"please Wait" Dialog That Resumes Execution?

Oct 26, 2011

I have an application that takes a long time processing information on a datagridview. So, I was thinking on a "please wait" dialog, with a progress bar in it.


- I want it to behave like a ".showDialog" that prevents users to access the main form.

- But it shouldn't stop the code execution.

I tried to create a new thread to show the dialog, but this way it will not "lock" the main form... I want it to be always on top and focused, while open.

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Forms :: Pausing A Running While Loop And Wait For Certain Button Until The Looping Resumes?

May 17, 2010

I'd like to make a simple program where my form consists of a textbox and a button. Here's the ide in a nutshell:in form1_load I invoke the sub:

private Sub LoopingLesson()
dim i as integer=1
while true


what I want is when i hits certain value, like let's just say i is divisible by 365, then the 'while' looping will stop, and a message box saying "target reached" appear. then after I click button1, the looping will resume until it reaches the next number divisible by 365, and so on.

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Make Execution To Wait For A Mouse Event And Then Continue

Oct 13, 2010

I have code that just runs and runs, and I'd like it to stop and take a rest. I want execution to wait for a mouse event and then continue. I can't just put the code to be executed after the event directly into the Click handler, because many different sections of code need to stop and wait for the event. I'd like the code to stop, wait for the Click event, then continue. I tried the test code below, but it pretty much hangs the program during the Do Until loop; I can't even press Button2. [Code]

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Wait/suspend Execution For A Certain Amout Of Time Without Hanging The Main UI Thread?

Dec 31, 2010

Is it possible to wait/suspend execution for a certain amout of time without hanging the main UI thread?

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How To Create A Wait Dialog

Sep 3, 2009

I designed a application on vb.net 2005. Some of the forms in this application has databindings controls. Now when such forms loads it takes some time. I want a splash screen or wait dialog containg "Please wait" message to appear till the form loads and the wait splash screen would be shown for every several forms in the application not only before the start up form.

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Halt All Other Execution While Modal Dialog Box Is Showing?

Oct 22, 2009

I'm currently trapping all unhandled exceptions in my VB.net app to apply logging,but I still want to be able to halt and/or stop app.while displaying a dialogbox similar to the builtin unhandled exception dialogbox, where app. seems to stop to a grind until user presses continue.I think I perhaps need to start the dialogbox as part of another application, but I don't know if I'm able to halt the erroneous app.

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C# - Wait For Modeless Dialog To Close?

Apr 19, 2012

In form I have one button which has functionality to pick up some data from (by mouse click) Parent application.

I have handle for parent application handle, but even if i tried to bring it on top i am not able to do selection because form is modal.

Requirement here is open modeless dialog and wait till it close. other wise it goes further and executes functionality below.

Another option can be open form as modal and at runtime change it to modaless.

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Forms :: How To Create Dialog (Loading Data Please Wait)

Jun 13, 2007

My Startup form open very slow. How can I show a wait screen while Initialize Component. Then close this wait screen and show my Form.
You can see my attached image.

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Forms :: How To Show A Wait Dialog Or Splash Screen

Sep 2, 2009

I designed a application on vb.net 2005. Some of the forms in this application has databindings controls. Now when such forms loads it takes some time. I want a splash screen containg "Please wait" message to appear till the form loads and the wait splash screen would be shown for every several forms in the application not only before the start up form.

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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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Get The 'Progress' Dialog To Display Immediately After The 'Install Icon' Dialog Disappears?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a simple desktop application that uses a .NET setup project (.msi file) to perform the installation. On the first installation, everything proceeds in a timely fashion with good feedback for the user.The problem occurs when the user is installing the latest version of the application over an old version on their machine.There is an unacceptably long delay of about 60 to 180 seconds from the time the installer's 'Welcome' dialog [It's not the Welcome dialog, I've removed that from the Start section of the setup project and replaced it with a CheckBox dialog to ask if the user wants a shortcut on the desktop] disappears until the 'Progress' dialog appears. The user sees minute(s) of blank screen and thinks the install has stopped or failed.

In the setup project properties, I've got the 'DetectNewerInstalledVersion' and 'RemovePreviousVersions' properties set to true. So, I believe that while nothing appears to be happening, the installer is actually removing the old version. The 'Progress' dialog does not appear until the new version begins installation.I've been trying to either:

a) Get the 'Progress' dialog to display immediately after the 'Install Icon' dialog disappears

b) Show another dialog while the Uninstall is running to let the user know that the setup is still running and everything is OK.

I have been unsuccessful with both methods. I'm using VS 2008 SP1?

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Custom DialogResults - Create New Dialog Results For Dialog Forms?

Nov 11, 2009

Can I create new dialog results for my dialog forms? And then use them with Form.ShowDialog method?

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Forms :: Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Passing Information Between Forms/dialogs (Form -> Dialog -> Dialog)?

Dec 22, 2009

I often use the process of displaying a dialog from a form, with the dialog user input then used to update the main form without any problem. In a new scenerio I launch the main application screen, I then show a login dialog ontop of the main app screen and can launch another dialog from the login if a new user is required. The plan is to update the login dialog (updating a combobox to reflect the addition of a new user) from the new user dialog.

See code below :-

'Update login forms user list as new user added successfully
frmRoomBookingLogin.cboLogin.DataSource = Nothing
frmRoomBookingLogin.txtPassword.Text = "Updating password from dialog"
MessageBox.Show("The password text is " & frmRoomBookingLogin.txtPassword.Text)


The messagebox implies the dialog has been updated yet the text does not change. Is it possible to update the dialog when using a setup such as Form -> dialog -> dialog? I'm intrigued as why the dialog does not reflect changes. I have never refreshed/repainted the dialog as never required to in my other examples when updating a form from a dialog and never encountered a problem when using a two tier form setup.

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How To Use A File Opener Dialog And A Folder Browser Dialog

Jan 27, 2010

I have an assignment due this week in which I have to make a app that has 5 buttons and a picture box. When each button is clicked it has to show the corresponding picture in the picture box, the fifth button closes the app.

I have the whole form set up the way it should be, but I have no idea how to write the code to make the buttons display the images and close the app.I have the images in a folder within the project folders.

I have yet to be able to find one, the one I found should how to do it using a file opener dialog and a folder browser dialog but that is not what I think my prof wants us to do, as that is more for a picture viewer app that lets the user choose the file of the image they want ot view.

All i want is for the buttons to be linked to specific photos that are part of the application itself and have them open.

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Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Dialog OK Button Sometimes Returns Dialog Cancel?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a Dialog that is basically a confirmation dialog on some SQL statements. After the dialog I have an if statement: If frmRelease.ShowDialog() <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel then.My buttons are set as DialogResult = OK and DialogResult = Cancel respectively on the dialog form.

For some reason, sometimes my button set to DialogResult = OK is returning me a DialogResult.Cancel, and causing me to skip a block of cleanup code.

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Don't Show Any Dialog, Or Detect The Dialog Using The Dll Name

Jun 3, 2009

I'm using a DLL in vb.net 2005, and this dll show a messagebox with OK option. I would like to close this Messagebox by code.

I was investigating to use SetWindowsHookEx, but I can not detect it. Is it possible to don't show any dialog, or detect the dialog using the dll name?

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Forms :: Opening A Dialog From Another Dialog

May 29, 2009

I have a dialog which opens another dialog. The problem is that the second dialog opens behind the first. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I tried bringtofront with no success.

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Compilation And Execution

Nov 12, 2011

read the COMPLETE email before giving me instructions.I say that because it seams like who ever is responding is only reading part of the email and responding.I have followed your instrutions and I still can not get myhello.vb to compile.

Both vbc.exe and mylello.vb is in the same folder c:program files

"C:Program Filesvbc.exe myhello.vb"

You stated that I should run command prompt as administrator and tye the same command as you do. what (as administrator) is. Please walk me through the complete process. Please do not tell me to run the command prompt as administrator because I do not know what that mean.I can not speak to my administrator. Also I attempting to compile a sample VB that came with the software, so using Visual Studio is not the solution.

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Deferred Execution In .NET?

Jan 26, 2011

Private Sub LoadData(Of T)(ByVal query As ObjectQuery(Of T),
ByRef result As IEnumerable(Of T))
If Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
result = query.ToArray
AddHandler Connection.StateChange,


In the above code I am trying to recurse the LoadData function when the connection is unavailable, I want to defer the loading to when it becomes available. The problem is the above code leads to a compiler error, since a ByRef param cannot be used in lambda expressions.

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DOS Command Execution Within .NET?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a simple dos command, I use to stop a java service which I am trying to execute within VB.NET, however it doesn't seem to stop my service.My DOS command which works is as follows:

NET STOP "Java Quick Starter"

My VB.NET attempt is as follows but it doesn't work:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Visible = False


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Execution Of The Program?

Jul 21, 2011

I like to clarify the doubt regarding vb.net programming. my question is as follows.1. While executing the vb.net program, whether it takes RAM space or Hard disk space.

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How To Do Remote Execution In .net

Feb 25, 2009

how can we do remote execution in vb.net?

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Pausing A Sub's Execution?

Aug 6, 2011

I wish to get my VB 2010 program to wait a few seconds after executing a command, and then exit.

For example:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'wait a few seconds


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Wpf - Delayed Execution In .NET?

Feb 21, 2012

I am in need to delay the execution of a line of code, say, by 5 seconds. But by doing System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000)

the whole UI hangs and I don't want that to happen. Because I want to be able to display something in a Window that a user will be able to see. Does anyone know of an alternative of achieving this?

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Hide Both Of The Modules Upon Execution?

Feb 22, 2012

I have finished creating the code for my client/server application although both parts currently execute modules/in console(this was for testing purposes).I am now looking at making both parts of the program completely invisible (they will eventually be executed as a Windows service upon startup). How do i go about this? Does the code need to be copied in to a "Windows Service" project, or is there a way I can hide both of the modules upon execution?

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Dll Execute During MSI Execution(Installer)

Mar 24, 2010

I created an MSI for my application and i want my dll to execute during installation of this MSI. How can i add my dll to MSI. I read something on ORCA but getting error.

add my dll to msi using orca. My dll contain a message box and registry entry

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End The Execution Of The Rest Of The Code?

Sep 2, 2009

i am getting an input from the user and i m checking in try catch statement. what i want to do is when the exception is caught i want to stop executing the rest of the code. my code is as below

Public Class AddForm
Private Sub Add_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Add.Click
Dim inc As Integer[code]......

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Execution Of A Cmd File Does Not Work?

Jan 28, 2011

I have this commandline in a cmd file "C:MentorGraphics7.9EESDD_HOMEcommonwin32inasc_out.exe" "-PROJECT=D:VeribestData55250u0555250u05.prj" "-OUT=D:VeribestData55250u0555250u05.inp" "*(*)"

And this peace of code

Dim program As New Process()
program.StartInfo.FileName = Chr(34) & PrjSets.ProjPath & "ascii.cmd" & Chr(34)


And it generates no output If I double click on the command file it generates output

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