Adding To The End Of An Array?

Apr 24, 2011

I am trying to add to the end of an array that is holding information that is loaded from a text file in the form load event and I am struggling.

Public Structure ProductInfo
Dim ProductID As String
Dim ProductName As String


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Adding An Array To A List?

Jul 27, 2010

I have this piece of code

For a As Single = 1 To Picture1.Height - 1
If a < TempArray.Length Then
' Some Stuff here that i really would love not to share


I get an error when i try to add the Array TempArray to the List of Boolean TruthBool... The Error Says QuoteObject reference not set to an instance of an object.The Variables are declared like this

Dim TruthBool As List(Of Boolean)
Dim TempArray(10000) As Boolean

I know there are a couple of other problems with this code.. and i have solved most of them in my actual program.. I just cant get this error to go away...

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Adding Elements In Array?

Feb 25, 2009

I am just starting VB at 60 years old and with no programming experience and nobody to ask for help...except here, of course. So needless to say I am hitting brickwalls. I am using "Murach's Visual Basic 2008" and it seems to be a good book. This is what I am up to I have to declare an array with 5 elements with an index. I think that part is OK. Then add code that adds each element to the next one every time a user clicks a button. I have had many tries but the best I can get is just the grand total of the elements. Here is the code I came up with:-


Is anyone able to show me how the button click would reveal a progressive total of the elements each time a user clicked on it? It would be good if the book came with answers or had a forum for their readers.

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Adding Value To Multidimensional Array?

Jun 22, 2012

I have a multidimensional array which will hold 3 bits of value and value will be added through a loop by reading from db. When it come this line of code:

*MenuAccess(.Fields("GROUPNO").Value, .Fields("ITEMNO").Value, .Fields("SUBITEMNO").Value) = OKNO*

It's hitting error, 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

Public MenuAccess(100, 30, 50) As Boolean
Private Sub RtGetMenu_Access()


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Adding Values To Array?

Feb 24, 2012

I am trying to run an event which will search through the different files in a given directory. The goal is to have it search for all files that begin with 'SP_', which are .sql files containing Stored Procedures. I would then like to add the full text of these Procedures to an array to be used later. This is causing an error when run, which I believe is because 'FullProcedureArray()', the string array I am trying to load does not have defined boundaries. When I declare it as 'FullProcedureArray(7)', or with some other value, it appears to run fine. But I don't want to have to hard-code a boundary for 'FullProcedureArray'; I would rather let it be defined by whatever the number of files in the folder is.

My question: Is there a way to declare 'FullProcedureArray' without having to give it an absolute value? I may just be missing something painfully obvious, but I haven't worked with this type of array much in the past.

Dim AppDataLocation As String = "C:FilesTestFiles"
Dim ProcedureArray As String()
Dim ProcedureText As String


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.net - Adding Blank Elements To Array?

Feb 23, 2010

I have an array x in size of objects (between 1 and 100) and I want to increase the size to 101 ... I've resized the array and that adds the objects but unfortunatly (not suprising) the added items have not been initialised, do I've reverted to using a do while loop and adding the elements indiviually, but looking at the code around it where addrange is used extensivily, I was just wondering if that was a neat way of doing the same thing

Bit of a learning question, just looking for neat ways to do the same thing

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Adding 2d Array Column Data Together?

Mar 4, 2011

if you could possibly point me to the right direction, that would be great. i have tried researching about this but found no solution.i have a 2d array which holds student name and 3 grades (eng, maths, science.)student array (24,3)Now, i would like to use the data which is held within the array to create averages.I need a total class average for: maths column, eng column, and science. I also need an overall average for all subjects.the code i have used, so far, brings some odd results.

studentarray(i,1) / count
studentarray(i,2) / count
studentarray(i,3) / count


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Adding Array Values To Database

May 7, 2009

Im trying to add values stored in an array to a database. Here's a little piece of the code.


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Adding Bytes For Checksum From Array

Sep 14, 2009

Dim sum As Byte
Dim Trans_Array(_64K, 2) As Byte
Const _64K As Integer = 65536
sum = 0
For i = 0 To 15
BinaryStream.Write(Trans_Array(Address + i, RIGHT_FILE))
sum = (Convert.ToByte(sum + Trans_Array(Address + i, RIGHT_FILE)))
I can't figure out how to calculate the checksum of the bytes from array.

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Adding Customer Information To An Array?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to add 3 customers to an array that I can then display in 4 seperate text boxes on my form. First Name, Last Name, Account Number and Balance.

Public Class Customer
Private firstName As String
Private lastName As String
Private accountNo As Integer


Error 2 Argument not specified for parameter 'account' of 'Public Sub New(first As String, last As String, account As Integer, balance As Decimal)'.

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Adding List Of Items To Array?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm still learning and there is a bit of code I have added which is an array and I want to add a list of items to the array. If that makes sense. I have 6 classes two have arrays.

Here is the code from one of the classes
Public Function getItems() As Array
Return _LevelItems
End Function

How would I add the item list to this? Where do I put it? Like underneath it or in the items class? That code is in the Level class.

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Adding New Row Of Controls Linked To An Array?

Jun 3, 2011

I am trying to make a form that is blank and will add in 2 comboboxes, a textbox, 2 buttons and a checkbox next to each other in a row. I want the controls to be part of an array, so that all controls on a row are associated with that array number.I am currently able to make the first row appear when the form is loaded, however when i click one of the buttons(which are used to create thenext row of controls) it comes up with an error stating that the index was outside the array bounds.

Here is the code I currently have:

Public Class frmWhere
Public SQLString3 As String
Public locationy As Integer


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Adding Textbox Content To Array?

Jan 9, 2012

What I need is to take numbers from several textboxes (4 rows, 5 columns) and put them into an array. I was able to successfully do this with the string data, but there were only 5 items, and I'm not quite sure I did that right although it works. I've seen in the book how to get data from input boxes and listboxes but not textboxes. BTW-I've included my code, but this is only from one of the forms for this project.

Public Class StudentData
Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click


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Adding To An Established Array With A Structure

Feb 13, 2012

I am trying to be able to add to an established Array that is read in from a CSV file. I'm using structures and I get the concept, but I just can't seem to get it to store. I am using Visual Basic 2010. Sorry for posting in here, but I did not see a category for it.


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Adding Variables Of Array To List Box?

Sep 2, 2010

Ok so I have an array and wish to add the variables of the array to separate lines of the list box. I came across this which in some ways worked but also didn't. The second thing mentioned on the page was to us:

ListBox1.DataSource = Form2.Title This works the first time you run it but if you try to run it again nothing happens. So using the above or something else how can I get it to update the list box? Another thing I tried was to use the DataSource method but instead to clear the list box first, but that turned up an error

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Getting Images From File And Adding Them To An Array?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a program that checks if someone is going to Happy Hour. If not, it lists those who aren't and puts their picture next to their name.I'm able to achieve all but get the images locally and store them in an array (which would be added to pictureArray(i)).(You can see the commented out sections are where I've tried to get the images...)

Public Class Form1
Dim ITLPList() As String = {"Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3", "Name 4", "Name 5", "Name 6"}
' Dim imageList As New ImageList
' Dim fileSteam As New System.IO.FileStream(sFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


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VS 2008 Adding A Value To String Array

May 16, 2010

I have an array set up as follow Dim MyOptions() As String. i want to loop through a xml file adding each value to this array, how can I add to the array on each loop?

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VS 2010 - Adding To Array Using Loop

Sep 30, 2010

What I'm trying to do is write a program to store my sports cards collection. Basically, just a forms based program that stores various data into files. Where I am stuck at the moment is I have a piece of code that opens a form to add card brands. It has a text box, and ADD button and a CANCEL button. What I want to do is be able to type a brand into the textbox and have it store it in a array when the ADD button is clicked, then allow another entry for another brand and have it stored into the array when the ADD button is clicked and so on until the CANCEL button is clicked. Then I would like for the data in the array to be written to a file. Where I'm having the problem is I can enter a brand name into the text box but the loop keeps adding that same brand name into the array.

Imports System.IO
Public Class AddCardBrand
Private CallingForm As Object
Private Sub btnAddBrandCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddBrandCancel.Click
Dim form As New StartScreen()
[Code] .....

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Adding NumericUpDown Control Data To An Array

Apr 25, 2011

What syntax do you use to add decimal data held in a NumericUpDown control, and add it to a one dimensional array? Is there a keyword to sum all the items in the array into one number(For averaging purposes)?

Dim heightarray As String()
ReDim Preserve heightarray(0 To UBound(heightarray) + 1)
heightarray(UBound(heightarray)) = heightNumericUpDown.Value

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Adding Values To Array And Accessing Strings

Aug 23, 2009

I have my app that does some complicated function and adds some values to an array, but then later I need to access the strings, I have the index number but not the string so how can I find that string again?

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Convert An Array To List And Adding Values?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to add a value to an array by converting it to a list [code]...

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Defining Items In Array And Adding A Counter

May 12, 2012

I am working on a project right now which requires the program to read names from a text file and add those names to a list box(after the program is launched). After they are added to the list box, the user is suppose to vote on the items in the listbox(each click of the vote button should add a +1 to the counter for that name selected). So far I have been able to bring items from the text file into the list box, but am unable to set up the voting system.

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File I/O And Registry :: Adding Array Data To XML?

Sep 1, 2008

I have an XML file that gets created on form load that just contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<User />


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Forms :: Getting Images From File And Adding Them To Array?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a program that checks if someone is going to Happy Hour, if not, it lists those who aren't, and puts their picture next to their name.I'm able to achieve all but get the images locally and store them in an array (which would be added to pictureArray(i))You can see the commented out sections are where I've tried to get the images...

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Function For Adding All The Numbers In An Array And Calling This

Oct 18, 2011


I have tried a million times to gt this funtion working and i cant.

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Splitting A String, Adding It To An Array, But What If Isnull?

Aug 10, 2010

Really crappy title but i have spent the last hour thinking of a working around.

Summery: A textbox is used to list clients i work for, Uses the splitter ","

Being seven days of the work would some times requier 6 splitters looking like this

Breath, Kemp House, garden center, Garden Center, COEL, PPD, Town

As so, but what if i miss a day? Or i dont always work saturdays sundays. from the code below you will see i have not added any work around fora null value. My suggestion is to incorporate a <nw> (no work) tag, but the code needs to change <nw> to my own personal message that i choose.


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Stop Adding Lines To Array At A Specified Line

May 11, 2012

I'm trying to create an array, but I do not want all data from the textbox to be inputted. The textbox will look something like this:


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VS 2008 Adding ToolStripMenuItem Array To MenuStrip?

Apr 28, 2010

I have this

Dim oLanguages As SortedList = Languages() 'Languages() is my custom Function
Dim oLanguageMenu(oLanguages.Count) As ToolStripMenuItem
For n As Integer = 0 To oLanguages.Count - 1


The last line produces an error: "value cannot be null. Parameter name: value".

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[2008] Adding 15 Minutes (which Is In An Array) To The Time

Mar 10, 2009

have another problem regarding with time again. After getting a user input time in "H:mm", in what way can I add like an additional 15 minutes to it? Something like this:

1 - User inputs the time in textbox
2 - Adding 15 mins(which is in an array) to the time


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Adding 10000 Nodes To Treeview List From An Array?

May 12, 2009

I am having a performance issue when adding a large array to a treeview. I am pretty sure that I am using the wrong method but I was unable to find a better way to load the's and example code of what I mean. this takes about 30 seconds to load into the tree.

Public Class Form1
Public StringArray(10000) As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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