Append - Appending Adding Annd Reading Regedit With Custom Buttons

Jun 9, 2011

I have 26 buttons on my form (each a letter of the alphabet) i want to press a button lets say Z and that it then changes the relevant registry key value of 0 to 1 representing the button has already been clicked (these a-z buttons are to be compared with on/ off switches). This way if I start my program up again the values in the regedit will "memorise" wich buttons were turned on and wich were turned off in our previous program session.

Ultimately the buttons turned off should always appear as red until switched onagain

Dose anybody know how to achive this?

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Adding Custom Buttons To A Visual Basic Form

Oct 18, 2009

Adding custom buttons to a visual basic form

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IDE :: Adding Buttons To A Toolstrip In A Custom User Control

Oct 23, 2009

There is a response to this question using C# - I am looking for a VB answer and the C# code is too deep for me. I have a custom user control and I have a toolstrip on it. I have certain default buttons on the toolstrip, but I want the user to be able to add additional buttons at design time. I exposed the Toolstrip.Items collection in a public property. I can open the collections editor in design time, but I cannot edit the collection.

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Reading Registry Key From HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE That Was Created Via Regedit?

Nov 16, 2011

I try to read a registry key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE that I created with Regedit.I can read a key that already exists. I can't read the key I created.VS2010, Win 7 64-bits, target CPU x86 (ultimately this wil be used in a shared-addin for Office 2010) but CPU x64 gives same result

Dim mystring As String = ""
Dim mykey As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("software", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree)
'Dim mykey2 As RegistryKey = mykey.OpenSubKey("testa", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree)


View 4 Replies - Appending Strings And Link Buttons Together

Mar 1, 2010

I want to create a function that will make a treeView out of link buttons. Then I want to tie all the link buttons to one click event. So each time the user does somethingI will append the users name to the current linkbuttons if the user clicks one of the link buttons a click event is raised and I can extract the text of that button.

Here is an example:
...user does the link string says
Nick > Jeff
...user does the link string says
Nick > Jeff > Charlie
and so on.

Now I want to give the user the ability to click one of these link buttons (there are 3 in this example). If the user clicks one of the buttons a click event is raised and I can extract the name out of the text of teh link button.

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XML Adding/Appending To Nodes?

Apr 19, 2011

I have an XML Structure in mind



What do I need to do here to get the hole under the "Fit" node as I loop through the hole sizes?

View 10 Replies - Appending String Variable Text After Appending A Line Throws System.OutOfMemoryException?

Sep 28, 2011

I'm appending string variable text after appending a line throws System.OutOfMemoryException?
Can any one explain why it is throwing error.

str+="something Text"
str+="something Text"

and lastly I assign it to a lable text When I assign the value of str it throws exception.....

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Create A Custom Messagebox, With Varying Number Of Buttons With Custom .Text Descriptions?

Feb 6, 2009

This is what I would like to achieve:To create a custom messagebox, with varying number of buttons with custom .Text descriptions, and other features. I intended to have a property array that would be redim-ed and have values (.Text values) set by the calling class:


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VS 2010 Custom Type Array / List With Adding Items And Specifying Custom Type Variable

Jun 21, 2011

I recently downloaded VB 2010 Express so i am quite new to the language, but i have worked with dark basic, which seems to b very similar.Anyway, my problem is that i cannot seem to correctly set out my array of a custom type/class. i am trying to create two arrays, one of available entities and another of selected entities of which the user selects the entities to be dealt with in irrelevant ways. i have creates a button (called test) which adds some entities to the available list and all the entities come back the same value but they shouldnt be as you'll c in the code. i have run the step into command a found that "available.item(#).Name = " will change all of the entity's names.As of current i am working with lists as the array kept asking for a 'new' statement but i couldnt figure out where to put it.[code]

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Custom Buttons In Messageboxes

Jan 6, 2009

i know that you can use yes and no and retry and ok ect..buttons in a message box but what i want to know is that can you make the buttons custom. say insteed of yes it say "SURE WHY NOT." or insteed of no it says "WHAT ARE YOU INSAIN OF COURSE NOT."just wondering how ,if at all possable, how that would work and how i would use those custom buttons in a select case thingy.because i dont know if i change the YES button to say "SURE" and NO to say "R U CRAZY?"[code]

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Custom Title Bar Buttons?

Feb 21, 2009

I found an excellent example of how to add your own buttons to the title bar of a program url...but the problem it that it seems a bit buggy and I was hoping someone else can verify this. The program was written in VS2003 (I'm pretty sure) and I am running VS2008. Can anyone test for the problem in the program in VS2003 and tell me if it's a problem with visual studio trying to convert the code to 2008 (and I think a newer .NET version) or just some shortcomings of the program? The problem I have is that the whole thing runs very laggy and moving the window around seemed to cause tearing and other re-drawing related issues.

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How To Make Custom Buttons

Sep 18, 2010

Do you know of any tutorial that could help me make a custom button in Because visual studio 2008 doesn't allow you to create buttons in circle or triangular shapes. I've tried searching and found this one but, I cannot make use of it because there are lots of errors.url...

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Reading Radio Buttons Between Forms?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a basic math test program, and 2 forms to allow the user to choose which function to test on.

The first form has a list of radio buttons with the 4 basic math functions and a button to load the next form.The second form contains this code on Load..


frmOptions has 4 radio buttons, addition is default chosen.After selecting one, the user clicks a button to open frmTest.The above code runs upon first load to change a label to reflect what was chosen on frmOption above.

On step 3, the label on frmTest that is supposed to be changed based on the Checked radio button from frmOption never changes. It doesn't even change on the first load of the form, so I think something is wrong with the Checked property of the radio buttons.

View 3 Replies - Add Buttons With Events To A Custom TreeNode?

Dec 22, 2009

I extended treeview, treenode, and nodetype so I could have custom nodes. Certain nodes have image buttons on them allowing them to add a child node or delete the node. I can't handle any of the events from my buttons.Public Class ContentTreeView Inherits TreeView Public Event OnAddChild(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Public Event OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)


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Custom Listivew With Radio Buttons?

Aug 23, 2009

Is it possible to create a custom listview with radio buttons in it? I will only ever have two items in the list view at one time. I would like the radio buttons to be a property that is set to True/False so that I can include them when I want to and exclude if I need to. The alternative is to use the checkboxes and control them so that only one can be checked at a time. However I do not know know how to set the enabled properties of the individual checked items (i.e. If Item1.checkbox = True, Then Item2.Checkbox.Enabled = False). The key point here is that the user needs to clarify which item ranks in priority and will set this using the radio button/checkbox.

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Make Custom Buttons For The Forms?

Dec 4, 2008

Is it possible to make custom buttons for the forms? I know i can add imaging to the button controls, but if is it possible to really customize the buttons so they look different, like designs instead of blocks?

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Create Custom Messagebox With Pause And Go Buttons?

Jul 20, 2010

I am fairly new to programming and and I am working on a small project but in the project i need a message box (2 different occasions) where the buttons, instead of Yes No say Pause and GO. The video [URL] told me to make a new form (dialogue) and then in my main form add a public sub.

Here is the sub I have:
Public Sub injectmessage(ByVal ingmessage As String)
Dim topmessage As New Message
Dialog1.Label1.Text = ingmessage
End Sub
All that does is puts the message on the messagebox.

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Customize The Media Player Like Custom Buttons?

Jul 24, 2010

if there is a way to customize my media player, like custom buttons, etc, I would like to make a box displaying the visualizations and a custom library control...

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Adding Buttons At Runtime?

Dec 19, 2010

I want to place a few buttons on my form. The number is unknown at design time. Actually each button will represent an item entered in combo box. So if user adds an item, a button on the form should be added by the code.

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Adding Lots Of Buttons?

Jun 8, 2012

I have a re sizable panel which i am adding over 100 buttons to. to do it i have a timer which detects any change in the height or width. then clears the panel and re draws all 100 buttons on. however i am encountering issues with flashing (where the buttons are gone for a split second before being repainted) and also speed issues. it seems to be slowing down the users ability to re size the window.

i was thinking by adding the buttons through its own thread it might combat the main (speed) issue.

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Adding Buttons In Alphabetical Order?

Sep 16, 2011

I am making an application where a user can add buttons to a list and I wish to know if there is any way that these buttons can be sorted into alphabetical order?

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Adding Buttons To Form On Load?

May 3, 2011

i'm still working on making my button project and I've came across a new problem.

I want to create buttons based off the amount of lines in a text file which will be easy if I can get this to work. This is my test code before I implement it into the real program:


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VS 2008 - Automatically Adding Buttons And Value

Jan 26, 2010

How do I code a program that when I enter an input like 5, will will automatically generate 5 buttons on a separate form and transfer the values of another input to the buttons?

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Draw Custom Buttons On Windows Vista / 7 Aero Titlebar

Nov 7, 2010

I found this question on StackOverflow. Basically, the user wanted to draw custom buttons on the titlebar. I tried the code and realised it works in vista/7 only when Aero is disabled. My question is, is there any way to draw custom buttons on the titlebar while aero is enabled? Any way of reading information from the current theme so I can style my buttons to match the already existing ones.

Here is a screenshot from my computer demonstrating the above concept. I got the additional titlebar buttons after installing DisplayFusion. And I know DisplayFusion is a .NET program because it opens in .NET Reflector. The down side is that the program is obfuscated. Not like I wanted to decompile the program or anything; I just want to add a button to my titlebar to do something else (like minimise to the system tray for instance).
Below is the screenshot, proving the program is a .NET app.

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Adding Text To Command Buttons On Runtime?

Jan 20, 2010

I have 14 command buttons on my form. what i want to do is change the text of the form based on the current date. button1 should have todays date.button2 should have tommorows date.button3 should have day after tomorrows date and so on. I want this for fourteen buttons.I can do it manually by assigning each button.text to each date... i want to do it using a loop. is it buttons are named , button1,button2,button3,button4, and so on toll button 14.and the text i want on them is from the current date to 14 days later...basiocally want to display the dates on the it possible though a loop.m using visual studio and

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Adding Two Plugin Buttons To Form With Functionality?

Jun 17, 2009

[URL]. Attached is a MEF WPF and WinForms project that I have been playing around with. I was able to add two 'plug-in' buttons to the form but how do I provide functionality to the buttons? How can I add objects from a separate assembly, like most plug-ins do? Let's say I want to break out each menu (File, Edit, View, Tools) into their own assemblies, leaving the main application window as a blank form that will import each assembly on startup. Also, could functionality from the Edit menu assembly interact with the code from the File menu assembly? I have also not created custom user controls before so as you can see I am having trouble creating a plug-in menu structure.

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IDE :: Adding Glossy Buttons In Window Application?

Feb 5, 2010

I want add Glossy Button in my Window Application. How can I do it?

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Forms :: Adding Tool Strip Buttons Dynamically?

Apr 30, 2010

I need to be able to add buttons to a tool strip at run time. As of now I've been able to get the buttons to display with a nice little picture just how he wants and some text under it. Just can't figure out how to "enable" the click event for these buttons. Obviously I need them to do something rather than just sit there looking good and this is where I'm stuck. Right now I'd be happy for a message box to come up saying yep I'm working as I could then work with that. This is what I have for code so far... this is just to get it working I'll work on the actual code later.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim btnSomething As New ToolStripButton
btnSomething.Text = "Test 1"


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Reading ArrayList Of Custom Items

Oct 19, 2010

I have
Public ReadOnly Property StaffMembers() As ArrayList()
Dim index As Integer
Return vStaffMembers(index)
End Get
End Property

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VS 2008 Reading Custom Syntax

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to read my custom made syntax from a text file.[code]Okay from that line all I'm trying to read is "01" and "C:ext.txt"

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