End The Execution Of The Rest Of The Code?

Sep 2, 2009

i am getting an input from the user and i m checking in try catch statement. what i want to do is when the exception is caught i want to stop executing the rest of the code. my code is as below

Public Class AddForm
Private Sub Add_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Add.Click
Dim inc As Integer[code]......

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Stopping The Rest Of The Code?

Jun 23, 2009

I have this code within a button: If TextBox1.TextLength = 3 Then MsgBox("Please enter 3 numbers followed by a letter. For Example 001A")TextBox1.Text = "" Me.Refresh() End If Although if the user enters 3 numbers only, I want the rest of the code in the button to be ignored so that it doesn't proceed.


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VS 2008 Code Skippes Rest Of Codeblok When Value In DB Is Null

Apr 29, 2010

When I debug my code I notice that some of th code below is skipped when an integer is not filled in in the DB.Example:When the value of the piece of code in bold (Aanspreektitel_ID) is null in the db the code skippes the rest of the code blok and thus not filling the values on my form.


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Wait Until Report Has Finished Rendering Before Rest Of Code Gets Executed?

Aug 16, 2010

How do I wait until the report has finished rendering before the rest of the code gets executed?

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Inserting A Wait - So That Animation Has Time To Play And Stop Then Rest Of Code Will Display Other Picture And Numbers

Nov 4, 2011

I have the following

Public Class Form1
Private GIFAnim As Image = Image.FromFile("c:cointosscointoss_ani.gif")
Private frames As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Now I would like to put a wait in after the line:

frames = GIFAnim.GetFrameCount(Imaging.FrameDimension.Time)
ImageAnimator.Animate(GIFAnim, AddressOf paintFrame)

This is so that the animation has time to play and stop and then the rest of the code will display the other picture and the numbers. Is this possible? I tried timer and sleep but I cant get them to work.

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Getting The Dynamic Code Execution?

Aug 23, 2010

i'm building a basic server program that I want to recieve commands and execute them sent from a client program and I'm using my home network to test it out. I've got no problem with the communication between the client and server programs and have used a simple Send Text function to communicate to the server program which simply brings up whatever text was sent in a message box.

I've decided that constantly updating the program and transferring the new EXE file just doesnt work as I have to keep starting and stopping the server program to do that just to update the list of commands it recieves. So say for example I've got a button on my client program that tells the server to open the cd-rom draw on that computer, it sends this in the form of simple text openCDdraw" and when the server recieves this, it pops open the cd draw and so on and so on... but I thought a better way of doing this may be to say have the commands listed in a SQL database and when the server recieves a message it searches through the database to find the correct command and executes the code associated with the command.

Now I can retrieve the information fine in to a string variable ("Dim a as string, a = dr.getvalue(3)") but where do I go for there? This is the problem see. My apologies if I've gone a bit long winded on this one but thought it necessary to explain what I'm doing. I've heard of dynamic code execution but when I tried a project I found on the internet it had been coded in C# and I don't know any C nor do I want to as I'm a VB veteran and have updated myself with the way of .NET now so am not going to start all over again with learning C. Does anyone know of an easier way of doing this? Static code is so easy to do because it is typed straight into the coding sections and I had already thought about creating loads of subs/functions to execute each command but again that involves updating the EXE file every time so there must be a better and easier way of doing it.

Can I also just point out that this little project i'm working on is not for a TROJAN or whatever that old NETBUS program used to be called, it is simply so I know how to do it and can use it for other things that I'm working on and through. Also I'd just like to know how to retrieve and execute code from a database or text file.

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Completely Stop Code Execution?

Feb 6, 2012

How can I completely stop code execution?

Also, how can I hide a form and keep all information saved so I can bring it back up again?

For instance, I have form1 with "alpha" written in a textbox. Now when I hide form1 (Me.Hide), I would like to be able to bring form1 back with "alpha" still written in the textbox.

Currently, I hide it, and when I show it again, the textbox is empty.

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Try Catch Not Stopping Execution Of Code?

Jul 6, 2011

I have been experiencing a problem with one of my Try Catch blocks. Specifically, I have a block of code that inserts data into a db using a stored procedure. There is a problem within the code getting one of the parameters to the SP. I know what the problem is and how to fix it. My issue is that the Try Catch should be stopping any further execution of code once it catches the error. I have verified that the error is being caught and that it sends the exception to my label used for error reprorting. However, instead of stopping future execution and displaying the error it rolls over the label assignment and continues to the next piece of code in the calling procedure. In essence, it is as if there is no error occuring at all.To give everyone a point of reference, I call a sub-routine from a button click event. Within the sub-routine I have my Try Catch block with the SP code. I am NOT using Try Catch Finally. It is simply Try the SP Catch ex as Exception and End Try.

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Pause The Execution Of Code In An Event Handler?

Mar 9, 2009

how to pause the execution of code in an event handler.

For instance in a forms load event how can I have the rest of the programs features continue to run but wait 5 seconds before the code in the load event handler is executed?

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String.equals() And Apostrophe - Execution Code ?

Oct 27, 2010

I just ran into what I consider a very strange issue in the execution of some code that I thought I had completely well-understood.

Basically, I was using this kind of notation:

If strOne.equals(strTwo) Then

rather than

If strOne = strTwo Then

I came from a c and java background, and using the '=' operator for comparison has always made me cringe, so I've used the .equals() comparison function thinking that it was equivalent. But just now some of my code broke. It encountered a string containing "Eagle's Nest: Dawn Patrol", used the .equals() to compare it to "Eagle's Nest: Dawn Patrol" and declared them not equal. I changed the code to use '=' rather than '.equals()' and it declared them equal. I also did this:

If strOne.Replace("'", "").Equals(strTwo.Replace("'", "")) Then

And again, it declared them equal.

This has me a little rattled because my code is filled with the use of .equals(), and I've used it assuming that it was no different than writing strOne = strTwo. I've scanned the interweb looking for information about this. I have not found any information about odd interactions between the apostrophe (or other) character(s) and .equals(). Microsoft's documentation does not hint at any subtle differences. how .equals() differs from '='

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Selection Type Of Variables Speed Up The Code Execution?

Feb 15, 2012

"Does the selection type of variables speed up the code execution in VB.NET?"For example, I have two same exactly same projects where the first project is running with all Single variables and the other project which running with all Double variables.Is there any difference in term of the speed of code execution?This is because I'm working on a project which is very critical in term of the speed of execution. However, I'm using Double variables for most part of the code.

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VS 2010 - Threading - Button To Stop Execution Of Code

Apr 22, 2011

I am working on an app and I am a bit confused w/ threading. I understand the point of threading but I am not getting when to use a background worker thread vs. a standard thread vs. a thread pool. Can someone shed some light on when to use which? Right now, I am trying code an app that does stuff initially in a sequential order and then eventually must thread (otherwise it takes forever). The problem I am having w/ the sequential stuff (and threading later) is that I need a button to be able to stop execution of code. [Code]

I did the background worker on this first sequential operation because when I tried w/ out it, the text box didn't update at all until the web page contents were retrieved. Basically, the text box change of "Starting." doesn't show up until the web page is finished processing even though the assignment to the text box happens before that code.

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VS 2010 Stop Button Code Execution At Some Point?

Feb 26, 2012

Is there any way to stop the execution of the code that's under a button if for example a certain condition is met?

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Assigning Function Value Instead Of Using Return Keyword, And Its Effect On Synchronised Code Execution?

Apr 13, 2011

I am wondering if there is a difference between using

Public Function Foo() As Double
Return 3.0
End Function


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Sql Server - SSRS Code Shared Variables And Simultaneous Report Execution?

Dec 28, 2009

I've found out that if two instances of an SSRS report run at the same time, any Code variables declared at the class level (not inside a function) can collide. I suspect this may be the cause of our report failures and I'm working up a potential fix.The reason we're using the Code portion of SSRS at all is for things like custom group and page header calculation. The code is called from expressions in TextBoxes and returns what the current label should be. The code needs to maintain state to remember what the last header value was in order return it when unknown or to store the new header value for reuse

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Reading And Writing Files On External Hard Drive, Code To Ensure SQL Or Data Read/write Execution In Case Of Periodic Drive Reconnect?

Dec 18, 2010

The drive is connected via USB and the problem I'm having is that, periodically, while my code is executing, the usb drive seems to disconnect and reconnect. (Nothing to do with the program, but the drive itself).I want to find a way to prevent these temporary drive reconnects from interrupting my code. IE, i want to insure that whatever read or write that is requested is actually executed even in the case of a temporary drive interruption.

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Waiting For Threads - Thread.join Suspend Execution Of Code On Calling Thread Until Spawned Thread Finishes Or Is Aborted

Sep 2, 2010

My understanding is that thread.join will suspend the execution of code on the calling thread until the spawned thread finishes or is aborted...

With that in mind, I tried this:

For i = 1 to 50
threads = New Thread(AddressOf test)
threads.IsBackground = True


However, the rest of the code runs when the loop finishes, not waiting for all the spawned threads to finish. Since the rest of the code needs the threads to finish (otherwise the rest will error).

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How To Do This XML REST Reqest In .net

Aug 13, 2011

How do I post this HTTP REST request using HttpWebRequest and System.Xml.XmlDocument in vb.net

<tns:request command="hello" xmlns:tns="http://www.xxyyzz.com/xx/yy/zz" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />

The server responds with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><response xmlns="http://www.xxyyzz.com/xx/yy/zz"><operation location="/mm/10d9c79e-5876-4fd0-9093-ff7bdee5ebd4/uploadInfo" command="uploadInfo"/></response>

how do i capture this response?

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Attachments Using REST WebService

May 26, 2011

I am currently developing an application using VB.NET in which I am using the REST WebServices. I have been able to do the basics with REST, however, I have not been able to add an attachment (more specifically upload a file, using REST which gets attached). I have done extensive research online, but so far I have not been able to find any working examples in VB.NET. To actually upload the data I use System.Net.WebClient. The following VB.NET code does the important work:[code]As you can see, the postString is converted to bytes and then uploaded to the server. However, I do not know where or how I should be posting the raw attachment itself. The documentation for the service we are specifically using states to use a variable "attachment_ 1," which I added to the postString variable, but I am not sure what the next step should be. Should the file be converted into bytes and appended to the postBytes variable?

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Finishing The Rest Of The Line?

Jun 25, 2010

When I start typing a variable (or whatever), VB pops up a little box with all possible variables starting with the letters I already typed. It's really smart!

However this option has somehow been disabled. How do I enable it again?

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Parse REST XML File?

Jan 2, 2011

I am working on a .NET 3.5 Windows Forms application that will interact with a REST Web Service which outputs an XML file such as the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Response Status="OK">
<Item Name="NumberZones">2</Item>


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Send Over Data To A REST API?

Dec 18, 2009

I need to send over data to a REST API.I have a dataset with a datatable with the nececessary data. The data has to be in a specific format. I have a .xsd file with the format needed and a .xml file with an example.

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Setting RequestHeaders For Get REST API In VB?

May 11, 2012

I have located some sample source code in visual basic to call a REST API. However, I need to modify the code by adding two request headers.

' Create the web request
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(sURI), HttpWebRequest)
'Update request headers with request pairs Header1/"header1 value" and header2/"header2 value"
??? HttpWebRequest.headers.Add ????


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Tab Not Anchored With The Rest Of The Form?

Jan 30, 2010

For this program im using http method post to recieve messages from the server, when its waiting for a new message to be sent it locks the program up. No biggie, ill just thread the sub... Bad idea... I also have functions "send", "Connect", "disconnect". All on threads... i looked at task manager it started getting up to 100+ threads. I dont know much about threads but that just seems way to much. they will die off and the count will return to 20 but id like to find a different way of keeping the program from locking up but not having 100+ threads.. Little off topic: i used a user control. The only problem now is on the tab, its not anchored with the rest of the form... how do i accomplish this?

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Wcf - Building A .NET REST Service?

Nov 5, 2010

I cannot figure out how to build a VB.NET REST web service. I can't find any tutorials on the internet and the Microsoft templates only come in C#.

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Asp.net - Add A Rest Service To A Web Application Project?

Feb 16, 2012

I've just created my first web application project.Now I want to add a RESTFul service.It can be pretty simple, all I need is to pass 1 string (userid) and 1 integer (objecttype) and return a json result.

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C# - How A Month Is Calculated In The Rest Of The World

Jan 11, 2012

I'm just curious that how a month is calculated in the rest of the world because Differences in Months between two dates are calculated differently. In our Insurance Company, we calculate a month as below:


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C# :: Does .net Stop Checking The Rest Of An IF Statement If Use An And/or ( || / && )

Jun 24, 2011

say you have something like:

int num = 0
then you do
if(num > 5 || num < 4)


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Call Authenticated Rest Service?

Jan 18, 2012

private String[] createid(String id,HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {

try {

final Client client = Client.create(); [code]....

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Get Data From A Button Into The Rest Of The Program?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to write a program which allows a user to determine how many 'I's will go into a text box. (i.e if they select 10 then the text box will look like I I I I I I I I I I ). I'm writing a program where if I click on one of three buttons then a number of 'I's will disappear out of the text box. Button one will subtract one 'I', button two will subtract two 'I's, and button three will subract 3 'I's. I don't know how to get the information from the button into the program to subtract the correct number of 'I's. If I press button one, and I have:

Dim OneI as Integer = 1

How do I get the 1 in the OneI variable into a calculation outside of the btn sub, like into a function or a different sub?

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