Add C# User Control To Existing Program Project?

Mar 11, 2010

I've got an existing project written in Another person has written a user control in c#.

let me know the steps for adding that C# user control to the app?

I've tried copying them to the folder and using "Add existing item", however it doesn't compile the code behind at all.

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Inherit An Existing Control (user Control) And Add It To The ToolBox?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I inherit an existing control (user control) and add it to the ToolBox?

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Save Updates In A GridView Control In Program To An Existing XML Document?

Dec 14, 2009

I have an existing xml document with music playlist information, which is read into a GridView control in Visual Basic. I am now wanting to save any updates in the GridView to that xml document.[code]...

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Add A User Control In Project?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a windows project. i add a user control in my project i goto - Add User Control.

I write some code over there. How can i add my user control to a form. i can't find it to tool bar. i try

to drag user control form solution to my form but it can't add.

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Importing User Control Into New Project

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having a problem importing a user control into a new project.I've created and tested a user control using the guide at url...If I choose Debug>Build, a .dll file is created in the release folder.According to what I've read, I should be able to open the toolbox in my new project, right click>choose items, browse to the dll and then import. This all works, but the control is 'greyed out' in the toolbox, so I can't drag and drop it onto the userform in my new project.I also tried importing by 'Add Reference' in the solution explorer and got an error about using a later version of the .NET framework, so I've set both the user control and new project to compile with the .NET 3.5 framework.

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Intellisense For C# User Control In Project

Nov 13, 2009

I have created a C# user control which I want to use in VB.NET .. the control works fine, but in VB.NET the Intellisense does not show any of the C# user control function descriptions (in summary xml doc tag). If I use the same control in a C# project the Intellisense show each function's description as intended..

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User Control Disappeared From The Project?

Nov 23, 2011

Yesterday I added a new user control to a project I was working on: right click on the project name "Estimator", then add, then new item, then on the add new item dialog I typed the name of the user control, and I created my ButtonWithCheck.vb control.

My user control appeared on the toolbox, I inserted it in a form, used it, kept working on my project, and everything was fine. I saved and closed the solution.

Today I open the solution and I got an error: "Could not find type 'Estimator.ButtonWithCheck'. Please make sure..."

Why a project saved while working doesn't load?

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Windows User Control Project?

Oct 13, 2009

am build my first windows user control project. It consist of the User Control window and a textbox. The idea is that it will only accept numbers as user input.I have added the controls and code in the textboxes keypress event.Built and added the control to the VS toolbox. Started a new app and added the control to the designer.

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Add A User Control To 2008 Express Project?

Jun 26, 2011

Is there any way I could add a user control to my VB 2008 Express project?

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User Control Accessing A Form Within The Project?

May 1, 2010

I have a "windows form" user control--that is, not on a web page etc. This user control has a form within the user control project. However, code from within the user control can't 'see' the form even though it is a public class---I don't understand why this is the case.

So how can I access the controls (a couple of radio buttons) on the form from code within the user control? I tried creating public properties on the form to return the state of the radiobuttons, but this still doesn't work. I get a "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." error

Should I not be able to see the form since it is a public class?

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VS 2008 Add A Custom User Control To A Form Or Project

Mar 19, 2009

I'm coming over from VB6 in which you could use 'user controls' to create reusuable custom controls. They were simple and contained and you can easily create several instances of a user control within the same or other apps. In vb2008 there are user controls but I can not figure out how to add them to forms or or other apps. Can someone please give me the the basic steps to add a custom user control to a form or project.

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Create A User Control Using WIA (Windows Image Acquisition) WebCam Project

Oct 6, 2009

i want to create a user control using WIA but i m get a error message at run time Error Assembly generation failed -- Referenced assembly 'Interop.WIALib' does not have a strong name. i m working of windows server 2003.

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Add An Existing Form Of Old Project To A New Project?

May 20, 2010

How to add an existing form of old project to a new project? Which extension type files to be added to work that existing form correctly?

I actually need frmContacts.vb (because a lot of textboxes and other controls are there) which I have added. Since it doesn't show any existing controls on form, I added other following files as well.

1) frmContacts.vb
2) frmContacts.Designer.vb
3) frmContacts.Designer.vb

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Create A New Project From An Existing Project?

Nov 8, 2011

I have one successful VB program in VS Studio 2010 Express Now, I want to add features to it but keep the original as is. Is there a way to save the current project with a different name without loosing the path, resources used and code? I did try to copy the project directory to a different directory named "TMP" but it does not work.

how to create a new project from an existing project?

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How To Add An Existing Form Of Old Project To A New Project

Jun 22, 2010

How to add an existing form of old project to a new project? Which extension type files to be added to work that existing form correctly?

I actually need frmContacts.vb(because a lot of textboxes and other controls are there) which I have added now to my New Project. Since it doesn't show any existing controls on form, I added other following files as well. Though there is no use.

1) frmContacts.vb
2) frmContacts.Designer.vb
3) frmContacts.Designer.vb

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Open Another Project From Within An Existing Project?

Jul 25, 2011

If there already is a thread for this, then appologies.I have a VB project which displays a message to the User and has a button they can click on to continiue.What i would like is for when the user clicks this continue button another VB app opens up All straight forward so far.The problem is that in the second app id like to open, i have a few different tab pages and id like to be able to open the second app on a specific tab page (Which is not the default when the app opens). Is this possible?

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Copying Data A File Int An Existing File Where The Filename Of Both The Data File And Existing File Will Vary From User To User

Aug 5, 2011

I have a workbook (Workbook1) that runs through some steps using visual basic, which ends up opening another workbook Workbook2). Once Workbook 2 is opened, I need to copy a section of data from it, into Workbook1 int a specific worksheet. I was able to do this by recording a macro, but the challange is, the name of Workbook 1, and Workbook 2, will vary by User. When I created the macro it uses the files as they are currently named. The section of code is below.


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Use The :add Existing Project In Vb?

Sep 17, 2010

i have added the existing project but now what?? how can i benefit from this? how can i use it? how does it work

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Add Description To A User Control Property In Program?

Jul 12, 2010

I created one web user control with property named "ReadonlyField" with boolean datatype. I am able to use in my web pages and now i wanted to add a description to that property so that i dont need to explain each time to my team member what is that property's intention.[code]...

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User Control Custom Event Program

Jan 16, 2010

I had this new idea for a user control Sliding Bar/Panel. See screenshot. So I quickly whipped it up but I've got this problem that I cannot figure out why it does not work. Because I wanted to make it nice and tidy I desided to use a Class (Header) and created a TypeConverter (HeaderConverter)

Public Class HeaderConverter : Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter
Protected SortOrder() As String
Public Sub New()
SortOrder = New String() {"Text", "Depth"}
End Sub
[Code] .....
and goes to the RaiseEvent but nothing happens Why?

I know I could put properties on the Container control to access the ctnbutton Control that is embedded into the control but I thought this might be a nicer way.

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.NET Debugging An Existing Project?

Sep 28, 2010

First of all, please feel free to skip this entirely if you can understand the questions below.I'm still very fresh new to .NET, but an elder monkey on bad old ASP in regular VB.I just got into a company with some legacy .NET VB files and now I have a couple of huge projects, with over 50mb of files and about 1gb the whole project and debugging them haven't been easy. I've read through w3schools tutorial and did many google researchs to get to this point in which I just can't make this work. And unlike in another very similar question I don't think this is a simple issue.

I don't know if those projects are MVC or regular Web Application, but I was told to use "Other Project Types > Visual Studio Solution > Blank Solution" and then "Add Existing Web Site" to that. With no further instructions or orientation, I see they all have DLLs and makes me believe they are not MVC.

Anyway, whichever this or many other ways I've tried to add the files into Visual Studio, I could never use the Debug properly with one of them. One works fine enough, I can at least see it running locally very alike from the webserver. But the other gives me many random errors and warnings to "compile" the debug and run on Visual Studio's own server (I think it's called "ASP.NET Development Server"). Some errors shouldn't even exist like "The file XXX doesn't exist" while I can easily verify it does exist!

I don't really expect to have much help here, but I still hope to find some. Sorry if this is too much.What options do I have to debug a big Visual Studio project that already works online in a server that have debugging and even error options turned off?How can I know how to properly "import" an existing project into Visual Studio to begin with?Is this a homework question?(new) Given I have 3 places to sync many files (local, shared production network and live) what's the best approach to work on and debug existing errors? Out of the box thinking is always welcome (converting project, not using Visual Studio, older version, whatever)

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Add A Class To An Existing Project?

Jun 27, 2009

I found what i was looking for on this old thread but I don't know exactly what to do woth it. The code given by Tall Dude seems to compile fine except for two errors..


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Add A Reference To Existing Project?

Aug 15, 2011

Windows 7 (64 bit); Visual Studio 2010

Project 1: Control Library and Builds ok

Project 2:Windows Forms Application

Code refers to Project 1 as "Dim withEvents name as New

Add Existing Project 1 .vbproj file

Add Reference and Select Prject 1 .vbproj file

The attached information message appears.Project 2 runs but not properly.

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Add An Existing Report To A New Project?

Dec 21, 2011

How do I Add an Existing Report to a New Project?

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Add Form To Existing Project?

Feb 24, 2008

I am working on the following scenario: I got an existing application. Now I have to add a login mechanism to it. What I want to do is, add another form to my project and show it before the 'real' form of the program is displayed, so that it can handle the login procedure.

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Determine If User Or Program Made Change To Control

Mar 15, 2010

I have numberic updown control in my app. There may be times when I want to programatically change the vlaue (in which case I don't want to ValueChanged event handler code to run). There will certainly be times when the user makes a change (in which case, I would want the event handler code to run).


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Add Wcf Functionality To An Existing Website Project?

Dec 27, 2011

I have several website projects for various sites.Currently I want to add REST API's to these projects so I can start developing mobile apps (using HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3 and PhoneGap) that make use of these webservices.

Since WCF is far more powerful than regular webservices (among others with control over the service and authentication/authorization), I'd love to add these to my existing website project.

I did a Google search but cant find anywhere a step-by-step tutorial how this can be done. And also if there's any functionality I'd possibly loose when adding WCF functionality.I was also thinking of creating a new project specifically for WCF, but think I'd rather add it to an existing website project.

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Adding Existing Project To Solution?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a visual basic 2010 project with a solution. When I double click the solution the project opens. I cannot see the solution file. I am trying to add an existing project to my solution but I am having trouble.How do I add an existing project to an existing solution?

In VB 2005 if I double click the solution the solution opens with the project underneath it. But in VB 2010 they have made it complicated apparently.

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Insert Form From Existing Project

Feb 7, 2011

How can I add a form from one project into a new project, I dont want all the code just the form layout.My form has alot of textboxes and labels and I dont want to have to recreate it. I see the insert from existing item but not sure how to get just design and layout?I am going from 2005 to 2008 express if that makes a difference

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VS 2010 Add A New Project To The Existing Solution?

Oct 16, 2010

is this possible? can not find how to add a new project to the existing solution. or, this feature does not exist in vb express?

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