Add A User Control In Project?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a windows project. i add a user control in my project i goto - Add User Control.

I write some code over there. How can i add my user control to a form. i can't find it to tool bar. i try

to drag user control form solution to my form but it can't add.

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Importing User Control Into New Project

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having a problem importing a user control into a new project.I've created and tested a user control using the guide at url...If I choose Debug>Build, a .dll file is created in the release folder.According to what I've read, I should be able to open the toolbox in my new project, right click>choose items, browse to the dll and then import. This all works, but the control is 'greyed out' in the toolbox, so I can't drag and drop it onto the userform in my new project.I also tried importing by 'Add Reference' in the solution explorer and got an error about using a later version of the .NET framework, so I've set both the user control and new project to compile with the .NET 3.5 framework.

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Intellisense For C# User Control In Project

Nov 13, 2009

I have created a C# user control which I want to use in VB.NET .. the control works fine, but in VB.NET the Intellisense does not show any of the C# user control function descriptions (in summary xml doc tag). If I use the same control in a C# project the Intellisense show each function's description as intended..

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User Control Disappeared From The Project?

Nov 23, 2011

Yesterday I added a new user control to a project I was working on: right click on the project name "Estimator", then add, then new item, then on the add new item dialog I typed the name of the user control, and I created my ButtonWithCheck.vb control.

My user control appeared on the toolbox, I inserted it in a form, used it, kept working on my project, and everything was fine. I saved and closed the solution.

Today I open the solution and I got an error: "Could not find type 'Estimator.ButtonWithCheck'. Please make sure..."

Why a project saved while working doesn't load?

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Windows User Control Project?

Oct 13, 2009

am build my first windows user control project. It consist of the User Control window and a textbox. The idea is that it will only accept numbers as user input.I have added the controls and code in the textboxes keypress event.Built and added the control to the VS toolbox. Started a new app and added the control to the designer.

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Add A User Control To 2008 Express Project?

Jun 26, 2011

Is there any way I could add a user control to my VB 2008 Express project?

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Add C# User Control To Existing Program Project?

Mar 11, 2010

I've got an existing project written in Another person has written a user control in c#.

let me know the steps for adding that C# user control to the app?

I've tried copying them to the folder and using "Add existing item", however it doesn't compile the code behind at all.

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User Control Accessing A Form Within The Project?

May 1, 2010

I have a "windows form" user control--that is, not on a web page etc. This user control has a form within the user control project. However, code from within the user control can't 'see' the form even though it is a public class---I don't understand why this is the case.

So how can I access the controls (a couple of radio buttons) on the form from code within the user control? I tried creating public properties on the form to return the state of the radiobuttons, but this still doesn't work. I get a "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." error

Should I not be able to see the form since it is a public class?

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VS 2008 Add A Custom User Control To A Form Or Project

Mar 19, 2009

I'm coming over from VB6 in which you could use 'user controls' to create reusuable custom controls. They were simple and contained and you can easily create several instances of a user control within the same or other apps. In vb2008 there are user controls but I can not figure out how to add them to forms or or other apps. Can someone please give me the the basic steps to add a custom user control to a form or project.

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Create A User Control Using WIA (Windows Image Acquisition) WebCam Project

Oct 6, 2009

i want to create a user control using WIA but i m get a error message at run time Error Assembly generation failed -- Referenced assembly 'Interop.WIALib' does not have a strong name. i m working of windows server 2003.

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User Control And Panel - TargetPnl To Display User Control Named Vviewer When Click SearchBtn?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application going here Form1 has a panel on it named TargetPnl. I need my TargetPnl to display my user control named Vviewer when I click my SearchBtn and also need it to disappear when I click another button.

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User Control - Get An Error Message:"A Project With An Output Type Of Class Library Cannot Be Started Directly."?

Jun 16, 2010

I created a simple user control and everything went fine.Then I created another of the same control (as a different project) from scratch (creating the controls in a different configuration; but pasting code from the previous one from a text file).As far as I know I did everything the same for creating a user controlCreate a Class Library project Then Project>Add New Item> User Control Then delete the initial class that was added automatically (usually named Class1.vb) Put all of my code and components into the user control class.However, when I wanted to run it in the debugger as I did in the previous project, I now get an error message:"A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly."

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User Control - Calling A VB Linkbutton's(within A User Control) Click Event From Javascript?

Apr 11, 2009

how can i call a VB function - deleteevent() in usercontrol.ascx.vb from a javascript function in clickhandler(e) in usercontrol.ascx. The call should cause a postback because I need the usercontrol to display the changes.I am currently trying to do it by using a linkbutton with style display:none, and calling its click event from the javascript function. But i dunno how to call the click event.

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Find And Interact With A User Control On Page From Separate User Control?

Oct 17, 2011

I have an aspx page that has two different user controls. I want to find user control A and be able to set properties, etc., from user control B.

I was thinking I could do something like this:

Dim CMFilters As Control = Me.Parent.FindControl("CMFilters")

...but that doesnt work to be able to set properties and call methods. I somehow need to get the user control and and declare it as that user control type.

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Run A User Control Sub After Container Has Initialized User Control Properties?

Dec 22, 2010

In a user control I have the code shown below.

I now realize that it is incorrect because the container's InitializeComponent property initializations have not run yet and they must be run prior to Refresh being called.

How (where) can I run Refreash after the container has initialized this user control.[cod]e...

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VS 2005 Using Combo Box In User Control And Getting Selected Value In Another User Control

Aug 31, 2009

i am using 2005 to developed desktop application I am having two windows form user control , the first control name con.vb containing the design and code for connecting to database and getting a list of my project values in combo box.

Now the second user control report.vb which i am using to generate some reports , since the code behind is using connection to connect to various project database , so i want to get the value of

First user control into another how i can get the i have tried the below but its giving me error in run time but no error in design or code behind -

MR.MainForm.Connection1.project_combobox.SelectedV alue.ToString

Error i am getting is :

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Access User Control Attributes From A User Control?

Mar 27, 2009

I am trying to build a tournament bracket application. In order to build the application efficiently I would like to make a user control "GameControl" that represents a game and give it attributes that represent the names of the competitors "TeamNameA" and "TeamNameB" ,an attribute "Winner" to represent which team should move on, and an attribute "NextRoundGame" that assigns another instance of the user control so that it can assign the "winner" to one of the "TeamName" attributes of the next round in the competition. If the controls were native to VB I feel like I could do it easily (I have only spent about 30 hours self teaching/tutorial following) but I can't seem to find out how to pass values to custom attributes of custom user controls through code.

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C# - Move ReferencePath Information From A .vbproj.user (or .csproj.user) File Into The Corresponding Project File?

Nov 28, 2011

Can I safely move ReferencePath information from a .vbproj.user (or .csproj.user) file into the corresponding project file? Note: All developers will be using developing from the same location on their machines.We'd like to allow users to maintain their own settings for other things, but have this basic info be setup once and checked into source control to be shared to all.

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Auto-fill A User Input Control With The User's Windows?

Feb 11, 2011

I am creating a form for work where managers can report when they find a customer's personal information laying around on a desk (we work at a call center where agents answer calls for a wireless cell phone provider, so we take personal information security very seriously). Anyway, I am wondering if there is a way to have a text box autofill with that manager's windows username (since they will need to be logged into their own profile to use the form).

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Use Parent User Controls From Externally Loaded User Control?

Jun 2, 2012

i have a windows from project and in that project i created a user control lets call itcustombutton1 now i can use that control quite easily either at design time or runtime by creating a new instance of it like

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Showing User Control From Another User Control?

Sep 16, 2010

I have created three user controls, which will be used on the various forms in my program. However, I need the buttons on one to call the other two.

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Vb6 Migration - .net Taking Too Much Time To Load User Control Containing Label Control Array?

Dec 22, 2011

I am upgrading user control from vb6 to the vb6 application I am loading 3000 labels using a label control array.In I am doing same but it's taking too much time to load.In vb6 it's taking 1-2 seconds, but in it's taking 30-40 seconds for same work. Why does it take too much time in for same work?Code is given below, here Led is the label control array.

For l = 1 To 3000


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Make Assembly FULLY Trusted - Use The Web Browser Control In User Control

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to use the Web Browser control in my vb .net user control. I am using VS 2008. Finally, I will be calling my assembly (.dll) from a web page. I wanted to display the usercontrol with the web browser control inside this web page. The problem is I cannot proceed since the Web browser control cannot be called from a partially trusted assembly. Using VS 2008 I have created a strong name for my class, also added the <Assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()> to the AssemblyInfo. But still the web browser control cannot be seen in my web page. Do you how I can make my assembly fully trusted so that it can access web browser control? If you have used web browser control, can you confirm if this step is really required?!

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User Control Which Works As A Login Control Using Windows Class Library

Feb 12, 2009

I Need Build a user control which works as a Login control using Windows Class Library or Component Template:The user control returns the user name and the password It means that the control has minimum two ReadOnly Property procedures. You let the user of your control (he/she which uses your control in his/her software) to set the background colour of the two labels. Create a Windows application to test your control.

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Inheritance A Classic React Class Into A User Control To Add The Hight And Width Properties To The Control?

Feb 28, 2011

I tried it and get an error but maybe I'm tring the wrong way. Can a usercontrol inherate an application defined class ie.. could you inheritance a classic rect class into a user control to add the hight and width properties to the control without having to do all the coding all over again? Currently I just declair a private instance of the class within the control and then encapsalate. It would be nice if I could just inherit all the functionality of my classes into controls designed to implament the classes.

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One Trigger A Click Event In A UserControl From The Main Form's Tab Index Control That Contains An Instance Of The User Control?

Jan 5, 2011

The code is listed below which hopefully illustrates what I'm trying to do:[code]....

View 12 Replies - Adding To Page Control Collection From Inside A User Control?

Feb 12, 2011

I have an usercontrol which represents a "popup" dialog. Basically, it's a wrapper for the jQuery UI dialog which can be subclassed to easily make dialogs. As part of this control, I need to inject a div into the page the control is used on, either at the very top or very bottom of the form so that when the popup is instantiated, it's parent is changed to this div. This allows "nested" popups without the child popup being trapped inside the parent popup.

The trouble is, I can't find a safe way to inject this div into the page. A usercontrol doesn't have a preinit event, so I can't do it there, and calling Page.Form.Controls.Add(...) in Init, Load or PreRender causes the standard exception "The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases."

I thought I had found a solution by using. ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Me.GetType, UniqueID + "_Dialog_Div", containerDiv, False) which seemed to work well normally, but recently a coworker tried putting an UpdatePanel inside the dialog and now she's getting the error "The script tag registered for type 'ASP.controls_order_viewzips_ascx' and key 'ctl00$ContentBody$OViewZips_Dialog_Div' has invalid characters outside of the script tags: . Only properly formatted script tags can be registered."

How are you supposed to add controls to the pages control collection from inside a user control?

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Bind Property Of User Control To One Of The Parent Control's Fields?

Dec 30, 2011

If I need access to the value of a user control's property BEFORE PreRender, would I need to base the custom control off of one of the preexisting data controls (repeater, listview,etc.)?One of my user controls features a gridview control that is configured based on the user control's properties on which it resides. Several of the key properties alter the SQL Statement for the underlying recordsource. I'm now in a situation where the property that sets the WHERE statement for the SQL Statement needs to tied to a value in the user control's parent FormView. Think of the formview as displaying a customer detail record. The user control takes the customer's account number and then displays data from a related table such as Customer Contact Names. Since the gridview is created before the control's prerender event, working within the prerender event doesn't seem efficient.

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Set CommandTarget Of WPF Control As Textbox Which Is Written In Win Form User Control?

Feb 10, 2010

i want to set the CommandTarget property of menu item to the TextControl which is written in win form or just tell me any way which can execute the command lets say cut copy paste on the control which is written in win form user control and added to xaml through WindowsFormsHost

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Access User Properties Within User Control?

Jan 27, 2012

I've created a user control that is basically a Panel that contains 1 label,3 TextBoxes and a few properties that set/get some short integer values.During a form load event I display a number of these Panels.I then access the Panels name (and other panel properties) via a user-created handler for the panel's click eventHowever I would really like to access the values from the user-control's properties.

Public Sub load_Panels()
Dim pnlName As String
Dim x As Short = 69


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