.net - Send Keystrokes Only To The Form And Not Other Window?

Mar 13, 2011

How do I make the form send keystrokes such as Tab, Enter, Left Arrow etc to itself without interfering with other programs? If I use the SendKeys.Send method, it would send it to whatever window is opened. Is there a way to only work with the form? Very quick random example: Let's say I have 5 textBoxs and I click the 'Tab' button 5 times. What would happen ?

It would change the focus from one textbox to another right? Can I make this happen automatically ... like make it happen in the background and only to the form itself. So If I'm typing something on Notepad, I don't want to receive those 5 tabs. By the way I know I can use this code to change the fofucs, but remember its only an example.


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How To Send Keystrokes To Specific Window

Dec 19, 2008

In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, how would I send keystrokes to a specific window. Right now, I just keep the window I want on top and use sendkeys.send("{enter}"). The window that I want to send keystrokes to is my applications window.

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Send Keystrokes To An Unfocused Window?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm trying to send the keys "ABC" and "Enter" to Notepad when I press a button. I've been reading forever on Hooks, "SendKeys" functions, but I can't figure it out. I don't think I need to use a hook, because I'm not making a hotkey or anything, I'm just pressing a button and sending the keystrokes to a window when it's not focused.

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Send Mouseclicks / Keystrokes Into Minimized Window?

Mar 3, 2009

I know how to send mouse clicks and keystrokes into an application when it is open and active, but this particular application the task is very repetitive and can be done with a script of sorts. What i want is how do i make a program to be able to send inputs (key clicks) into the application when it is minimized (the application minimized that is). doing this minimized would then allow me to do other more important things whilst the vb program is sending instructions into the other app.[code]...

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Cannot Send Keystrokes Via Sendkeys

Mar 25, 2009

Dim NotePadProcess As Process = New Process()
NotePadProcess .StartInfo.FileName = "notepad"
NotePadProcess .StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal


I am trying to send some keys to a program that I launched, but every time i send the keys focus is not on the program and the keys are sent to the wrong program. Is there a better way to send keys to a program or a way to set focus on a certain program?

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Send Keystrokes In Program?

Jan 23, 2010

How to send keystrokes in v.net automatically ..

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Send Keystrokes To A Different Application?

Jul 26, 2009

I am using visual basic code, specifically the sendkeys.send method, to send keystrokes to a different application, in my case Acrobat Reader. Here is my problem. I am sending instructions and text to define a path to a file I want to open in Acrobat Reader. Every keystroke is being sent and interpreted in Reader correctly except the Colon. This is the line of code I am using:Sendkeys.send("C:")

I have tried every variation of this simple line of code I can think of, but the result is the same. Reader for some reason wants to interpret the Colon as Uppercase Q, so what I get is CQ. This of course totally messes up my path to the file I want to open.Sendkeys. sendwait("C:") Behaves the same

I understand there are timing issus with this method so I have added code to my app.config file suggested in this forum for taking care of the timing issue. I have also inserted delays into the execution of the program steps. Nothing I have done solves this problem.I wonder if anyone else has experienced this or a similar problem and if so what was done to correct it.

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Send Keystrokes To A Serial Port?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to send a ctrl-x keystroke to COM2 and I ahve to code to open the port and read and write but when I tried to send Chr(Keys.ControlKey + Keys.X) it did not work

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Send Keystrokes To An Instance Of Webbrowser

Aug 16, 2010

I cannot seem to wrap my head around the SendMessage function/method. What I am trying to do is send keystrokes to an instance of webbrowser1 within my vb.net application. Can someone give me a decent example of the code I would need to create to process this using the keystrokes below.


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Send Keystrokes To Background Application?

Jul 20, 2010

how to send keystrokes to an application that does not have focus and is not selected. i have read about sendmessage, but am not sure how to use it or anything, not even sure if its what i need.i dont need to send anything but normal character keystrokes?im using VS 2008?

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VS 2010 Send Keystrokes To Other Apps?

Jan 27, 2011

i am making an app for my media server, but now i ran into a little problem. Once i press pause on my app, i want it to pause my VLC player. One way is to press Space bar in VLC. Is there any way to send the Space bar key to VLC? (or is this not possible in VB.net, If not: witch coding language should i use?)

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Sending Keystrokes To Inactive Window

Oct 24, 2010

I'm sending keystrokes to in inactive window. And I got that all good.

But now on my program there is a textbox pass, and I want to get that text, and send it threw postmessage. But It doesn't seem to work.

Dim pass As String
pass = textbox1.text
PostMessage(windowHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, pass, 0)

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VB Sending Keystrokes To A Minimized Window/app?

Apr 26, 2012

im a complet noob in vb . i have been trying to figure out how to send keystrokes back to my own application , while minimized/ Or focused on an other window.i think i need to use PostMessageA . i read about it on forums. But its like chinese for me.my goal is to run these little programs by the 100's on 1 pc. and they just press a key in their own application , over and over.i was thinking something like this

Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_CHAR As Long = &H102
PostMessage("notepad", WM_CHAR, "T", 1)

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Detect Keystrokes And Send Mouse Clicks

May 31, 2007

i'm trying to build a application for my buddy who plays online games and has asked for a simple program to click the mouse button within his game that he plays for a certain amount of time with a certain duration between. my questions comes ( and i searched but didnt find much useful information for .net framework anyway) about how to detect a combination of keystrokes to start an action and further more to send a click event to the game that should be main focus. i'd also appreciate any tutorials on sending information to other forms controls etc.
thank you for any help

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Send Keystrokes To A Computer If A Button Is Pressed?

Mar 10, 2012

I wrote program that will send keystrokes to a computer if a button is pressed. The button is wired to a db9 connector and plugged into the pc. The program works, except I can not figure out how to detect if the cable gets unplugged. I am monitoring the CD pin change event to send keystrokes, but if the cable is not plugged in then I need it to send a messagebox.

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Keystrokes In Winforms App Causing Window To Close Unexpectedly

Apr 1, 2010

Whenever I enter text, even a single character, into a textbox in any Form in my application it causes the form and its parent to close. I've checked for the following so far:

Errant/mis-assigned event handlers that may be interpreting a keystroke as a Form cancel I am using keypreview in several windows but debugging shows this to not be a cause Happens in any form of the application Happens even with brand new text boxes dropped on the form Tried removing the WithEvents declaration from text box declarations (VB.NET)

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VS 2008 Window Form Application - How To Send Data Over Internet

Jun 2, 2011

I got a window form, and I want to send data to another computer or a server over internet after the submit button is clicked. Yes, this is a very "general" question (I cant not ask it in more detail), because I don't have any information how to do that, I google it, and I heard WCF, but I am not sure how it actually can do this job (seem like WCF is related, but still researching).

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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VS 2008 Send Mouse Click's & Send Key's To Minimized Window?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a filter that is used to populate a grid view and the url will conain: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

It will then have a link to page 2, which allows them to edit something.I then want them to click a link that will send them back to the gridview under the same parameters of: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

Is this possible? How do I hold on and fill in the URL values so it knows how to refill the grid view accordingly?

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Setup A Form Using VB That Will Take Information And Send It To The Server And Then Send A Recipient An Email?

May 28, 2009

Are there any good books out there that will show someone how to set up a form using Visual basic that will take information and send it to the server and then send a recipient an Email?

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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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How To Send A Key To A Minimized Window

Feb 26, 2011

But i have a problem so i want to Send one key to a minimized form if u know what i mean like running it in the background its the key "F5" that i want to send. It works if the window is focused but as soon as i start my internet it refreshs the sites there and not where it was ment to b

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Send A Keystroke To A Window?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying to send a keystroke to a window (of an external executable) but am having problems.

If I launch the exe with a window I can successfully send it a "q" (in order to make it exit) using the follow:

1) AppActivate and SendKeys

2) SendMessage API using WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP

3) AppActivate and keybd_event or SetForegroundWindow and keybd_event

However, if I launch it without a window, obviously method 1) does not work as SendKeys only work on applications with visible windows, but I thought that method 2) would work. However, it doesn't. Also, using method 3) with SetForegroundWindow as this seems to only work with visible windows, which is not really a surprise I guess, given the name.

Another method I have tried, which won't work is using the RedirectStandardInput - I have this working correctly, but the application is looking for keyboard events, not writes to its StandardInput stream, so this doesn't have any effect.

Finally, I have tried using SendMessage and FindWindowEx, and TranslateMessage, to find any child windows or controls that should be receiving the messages, rather than the main window. However, no child windows or controls are found, and I wouldn't have thought this would be the solution given that, if the window is present, the main window receives the message as it should.

So, I have confirmed that the messages are going to the correct window, as they arrive as they should when the application is launched with a window, but I cannot get the application to receive the message when it is window-less. The solution doesn't have to involve messages, or even be particularly robust, but this is what I have tried so far (all the obvious stuff!)

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Send Keys To A Window?

Jun 11, 2011

I am trying to code a program to send keys to a certain window.

For example, in notepad I want the program to write "test" over and over again, in the notepad window. However, I do not want this window to be an active window. Is it possible to make it send keys through a background method?

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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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Send The Text To The Active Window?

Mar 23, 2010

Want to send the text from my current vb application to the Active Window and that text should be displayed in the text area of the active window.

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Hold And Send Key To Another Window In Focus?

Jun 30, 2010

I need to have a VB form that runs out of focus behind another program. When I press "A" (I'll use "A" and "B" as my example keys), "B" is then sent to the program in focus from the VB form and held until "A" is pressed again.

I've worked out how to get it to repeat a key press hundreds of times but I need it to HOLD the key, rather than to just Press and De-press countless times.Here's the piece of code which repeats the letter "A" 100 times:

Dim Index As Integer 'My count variable
For Index = 1 To 100 'Count from 1 to 100


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How To Send A Message To Parent Window

May 2, 2012

How to send a message to parent window in VB .Net?In my VB .Net application, there are a few windows which pop up in order.Main form starts form1, form1 starts form2, and form2 starts form3.In form3, I have a button which calls "Jump to Main". Once I click this button,I want to it to close

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Send A Keystroke To An Application With No Window?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm trying to send a single keystroke to an application that has no window (because I have launched it with StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True) and therefore I can't use SendKeys. I had a look at SendMessage but this doesn't seem to be quite right as the programme I'm sending it to doesn't process message queues.I would usually use the StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput property and send it via a StreamWriter but this doesn't not work as the application it is being sent to is looking for actual keyboard keystrokes, rather than pulling info from StandardInput (an old C++ programme using getch). Anyone have any ideas how to send a keystoke to an application with no window (FYI I don't need anything back from it, I don't need to wait until it's processed, and I only need to send one letter and no carriage returns or linefeeds, though these wouldn't hurt)

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