine.If its a negative number I want to display it as "(12 Hours And 15 Minutes)'[ in red. The problem is that I can't get rid of the minus sign. [code] Thr Replace doesn't seem to want to replace the "-", can anyone suggest what to do?

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Use Find/Replace To Replace Arbitrary Text Per Line?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a bunch of object variables which are all initialised in their declarations such that:

Private _myObject As New ThisObject("SomeString")

where ThisObject is one of a number of object types, but all are initialised using a string.

I would like to use the Visual Studio Find/Replace dialog box to search for "As New" then replace everything from "As New" to the first set of speech marks with some text such that:


My original example could be solved using other methods. This example is more representative of the actual problem:

Private _myObjectA As New ThisObjectA("SomeString")
Private _myObjectLongName As New ThisObjectLongName("SomeString")


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VS 2008 - Regex Replace To Replace Double Quotes With Nothing?

Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to think of a regex replace to replace double quotes with nothing. Example:

hello("hi there") would become hello(hi there)

"hi" would become hi

"example "3" would become example "3

-edit Maybe an easier way to explain this is, replace all " that do not have a backslash before them.

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.net - ValidatorCalloutExtender Alert Box?

Dec 4, 2009

Is there any way to make a ValidatorCalloutExtender popup a standard alert box?

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Way To Create An Alert

Jan 4, 2011

How do i create an alert using DateTimePicker1 and MonthCalendar1?

There are two seperate forms. The main one, where the one opens from and the other one where you set the date/time. And how do you integrate the notification with NotifyIcon1?[url]...

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Forms :: Replace Comma With Regex.Replace?

Mar 10, 2009

I am trying to filter out all unwanted characters from a string. All I want in the string is letters A-Z, numbers 0-9 as well as comma (,) plus (+) and quotes (").I figured how to do the letters and numbers, but the 3 special characters are giving me a problem. I also tried with the Chr(34) equivelant for the " sign, but no luck, as and " or , messes up the way the code is read. Here�s what I have so far, but it only works for A-Z and 0-9:

STR = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(STR, "[^A-Z, 0-9, Chr(43) ]", "")

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Replace Occurrences Of ALL Characters And Replace Them With A Specified Character?

Mar 6, 2010

How can I specify in my string that I want to replace occurrences of ALL characters and replace them with a specified character? Something like this:

'assuming currentWord is a string that contains any word
_myWord = CurrentWord.Replace("a-z,A-Z", "*")

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Using Replace Function To Replace A Character In The File?

Jul 7, 2011

I am using replace function to replace a character in the file

sw.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(strLine, "\", Chr(13)))

This code is working fine, but now I want to replace two times and I want to use the replace function twice. Something like this, but it is not working . Can anyone tell me how to use Replace function multiple times?

sw.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(strLine, "\", Chr(13)).Replace(strLine, Chr(13), ""))

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Alert The User For New Messages?

Aug 21, 2011

I am implementing a chat client in an application. Conversation windows are tabbed and I have to alert the user for new messages. My temporary solution was like this:

There is a timer with 500ms interval ( always running ).

For Each t In SuperTabControl3.Tabs
If TypeOf t Is SuperTabItem Then
If t.Tag = "1" Then


Will this cause performance issues? I have no possibility to try on an older computer but they will use this application on slow pc's.

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Expiration Alert Project .net?

Feb 20, 2011

any scratch program that i can review to make an expiration alert.. im going to make a inventory of products with expiration date and then.. if the date that i putted on their expiration date the product will be automatically viewed on the Expired Product Form..

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Script Alert Not Popping Up

Jul 26, 2011

When clicking a hyperlink it goes to the booking page. On page load of the booking page I have this[code]...

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Show Alert After Postback?

Sep 25, 2011

I have a button which calls stored procedure and binds gridview.I found a code on stackoverflow for top alert bar like this:


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Alert Triggered Based On Parameter ?

Oct 15, 2011

My problem is, I have set the parameter to be 150 in the database. and the alert triggered should refer to the parameter value. if the calculation result exceeds the parameter value, it will turn the box to red colour. however, i notice that it only compares the first three number. for example, if the calculation result is 1778.99 it will turn the box red because its first three digit is more than 150. but if the calculation result is 10234.90, it does not trigger the alert. i assume it only takes the first three digit.

Here is the code for this part;

Dim total1 As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("total1"), Label)
total1.Text = e.Item.DataItem("inventories").ToString * 365 / e.Item.DataItem("operating_cost").ToString


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Alert User A Month Before Due Date?

Jun 25, 2010

i'm currently using VB.net 2005 with an Oracle 10g db.1. Alert the Admin by displaying on the main page a list of users who are due for re-certification if there are any. - I've managed to do this except my date calculation for the alert is wrong. When a user is certified say on 25-06-2010, they will be up for re-certification in 25-06-2011. I need my program to start alerting the Admin a MONTH before the user is due for re-certification. So basically start the alert on 25-05-2011.Currently this is my logic in VB.

Reason = Get value in Reason field (If this field is not empty, then don't raise alert for this record)
Renewal = Get the re-certification date
Sysdate = Get current system date


Alert the Admin via email - I've managed to create an email (stored procedure in Oracle) that contains the skeleton. I say skeleton because althought the mail executes fine, I've not managed yet to include the list of users due from the db. I created a Curser and dumped my results in there, but not sure what to do after that.

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Display Alert When Timer Reaches XX:XX

Apr 14, 2011

What I am trying to accomplish is to display a msgbox when my timer reaches 10 minutes. Here is the code I have for my timer:

Public Class Form1
Private stopwatch As New Stopwatch
Private Sub yButton2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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False Virus Alert On My Program?

Feb 11, 2012

I've got an interesting situation. Norton Anti-Virus, on a friend's computer, has flagged my program as a virus and I have no idea why. I'll post the code here so maybe someone can tell me why?


Norton is claiming it is a WS.Reputation 1, what ever that is? (I had to remove the main page coding because it made the post too long and they wouldn't allow that many words.)

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How To Display An Alert Message In A Web Page

Jun 8, 2011

i am designing sites in sharepoint 2010 and i need to use the javascript in vb.net and how to display an alert message in a web page using vb.net!?!

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