Adding In Some Bluetooth Functionality To Application?

Sep 9, 2009

I am looking at adding in some bluetooth functionality to my application. I require it to couple with a specified mobile phone (that is found by the app) than to be able to retrieve contact information, phone calls (made and recevied) and images from the phone.

Can anyone tell me what my best approach will be for this? If there are any good third party solutions that will do it? If it is actually doable? Im thinking that it should because im basically mimic'ing what all the new fancy cars do with their bluetooth phone compatibility.

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Adding Windows Form Functionality On Web Application

Oct 27, 2011

I have been building a Web Application (ASP.NET, .NET Framework 4, VB, visual studio 2010). To be very brief the application interacts with a database and performs several actions (Insert Delete Select etc..).I am using several Gridviews, ListBoxes etc and I am not happy with the presentation outcome and the functionality provided by In simple words my application looks bad, outdated and unprofessional.I figured that using Windows Forms that will be incorporated to the ASP ap.I have created a Windows Form Control Library to use the dll created in my app as a user control. I found out that this is not supported in .NET Framework 4 (is this true? or am i doing something wrong?). Is there any way to make my application have the 'look and feel' of a windows application? Please note that it is has to be a web app and the clients should not have to download any other application to interact with the server.

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Adding Two Plugin Buttons To Form With Functionality?

Jun 17, 2009

[URL]. Attached is a MEF WPF and WinForms project that I have been playing around with. I was able to add two 'plug-in' buttons to the form but how do I provide functionality to the buttons? How can I add objects from a separate assembly, like most plug-ins do? Let's say I want to break out each menu (File, Edit, View, Tools) into their own assemblies, leaving the main application window as a blank form that will import each assembly on startup. Also, could functionality from the Edit menu assembly interact with the code from the File menu assembly? I have also not created custom user controls before so as you can see I am having trouble creating a plug-in menu structure.

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Adding Cut / Copy And Paste Functionality To Word Processor

Mar 16, 2011

I need to add cut, copy, and paste functionality to my word processor. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and we have no textbook this semester. I know they're in that tool box somewhere!

Public Class wordProcessorForm
Dim mblnDirty As Boolean
Private Sub wordProcessorForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Adding Spell Check Functionality To Textboxes?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a couple of textboxes on my form. I'd like to give the user the opportunity to spell-check these textboxes so that they can correct their mistakes and then update the contents of the textbox into the database.

Only thing is, I'm not sure where to begin. I found this thread by Martin Liss, but it errors out for me as it's not .NET.


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Create An Application For Find Bluetooth Device In Around

Dec 19, 2010

i want create an aplication for find bluetooth device in around give me a sample if it posible

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Sql Server 2005 - Add License Functionality In Application?

Oct 13, 2009

I am using VB.NET for coding and SQL Server 2005 for database.My application is ready for release. Just on thing missing before I can go live.I want to implement license concept in my application.My license file can be text or xml file. In which there should be some encrypted matter which will be used for validate the I can implement this functionality in my application.

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Use Threading In Application To Put Two Functionality In Two Separate Threads?

May 2, 2009

I have one applicatin developed in my ap i have two main functionalities

1)Copyig Folders & Files from one source to destination

2) And I am showing status of copying in richtextbox and progrss with progress bar

Here i need to use threading bcz i am copying files from one server to another server and some large size files while copying my application always gone to stuck and i am not able to see status of copying and progressbar so how i use threading in my applicatio to put two functionalitis in two seperate threads.

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VS 2008 : Create Application For Mobile Phone Sony Ericsson To Remote Control Program Using Bluetooth Connection?

Mar 20, 2009

is it possible to create application for my mobile phone Sony Ericsson to remote control my program using Bluetooth connection which have simple functions?I have came across one program that is able to do that which is floAt's Mobile Agent. It can control from media player, powerpoint slides and even mouse cursor movement.

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Forms :: Implement Cut, Copy And Paste Functionality In Application?

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to implement cut, copy and paste functionality in my application. My menu is on the main form of my MDI application and I would like to cut copy or paste from any textbox from any mdichild.

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Invalid Character In A Base-64 String Adding "Change Password" Functionality For Adminstrators?

Mar 31, 2010

I've done some searching on these forums as well as on the Web in general, and while I've found some posts about the error above, I haven't seen anything specific to what I'm experiencing

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.net - Using MS Access Database As A File Format For Desktop Application Needing Open / Save Type Functionality?

Oct 29, 2010

This is probably a pretty novice design question. I'm trying to work my way through a number of requirements and give the users the experience they're looking for.I've written a tool that does big calcluation-type things. It currently consists of a class library and command line tool (separate .NET projects.) We're using an Access database format as the file type because it can keep all the various tables together in one file. A few other items about the application: There are not many users. There are no concerns with scalability. There are not great concerns with updates. Desktop is desired. Not web.Using VB and .NET 3.5 SP1

I now need to develop a GUI front end that will allow typical File/Open and File/Save type operations.Users expect that they can open a file, edit it some, then either choose to save it or close it unsaved without any changes being written back to the file. Saving it would obviously save all changes affecting all tables back to the file.

Does it then make sense to use a temp file for something like a proxy then? To, when a user "opens" a file, copy the source Access file to a local temp file and then use that for the editing session? Then, if the user "saves", copy the local temp file back to the source path?

Update: [tagged with ms-access tag too] Also, I omitted the fact that users would expect typical File / Save As functionality too. I think the design I've put in question in this post is what is traditionally called the Proxy design pattern. Has anyone tried this (successfully!) with Access database files before? Words of caution or advice?

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Can Uninstall Functionality Be Modified To Catch Other Instances Of Application / Also Uninstall Them?

Jun 23, 2011

Have a application that installs initially from CD and then when the user gets into the internet the application updates. In order to better support problems with this application is has been suggested in the past to uninstall it and do a fresh re-install. However, in investigation it was determined that the uninstall does not consider all installed objects and does not uninstall the CD install.Can the uninstall functionality be modified to catch the other instances of this application and also uninstall them?

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Vb6 LEGACY Application And New Functionality (Form) Written In C# - Closing The .net Form From Vb6

Feb 8, 2012

Alright, I have a vb6 LEGACY application and new Functionality (Form) written in c#. I have a VB.NET COM Class as a wrapper. I can launch the .NET Form just fine. THe problem I am having is closing the .net form from vb6.


In VB6, I have something like this:


But it does not work becuase frmViewer is Nothing for some reason. how I should close the .NET form that was launched from VB6?

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Bluetooth Pairing With A HID?

Sep 14, 2009

i got a app that needs to connect to a HID device.but every time i off my PC the pairing of the 2 (PC with the HID device) is gone. is there a way for VB to pair it ?

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How Is The Bluetooth Connection By VB

Feb 10, 2010

How is the Bluetooth connection by Visual Basic Dot Net readers and text sent by the Bluetooth

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How To Send Bluetooth By App

Jul 5, 2011

I desgin an app that encoding text to sms format so you can after that sent this text to your mobile.ok now I want to know how can I send this file by bluetooth from my app

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Way To Get UUID Bluetooth

Apr 22, 2011

I am developing for my project is "Remote Control Winamp from Mobile with Bluetooth Connection".I have two applications to develop it. Application server with programming and application client with J2ME.[code]...

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Get A List Of Bluetooth Devices?

Jun 27, 2010

got a good sample of using VB to get a list of Bluetooth devices? And to maybe send and receive a file.Also, I'm using VS2005. Is there any better Bluetooth resources available if I upgrade to VS2010?

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How To Implement Bluetooth Hotspots

Jun 2, 2009

Where should you start when your next application was a bluetooth hotspot implementation?

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Send Sms Using Bluetooth Devices?

Sep 28, 2011

How to create code and send sms in using bluetooth devices..

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Auto-SMS After Trigger By Other Bluetooth Device For Wm6?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm looking for an "auto-SMS VB.Net programme module" for window mobile 6.0 application will operate like below:1. User required pair his hp bluetooth device with his car bluetooth device for first.2. If the accident happened the car sensor will automatic trigger the car bluetooth device to trigger the sms button and send a SMS to a predefined recipient. (this scenario is same with Bluetooth headset, once you press the Bluetoth headset button, you can trigger the mobile phone call function automatically)The process of sending the SMS is 100% automatic, trigger by the car Bluetooth Device and without interception of any users.

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Cannot Establish Bluetooth Connection With Desktop In Vb?

Oct 15, 2010

i use vb 2008 office 2007 , it's a powerpoint add-in application. I need to use a window form as a bluetooth interface.the working procedure is like that when i click the Enum button, it will help me to search for available bluetooth devices.but now i have an error, it shows "WCL ERROR: Specified transfer is not available"


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Create Bluetooth Messenger For Computers?

Sep 13, 2011

i wanted to create bluetooth messenger using for computers.

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How To Send File Via Bluetooth Through Program

Jun 15, 2011

How to send a file via bluetooth through my program? I have a text file that I make it by my program and i want to send it to mobile via bluetooth and also I want my program gives me a message in these 2 cases?
1- In case if there's no bluetooth in computer
2- In case if it dose not find bluetooth device around

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Read The Value Of The Sonar-sensor Of NXT Through Bluetooth?

Sep 22, 2011

How is it possible to read the value of the sonar-sensor of my NXT through Bluetooth (and Visual Basic 2010)?

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Receive Bluetooth-messages Through Vb 2010?

Sep 22, 2011

How is it possible to receive Bluetooth-messages through vb 2010?

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Reducing The Range Of A Bluetooth Device?

Oct 22, 2010

i am currently working on an application that reads the MAC addresses of all phones within the range of our bluetooth reader on the workstation. However, we would like to reduce the range of the reader to < 1 meter. I have dont alot of research and the only solution that i have found is a hardware one; i.e. changing the device to a class 3 or getting a custom made device that will have it's range adjusted to our preferences. However, i also know that we can adjust the power that runs through the bluetooth device in order to reduce the range. Is there any way that we can reduce the power of the device ? We don't have many funds atm and we're looking at a software solution and not a hardware one.

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Send Audio To Bluetooth Headset?

Jan 8, 2011

how to program using bluetooth dongle in i want to send audio to bluetooth headset.

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VS 2008 Scan BlueTooth Devices?

Nov 8, 2010

I was trying to play a bit with bluetooth devices but i can't find that much info about it. I'd like to build some sort of program that allowed me to send messages into bluetooth enabled cellphones. The idea was to send messages with tasks/events inside the building. This software would be part of other software such as ERPs or agendas.

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