Tool Strip Items Do Not Merge With The ToolStrip Items On Parent Form

Dec 19, 2009

Okay I have this two Forms.. one for the parent and one for the mdichild. I have a toolstrip menu in the parent with a button(with a pic) named close document.

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Adding Menu Strip With Items To Form

Jun 18, 2012

1: I have to create an application that will dynamically add a menu strip with menu items to a form (i.e., NOT dragged and dropped onto the form) in Visual Basic. The menu strip should be created in the Form_Load event handler. I have to use a TextBox for user input. If the user enters information into the TextBox and clicks on the Add Button, the text should be added to a ComboBox control.

A Menu should then be created that must be added to the menu strip dynamically. There should be a second TextBox that will be used to add a new menu item to the menu that is currently selected in the ComboBox. When a menu item is selected, it must simply display a MessageBox with the items name (For example, adding a menu item called View would display a MessageBox with the message "View").

2: I have to create a quiz machine program in in Visual Basic with the following:
A menu strip that must be created programmatically (ie NOT dragged and dropped onto the form). There should be an exit option added to the menu strip that must exit the application.
A structure must be created to encapsulate all the questions and suggested answers. The structure must contain:
Question String
Answers Collection
Correct Answer String

When the form loads, 5 questions must be created in code using these structures. These 5 structures will then serve as the quiz. The user must be shown the first question, and have the option of browsing forwards and backwards through the quiz. The program should store saved answers to select the radio button when users cycle through. This can be done by any means possible, for example an ArrayList or SortedList.

I have to ensure that the suggested answers are randomized the first time the form loads only. Once the user has selected an answer for every question, the Submit button should be enabled. When the user clicks this button, the program must then evaluate the quiz and compare the users selected answers against the correct answer. A valid message must then be displayed via a MessageBox indicating the user's score.

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Forms :: ChildForm Pops Parent Main Tool Strip?

Oct 2, 2009

The Parent has a Tool Strip and on the tool strip is a button that when clicked loads the child, this works fine.But when I set the child form to maximize its title-bar jumps over the Parent tool strip. Pushing it down a bit. I do what this. I would like the child to be completely contained within the Parent including the Parent forms tool strip.

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DB/Reporting - Menu Strip - Fetch Items From Database And Load In To Menu Items

Nov 28, 2008

I have a menu strip. In the menu strip I have something for some saved urls in the database, I called it Bookmarks. So I'm trying to fetch the items from the database and have it load in to the menu items.. but it keeps adding items and I only want them added once.

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How To Send Items To A Toolstrip

Sep 4, 2009

how can i send items(forms) to a toolstrip in vb9, i mean, just like the items show in the taskbar.

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ToolStrip, Add Items With Code?

Apr 29, 2010

how does one add buttons with images and text to a tool strip at runtime. So far I have come up with this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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Tool Strip Container Tools Strip Lost Focus And Double Click?

Aug 19, 2011

"Form1" has a ToolStripContainer1.TopToolStripPanel which contains a ToolStrip with buttons. The buttons work on ONE click when "Form1" is active.If I click on another window and then return to "Form1" the ToolStrip buttons take TWO clicks to activate.The first click returns focus to "Form1" and the subsequent click fires the button event.I want the buttons to work on the first click and not require two clicks.Note that ordinary buttons on "Form1" that are not part of the ToolStrip work on the first click when returning from another window/form?

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Any Way To Add Items To ToolStrip Menu At Runtime?

Jan 25, 2012

Is it possible to add items to a toolstrip menu at runtime? Or to a menu strip?

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Looping Through ToolStrip Items To Uncheck?

Jun 23, 2011

When one is clicked, would like to be able to have it checked, and uncheck all the restCheckOnClick will not uncheck the rest (I want an effect similar to radio buttons).My first plan was to loop through each item in the ToolStrip Items() array, however these are ToolStripItems (which are a base class) and thus do not have the Checked property. So then I thought about using CType to convert them to ToolStripButtons, which do have the Checked property, except what should I do about the ToolStripSplitButtons?I basically want to say, "if this ToolStripItem is as ToolStripButton, then uncheck it"

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ToolTip Format In ToolStrip Items?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a little issue with the tooltip and with a toolstrip control...

I added the tool tip and set the in toolstrip control the ShowItemToolTips to True, and set for each button that i have the correct text. When i run the application when i put the mouse over the buttons the tool tips are showed, but for example the icon doesn't show up, i only get the rectangle with the text...

If i put text in the tooltiptext for the toolstrip control it works fine.

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View Menu Strip Items?

Sep 29, 2010

i'm writing code which can controlling of a text editor by voice when u say for example "file" i want to view file menu strip items
what i want u help me in the code which can view the file items or make it visibility true?

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Event Generated By ToolStrip Items Reorder?

Mar 19, 2011

I've got a ToolStrip control which I allow the user to re-order the items(alt-dragging items). Is there a way to get the event notification for this action?

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Disable Menu Strip Sub Items In An Application?

Jun 26, 2010

I am creating a user rights access to a menu. for example an administrtor account can access a sales report while a limited account cannot. What i mean is a customize menu for an administrator and limited user....

ex. administrator
Sales Report--->Daily sales-enable
limited account
Sales Report--->Daily Sales-disable

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VS 2005 Menu Strip Items Missing?

Mar 18, 2009

Each form has a Status Strip, Menu Strip and Tools Strip.Each one of those has at least one control.Suddenly, in design and debug all of the Contrls on the SS,MS and TS controls are gone i.e. the Strips are present but they have no controls on them.Their Items (collection) property is empty.All of their event handlers are still present and can be accessed.Can anyone tell me what I did wrong and how to fix it with out deleting the Strips and redoing?

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VS 2008 Save Toolstrip Dropdown Items In Listbox?

Jan 31, 2008

I added a setting in my.settings, the setting is a listbox, and I know you can put controls in a listbox, but for some reason it will not let me add a toolstripmenuitem to the listbox in my settings. Is there a fix to this?

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Put Tool Tip Text In Tool Strip Status Label?

Oct 17, 2010

how to put the tool tip text in status bar label this in form load event

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Changing Menu Strip Items From Open File Dialog1

Aug 31, 2009

I am making a program that is in need of labels changing and showing depending on what the user clicks on a file Dialog.

Everything works fine except for that when I change the labels, it uses the entire file path, and I ONLY want the file name. How would I be able to get JUST the file name?


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How To Stop Tools Strip Menu Items From Appearing In Taskbar

Mar 6, 2012

I have a program which runs mainly though a NotifyIcon in the bottum right of my windows screen (XP). Whenever I open the ContextMenuStrip that appears when the icon is right clicked, a box also appears in the task bar. I also have nested menus inside the menu (mouse over one item leads to another menu), and each additional menu also creates a taskbar box upon appearing. So once I am at the third or fourth nested menu, there would be 3 or 4 windows appearing in the taskbar. After the menu disapears, so do the windows in the taskbar.How can I stop the taskbar from displaying boxes to represent these menus? I have done nothing in my code as far as I know to create this type of behavior. I have searched for similar problems but have found nothing similar. There is no "showintaskbar" property for these items as far as I can see, and no other property that I can find which would affect this. I have investigated the owner of the contextmenustrip since I read the owner may effect these type of behaviors, but that doesnt seem to be helpful as there isn't an owner property of the contextmenustrip.

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Make Toolstrip Separator Visible False With Rest Toolstripmenu Items?

Dec 29, 2011

Since I am making a program with quite a few users with different access levels, I usually turn all the toolstripmenuitems to visible false first, before turning some of them to visible true again as specific to the users.[code]...

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While Creating Context Menu Strip / Not Able To Enter More Items Like Cut Copy Paste

Aug 14, 2009

I have created a menustrip in windows application.I typed items like &File,&Open.At design time,F and O is undelined in File and Open respectively.But at runtime,it does not seem to be.Also,while creating context menu strip,iam not able to enter more items like cut copy paste.

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Find Specific Characters (items) In String Array (or List) And Then Merge Them?

Mar 8, 2012

I'm having a problem recently, a logical issue so hard to determine various examples.I need the text that is inserted in textbox, which has been altered or modified or twisted to have a proper format through line accordance and constant white spaces etc. And some cases I stuck at defining the If statement within the loop. Here's an example of a text I'm trying to reformat.[code]I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. This code is being fired on mouse click event of a button control. This is a snippet of my code there are more filtering after but here is what should be changed.

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Menu Strip Appears On The Parent Form But Not On The Child Forms?

Feb 13, 2009

I have created a parent form and 2 child forms. Each of the forms have menustrips. When i run the application the menu strip appears on the parent form but not on the child forms. I have the menu strip set to visable.

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Check All Items Under A Parent Node In Visual Basic?

Jun 25, 2010

I am trying to check all the childnodes under a parent node, the code I have so far only goes about 2-3 levels deep in the TreeView and I am looking to grab all nodes no matter how deep they are.

Below is the code:

Private Sub CheckChildNode(ByVal currNode As TreeNode)
'set the children check status to the same as the current node
Dim checkStatus As Boolean = currNode.Checked
For Each node As TreeNode In currNode.Nodes


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VS 2008 : Add All Registry (subkey, Parent, Etc) Items To A Treeview?

May 11, 2012

How would i add all registry (subkey, parent, etc) items to a treeview?

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VS 2008 Referencing A Property In The Parent ITEMS Class

May 6, 2010

I have a collection class, say ITEMS, that inherits a Dictionary (of String, SINGLEITEM). From the SINGLEITEM class, I would like to reference a property in the parent ITEMS class, what is the best way to do this? For example, say the ITEMS class has an IsDirty property and I would like to set that if ANY of the contained SINGLEITEM objects is modified, what's the best way to go about doing this?

I know I could add a reference to the collection class in each SINGLEITEM class (since I override the ADD method, I could make this assignment), but this seems like overkill.

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Developing An Automation Tool To Test New Desktop - Open Menu Items On Toolbarwindow32 Windows?

Aug 5, 2008

Currently developing an automation tool to test new desktop OS builds at work. Need to be able to open menu items on toolbarwindow32 windows (main menu of explorer windows). Now this requires retrieving information of all the buttons on the toolbar, obtaining the button ID of desired menu and sending a WM_COMMAND message with the ID. I'm having trouble retrieving button information.Now im using openprocess, virtualallocex to allocate virtual memory in the target process, and then sending the TB_GETBUTTON message with a pointer to the allocated memory then reading out the result. Allocation and the send message works fine but reading the processmemory back out is failing but not returning an error code, getlastwin32error returns nothing either.

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure TBBUTTON
Public iBitmap As Integer[code]....

As mentioned above, the read process memoery call fails, the return value is -1 The documentation states it returns 0 for fail, non zero for pass. Wondering if the problem lies in incorrect use of types in pinvoke calls or the struct tbbutton is incorrect, or my use of a pinned pointer is wrong,or whether I need to use adjusttokenpriviledges to ensure I have rights.Though I'm running under admin and examples similar to this don't use it.

Relevant documentation
Read Process Memory

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Menu Strip Has Disappeared But The Menu Items Are Still Showing In Properties List?

Oct 6, 2011

I have combed these forums and the 'net and can't find an answer to my specific problem. My menu strip disappeared (after deleting a small secondary form within my project). I therefore created a new strip and while recreating the menu items realized that the original menu items are still present, showing in my properties list. I have checked my design file as well and the original menu strip is definitely gone but the original menu items are there. I don't have many items so I would have no problem just deleting the original ones but I can't see them to delete them! I have checked and they are all set to visible. I have also moved everything on my form to see if it is behind anything else.

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Add Toolstrip Items For Each Knowncolor And The Backcolor As Knowncolor?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to add items to a toolstripmenuitem in which each color has the color name, and each item is colored after the color name. So I tried this.

Public Sub Add_Colors()For K As KnownColor = KnownColor.AliceBlue To KnownColor.YellowGreen Dim NItem As New ToolStripMenuItem


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Add Tool Tips To Controls In A ToolStrip?

Apr 28, 2011

I want to add Tool Tips to a the controls in a ToolStrip. I add a Tool Strips control to the form and there is no property for it, only for the generic Tool Tip which doesn't have the same features.

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Visual Studio 2005 - Menu Items,Toolbar Items ,etc Displayed In Duplicate?

Jun 1, 2009

My visual studio 2005 has been running great up till now The menu items in the menu toolbar display exactly as follows:File File Edit Edit View View File File Edit Edit View View Tools Tools Tools Tools Window Window Community Community Help Help Window Window Community Community Help Help

Error List is displayed as follows:(I've excluded the icons)0 Errors 0 Errors 0 Warnings 0 Warnings 0 Messages 0 Messages The standard toolbar images are also displayed in 'duplicate'

This is before I open a project and visual studio is on the start page. The 'duplicates' do not go away even when a project is open.When project is open, Solution explorer displays duplicate images as well

I've tried all the following but still cannot get it to display normally. Restored my computer to a time when it was working ok. Full scan on my computer with AVG premium which includes spyware etc (No viruses , etc found) All software is updated fully

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