Adding Two Plugin Buttons To Form With Functionality?

Jun 17, 2009

[URL]. Attached is a MEF WPF and WinForms project that I have been playing around with. I was able to add two 'plug-in' buttons to the form but how do I provide functionality to the buttons? How can I add objects from a separate assembly, like most plug-ins do? Let's say I want to break out each menu (File, Edit, View, Tools) into their own assemblies, leaving the main application window as a blank form that will import each assembly on startup. Also, could functionality from the Edit menu assembly interact with the code from the File menu assembly? I have also not created custom user controls before so as you can see I am having trouble creating a plug-in menu structure.

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Adding Windows Form Functionality On Web Application

Oct 27, 2011

I have been building a Web Application (ASP.NET, .NET Framework 4, VB, visual studio 2010). To be very brief the application interacts with a database and performs several actions (Insert Delete Select etc..).I am using several Gridviews, ListBoxes etc and I am not happy with the presentation outcome and the functionality provided by In simple words my application looks bad, outdated and unprofessional.I figured that using Windows Forms that will be incorporated to the ASP ap.I have created a Windows Form Control Library to use the dll created in my app as a user control. I found out that this is not supported in .NET Framework 4 (is this true? or am i doing something wrong?). Is there any way to make my application have the 'look and feel' of a windows application? Please note that it is has to be a web app and the clients should not have to download any other application to interact with the server.

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Adding Buttons To Form On Load?

May 3, 2011

i'm still working on making my button project and I've came across a new problem.

I want to create buttons based off the amount of lines in a text file which will be easy if I can get this to work. This is my test code before I implement it into the real program:


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Adding Custom Buttons To A Visual Basic Form

Oct 18, 2009

Adding custom buttons to a visual basic form

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Adding In Some Bluetooth Functionality To Application?

Sep 9, 2009

I am looking at adding in some bluetooth functionality to my application. I require it to couple with a specified mobile phone (that is found by the app) than to be able to retrieve contact information, phone calls (made and recevied) and images from the phone.

Can anyone tell me what my best approach will be for this? If there are any good third party solutions that will do it? If it is actually doable? Im thinking that it should because im basically mimic'ing what all the new fancy cars do with their bluetooth phone compatibility.

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Adding Cut / Copy And Paste Functionality To Word Processor

Mar 16, 2011

I need to add cut, copy, and paste functionality to my word processor. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and we have no textbook this semester. I know they're in that tool box somewhere!

Public Class wordProcessorForm
Dim mblnDirty As Boolean
Private Sub wordProcessorForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Adding Spell Check Functionality To Textboxes?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a couple of textboxes on my form. I'd like to give the user the opportunity to spell-check these textboxes so that they can correct their mistakes and then update the contents of the textbox into the database.

Only thing is, I'm not sure where to begin. I found this thread by Martin Liss, but it errors out for me as it's not .NET.


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Dynamic Form Buttons - Place Buttons On Each Form That Will Show The Next Available Options?

Sep 1, 2010

I have 7 Windows forms.The order of the forms is defined within a configuration file.I want to place buttons on each form that will show the next available options.The Next button will move the next form in the list.The Back button will move to the previous form in the list. The Finish button will execute the final piece of code.The Cancel button will exit the application.If the user is on the first form, then there is no Back button.If the user is on the last form, then there is no Next button, but there is a Finish button.

Example 1:

Form1 - Next, Cancel
Form3 - Next, Back, Cancel[code]....

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Plugin That Loads Mdi Form?

Oct 28, 2009

Ive created an application that reads plugins but I can't figure out a way of making a form thats housed in the plugin into an MDI for my existing application.[code]...

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Vb6 LEGACY Application And New Functionality (Form) Written In C# - Closing The .net Form From Vb6

Feb 8, 2012

Alright, I have a vb6 LEGACY application and new Functionality (Form) written in c#. I have a VB.NET COM Class as a wrapper. I can launch the .NET Form just fine. THe problem I am having is closing the .net form from vb6.


In VB6, I have something like this:


But it does not work becuase frmViewer is Nothing for some reason. how I should close the .NET form that was launched from VB6?

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.net - Plugin Architecture - Make An MDI Parent Form Aware Of Children In DLLs

Jan 25, 2010

I'm experimenting with a plugin architecture for my company's internal business system. I have managed to read all .DLLs in a Plugin folder which implement a specific interface. What I am trying to figure out is the best method of communication between the "host" MDI parent application and forms that will be in the .DLLs which I intend to make MDI children.

Currently, I am returning just ToolStripMenuItem objects from the .DLLs to add to the MDI Parent. I've also tested that events wired in the .DLLs to the ToolStripMenuItems do propagate to the code in the .DLLs. I've also managed to return a Form object via the interface and open that form, as the Plugin folder is being "scanned".

However, I am not clear how I would make these forms MDI children. Also, any other forms living in the .DLLs will also have to be MDI children. I created a VS 2008 Addin project just to see what's going on, and it seems that the Addin accepts an Application object on which it adds to the ToolStripMenuItems and does other operations. The code to build the menu inside the .DLL. This is opposite of what I have done so far, where the MDI requests a ToolStripMenuItem from each .DLL and adds the returned object to its own menu.

Would designing my plugin architecture to accept an application object in the same manner the only way I could get forms to open as an MDI child? Am I asking for other, currently unknown to me, headaches by NOT passing in the application object to the .DLL?

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Invalid Character In A Base-64 String Adding "Change Password" Functionality For Adminstrators?

Mar 31, 2010

I've done some searching on these forums as well as on the Web in general, and while I've found some posts about the error above, I haven't seen anything specific to what I'm experiencing

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Using A Dialog Form With Two Buttons And Two Radio Buttons?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm using a dialog form with two buttons and two Radio buttons.I'm oppening this Dialog when a button is clicked on the parent form.My situattion is when the Dialog opens the code in the button event continues to execute, but I only want it to continue to execute only after a button from the dialog form have been clicked

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
If multipleEXT = 2 Then


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SpellCheck Functionality (Convert Form C# To V) Download The Code

Dec 17, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has tried the following link which is very interesting and shows integration of spell check functionality in a Textbox or a RichTextBox without the use of ms word spell checking capabilities. I have created a project in and wanted to integrate the same functionality in my RichTextBox. But sadly this project is in C#. how to convert this project into Download the SpellCheck Application from this link [url]

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Adding Buttons At Runtime?

Dec 19, 2010

I want to place a few buttons on my form. The number is unknown at design time. Actually each button will represent an item entered in combo box. So if user adds an item, a button on the form should be added by the code.

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Adding Lots Of Buttons?

Jun 8, 2012

I have a re sizable panel which i am adding over 100 buttons to. to do it i have a timer which detects any change in the height or width. then clears the panel and re draws all 100 buttons on. however i am encountering issues with flashing (where the buttons are gone for a split second before being repainted) and also speed issues. it seems to be slowing down the users ability to re size the window.

i was thinking by adding the buttons through its own thread it might combat the main (speed) issue.

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Adding Buttons In Alphabetical Order?

Sep 16, 2011

I am making an application where a user can add buttons to a list and I wish to know if there is any way that these buttons can be sorted into alphabetical order?

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VS 2008 - Automatically Adding Buttons And Value

Jan 26, 2010

How do I code a program that when I enter an input like 5, will will automatically generate 5 buttons on a separate form and transfer the values of another input to the buttons?

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Creating A Form That Will Block The Functionality Of Keyboard And Mouse But Apparently It Is Not Working?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm creating a form that will block the functionality of keyboard and mouse but apparently it is not working.

Here is my

Public Class Form1
Declare Function BlockInput Lib "User32" (ByVal fBlockIt As Boolean) As Boolean


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UICulture Change Functionality - Form Control Names Not Returning Properly

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying some Uiculture change functionality. In that I need the name and text of controls in a form to change the culture. I got some Demo project and it is in C#. I tried to make the same functionality with the and Also using But the below mentioned code returns control name with an underscore as prefix. But I don't want underscore. Code is actually written in Class library. It works perfectly in C#.

Code is written below
Dim fields As FieldInfo() = form.[GetType]().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly Or BindingFlags.NonPublic)

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VB - Form With Fairly Large Number Of Controls - After Curtain Number Of Buttons - Stops Responding To More Radio Buttons

Jan 17, 2011

My VB application is behaving strangley. I have form with fairly large number of controls. I am using case against radio buttons. after curtain number of buttons, it stops responding to more radio buttons.

Then I tried to split controls in to 2 form but now my form.showdialog() too now working properly. It takes new from names but show the old form when running.

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Adding Text To Command Buttons On Runtime?

Jan 20, 2010

I have 14 command buttons on my form. what i want to do is change the text of the form based on the current date. button1 should have todays date.button2 should have tommorows date.button3 should have day after tomorrows date and so on. I want this for fourteen buttons.I can do it manually by assigning each button.text to each date... i want to do it using a loop. is it buttons are named , button1,button2,button3,button4, and so on toll button 14.and the text i want on them is from the current date to 14 days later...basiocally want to display the dates on the it possible though a loop.m using visual studio and

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IDE :: Adding Glossy Buttons In Window Application?

Feb 5, 2010

I want add Glossy Button in my Window Application. How can I do it?

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Forms :: Adding Tool Strip Buttons Dynamically?

Apr 30, 2010

I need to be able to add buttons to a tool strip at run time. As of now I've been able to get the buttons to display with a nice little picture just how he wants and some text under it. Just can't figure out how to "enable" the click event for these buttons. Obviously I need them to do something rather than just sit there looking good and this is where I'm stuck. Right now I'd be happy for a message box to come up saying yep I'm working as I could then work with that. This is what I have for code so far... this is just to get it working I'll work on the actual code later.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim btnSomething As New ToolStripButton
btnSomething.Text = "Test 1"


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IDE :: Adding Buttons To A Toolstrip In A Custom User Control

Oct 23, 2009

There is a response to this question using C# - I am looking for a VB answer and the C# code is too deep for me. I have a custom user control and I have a toolstrip on it. I have certain default buttons on the toolstrip, but I want the user to be able to add additional buttons at design time. I exposed the Toolstrip.Items collection in a public property. I can open the collections editor in design time, but I cannot edit the collection.

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Adding Click Events To Array Of Buttons Created Dynamically

Mar 27, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim rgen As New Random


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Append - Appending Adding Annd Reading Regedit With Custom Buttons

Jun 9, 2011

I have 26 buttons on my form (each a letter of the alphabet) i want to press a button lets say Z and that it then changes the relevant registry key value of 0 to 1 representing the button has already been clicked (these a-z buttons are to be compared with on/ off switches). This way if I start my program up again the values in the regedit will "memorise" wich buttons were turned on and wich were turned off in our previous program session.

Ultimately the buttons turned off should always appear as red until switched onagain

Dose anybody know how to achive this?

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Resolution And Buttons - Tabs, Inside Each Tab There Are Buttons (the User Can Add The Buttons When They Want)

Mar 3, 2012

I have a piece of software with two tabs, inside each tab there are buttons (the user can add the buttons when they want). when tab1 is full tab2 should start to fill. I currently know how many buttons fit on the screen so I just say something like if buttons > 150 then start to populate tab 2 The problem i have now though is if the resolution is changed then a different amount of buttons can be displayed. so if I put my screen to 1280x720 some buttons are left of. I was thinking of detecting the resolution and then using different cases for different resolutions but this seems very inefficient im wondering if there is a different way?

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VS 2010 : Make A Form With Multiple Buttons Opening Different Things Than Having A Form That Has Lots Group Boxes For Each Tab?

Jul 25, 2011

Is there a better way to make a form with multiple buttons opening different things than having a form that has lots group boxes for each tab. So in the begining each box will be invisible and when you click the button the corresponding group box will become visible. Is there any other way?It will be like a background image and it'll have buttons that will mask it with invisible buttons. when the button is clicked it will open the corresponding group box.

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Form Result To Another Form - Class Contains A Form That Have Buttons

Apr 9, 2010

I designed a class contains a form that have buttons. When i click any button this function runs

Public Sub BtnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
result = CType(sender, Button).Text


In another project I imported this class. I called the method that shows the form in my class. I need to store the 'result' variable in another variable in the new project. How can It be done.

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