Javascript Alert Msg In Code Behind 3.5?

Sep 26, 2009

How to use Java script alert msg in code behind? This message will be display after save the data.Here is my code,enter code here

Protected Sub Add_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Add.Click
'add new class
Dim DbClassMst = New ClassMst()


but is not working.

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Javascript - JQuery Alert When Bar Code Is Scanned

May 5, 2012

I want a web page that pops up a JavaScript alert when a bar code scan is done. I don't want to tie the event to any visible control such as a textbox so thus, I won't have focus on any control to capture the scan input. Can this be done with JQuery?

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.net - Replace The MsgBox With Javascript Alert?

Nov 15, 2009

Protected Sub ListView1_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewCommandEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCommand
'...vwmr for view more; atcr for add to cart
Dim var As String = e.CommandArgument.ToString


i want to replace the MsgBox with javascript can i do that? the commented out lines are the once i have already tried out...the MsgBox does not work on client side after publishing the website.

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Javascript - Response.Redirect AFTER Call To JS Alert Or Confirm?

Apr 13, 2011

I am working on a VB.NET web application. When someone successfully changes their password I want to show a popup message that lets them know it was changed successfully. After they click OK I want to redirect them to the main page. Code looks like this:

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "confirmScript", "ConfirmNewUser();", True)

Why does the redirect happen and the alert popup never displays?

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Invalid Data Alert - Writing A Program That Has To Print An Alert Message In A Textbox?

Oct 3, 2010

I am writing a program that has to print an alert message in a textbox if the user inputs invalid data. Invalid data would be a negative number. The textbox is the same textbox as the result would be in provided they input valid data. Here is what I have but it will not print the alert.


View 7 Replies - Write/code Javascript(mouseover Event) Using C# Methods/ C# Code?

Jan 24, 2011

i am asking that can i use c# language to implement "actions" fired on "click side events" such as mouse over the reason for this stupid question is that i remember some syntax of registering functions for particular events of formview, which are call when the event occurs (yes there ispostback involved" is something like the above possible for client side events using c# or even

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label3.Text = "this is label three";


View 3 Replies - Call Javascript From Code Behind?

Oct 6, 2011

How can I call a javascript function from code behind?The most popular response is "ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript" however, that does not work in my situation. I have a vb class that is doing a database check to see if a record exists. If exists, then call a javascript function to display an alert("Record exists") So I am doing something like

Dim strMessage as string = "javascript:RecordExists('Param');"

How do I call this function from my class?

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Calling Javascript From Code-Behind!

Aug 16, 2011

I have to call a Javascript function that takes 2 parameters and opens a new window. I need to call this function from VB.Net code-behind and I'm not sure how to do this. I can't find any examples of how this is done. Anyone have any ideas?

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Javascript - ASP.NET (using .NET For Code Behind) Frames?

Aug 23, 2011

I am using frames for my web application.Description

(1)Left Frame with a list of buttons (clicking them opens a web page in the right frame)

(2)Right Frame, opens the web page passed by the left frame.

Problem: Button click works perfectly in Internet Explorer 8.0 on production machine, Windows XP, 32 bit.Button click event doesn't open anything in the right frame, just remains as it is, in Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9.0

Intial code that loads the frames

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="frmMain.aspx.vb" Inherits="XYZ" smartNavigation="True"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"">
<html xmlns="">


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Reading Code From Javascript

Oct 25, 2009

i need to call a vb code in my aspx.vb from my javascript. How can i do that? I need an example.

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Javascript Code Constantly Changes And The Url Itself Will Change ?

Sep 13, 2010

I have built a web browser and my new window function is working great, it allows me to open popups that use normal https links without a hassle. But I am having some problems when the links contain java code (like the one below:


The reason why this operation fails because the string that is being passed to the Navigate method is not an actual URL.It is apiece of Javascript code which needs Javascript engine to process it firstly. Apparently, Webbrowser.Navigate() does not have this functionality,so it fails. If you simply put the string in IE�s address bar and press enter, IE will also not able to open it. The reason why it does work if you access the HTML page in IE and click the hype link is because this will make IE to use Javascript engine to process the code.

Since the API(Webbrowser.Navigate) does not have the functionality to process Javascript code,build up my own code to process the string which you get by using the GetAttribute method. The code reads the string and finds the actual URL and passes it to the Navigate method.

The only problem is that the javascript code constantly changes (varies upon what link is opening) and the url itself will change depending on what the link is linking to! Below is the code that I use at the moment to get the full link .finding the actual URL in the javascript even with the javascript differing from link to link).

Dim myElement As HtmlElement = CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Document.ActiveElement
Dim address As String = myElement.GetAttribute("href")

View 4 Replies - Access Variable From Code Behind Via Javascript

Apr 26, 2010

I have the following code that I want to return to a variable "t" in javascript:

Code behind:

Public Shared Function GetSomeText() As String
Dim result = "This is from code behind"
Return result


So, how can I make variable "t" get the "result" from Function GetSomeText from code-behind?

View 2 Replies - Perform Code-behind Function / Sub From Javascript

Jun 11, 2012

In my project, there are 3 user controls; BasicContact, BasicDetail and ActionTime. They are in EditOrder.aspx page. There is "ReportDate" property (Date type) in BasicContact, RadioButtonList "rdl_Priority" (with integer value from "prio_id" field) in BasicDetail and "CheckDate" property in ActionTime. The ReportDate value is derived from txt_ReportDate and txt_ReportTime and CheckDate value is derived from txt_CheckDate and txt_CheckTime.


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ASP.Net VB Call JavaScript Function From Code Behind?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a function that is responsible for populating an SSRS report. The user presses a button and I go out and check to see if there is data. If no data, I provide a NO DATA message. If there is data I call the SSRS report which I would like to open in a new window.

<script type="text/javascript">
function openWindow(url) {
document.forms[0].target = "_blank";

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How To Use A Javascript Onclick Event Using Code

Oct 7, 2009

I am building a program with the Webbrowser control that goes onto a website, on the website i have a div with a javascript onclick event that I want to 'activate' or be clicked. The when the div is clicked( the class of the div makes the div seem like a picture) a form above the div is submitted. I want to do this with VB code but the problem is thata) im not very experienced in VBb)the div only contains the following code

<div class="class1" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById(form2).submit();"></div>

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Making Browser Do A Javascript Code

Jan 13, 2010

How do I make my WebBrowser one do this code?

View 2 Replies - Prevent Firing The Code-behind Event From JavaScript?

Jul 22, 2011

I would like this ASP button control to stop calling its event handler when the JavaScript client method IsCorrectPrice() returns false.

<asp:Button ID="btnsubmit" runat="server"
Text="Submit" OnClientClick="javascript:IsCorrectPrice()"/>
btnsubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnsubmit.Click

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Converting Javascript Code To Visual Basic?

May 4, 2009

I�ve tried a verity of different things but I can�t seem to find something that works so I thought I would Ask here, if This is the wrong place then Sorry If you could point me to the correct place the I would Post there. Now I have this JavaScript code that I want to get working in a VB.Net Client side application?

function send_request() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();


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Execute Javascript Code In Specific Browser?

Jul 28, 2011

Ok I have a code which will detect whether a browser is running.(Here iexplorer, chrome and firefox)

When someone presses a button, i would like the program to execute a javascript code in the browser selected..I have no idea how this can be acheived

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Javascript - Accessing HTML Checkbox In Code Behind?

Nov 6, 2011

I have a HTML checkbox which will perform a simple validation on another textbox, so the textbox will only be enabled if the checkbox is checked, but I also want to access this checkbox control in code behind to check and uncheck it. I don't think I can use the runat="server" because on the onClick event which will cause ('<%=uitxtVouTypeRedeemValue.ClientID%>') to be output as plain text.

<input type="checkbox"
onclick="document.getElementById('<%=uitxtVouTypeRedeemValue.ClientID%>').disabled =(this.checked)?0:1" id="uichkVouTypeRedeemable" />

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Javascript - ASP.Net Modal Page Code Behind Not Firing

Sep 6, 2011

I have an app that launches a modal window upon button_click event. That modal window launches another modal window upon another button_click event.

However, the final modal window's "Page_Load" event is not firing.

The second modal winodw is called via a javascript call from code behind Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "Script", "ShowModalWin('brPreview','brPreview')", True)

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Javascript - Call A Code-behind Function With Ajax?

May 19, 2012

Searched a bit, couldn't find a clear answer.I have a big HTML table with numbers in it. I have a selector (radiobuttonlist) that the user can click if he wants to see the table in $ or days.Right now it works perfectly but the page refreshes because i'm calling a code-behind function (RefreshTable) everytime the user clicks on one of the two radiobutton since it changes the format and needs new calculation done by the RefreshTable function

. Is there any ways I can call that function without refreshing the page using ajax or something ?
The function has only one parameter : ProjectID, it's coded in VB.NET and we're using ASP.NET

Here's the table code from the .ASPX page, it's only the shell, everything is added thru a VB.NET method called when the RadioButton is changed (autopostback=true), so we check wich one is selected and execute the VB.NET method to populate the table. (code of the function is below)


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Passing JavaScript Array Of Long To Code Behind?

Sep 7, 2009

I have returned object from signature device and when i make quick watch on it, it told me that its an array of long and when i pass it to web method in my code behind ( it gives me nothing. note: i'm using an activeX to capture the signature from the device.

this is javascript code :

function OnSave() {
var sign = document.FORM1.SigPlus1.SignatureString;

this is my webmethod:

<WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function Save(ByVal obj As Object) As String
Dim obj1 As New PFSIGNATURELib.SigniShellSignature


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Send Parameters To Method From JavaScript Code?

Sep 3, 2009

I have method and i call it from JS code i can't send parameter to this method and here is sample:[code]

View 5 Replies - Pass Parameter As Text To JavaScript Function From .NET Code-behind

Mar 23, 2010

Basically, I have a gridview that is opened in a new window from the parent window. It has a bunch of records with a view button to view the details of each record (which stays in the same newly opened window). I have a calendar in the parent window that accepts a Date querystring parameter to set the current date on the calendar at page load. I'm just trying to refresh the calendar in the parent window to match the date of the label in the newly opened window.

All the code below is in the newly opened window. The .Net code-behind below refers to when that view button is clicked and everything is populated. At the end, I call the js to refresh the parent window and pass the value of the LabelScheduleDate as the querystring parameter. Now the label comes through as '03/25/2010' in the code-behind, but when I pass it to the js, it comes through as '0.00005970149253731343' in the end querystring. I'm not really sure what is making the value change, and I want to pass it as just text. Do I need to pass it as a string object? I tried but I don't think I was doing it right.

JavaScript Function
function RefreshParent(inputDate) {
window.opener.location = window.opener.location + "?Date=" + inputDate;


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Call Back To The Code Behind Method Using Javascript (properly)?

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to call back to a code behind method using Javascript and it seems like the only way to do so is using the Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock() don't need to return any data back to the calling javascript function.

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Grid View Checkbox And Javascript Not Informing Server Side Code

May 6, 2011

I've got a gridview and inside of the grid view I have a check box at the header of the grid view like so: [Code] This gives me a nice little check box at the top of the grid view, the event OnCheckedChanged calls a function called SelectAllRows that looks like this: [Code] So if I click this header checkbox it checks all of the items in the gridview, and if I uncheck it, it unchecks all the items in the gridview. This works fine...but what doesn't seem to work is if the page loads up and I check the grid view header checkbox to true and it selects all the items in the gridview, then i click a button such as a DELETE button that calls some server side code. That code simply loops through the grid view and checks if the checkbox has been checked, if it is it calls code to delete an item.

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C# - Send An Object From Client-side Javascript To Server-side Code Via ASP.NET?

May 23, 2011

Can I send an object from client-side javascript to server-side code via ASP.NET ?

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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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.net - ValidatorCalloutExtender Alert Box?

Dec 4, 2009

Is there any way to make a ValidatorCalloutExtender popup a standard alert box?

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