Deployment :: Publishing The Program .net 2008 Express?

Mar 5, 2009

when publishing a program is it possible to get it to include or copy over a mdb file and can the setup be made into 1 setup file instead of the "Application Files Folder" and "Program name.application"

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VS 2008 Publishing - Make Just One Exe File In Vb9 - Install The Program After Publishing?

May 22, 2009

About publishing my program. there's a lot of files made after publishing unlike in vb6 when i converted it to exe file theres only one file. hmm how can i make just one exe file in vb9 is it possible? another question do i have to install the program after publishing?

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Publishing VB2008 Express Program?

Mar 24, 2012

Published VB program will not run on another computer yet works fine on the computer the program was written on. Message window during set-up on the other computer reads "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files." The set-up file is being run from a flash drive.The entire error summary is included below. A recurring line in the error message summary is "+Downloading file:///C:/Documents and Settings/username/Desktop/Application Files/filename_1_0_0_6/filename.exe.manifest did not succeed."The word "filename" is the name of my program. "username" is the computer's owner.Interestingly, the "manifest" file on my computer is kept in C:UsersusernameDesktopApplication Filesfilename_1_0_0_6filename.exe.manifest" I'm running Windows7; the other computer is running Windows XP.How do I get my program to run on another computer?

: 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime
: 2.0.50727.3625


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ClickOnce Publishing With VB 2008 Express?

May 24, 2009

Publishing to CD using the ClickOnce method IS possible in VB 2008 Express. I've posed many questions in the past in my questions regarding "Distributing A Program on CD".I was getting error messages and my program would not instal on a 3rd party computer (My LapTop)

I followed all the instruction as laid out in the Help file and took note of all the advice I received in the forum but the programs wouldn't install on my LapTop.I bought a book entitled "Build A Program Now Microsoft VisualBasic 2008 Express Edition" by Patrice Pelland.

In Chapter nine in goes through the procedure of publishing with the ClickOnce method. The one thing that the book said which was not included in the Help file was that the option "Build (Program)" in the Build menu had to be selected.I then went through all the other options as were discussed in my threads "Distributing a Program on CD".

Success! I published two programs, "MasterMind" and "HangMan" (Simple enough programs for a beginner to VB Express)I then burnt the two folders created during the publish porcedure to a CD, loaded the CD onto my LapTop and double clicked on "Setup" on the "Mastermind" program. Total success! The program installed without a hitch and runs without fault.

I then selcted to instal "HangMan" and bombed out with the error message that stated I need to instal
"Microsoft.Visual Basic.PowerPacks.Vs" in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first."

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Deployment :: Publishing An .exe File

May 12, 2012

I've just completed my first VB.Net program and I want to publish it as a stand-alone program. When I use the "Publish" function from the Project menu, it creates an installation program that is required to complete before I can use the program freely. Is it possible to just make a program that will run without needing to "install" it?

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2008 Express Application Deployment

Nov 15, 2010

I have an application in Visual Basic 2008 express that I want to deploy. It has MS Access DB tables and some queries. How can I put this together in the deployment?

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Application Deployment Via VB 2008 Express?

Mar 12, 2009

I've developed a small application using VB 2008 express and I am trying to deploy it for the first time.I have done this using the options with VB 2008 express and installed onto another PC. I find it has installed using what is termed a user instance which I understand comes with some limitations.I want the option for the application and data base to be multi user in the future. I want to be able to connect to it from Business intelligence for reporting purposes (there is no report viewer control in VB2008 express) and ideally I would like to be able to back it up using SSMS.Does anyone know what the options for deployement are and how to deploy using a "traditional" instance rather than a "user" instance?

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Deployment :: VB Express 2008 / SQL CE Publish?

Dec 1, 2009

I've seen some similar threads on here but no resolution. I have an app written with VB Express 2008 which uses SQL Compact Edition 3.5, the DB that comes shipped with VB Express 2008.

When I publish, I can run the app on my machine (development machine).

When I try and install on another machine, it is giving this error:

object: sql sever compact ADO.NET Data Provider Method: Void ProcessResults(Int32)


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Deployment :: Vb Express 2008 Send Exe?

Mar 25, 2009

im using vb express 2008 and have just created an application. i am also using windows xp sp2. when i build the application and it creates the .exe file i can only run the .exe successfully on my own system. when i try and send it to other xp systems, or vista it doesnt work!im guessing it needs specific files to run the .exe on other platforms. someone mentioned that there might be an option in vb express to package up the program so it can be installed and used on other pcs ?

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VS 2008 Publishing Program And Not Use The Click Once Format?

Aug 10, 2009

where I can locate a tutorial on Publishing in VS8. I have both, VS8 Express Edition and VS8 Studio. I know that if I click publish in either edition, I get the Click once publishing format.But, I also know that you can specify directory to publish your program to exc:Program Filesprogram namemy executable.exe). But I am unsure how to properly set this up in the VS8 Studio. The only part I have not found, is how to Publish your program and not use the Click once format.

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XCopy Deployment Of A VB Express App Which Uses A SQL Server Express Database?

May 13, 2005

It's probably just a case of me not looking in the right place or not seeing the obvious, but does anyone know if a machine with just version 2.0 of the .NET Framework should be able to run a VB.NET Express application which accesses a SQL Server Express database file? Or is there an additional requirement for a non-development machine to have some kind of SQL Server Express runtime component in addition to the 2.0 Framework?It seems to be counterintuitive to expect that a VB.NET application would be able to access any kind of SQL Server data without having some kind of SQL Server host component (Express or otherwise) installed. But then again, it seems just as counterintuitive that Microsoft would require the download and installation of the new framework as well as a separate database runtime in order for the average user to run an application with accesses a local SQL Server Express database.To me, it runs contrary to the whole concept of XCopy deployment to require more than just the application's files and .NET Framework for an application to run properly. But nothing I've read so far explicitly indicates that a user would require anything more than the app files and the framework to run an application which accesses SQL Server Express data. But...I can't get any VB Express applications which uses a SQL Server Express databases to run on any machine that doesn't have SQL Server Express installed.What am I missing?(Apologies if this isn't the right group to post this in.

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Publishing With Express Edition?

Jul 7, 2011

I know the express edition of Vb does not give a detailed publish but i want to ask something. I have made program that uses database (Sql), and also my program uses folders (Help, Pictures etc..) I tried to publish my program but the express edition does not have an option to add my folders. So i tried to publish with "inno setup" program. But this time my program does not work in computers which dont have "Sql Server 2008 express". I tried to put "Read me " file, that says "First setup Sql Server 2008 Express from internet then setup .Net Framework from internet then setup the program" but it is so hard for user to do those thing. Is there any way easier? (Does the computer must have Sql Server to work with my database?)

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Converting A VB 2005 Express Program To VB 2008 Express

Feb 24, 2010

The program I am trying to modify was initially written using VB 2005 Express. I have subsequently downloaded the 2008 version. The program creates a monthly spreadsheet from a template. The old code that will no longer (highlighted and underlined) compile is as follows:


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Deployment :: ClickOnce Publish: Publishing Folder Vs Installation Folder?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a question regarding publishing vis ClickOnce. For the publish options, there is a Publishing Folder Location and there is a Installation Folder URL. clarify the difference between Publish and Install, and when it would be apropriate for the two to be different?

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VS 2010 .Net Express Package & Deployment

Feb 27, 2011

I take it that the 2010 Express version doesn't have a package & deployment, it only does CickOnce? That sucks because I don't like the way it installs. Does anybody know of a free package & deployment package?

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2005 Express : Add Resource Directory To Deployment?

Sep 11, 2009

I have created a resource directory loaded with 10 mp3 files in it and added it to the resources tab. The problem I am having is when the program is compiled and installed, it does not add the resource directory to the hard drive. I know that resources can be added into the applications files in the publish tab but cannot seem to figure out how to get it listed or added in there.I also took each mp3 and set the build action to Embedded Resource... That didnt help much though.The resource directory i want to include in the deployement is in my bin/debug/resources in the solution explorer.

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2010 Express Deployment With Word Documents

Oct 18, 2011

I've developed an application in VB.Net 2010, Express edition. It uses Word Library functionality to access several .docx and .dotx files.Everything works in the development environment. However, after deployment, my application can't find any of the Word document files. I've added them to the project and to the Resources list under the Project Properties tab.The path I'm using to locate the docs and dots is coded in these ways:[code]Both of these statements work in the development environment perfectly. Not at all after deployment as an app.What can I do to make my application find the Word files after deployment?

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IDE :: Access Rights To SQL Express Database With Deployment?

Jun 16, 2011

I developed a windows application that uses a SQL Express database. I created a Setup project as well. When I install the application, the database is deployed with read only rights causing errors in the program. Of course, I manually change the rights to Full Control and the application works great. How do I get the database to deploy with Full Control?

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VS 2010 Express Database Application Deployment?

Sep 28, 2011

I've developed a database application in VB.Net Express 2010 and am having difficulty deploying it. The only deployment method available to me using the Express version is OneClick deployment. I can't figure out how to include the Access database file in the package.

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VS 2008 VB 2008 Express Edition Softare - Specific Installation Directory For A Program?

Aug 9, 2009

Where in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Software program do you specify a specific installation directory for a program?

c:Program Filesfinished program

I want to publish my program to try it out on another system and I want to ensure its installed in the directory structure I want.

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How Do Publish A Vb Express 2008 Program With "terms Of Use" Clause The User Must Agree To In Order To Install The Program?

May 26, 2009

I have a program in vb express 2008 which I would like to publish in a little more professional manner than provided in the standard vb express package. I would at least like to include a "Terms of Use" document the user must agree to before installing the program. I have dovnloaded and installed web developer, c# and vs 2008. Do any of these include a professional installer? If not are there any free installer packages available? I am 72 and live on a limited budget so I cannot aford an expensive package for one program.

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Make An Program In VB Express 2008?

Dec 22, 2009

I have make an program in VB express 2008 ( Three years work )This program is stand alone , you can start it everywhere My program works on XP , VISTA and Window 7 I have make an setup program to install it in MyDocuments But the path in XP is not the same as VISTA or Windows 7 ( I know how to do this )

What I want to do is to make an short desktop of my program with the same icon as my program on the desktop

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Error When Publishing Program Containing A Windows Media Player

May 20, 2011

I published a VB.NET 2008 program that contains a Windows Media Player. The code I used to play a wav file was AxMediaPlayer1.FileName = "song.wav". After publishing the program, when it is supposed to play the wav file, I get the following error: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

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Data Encryption Program In VB 2008 Express?

Mar 6, 2009

I am currently working on a simple data encryption program in VB 2008 express. Basically, I want the user to be able to select any file type and the program will read the data and store it in a text box. The user would then input a key, push the encrypt button and the program would XOR each byte of data with each character from the key and store the data in the third text box. I have written a program that has similar functionality only, it will not read from files, it simply reads data from a text box, so I have a encryption algorithm that works.Here is my


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Run VB 2008 Express Edition Program On PDA / Pocket PC?

May 28, 2012

Run VB 2008 Express Edition program on PDA / Pocket PC

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Install .rtf Files In Folders When Building/publishing/installing Program?

Oct 18, 2010

I could not figure out the key to installing folders/subfolders/.rtf files during deployment/installation. The key here is to 'add' folders and subfolders to the project in solution explorer, then adding existing item (.text (.rtf files in my case) files) then selecting the .rtf file in solution explorer.go to its properties and under 'Build Action' select 'Content' (very Important!). Then under 'Copy to Output' select 'Copy if newer'!Then in code to access these files you use the following code:

Me.RichTextBoxDisplay.LoadFile(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "KJV BibleOTExodusExodus KJV.rtf"))

Finally after 3 days of research and 2 days at the msdn forum picking peoples minds (smarter than mine) and lots of prayer, I got it!

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Forms :: VB 2008 Express - Get The Program To Recognize The Key Is Even Being Pressed

May 3, 2010

I've been trying to figure out a simple keypress handling event.I have the code working fine after hunting for a couple of days on the net but have a problem getting rid of the obnoxious bong that comes along with hitting the ENTER key.I've attempted some solutions on the web about changing the KeyAscii to 0 but under that method I cannot even get the program to recognize the key is even being pressed.The code I have so far is as follows and I'm just trying to get rid of the audible bong.


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Detect Data Changes In A Dataset On Runtime Program And SQL Express 2008?

Dec 14, 2009

I have designed an application for a company which has 5 client computers that read and write data to an sql2008 instance on a server.I would like to know the way to detect a change in a table whithout having to refill the table adapter.Let's say that all the client applications have a datagridview on the main form which binds to a table on the database lets say Members table (members binding source)Whenever a client makes a change to that table (lets say that it updates the Last name of a member) i would like the rest of the clients to detect that update and as a result ,update the specific row or cell in the datagridview.Is there some kind of event that is raised?

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Generate New Panel At Runtime Program 2008 Express Edition?

Jan 22, 2010

My project is a server/client application, how do I copy existing panel with labels and pictureboxes to show stats of clients connected? I mean once the server accepts a client, stats of that client is shown on a new panel but has the same contents as the existing panel. Any Idea how to do this? I was thinking to make a set of panels and hide them if there's no client connecting but what if there are too many clients connecting more than the set of panels already made?

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IDE :: VB 2008 Express: Program Runs On PC But Stops Working When Trying To Run .exe On Another Computer?

Jun 3, 2011

And here I am with a new problem in my program When I debug it everything works fine (the buttons, progressbars, pinger, spambot, When I compile it and run the Executable file, it works too.When I run the Executable file on another computer (tried on 4 different ones) the program stops working and
I get this error:

{$ exception. "Failed to create the form For more information, see Exception.InnerException error: File or assembly ." Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a "or one of its dependencies not found. The system can not find the file specified .."} System.Exception {System.InvalidOperationException}


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