2005 Express : Add Resource Directory To Deployment?

Sep 11, 2009

I have created a resource directory loaded with 10 mp3 files in it and added it to the resources tab. The problem I am having is when the program is compiled and installed, it does not add the resource directory to the hard drive. I know that resources can be added into the applications files in the publish tab but cannot seem to figure out how to get it listed or added in there.I also took each mp3 and set the build action to Embedded Resource... That didnt help much though.The resource directory i want to include in the deployement is in my bin/debug/resources in the solution explorer.

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XCopy Deployment Of A VB Express App Which Uses A SQL Server Express Database?

May 13, 2005

It's probably just a case of me not looking in the right place or not seeing the obvious, but does anyone know if a machine with just version 2.0 of the .NET Framework should be able to run a VB.NET Express application which accesses a SQL Server Express database file? Or is there an additional requirement for a non-development machine to have some kind of SQL Server Express runtime component in addition to the 2.0 Framework?It seems to be counterintuitive to expect that a VB.NET application would be able to access any kind of SQL Server data without having some kind of SQL Server host component (Express or otherwise) installed. But then again, it seems just as counterintuitive that Microsoft would require the download and installation of the new framework as well as a separate database runtime in order for the average user to run an application with accesses a local SQL Server Express database.To me, it runs contrary to the whole concept of XCopy deployment to require more than just the application's files and .NET Framework for an application to run properly. But nothing I've read so far explicitly indicates that a user would require anything more than the app files and the framework to run an application which accesses SQL Server Express data. But...I can't get any VB Express applications which uses a SQL Server Express databases to run on any machine that doesn't have SQL Server Express installed.What am I missing?(Apologies if this isn't the right group to post this in.

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2008 Express Application Deployment

Nov 15, 2010

I have an application in Visual Basic 2008 express that I want to deploy. It has MS Access DB tables and some queries. How can I put this together in the deployment?

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Application Deployment Via VB 2008 Express?

Mar 12, 2009

I've developed a small application using VB 2008 express and I am trying to deploy it for the first time.I have done this using the options with VB 2008 express and installed onto another PC. I find it has installed using what is termed a user instance which I understand comes with some limitations.I want the option for the application and data base to be multi user in the future. I want to be able to connect to it from Business intelligence for reporting purposes (there is no report viewer control in VB2008 express) and ideally I would like to be able to back it up using SSMS.Does anyone know what the options for deployement are and how to deploy using a "traditional" instance rather than a "user" instance?

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Deployment :: VB Express 2008 / SQL CE Publish?

Dec 1, 2009

I've seen some similar threads on here but no resolution. I have an app written with VB Express 2008 which uses SQL Compact Edition 3.5, the DB that comes shipped with VB Express 2008.

When I publish, I can run the app on my machine (development machine).

When I try and install on another machine, it is giving this error:

object: sql sever compact ADO.NET Data Provider Method: Void ProcessResults(Int32)


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Deployment :: Vb Express 2008 Send Exe?

Mar 25, 2009

im using vb express 2008 and have just created an application. i am also using windows xp sp2. when i build the application and it creates the .exe file i can only run the .exe successfully on my own system. when i try and send it to other xp systems, or vista it doesnt work!im guessing it needs specific files to run the .exe on other platforms. someone mentioned that there might be an option in vb express to package up the program so it can be installed and used on other pcs ?

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VS 2010 .Net Express Package & Deployment

Feb 27, 2011

I take it that the 2010 Express version doesn't have a package & deployment, it only does CickOnce? That sucks because I don't like the way it installs. Does anybody know of a free package & deployment package?

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Copy A Resource To A Directory On Harddrive?

Sep 7, 2009

i have several files that are resources in my program and i would like to be able to copy them to the users hard drive for later use for the user. I have tried everything that i can think of, i just can seem to find one that works, the code below is the closest i have gotten, but i get an error on the first part about My.resources.iPad just to let you know, ipad is an exe file.

My.Resources.iPad, InstallDir.Text)

The error i get says: Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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Select The Installation Directory Using Click Once Deployment?

Jul 20, 2009

I have developed a WinForm app using vb.net. The app needs to send an email notification to users containg the id of an item that needs thier attention. The email needs to contain the link and commandline parameters so that the user can clik on the link and the app will open the correct form, with the item to be updated, already loaded. Click Once installs the app under the users directory ("Documents nd setting\%USERNAME%Start MenuPrograms\%AppName%..."), so, the email has to contain the user name as part of the path.

- How can click once be configured so that the instalation is in the program files directory to avoid having to add the username as path of the path?
- how do send a link which contains a parameter that directs the app to load a speciified form (not the startup form)?

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2010 Express Deployment With Word Documents

Oct 18, 2011

I've developed an application in VB.Net 2010, Express edition. It uses Word Library functionality to access several .docx and .dotx files.Everything works in the development environment. However, after deployment, my application can't find any of the Word document files. I've added them to the project and to the Resources list under the Project Properties tab.The path I'm using to locate the docs and dots is coded in these ways:[code]Both of these statements work in the development environment perfectly. Not at all after deployment as an app.What can I do to make my application find the Word files after deployment?

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Deployment :: Publishing The Program .net 2008 Express?

Mar 5, 2009

when publishing a program is it possible to get it to include or copy over a mdb file and can the setup be made into 1 setup file instead of the "Application Files Folder" and "Program name.application"

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IDE :: Access Rights To SQL Express Database With Deployment?

Jun 16, 2011

I developed a windows application that uses a SQL Express database. I created a Setup project as well. When I install the application, the database is deployed with read only rights causing errors in the program. Of course, I manually change the rights to Full Control and the application works great. How do I get the database to deploy with Full Control?

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VS 2010 Express Database Application Deployment?

Sep 28, 2011

I've developed a database application in VB.Net Express 2010 and am having difficulty deploying it. The only deployment method available to me using the Express version is OneClick deployment. I can't figure out how to include the Access database file in the package.

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Automatically Saves Resource File In Directory

Dec 27, 2009

let's say that in my vb.net application i have a resource called "song.mp3", how can I make it possible, so when i press a button, it automatically saves the resource in c: directory.

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Taking Resource And Moving It To Selected Directory?

May 19, 2011

MSDN Forums, My name is Ted and I need help with my application.So, basically it has a Textbox and two buttons. In which I created one button to FileBrowseDialog, and the other to place the resouce to the directory selected in the TextBox by the FileBrowseDialog.

Example-Not In Code: If TextBox has "C:UserDesktop" Selected (From The Browse Button), Then Press "Button Two" and moves (Resource) file to the directory and replaces the original. This Resource can be any file, for Example "D3DX9_43.dll"

In-Use:User clicks "Browse. . ." Button and browses for a directory to place the file, So for Example: "C:Program Files (x86)My App And then clicks "Place" Button and overwires the original file, Example: "myapp.dll"


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Load An Image From Resource File In Express?

Jan 7, 2012

First of all Im new to vb 2010 and so far have enjoyed what I have been able to do with it. That being said I have run into an issue with my current project.

Basically I have created a timer and all works well on that part. My issue lies in that my timer loads a .png for each minute/second and I was linking the images like so[code]...

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Access Custom Resource Folders In VB 2008 Express Edition?

May 4, 2010

I want to save/load/check for existance of text files to a folder I made in my Resources but I don't know how to access them through my code.

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Deployment :: Give Admin Or Write Access To App When Its Installed To Default Program Files Directory

Feb 5, 2010

I am deploying my application on a 64 bit windows 7 system (setting the platform property to x86) , after the installation process the app needs to set its connection string in the config file; and this is where I am having issues, the app is not able to write to the config file if/when its located under the program files directory (no admin privileges??), the app works fine when installed on a public folder.Please let me know how to give admin or write access to my app when its installed to the default program files directory

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Converting A VB 2005 Express Program To VB 2008 Express

Feb 24, 2010

The program I am trying to modify was initially written using VB 2005 Express. I have subsequently downloaded the 2008 version. The program creates a monthly spreadsheet from a template. The old code that will no longer (highlighted and underlined) compile is as follows:


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Cannot Uninstall VB 2005 Express And Visual C++ Express?

Nov 20, 2009

I have attempted to uninstall VB 2005 express and C++ express using Remove Add programs to no avail. Error message: The Window Installer Package c:program files visual studio 8 vs_setup.msi could not be opened. I have removed the MSDN library and SQL server successfully. I have also tried vs_uninst_betas tool which doesn't find anything to uninstall. I would prefer not to modify the registry if at all possible. If I could find a source for the original install packages for VB and C++ I would attempt reinstalling and then uninstalling....but cannot find them anywhere.

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VS 2005 What Is XCOPY Deployment

Jan 16, 2010

what is XCOPY deployment? Is there any thrid party software needed for the XCOPY Deployment?

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Specify Installation Directory For Vb 2008 Express Application?

Apr 27, 2009

I am using VB 2008 express. I created a setup file for installation using the publish command. When I install on another computer, it installs under the documents and settings directory. I want it to install under program files like most other programs.

I've search everywhere on the web for this. The closest thing i could find was talking about the DefaultFolder under the projects applications folder. I don't see that option. I can specify all the publication directories - but these are strictly for where VB creates the setup file at - not where the setup file installs it. Frankly it would be really nice to be able to allow the user to specify the directory as an option, with program files as the default. But for now I'd be happy to just be able to change the default install directory for my app.

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Itextsharp [2005 Express Edition] - Install To Extract Data From PDF Documents Using 2005?

Mar 12, 2009

Is this software what i need to install to extract data from PDF documents using 2005? If so is this the link i need to get it from? [url] I just got no idea about itextsharp

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Resource FIle On .net 2005?

Apr 26, 2007

When i am connecting to my Access DB outside the resource folder of my project, database is updating.Why is it when i am adding the Database to my resource folder on my project,and after connecting it the database is not updating anymore...

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Run A .dwt Resource File (VB 2005)?

Oct 6, 2010

I have added a .dwt file (autocad template file) to my project resources and i want to execute it when i click a button. How can i do that? I have searched a lot, but didn't find a solution.

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VS 2005 Playing *.xm From Resource?

Aug 1, 2009

i am using bass.net.dll for playing a *.xm file in my application now problem is my *.xm file is in resource and the function bass.bass_musicload(<file name as string>,........) not support direct playing from resource.So is there any method to play it from resource,

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VS 2005 - Deployment Error On XP Machine

Mar 29, 2010

I am getting the following error on a users machine who is running XP method not found 'system.string system.windows.forms.openfiledialog.get_safefilename
Do I need netframework 3.5 ?

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VS 2005 Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Required?

May 3, 2010

does any body have the link for the offline installer of vb2005

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Can't Access "Resource Designer Toolbar" In VB 2010 Express

Feb 12, 2012

Created MyLitsBox project as described in Michael Halvorson's book MS VB 2010 Step by Step book. Tip box on p. 89 says to make programs more robust embed images into application rather than use absolute path names to link images into the application. Searched on Halvorson's recommendation "How to: Create Embedded Resources" and found the info at: [URL]

OK. As usual the most difficult thing is finding the menu item, etc., the instructions direct you to. Do the people who write these instructions ever try using them?


Instructions are as follows

To edit a resource by using the default editor

With a project selected in Solution Explorer, on the Project menu, click Properties.

Click the Resources tab.

On the Resource Designer toolbar, point to the resource view drop-down, click the arrow, and select the type of resource that you want to edit.

Double-click the resource to open the default editor for that resource type.

In the Properties window, select the Persistence property and change it to Embedded in .resx.

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Visual Basic Express 2008 - Connecting To Active Directory

Aug 19, 2009

First let me statethat my VB skills are appalling. Havent touched it since VB3 Ok here is the scenario. we want to be able to give our first line support the ability to modify AD groups BUT WITHOUT giving the acess or powers in the AD console. I have written command line scripts to do this and it works fine. Un fortunately we have people that think that if it dont have a OK NEXT CANCEL button it aint Windows :(


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