Program A Calculator - Get The Free Item To Appear In A Label?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm trying to program a calculator, of sorts, that you would input amount of gasoline and cash or credit, and it calculates the total and the place where it is cheapest. I've gotten everything down, but for certain places, depending on cash or credit, and gasoline amount, gives rewards, such as discounts, gift cards, etc. I'm trying to get the free item to appear in a label, but i'm having problems with it showing up the wrong gift.

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Payroll Calculator - Program Must Calculate And Display The Total Pay In The Total Pay Label

Oct 6, 2010

The pay rates for the project are:

a. Level 1 - $10.00
b. Level 2 - $12.00
c. Level 3 - $14.00
d. Level 4 - $16.00
e. Benefit Deduction Rate - 0.10
f. Overtime Factor - 1.5

For ease of program maintenance, all of the above rates and factors must be stored in module level constants. All references to pay rates in the program must refer to the module level constants.

When the Calculate button is clicked:

a. The value in the Hours text box must be validated to insure that it is numeric value greater than zero.

1. If the value is not valid, a message box must appear as shown below and the user must be offered the option to continue processing or quit the program.

2. If the user chooses to continue processing, the focus must be set to the Hours text box.

3. If the user chooses to quit, the program must close immediately.

b. If the value is valid, the program must calculate and display the total pay in the Total Pay label.

1. The pay rate is determined by which Job Grade radio button is checked.

2. For hours less than or equal to 40, the total pay is the hours times the pay rate.

3. For hours greater than 40, the total pay is 40 hours times the pay rate plus the hours in excess of 40 hours times the pay rate times the Overtime Factor.

4. If the Full Time radio button is selected, the total pay must be reduced by the Benefit Deduction Rate.

5. The value displayed in the Total Pay label must be formatted with a dollar sign and with two decimal

6. The focus must be set to the Hours text box.

Why i get an error when i try to run this code


Also the message box, both yes and no close the program.....

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Program - Vb - Create A Mortgage Calculator ?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm taking an introductory programming course, and am completely flummoxed as to what I'm doing wrong with my program. The problem seems to be in my arithmetic, as the program runs fine; it just doesn't produce the correct result when compared to the professor's control model.

I need to create a mortgage calculator, using the following formula: monthly payment = interest rate * loan amount * ( (1+ interest rate) ^ months) / ((1+interest rate)^months)-1) )

We have to use that formula, no other one. If anyone can spot an error in my code, please let me know what I've done wrong!

The code I've written is as follows:


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Created A Program That Contains A Label And The Words In The Label?

Sep 29, 2009

I am still a beginner programmer so keep in mind that what I'm trying to do is beyond my knowledge but I have no one to teach me Visual Basic except from what little I can learn off of the internet. Currently, I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition so my problem may be appear different if I show you any of my code.

I've created a program that contains a label and the words in the label form a question. Below that is a textbox with some text that has to be memorize for a play. Just think of the question as the previous speakers part. So far I've set it so that the words in the textbox are randomly removed and are replaced with a blank. I face with the program is that the user can't enter the answer because the blank is in the way.

Instead of putting a blank where the missing word is I would like to have some textboxes put there that way the user can enter the missing word and so that I can later insert some code that will let the user check to see if the answer they entered is the missing word is still replaced by the blank so I need to get rid of that and insert the textbox wherever the words are missing.

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VS 2008 - Code Error On Tax Calculating Program - User Enters The Item Name And Amount Of The Item Purchased

Feb 9, 2010

So i've to write this program whose purpose it this:

Purpose: The user enters the item name and amount of the item purchased. The program calculates the tax for the item and the final total, and then displays these values. Tax on all items will be 7.75%.

And so far i've this code but it's not working:

' Program: Cash Register
' Author: Nidhi Shah
' Date: February 2, 2010
' Purpose: The Cash Register Window application will
' computer the tax and the final cost of a
' purchased item.

Option Strict On

Public Class frmCashRegister
' Tax per item - used in multiple procedures
Const _cdecTaxPerItem As Decimal = 0.0775D


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Calculator Program - Blank Field Shows Error

Mar 8, 2011

I'm doing a simple calculator program calculating Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters. I made a Try-Catch statement so that if the user enters letters into the text boxes, they get an error message. However, if the user leaves one field blank, the error message still pops up. What's the code so that I can get Visual Basic to recognize that an empty field is the same as 0 so that that message doesn't pop up? [Code]. What do I need to add to it to get that Error Message to stop showing when the user doesn't enter a value into one of the text boxes?

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Mortgage Calculator Application : Write/program VB Programs?

Mar 15, 2009

how to write/program VB programs. However, I'm stuck on the mortgage calculator application. Whenever I run the program, I come up with an error stating "Argument 'NPer' is not a valid value." which refers to the Pmt function in the code.

'Dim monthly As Double ' monthly payment rates
Dim years As Double 'total # of years
Dim rate As Decimal 'annual rate
Dim months As Integer


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Updating Label From DGV Item?

Jun 10, 2009

i can grab the value of an item from a datagridview but i cannot change a label with that value. don't know why it ain't working.this works, the msgbox displays the value i click.

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
Dim row As Integer = DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex


but this does not work, the label does not get updated.

label23.text = DataGridView1.Item(column, row).Value

could it be because that label is on another tab from the DGV? should i reference the other tab?i tried TabPage2.label23.text = DataGridView1.Item(column, row).Value but of course it's not working.

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Show Item From Listview In Label?

Jun 11, 2011

I want to perform following action when i click on a item in a listview it would also show in a separate label.....

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VB - Make The Price Corresponding With The Item Appear In The Label

Nov 12, 2010

I am writing a program that uses an array of structures to display a price in a label based on what item is selected in a list box(the data is stored in a text file). I am having trouble figuring out how to make the price corresponding with the item appear in the label. Currently, it just keeps showing the last price in the text file.


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How To Get Selected Item Of ComboBox To Be Label In Form

Mar 14, 2011

I have a combo box on form1 which is linked to a table from my data base. I am trying to get the item selected from the combo box to be a label in form 2.

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How To View Selected Item As Label To DGV Cell

Feb 2, 2010

I have a lstbox1 and a DGV1. In DGV1 I have rows (0) cell(0).value 12:00
rows (1) cell(0).value 12:15
rows (2) cell(0).value 12:30
Ok when select an item in lstbox 1. I would like the item as a lbl to fill the cell from 12:00 to 12:30.

This is what I have so far:
Public Sub New(ByVal lbl As Object)
mstrlbl = lbl
End Sub
Public Function infolabel(ByVal bhl As Object) As Object
[Code] .....

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Transfer Item Selected In A List Box To A Label In .Net?

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to select an item in the listbox (e.g. January) and retrieve the number of days to display in the label. Have listbox (listMonth) created but cannot seem to add the data ("31") to show in the label box(lblDays.text) when January is selected.

Public Class MonthDay
'Declare global variables
Dim Jan As String = "31"
Dim Feb As String = "28 or 29"


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Change The Label Text When Select One Item From The Combobox?

Aug 12, 2009

how do i change the label text when I select one item from the combobox.

E.g my combobox contain : A, B, and C

When i click "C" from my combobox, my text label will also change to "C"

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Display Array Item / Record Number In Label?

Oct 19, 2009

I am attempting to create a program that opens a file and reads the contents to then display them in a set of four text boxes (e.g. id, firstName, lastName, avg.Salary). it stores the data in an array.

i have done all that i can do, however, i wish to display in a label something similar to this "5/10 (5th record of a total of 10)" meaning the 5th record in the array out of a total of 10 records. i have already done the code to display the total amount of items in the array, that part was simple, but i can't get my head around trying to code something that will display the record that i am currently viewing in the text boxes.

i have a "view previous record" and a "view next record" button that will go through to the next or previous record, in doing so will change the "5/10" records to the next appropriate number, e.g. "5/10" goes to "4/10" if the previous button is pressed (in doing so, obviously the records that are shown in the text boxes will change to the next or previous record)[code]...

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Forms :: Display The Selected Item From A List Box In To A Label?

Dec 10, 2009

I have items in a listbox. the user have to select one item(its mandatory) and after have to click next button to proceed to the next form. in the second form the selected item should be displayed in a label.

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Label/details Won't Update Upon New Datagrid Item Selection

Sep 8, 2011

I'm having an issue wherein after I run a search filtering a datagrid, the corresponding datadetails will not update anymore when a new item is selected in the datagrid.I would like it so after clicking an item in the datagrid, the details update automatically.

[URL] The problem is, after running a search (or hitting 'show all') the label/details no longer change when selecting a new item in the datagrid.[URL]

Private Sub Sheet1BindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


To clarify, the search itself filters the datagrid perfectly as just seems to stop the details from updating when new items are selected which is my problem.

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VS 2010 Pick A Random Item From The Listbox And Display It As The Label

Apr 22, 2011


The Textbox.Text will be a new Item in ListBox when Button1.Click I want to pick a random item from the listbox and display it as the label. Think of it as a random raffle picker lol.

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VS 2008 Storing Information To An Array Or ArrayList And Displaying Each Item In Label?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a list of names in a database and what i want is to get all of these names and display them in a label or a text box to the user on the website. I have tried to do this using a for loop but it is always overwriting the label each time. I have a list of 10 different names in the database and what it is doing is putting the first name in the label and then overwriting this with the second name and so on until it reaches the last name. I think i need to store each of the names from the database into an array or an arrayList and then make the label display all of the contents from the array or arrayList. The for loop i have used for this is:

Dim g As SQLadmin = New SQLadmin()
g.DB("SELECT nameOfPerson FROM Persons")
For i As Integer = 0 To g.array.GetLength(0) - 1


i can select the names from the database and store them in an array then make the label display each of the names.

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Run The Program And Enter Text Into The Label The Program Crashes?

Oct 15, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1cmdRun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1cmdRun.Click


Whenever I run the program and I enter text into the label the program crashes. When I type in a negative number the message box works.

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Whenever Run The Program And Enter Text Into The Label The Program Crashes?

Oct 14, 2011

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1cmdRun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1cmdRun.Click ' Variable declaration & initilization Dim hour As Integer Dim minute As Integer Dim second As Integer ' Validation If IsNumeric(txbTotal.Text) And txbTotal.Text Then >= 0 Then ' Total number of seconds Dim totalSeconds As Integer = CInt(txbTotal.Text) ' Calculation hour = totalSeconds 3600


Whenever I run the program and I enter text into the label the program crashes. When I type in a negative number the message box works. A number like -45 worked and a message show appeared, whilst a string like 'bob made the program crashed.

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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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PayRoll Calculator On Vb - Program That Accepts Input Of Employee Name, Employee Type, And Number Of Hours Worked

Sep 30, 2009

You need to design and create a program that accepts input of employee name, employee type, and the number of hours worked each week for two weeks.

You must be able to select an employee type. An employee of type Trainee makes $10 per hour. An employee of type Regular makes $15 per hour. An employee of type Manager makes $20 per hour.

The program should calculate the employee pay for the week. The employee should receive 1 times the regular pay for any hours worked over the prescribed 40 hours in a week. The program should output the following information:

-The employees name without trailing or leading spaces

-Regular hours worked

-Regular pay

-Overtime hours worked

-Overtime pay

-Total pay

The Problem that i am having right now is "Displaying " the overtime hours on my "FORM VIEW" i mean i did the math right its just when i type (lblOverHrs.Text = CDec(CDec(OvrHrsWrkWeek1.Text) + CDec(txtOvrHrsWrkWeek2.Text))

Its says the "OvrHrsWrkWeek1 and 2" are not Declared which not really sure where i went wrong..

Heres my code


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How To Program Disappearing Label Into ASP Textbox

May 19, 2011

I am developing a VB.NET program. I currently have an ASP Textbox with a label showing inside it. But now the customer has to manually delete this label before entering their own text. How do I get this label to vanish as soon as they begin typing? My script is nearly working now for txtFind. But in this case, it shows a different textbox to display watermark image. How can I reset this watermark to only activate the txtFind textbox instead? And to remove the textbox on left-hand side?

Here is my new ASPX file code:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
function GetChart(thepart, thepartdesc, thecolor, row) {
Form1.part_transfer.value = thepart;
Form1.part_desc_transfer.value = thepartdesc;
[Code] ......

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Set TextBox Hint Label In Program?

Aug 12, 2011

In my application I have one text box for entering user name. If text is empty i want to show "Enter User name here" in same text box in gray color. Is there any property like this for text box. Like in Firefox browser if URL field is empty it will show "Go to a web site" In gray color

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Possible To Make List Box Item Height For Item Depending On Amount Of Lines That Item Contains?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a list box on the form which functions as a copy/paste. When you copy something, it is automatically added to the list box as a "clipboard helper". Here is the problem,however: if the text is more than 1 line, the list box does not show all the text.It ends up looking messy.So getting back to my question, is it possible to make the list box item height for an item depending on the amount of lines that item contains?This is a one line sentence in the list box and should take up one line.This is a multi line sentence in the list box and should take up two lines for item height.

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Set The Displayed Item Of Acombobox To The Value Displayed In A Label?

Oct 8, 2009

When a user clicks the + button on the binding navigator, I want to set the displayed item of acombobox to the value displayed in a label. The combobox is bound to a field in the table. Theproblemis that when the user clicks to add a new record the combobox is cleared and they forget to select a value before they click save.

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Copy An Existing Label With Controls In Program?

Jan 31, 2010

I attached a picture of my existing panel with its controls in this thread, how do you copy it during run time? My project is a server/client application. whenever the client is connected and sends information to the server listening that information is displayed in the server but in a new panel with controls the same as the existing panel for the server, only the location and the information displayed is different. It would look something like in the 2nd attached picture.

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Get A Program That Would Grab The Current Url And Display It In Like A Label?

Apr 21, 2010

I had a for a program that would grab the current url and display it in like a label or something on my VB project. I have no idea how I'd go about doing this. The thing I'd like to do is simple, but I just don't understand how...For example:

1) Click a command button on my VB Project

2) Say I'm currently on [URL] it grabs this url and places it on my VB project.

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Insert Program Label To Mysql Table?

Jun 5, 2012

How to Inserting Label.text data into mySql table.i have no problem with textbox.text but i can't figure out how it with Label.text[code]...

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