VS 2008 Code Skippes Rest Of Codeblok When Value In DB Is Null

Apr 29, 2010

When I debug my code I notice that some of th code below is skipped when an integer is not filled in in the DB.Example:When the value of the piece of code in bold (Aanspreektitel_ID) is null in the db the code skippes the rest of the code blok and thus not filling the values on my form.


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End The Execution Of The Rest Of The Code?

Sep 2, 2009

i am getting an input from the user and i m checking in try catch statement. what i want to do is when the exception is caught i want to stop executing the rest of the code. my code is as below

Public Class AddForm
Private Sub Add_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Add.Click
Dim inc As Integer[code]......

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Stopping The Rest Of The Code?

Jun 23, 2009

I have this code within a button: If TextBox1.TextLength = 3 Then MsgBox("Please enter 3 numbers followed by a letter. For Example 001A")TextBox1.Text = "" Me.Refresh() End If Although if the user enters 3 numbers only, I want the rest of the code in the button to be ignored so that it doesn't proceed.


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Wait Until Report Has Finished Rendering Before Rest Of Code Gets Executed?

Aug 16, 2010

How do I wait until the report has finished rendering before the rest of the code gets executed?

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Inserting A Wait - So That Animation Has Time To Play And Stop Then Rest Of Code Will Display Other Picture And Numbers

Nov 4, 2011

I have the following

Public Class Form1
Private GIFAnim As Image = Image.FromFile("c:cointosscointoss_ani.gif")
Private frames As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Now I would like to put a wait in after the line:

frames = GIFAnim.GetFrameCount(Imaging.FrameDimension.Time)
ImageAnimator.Animate(GIFAnim, AddressOf paintFrame)

This is so that the animation has time to play and stop and then the rest of the code will display the other picture and the numbers. Is this possible? I tried timer and sleep but I cant get them to work.

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VS 2008 - Transaction SProc's In Code - Says That My Insertcommand's Transaction Object Is Null

Apr 29, 2009

I've seen plenty of examples of transactions in the actual store procedure's SQL. But I'm wanting to do the transaction and keep track of it in code. I tried this but it says that my insertcommand's transaction object is null. How can I fix this?

vb Dim conn As SqlConnection = DBConnections.SQLServerConnection
Dim params(1) As SqlParameter


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VS 2008 Textbox Tabbing - Cannot Find A Difference In Properties Of Textboxes Compared To Rest

Sep 1, 2010

I have a program that someone else designed the form on and sent to me to populate the code. I am not sure what could have been done to cause this problem, hoping for a quick oversight on my part. There are several fields of textboxes that the user enters numbers in. Normal behavior for textboxes is when you tab to them the current contents are highlighted. On one of these textbox fields, and only that one set of textboxes, the contents are highlighted like normal at first, but after the user edits the content of the textbox, if you tab to it again it will go directly into edit mode instead of highlighting the contents. Each textbox in the field does this individually, so if you just edit one, all the rest will continue to highlight contents until you edit them as well. It appears you don't actually have to change the value of the textbox, just entering edit mode and getting a blinking cursor is enough. I cannot find a difference in the properties of these textboxes compared to the rest.

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Test VB Code For Null Value

Jan 28, 2010

how to test vb code for null values. I tried this but it does not seem to work:[CODE...]

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VS 2008 Dgv "new" Row - All Columns Editable While Rest Of Grid Readonly

Apr 15, 2009

I have a datagridview with 5 columns on it. It has two "views" according to whether the user is logged in or not. If they aren't logged in all 5 columns are readonly. If they are logged in 2 of those columns become usable but the other 3 are still readonly.

My issue is "how do I allow someone to add a row to the grid without turning off my readonly columns"?

I know that I could change the readonly status for the columns and then change it back after I add the row...but I was hoping for something easier. Or at least only to unlock the "new" row area, but leave the rest alone.

Is it possible to set readonly on dgv cells as well? Or just on the columns and grid object?

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VS 2008 GetFiles - Skip Folders & Continue Reading The Rest Of The Folders?

Feb 1, 2010

It appears that when IO.Directory.GetFiles tries to read a folder that it doesn't have access to it throws an exception & stops reading. Is there any way to have skip those folders & continue reading the rest of the folders?

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Null Pointer Exception From VB Code?

May 4, 2009

I am using Windows Vista x64 + VSTS 2008. I am debugging the sample program from the following URL (associated sample code for this article),


But I met with null pointer exception when press the write to file button, here is my screen snapshot.



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VS 2008 Add More Than 1 Info In A Database, But The Rest Of The Info Stays The Same?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm making a database app. I've finish the search, add new, and add function. What I'm trying to do is to expand the functionality of the add new item function.

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Combobox - Having Null Reference Exception In Code?

Jan 22, 2012

I'm using vb.net and sql server 2000 for developing my application....The problem i'm having is the Null Reference Exception on the Following line of code:

Dim cmd5 As New SqlCommand("select crtns_removed, pieces_removed, scheme from Outgoing_Invoice where invoice_no = '" & Me.ComboBox5.SelectedItem.ToString.Trim & "' And category = '" & Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString.Trim & "' and item_name = '" &


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Handle Null Values On One Line Of Code?

Mar 30, 2011

I need to round and print a price like below, but this does not handle null values.How can I handle null values on one line of code? DBRSet is an SQLDataReader and the price is money

<%= Math.Round(DBRSet("price"))%>

I have about 200 .aspx pages of this so I could also use some tips on how to change these in an easy way? Can I do a search and replace with a reg-exp or something like that?

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Null Reference Code In My School Project

Jan 15, 2011

I am basically 4 weeks into my first ever programming class and we are working on a project for the game "Hangman". While I have struggled with everything for the past 3 weeks, I have finally cams across something I have no idea how to correct. I am getting a Null.Reference error in the following line of my

If Not strWordToGuess.Contains(strLetterGuessed) Then

Now this code was provided in my project files, it was dated 4/07, I am currently working in VB 8 express, I am thinking this might have something to do with it.

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Code Read The Excel Cell As Null When It Contains Data?

Mar 29, 2012

Using VB.Net, I am reading an Excel spreadsheet does anyone know what might cause a cell to be read as VBNull when it contains data?the cell clearly contains data. and what is extra weird is all the same cells in the rows before and after the bad one have the little green triangle in the upper left corner, indicating an error - but they all read fine the cell that reads as NULL is the cell in row 4 above

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Null Error In Browser Link Clicking Code

Sep 16, 2011

I'm trying to click a link in an embedded browser based on the link ID. However, I keep getting a NullReferenceException error. I have not declased anything from the code. Just dropped it in from another website. Any ideas?

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
For Each link As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.Links
If link.Id = "ctl00_mainContentArea_submissionFileListTable_ctl02_documentHyperLink" Then


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Null Reference Exception Was Unhandled By User Code?

Feb 19, 2010

i develop the following code in vs2005, now i just using this module in my new project @ vs 2008..But this error was araised. I cant able to fix this problem...

Private Sub DataAccess()
Dim errHandle As New ErrorHandler
Dim lobjCommon As New eCopsCommonFunctions


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Nullable Property - Set Code That Execute In The Case Of The Value Being Null

Sep 17, 2010

[Code] Now the problem is that after i put this user-control in a form, I have to set a value for the Handled file. Otherwise it gives me a value cannot be null exception. Is there a way that i can set code that would execute in the case of the value being null? [Code]

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Checking For NULL Dates In SSRS Custom Code Function

Feb 7, 2012

I am trying to implement a function for my SSRS report which will return a color value depending on the values of three dates.


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Checking For NULL Dates In SSRS Custom Code Function?

Jul 7, 2009

I am using following code in rowdatabound fn.

Protected Sub gvwMileStone_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)


ddlEProjectLevels is dropdownlist in edititemtemplate.Whwn i click edit in 1st row ddlEProjectLevels gets loaded with data from database.But in 2nd row dropdownlist does not contain values.Again in 3rd it gets loaded from db.Means in alternate rows,when i click edit dropdownlist(ddlEProjectLevels) doesnot load values.Can anybody help?

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Getting Error In Code As Initially Array List Is Null / NullReferenceException Was Unhandled

Oct 19, 2009

The code below is used to check if the application setting, an arraylist is populated or not via the count method.

When running the program fails with error "NullReferenceException was unhandled" as initially the setting (arraylist) will contain no values.In similar circumstances I would declare a new instance of the object or set value to string.empty or check if DBNull.

I know application settings have a save method but to reference/load them one is not needed.I also left the value field in the projects -> settings to be empty.[code]...

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Code Is Not Detecting The Cell As Null And The Table Adapter Is Throwing The OleDb Exception?

May 25, 2011

I have this piece of

Private Sub FORNECEDORESBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FORNECEDORESBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click[code]....

The idea is to detect if the cell of the first datagrid column is null and display the message. However, the code is not detecting the cell as null and the table adapter is throwing the OleDb exception.

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How To Do This XML REST Reqest In .net

Aug 13, 2011

How do I post this HTTP REST request using HttpWebRequest and System.Xml.XmlDocument in vb.net

<tns:request command="hello" xmlns:tns="http://www.xxyyzz.com/xx/yy/zz" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />

The server responds with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><response xmlns="http://www.xxyyzz.com/xx/yy/zz"><operation location="/mm/10d9c79e-5876-4fd0-9093-ff7bdee5ebd4/uploadInfo" command="uploadInfo"/></response>

how do i capture this response?

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Attachments Using REST WebService

May 26, 2011

I am currently developing an application using VB.NET in which I am using the REST WebServices. I have been able to do the basics with REST, however, I have not been able to add an attachment (more specifically upload a file, using REST which gets attached). I have done extensive research online, but so far I have not been able to find any working examples in VB.NET. To actually upload the data I use System.Net.WebClient. The following VB.NET code does the important work:[code]As you can see, the postString is converted to bytes and then uploaded to the server. However, I do not know where or how I should be posting the raw attachment itself. The documentation for the service we are specifically using states to use a variable "attachment_ 1," which I added to the postString variable, but I am not sure what the next step should be. Should the file be converted into bytes and appended to the postBytes variable?

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Finishing The Rest Of The Line?

Jun 25, 2010

When I start typing a variable (or whatever), VB pops up a little box with all possible variables starting with the letters I already typed. It's really smart!

However this option has somehow been disabled. How do I enable it again?

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Parse REST XML File?

Jan 2, 2011

I am working on a .NET 3.5 Windows Forms application that will interact with a REST Web Service which outputs an XML file such as the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Response Status="OK">
<Item Name="NumberZones">2</Item>


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Send Over Data To A REST API?

Dec 18, 2009

I need to send over data to a REST API.I have a dataset with a datatable with the nececessary data. The data has to be in a specific format. I have a .xsd file with the format needed and a .xml file with an example.

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Setting RequestHeaders For Get REST API In VB?

May 11, 2012

I have located some sample source code in visual basic to call a REST API. However, I need to modify the code by adding two request headers.

' Create the web request
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(sURI), HttpWebRequest)
'Update request headers with request pairs Header1/"header1 value" and header2/"header2 value"
??? HttpWebRequest.headers.Add ????


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Tab Not Anchored With The Rest Of The Form?

Jan 30, 2010

For this program im using http method post to recieve messages from the server, when its waiting for a new message to be sent it locks the program up. No biggie, ill just thread the sub... Bad idea... I also have functions "send", "Connect", "disconnect". All on threads... i looked at task manager it started getting up to 100+ threads. I dont know much about threads but that just seems way to much. they will die off and the count will return to 20 but id like to find a different way of keeping the program from locking up but not having 100+ threads.. Little off topic: i used a user control. The only problem now is on the tab, its not anchored with the rest of the form... how do i accomplish this?

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