Add Listview Items In Different Form Using BackgroundWorker?

Feb 6, 2012

I have 2 Form, form1 and form2, there are listview in form1 and there are backgroundworker in form2, I trying to add Items to listview in form1 with backgroundworker in form2, but when I run the backgroundworker, nothing happen with listview, but its work when I am not using Backgroundworker in form 2_load

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Backgroundworker & Listview.items.add()?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using a backgroundworker thread for processing and I need to periodically add items to a listview (with multiple columns) during the thread processing.I can easily use the following code for delegating the task to add an item to a listview, but I can't figure out how to additional info to other columns on the same row.he thread, I'd execute the following to trigger the invoke to add to listview:AddListItem(ListView1, filepath)Here is the delegate code, if someone can show me how to add the t

Delegate Sub AddListItem_Delegate(ByVal [Label] As ListView, ByVal [text] As String)
Private Sub AddListItem(ByVal [ListView] As ListView, ByVal [text] As String, Optional ByVal [text2] As String = "")


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Adding Items And Subitems To Listview Cotrol From A Backgroundworker?

May 9, 2011

Can someone point me out a way to add items to listview cotrol from a backround worker, I've searched the web for a way to do this but with no success

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Access The Items Of A Listview Which In Another Form Inside A Panel?

Feb 1, 2011

How do I access the items of a listview which in a another form inside a panel.

The Listview is inside a Panel........Panel1

Panel1 is in a Form ..................Form 1

I have another form .........Form2, from where I want to input items to Listview in Form 1

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Populate A A Listview Control With Items And Subitems That A User Enters Into A Group Of Textboxes On A Form?

Feb 13, 2009

I am trying to populate a a listview control with items and subitems that a user enters into a group of textboxes on a form. It looks as if some of the code to do this has changed since VB6 and I am confused again. Here is the current code I am using without success:

lvSurgProcedure is the name of my listview control
Private Sub btnAddSurgeProcedure(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSurgProcedure.Click
Dim lvItem As New ListViewItem


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VS 2005 Add Items To Listbox Using Backgroundworker?

Feb 16, 2011

am adding about 500k item data to a listbox using for loop, but i need the app to be responsive. AM loading the data from a textfilewhat is the bestway to do this, indicating progress with a progress bar as well?

I found and example for listview here, but that thread is old and does not seem to answer my question specifically.

Can i use the same backgroundworker for more than one operation ie after adding the items to the listbox, i need to process each data using background worker so that my app will be responsive, and it wil show progress in the progressbar, or i have to use one for each operation?

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.net - Unable To Filter WPF BackgroundWorker ListView

Jul 8, 2009

I have a WPF ListView that I am trying to filter within a BackgroundWorker. My code is shown below:

Dim Worker As New BackgroundWorker
AddHandler Worker.DoWork, AddressOf Me.FilterAsync
Me.TextBoxText = Me.TextBox.Text


This code runs through the filtering however it fails with an error "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it." on the following line:

ListView.Filter = New Predicate(Of Object)(AddressOf Me.FindItemsAsync)

What would be the problem here? I can't seem to find any samples with filtering through the BackgroundWorker.

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VS 2010 - BackgroundWorker And ListView (Improvement)

Jan 7, 2011

Here's my code :
'Clearing the selected items of the listview
'Random selection of farms from the listview
Dim random As New Random()
Dim rand As Integer = random.[Next](0, ListView1.Items.Count)
[Code] .....

I'm running it under a BGW and it works fine but is there anyone who can comment on it and make my code a bit better. I've a background worker and I am running it again and again on the RunWorkerCompleted like this
Private Sub BGW_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BGW.RunWorkerComplete
End Sub
Is it bad coding or is there any alternative to run it?

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VS 2008 Add Information To A ListView From A BackgroundWorker Thread?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm trying to add information to a ListView from a BackgroundWorker thread. I thought I could do this in this manner:
Private Delegate Sub _ListView(ByVal lvi As ListViewItem)
Public Sub test(ByVal lvi As ListViewItem)


When I attempt to run the "test" sub the BackgroundWorker, I get an error:

Argument not specified for parameter 'lvi' of 'Public Syb test(lvi as System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem)'.

Is there something I need to specify when declaring the sub, or in the sub itself?

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VS 2008 Updating A ListView From A BackGroundWorker Thread?

Sep 20, 2009

I'm using the following to check the state of checkboxes and then activate some public subs based on the checked state of the checkboxes:
Public Sub TestSub() If Me.CheckBox1.InvokeRequired Then Me. CheckBox1.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf TestSub)) Else Begin() End If End Sub

Within the Begin sub, I have code that performs specific actions and then updates a ListView with that information.As far as I can tell, the actions are being performed, but the ListView isn't being updated with the info.I'm calling the Test sub from a seperate form, within the BackGroundWorker's DoWork event.Would I have to check the InvokeRequired property of the ListView as well?I'm looking more into the documentation of the BackGroundWorker.

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VS 2008 Count How Many Items Contain A Word In A Listview Box & Remove Items?

Sep 27, 2011

i have a listview box full of items, image below:

when i click a button i would like a msgbox to pop up displaying how many are alive.

How would i do this ?

Also how would i remove all items that status is "Dead"

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Listview Items And Sub Items - Navigate To The Next Item After The Clicked One Is Over ?

Feb 27, 2011

i made a media player program and i am having many problems! the main issue is that i have a listview that displays music playlist, how can i get it to navigate to the next item after the clicked one is over that way users don't have to click on the next one to continue their playlist?

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Save ALL Of The Items In A Listview, Items That Were Added By The User?

May 3, 2009

How can I save ALL of the items in a listview, items that were added by the user? I tried application Settings and tried creating a settings file but there is not a settings option for listview items.

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Make The Listview Sort The Listview Items By Column?

Jun 22, 2010

im trying to make the listview sort the listview items by column (whichever column was clicked, sort the list based on that column)

in vb6 it was done by:
Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
Static olditem&
With ListView1


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Print Out All The Items/sub Items Of A Listview Into One String?

Apr 27, 2010

Im trying to print out all the items/sub items of a listview into one string.

here is the code i have:

For Each lvwItem In ListView1.Items
' Print the subitems of this particular ListViewItem
For Each lvwSubItem In lvwItem.SubItems


How do i just print out the value (MyItem1) without the "ListViewSubItem: {}" part? I know i can use a string function to remove this, but id rather not

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How To Populate The Listview It Populates All Of The Listview Items

Mar 13, 2012

I have the code below and when I try to populate the listview it populates all of the listview items but only the first subitem. No clue what I've got wrong.[code...]

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Cancel Backgroundworker - Got The Error Message" This BackgroundWorker Is Currently Busy And Cannot Run Multiple Tasks Concurrently?

Dec 14, 2009

in my button click event i ececure

If BackgroundWorker4.IsBusy Then
End If[code]....

after proceess completed if press the button again.i got the following error msg

This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently.

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Update Form That Is Inside The Backgroundworker

Jul 27, 2010

I have created what amounts to a progressbar which is launched using a backgroundworker. So all is well the main UI/process is doing its thing and the progressbar is ticking away. What I would like to do is update some text that is in the progressbar. So when the main UI/process finishes one of its tasks I want to update a message in the progressbar. NOT have the progressbar update the main UI/process but rather have the main UI update the progressbar.

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VS 2008 Running A New Form As A Backgroundworker?

Aug 6, 2009

I have created a application that creates a windows schedule task that connects to a FTP server and uploads/synchronize selected files and folders from your computer. After the user has selected all needed information and click continue, a form with a progressbar (Marquee) should appear. The application will then perform different tasks needed for the schedule to be completed. When all needed tasks are finished i want the progressForm to close and the main form will show you a summary of the newly created task.

I run the tasks in the main thread and assign a backgroundworker for the porgressFrom. i have have also tried to run the taks in a backgroundworker.

Button Continue Click Event.
Private Sub btn_Continue_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Continue.Click


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Invisible A Column In Datagridview In A Form When Using A Backgroundworker In .net?

Nov 3, 2010

i have a form and a datagridview in form i work with backgroundworker in here i want invisible a column in my datagrid i use delegate for it but i have error

Sub SetDgvLastIssuedCard_Columns_Delegate(ByVal
[DataGridView] As DataGridView,


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Tool Strip Items Do Not Merge With The ToolStrip Items On Parent Form

Dec 19, 2009

Okay I have this two Forms.. one for the parent and one for the mdichild. I have a toolstrip menu in the parent with a button(with a pic) named close document.

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Listview In Child Form - Listview Will Not Access With My Add Button Control In FrmCreateUserType

Jul 29, 2010

I have 3 forms, one frmMain - main form, second is frmUserType- childform, and the last frmCreateUserType. In the main form I have a menu item to open my frmUserType, In this form I have a button to open another form which is my frmCreateUserType, In this form I have a button to add records then update the listview in frmUserType. The problem is the listview will not access with my add button control in frmCreateUserType. I tried not to used mdiparent declaration for my frmMain and frmUserType as children and it works, so meaning that the problem is showing my frmUserType as childform?I am using 2008

Code to open my second form (frmUserType)


Code for my add button to update the listview in frmUserType


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Add Items Into Listview?

Mar 19, 2009

Dim str As String[code]....

but i get all the data into one single first column.

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Add Some Items To A Listview

Oct 15, 2011

I am looking for the a simplest for of code where I can add some items to a listview. i have 4 text boxes and 4 columns in a listview.. what could be the code to put 4 values as a single row in list view.. i managed to put put first textbox value as listviewitem (the first column) , but rest 3 has to be added as subitems... i am stuck here..

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Get Items From Xml And Add To Listview

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to add get items from an xml document and load it into a listview. I keep getting an System.OutOfMemory exception on the line projects.Add(project). What am I doing wrong and how do I do it correctly? I got this code from murach's beginning visual basic.NET. When I run this it adds random spaces between the items in the listview


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How To Get Items In ListView

Apr 15, 2012

How can I get items in listview? I know how to get the current item if selected but I am trying to put it in a loop where I need to get my three row items there. I have 3 columns and I want to get there items and insert it in entry string.

This code is wrong
Dim a As Integer = 0
For a = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count
columname.Text = ListView1.FocusedItem.Text(a)
columntype.Text = ListView1.Items(a).SubItems(1).Text
columnscale.Text = ListView1.SelectedItems(a).SubItems(2).Text
entry = entry + columname.Text + " " + columntype.Text + "(" + columnscale.Text + ")" + vbNewLine + "" & _

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Set Listview Items Name?

Jan 26, 2010

If I look at all the options for


one of them is for Name.

So instead of coding


I can use


But if I go into the properties of the ListView1 and look at the collection for the Items there is no place to set the Name.I can code Me.ListView1.Items(1).Name = "Name" and then I can code Me.ListView1.Items("Name")Where can you set the "Name" of the Items in a ListView?

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Sum Listview Items From Row 1 To 20

Jul 25, 2010

Can someone help me about the following code? how can i get the sum total to the label.[code]

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.net - Removing Items From A ListView?

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to search through listview in 2008. It works fine with small list, but when the list is big ( around 25000 rows), if I search multiple items , it fails saying that index is not valid. Obviously what I understand is , it it tryiong to remove an index does not exist. But I am unable to figure out where exactly it is going wrong.

PS : while it is doing search through the entire listview, I am incrementing index = index+5 becasue I want the next 5 rows to be in the selection state as well.This is the code Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp If (e.KeyCode = Keys.PageDown) Then


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Add Items To Listview Columns?

Apr 12, 2009

I am having trouble adding items to individual columns. When I do the following[code]....

Everything gets added to the first column instead of the assigned column.

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