Achieve My ToolStrip Design?

May 26, 2011

How to achieve my ToolStrip design the same as the picture below?

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ToolStrip On A Databound Form - Toolstrip Buttons Don't Receive Focus In The Normal Way ?

Mar 24, 2009

I really want to make use of the toolstrip and databinding but these two technologies keep conflicting with each other. I think the root cause is something to with the fact that the toolstrip buttons don't recieve focus in the normal way.

I invite you to try the following:-

1. Create a form and put some text boxes a tool strip with a save button on it.

2. Write a query or sproc to get a datatable back and bind your text boxes to the field in the datatable.

3. In the code behind your Save ToolStripButton put some code that makes an arbitrary change to a field on the dataset (it doesn't matter whther this field is bound to a text box or not). eg:-
m_DataTable.Rows(0).Item("CommissionRatePerc") = "0.0000"

4. Put a breakpoint in the save and run the form.

5. Make some changes in the text boxes. Do not leave the last text box but rather click save while a text box whose contents you have edited still has focus.

6. When your code hits the breakpoint, query the value of the data table field that is bound to the text box you were editing when you clicked save - it will still contain the unedited value. Unless you do something about it that unedited value is going to get saved back to your DB.

We did get around this problem by explicetely setting the focus to another control on the form before saving. That worked most of the time because it prompts the text box to flush it's value back to the datatable (nb EndEdit does not work, although you'd have expected it to). However, and this is the reason I suggested you add a line of code that changed a value in the underlying datatable in step 3, if you change a value in code in this way before the value from the text box get's flushed back then it doesn't seem to matter what you do, the user's current edit is simply lost. They will still show in the text box, though, leading your user to believe that the change has been committed when it hasn't. Our final solution is that we never ever change a value in the adtaset in the code behind our toolstrip buttons. That's working but it's a pretty big restriction.

View 15 Replies

How To Achieve The Bus Transfer

Aug 28, 2011

I save the bus Information in the two-dimensional array.As follows:

array 0 1 2 3 ..............................
0 106 A B C ..............................
1 102 D A E ..............................


Array(x,0) are bus lines,behind its are place.Now I want go to the E form the A(pass 106),but A can't direct to E.But A can pass 102 to E.So line is [106-102].How can I achieve the bus transfer?

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How To Achieve The C# 'as' Keyword For Value Types

Apr 14, 2009

Most of our development is done in (not my choice) and one frequently used code pattern uses an 'On Error GoTo' followed by a 'Resume Next' so that all database fields can be read with a DirectCast() and any DBNull values are just ignored.

The current code would be
On Error GoTo error_code
oObject.Name = DirectCast(oReader.Item("Name"), String)


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How To Achieve True 50 / 50 Chance

Feb 11, 2009

I know I'm being quite pedantic here. But, what is the right way to get a true 50/50-chance with a generated random number? Say, to simulate the flip of a coin. [code] I know this difference is close to nothing, but I'm doing some calculations on bell curves, in such a way that it requires true 50/50-chance.

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How To Achieve Using Winform / Webform

Jul 27, 2011

I want a modal screen on startup of the computer, so that user forces to make some action on that screen. Also I want to disabled close button of the screen, It should cover entire Desktop.How to achieve using winform/webform? is parent/child form is the only solution fro this/?

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What Should Pass To Achieve Block F12 Key

Sep 10, 2009

[code]What should i pass to achieve block the F12 key..

View 7 Replies

Achieve A List With All Possible Combinations Of Letters?

Sep 9, 2009

I was wondering how to achieve a list with all possible combinations of letters. Now there are some nice examples on the Internet, however, I'd like to have the following:

Let's assume you have 3 letters (A, B, C), and have a limit length of 3, then it should display this list:



Now, this would be fine with recursive calls I think, but I find it really difficult to think how to code that and how the computer will execute the code. It would be easier if all possibilities had a length of 3, but here that isn't the case.

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Achieve Embedded Custom Tags In

Sep 23, 2011

I found this example:



Ideally I don't want the FieldConfig class to be a visual class but it's ok if it is.

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Achieve Simultaneous File Download?

May 23, 2011

I have a class that uses a BackGroundWorker to download a single file using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse

Downloading single file works.

But if I make two objects of that class and start downloading 2 different files simultaneously, there is nothing produced. Execution exits after getResponse() without any error or exception.

Is there any way to achieve simultaneous file download?

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Achieve The Look Of The Attached Image Using String?

Jun 16, 2009

I am trying to achieve the look of the attached image using string.Format and PadLeft/PadRight but I have no success with it, anyone who could offer some help?

EDIT:The font I used is not mono-spaced and I am not inclined to use a mono-spaced font for this.

View 4 Replies

Achieve Form Controls From The Running Process?

Jan 22, 2009

dim prc1,prc2 as Process
dim f,f1 as form
dim aHandle,bHandle as IntPtr


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How To Achieve Form Controls From The Running Process

Jan 22, 2009

dim prc1,prc2 as Process
dim f,f1 as form
dim aHandle,bHandle as IntPtr


View 19 Replies

Possible To Achieve Performance Tuning With Same Thread Concept?

Apr 26, 2011

We have developed a application using multi-threaded listener concept and a dedicated thread for each folder to monitor. With that we simultaneously keep track of the incoming files in each folder.Currently, we are facing an issue whenever we receive multiple files of bulk volume, parallel processing of the files getting delayed with thread concept or failing sometimes.We need to implement the same logic with some other concept avoiding multi-hreading. Or is it possible to achieve performance tuning with the same thread concept?

View 2 Replies

Use A WPF Control In WinForms To Achieve Transparency Effects?

Feb 10, 2011

Is it possible to use WPF in WinForms, to implement the idea used in this question. I am trying to create a semi-transparent panel.

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VS 2008 Achieve Mouse Movements With SendInput?

Aug 17, 2009

I�m trying to achieve mouse movements with SendInput.

There is code that got from Pinvoke, [URL]

<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = True)> _
Private Shared Function SendInput(ByVal nInputs As Integer, ByRef pInputs As InputLanguage,


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Achieve A Drop Shadow Effect Around All Edges Of Form?

May 19, 2009

How would I achieve a drop shadow effect around all edges of my Form?

View 9 Replies

Achieve Acceptable Security Is To Use ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool?

Dec 7, 2010

Update to my Question the best way to achieve acceptable security is to use ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool the following is only a demo to use session but it is NOT RECOMMENDED for professional use. follow the advice of PhillFox to achieve better results


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Achieve CSS With Constant Values , Arithmetic And String Manipulation?

Mar 30, 2012

When developing ASP.NET websites (using VB.NET web forms) - a lot of my time is spend writing CSS files and they always seem to get messy (code duplication) and very long.

All I want to achieve is to be able to manipulate the CSS using VB.NET code in the following ways:

Use an integer variable to store my "golden" number 7 and use that for width, padding, margin etc where needed
Use string variables to store my "golden" hex color codes e.g. "#44C5F2" and use them for color, background-color, border-color etc. where needed Use an integer variable to set the height of an element and have four child elements each with height: mynum / 4

I just want to use basic number and string manipulation in order to create a CSS file on the fly.

I understand that the end product - the CSS file shouldn't change much - it should at most change on a daily basis otherwise caching couldn't be used.[code]...

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Achieve Is Split Or Output From Text File For Each Single ID?

Apr 9, 2009

I am having a perl script through which i achieve is split or output from text file for each single ID , the output text file will contain data of that ID and the anme of the file will be ID.txt so if i am having one main file containing 100 or 200 ID's and for each ID's may be 10000 or more lines i would like to have 100 or 200 files containing data for each single ID which i am able to achieve from perl but is it possible from

open(TH,"myfile.txt")|| die print "not open1";
open(THG,">error.txt")|| die print "not open2";
open(INFO,">myfileAll.txt")|| die print "not open3";


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Css - Design A Webpage In Design View Which Support Multi Resolution?

Nov 26, 2010

I have created my webpage in in 1024*768 resolution, my problem was that when i change my monitor resolution then the controls in my webpage will be displayed in unmanaged manner .

How to arrange items in my webpage which support multiple resolution ...

Whatever the resolution of my monitor the controls in my webpage will display as it is as managed in 1024*768 reolution !

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Form Design - Cannot Expand Vertically In Design View

Jun 27, 2011

I seem to have reached a limit on the size of the form. I cannot make the form longer and I need to add more fields. Is there a limit on how many fields can be included in a form?

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C# - Design Reference And Object Oriented Design Of A CRM

May 25, 2011

I searched codeplex and google. I have found so many such as tustena but unfortunately they are not domain driven based and in these solutions I could not find a good modelling documents or references. i am a newbie in CRM but I am sensetive to design it with solid object-oriented fundamentals. Any reference or open source solution especifically for CRM design and implementaion in .NET? Cheers

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Overflow In A Toolstrip?

Dec 23, 2009

I was wondering, in a toolstrip there is an overflow option

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Provide URL In A Toolstrip?

Aug 21, 2009

Provide URL in a toolstrip? I mean to URL that will be displayed as a link.

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Serialize A Toolstrip?

Aug 9, 2009

Is it possible to serialize a toolstrip?

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ToolStrip Buttons Are Gone

Apr 5, 2010

I have an MDI container with a ToolStrip. I ran into a naming issue with images/icons. I removed the lines of code referring to the image of the buttons in the MDIForm.Designer.VB file. Then, in the actual designer, I imported the image file as a project resource and added this image to each button.

When I view the MDI form in the designer, the buttons appear normally, but when I run the app, the buttons are not there!

Should i have not edited the designer.vb file directly? Can this be fixed without recreating each button?

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Using A Toolstrip For A Bookmarks Bar.

May 14, 2010

I'm making a little webbrowser just for the heck of it, And i want to know if you can use a toolstrip for a bookmarks bar. I have it laid out, I just would need the code to make the buttons work.

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Add A Context Menu To A ToolStrip?

Jun 3, 2009

Is there another way to add a Context Menu to a ToolStrip other than using the MouseDown Event? I want to use it to let people select to either show text labels on buttons in the ToolStrip or turn them off.

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Adding A Button On The Toolstrip

Mar 27, 2010

i added a toolstrip in my form,actually on adding a button on the toolstrip this appears but actually i want this print image.

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