Alternative Code To Add Command Button To Acheive The Functionality From A DLL?

Sep 22, 2009

An excel addin was used for a report data from database employing flat files. This addin uses activeX controls to acheive the above functionality. However it was later identified that when associated with digital signature to make it run under high security settings the whole addin crashed.

However the Point of concern now is'A new dll has been developed that encapsulates all the functions of the existing addin.' The addin was registered and as it was used, it created multiple instances of excel objects vigorously. However it was identified that this was due to a portion of the code that caused a command bar to the inserted as shown below Set cbar = CommandBars.Name("My data extracts")

Can an alternative code snippet be given which would insert a CommandBar?

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Alternative For INKEY Command?

Sep 23, 2007

I'm running Visual I used to use the INKEY command, available in older DOS versions of Basic, to allow the user to change the flow of a program by touching a keyboard key. It seems to be available only in Visual Fox Pro. Is there an alternative for Visual Basic?

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DB/Reporting :: A Command Builder Alternative?

Sep 29, 2008

I will have to perform updates/inserts/... on several relational tables of an Access database but I know that the Command builder usage is limited only to one table at a time.

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Alternative To The C++ Command Of Set Active Window.text ?

Apr 17, 2009

Is there are alternative to the C++ command of set active window.text ? (its something like that) baisicly this command renames the active window to what ever you want, is powerful enough to do this?

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Add Keyboard Short Cut To Command Button Code?

Apr 20, 2009

i just got the code to undo multiple times.. nice stuff.

this code works with a undo button.. i'm using a textbox and i want to be able to press CTRL + Z, to undo by using the undo button's command.. do u think it will interfere with the preset windows keyboard shortcuts for textboxes where it will only undo one time?just a squirrel looking for my nut...

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Forms :: Creating Command Button Ans Assigning Click Event Through Code?

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to write a program using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition that will automaticlay generate multiple Command Buttons that have different Texts and perform different commands.For example I want to generate Button_1 and Button_2 where Button_1 when clicked enters the value "1" into a textbox and Button_2 enters the value "2" into the same textbox.I know this can be simple done by using the designer and wirting the code in the Button_1_Click, but what I want to eventually achieve is for various buttons to be generated across different Tabs in a TabControl.So far I can create a button on a windows form using code, but the button has no purpose so command is assigned to it. The code i've used is listed below:


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Forums Code Addin Alternative To Insert Code Block

Feb 23, 2010

There has been an Visual Studio addin created by Heslacher based on code by JohnWein which allows one to copy code in Visual Studio and paste it as HTML code block here in the forums.urls...

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Alternative Button Controls For Winform?

May 21, 2010

Where can I find alternative button controls for Winform?

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VS 2010 Alternative AppActivate Code?

Oct 28, 2009

the name pretty much says it all, I need a more reliable code then AppActivate that does the same thing. I need it to activate a program I tell it to, perferribly without calling the process id.

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SpellCheck Functionality (Convert Form C# To V) Download The Code

Dec 17, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has tried the following link which is very interesting and shows integration of spell check functionality in a Textbox or a RichTextBox without the use of ms word spell checking capabilities. I have created a project in and wanted to integrate the same functionality in my RichTextBox. But sadly this project is in C#. how to convert this project into Download the SpellCheck Application from this link [url]

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Recreate The Behaviour Of A Button Or Command Button On An User Control

Dec 20, 2011

I would like to recreate the behaviour of a button or command button on an user control. I need to layout a group of this user control on a form so user can select only one at a time. When users click on one of this user controls a selection frame is drawn to indicate that it has been selected. The problem I have is clearing the selection frame when other control is clicked on. How do buttons or command buttons do this? If you layout a group of buttons only one is highlighted. I have tried using different events like LostFocus and Leave and nothing seems to work.

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Using Command Button To Go To Next Tab?

Jun 12, 2009

I have a form of 4 tabcontrol, I want to put the next button on each tab so that when the user press it, it goes to the next tab.

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Combo Box With Command Button

Aug 18, 2010

I wonder if anybody would be so kind and build an example project for me with a Combo Box and a Button associated with it? What I need is something like this: Combo box with list of items I click on Item 1 and it gets displayed in the TextBox portion of the Combo Box I click on a Button1 and it starts command associated with Item 1 Then I click on Item 2 and it gets displayed in the TextBox portion of the Combo Box I again click on Button1, but this time it starts a command associated with Item2. and so on... So - one Combo Box with multiples items on list and just one Button launching different commands depending on the item chosen in the Combo Box.


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Get This .bat Command To Run After Button Is Clicked?

Apr 20, 2012

how can I get this .bat command to run after my button is clicked I can make it like, "Run a certain .bat when button is clicked" , but I don't want that because people can go inside my .bat and hack my IP. So I was wondering is there a way I can put that .bat command into my VB 2010 Express


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Question Vb In A Command Button?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a VB Script that I am working on for a purchased application. I added a command button that hopefully would insert a NEW record into a table named Interventional_Devices. Data will be coming from three tables called Lesions, InvSupplyItems & Cath_equipment. Pls note that I commented out any reference to one of the tables called InvSupplyItems to simplify things. I have written another script that is very similar to this and I am able to transfer data from a control from one SQL table to another control that uses a different SQL table. But that is using the current data of an existing record and copy it to another existing record of a different table. The difference with this one is the successful script was just with 2 tables involved (current records being updated) while this one has 3 tables and trying to insert a NEW record in Interventional_Devices.

I have a VB script called BLGHScriptInterventionalDevices.lvb that is attached to the command button control's Command Property as Script(BLGHScriptInterventionalDevices. InterventionalDevices). Here is the code


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Add Virtual Keypress To Button Command?

May 28, 2009

How can i add a virtual keypress to a button command? i would like to add Ctrl + Z keypress to a button's command so i can use the systems' undo. i have no idea where to much work to do and so many choices to choose from...

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Check If A Command Button Is Clicked

Apr 19, 2009

How can i check if a command button is clicked in 2003?

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Command Button To Change View?

May 15, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that I am forced to keep 100 rows and 130 columns. For ease of use, I want to use a command button that will automatically pan from one cell to another specified cell location.

I am extremely rusty with VB, what kind of operators and code will I need to use so the command button automatically pan the view from cell A4 to cell Q3 for example?

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Disable Close Button And Command?

Jun 6, 2011

I want to Disable Close command on System Menu and Title bar.I wrote this code by get Error on Line that Highlithed by Red[code]...

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Drag And Drop A VB Command Button?

Aug 24, 2009

I am building an Excel spreadsheet that will contain command buttons that can invoke various functions written in visual basic. I want to be able to drag and drop a command button over any spreadsheet cell and the cell be automatically populated with the result of the function invoked when the command button is dropped. How do I invoke the command button drag-and-drop functionality.

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Execute Button From Command Prompt?

Mar 2, 2011

I am working on a project and i have a "start" and "Pause" Buttons on the FormPost.exe

I am trying to schedule a batch process to run every day in the morning at 4:00 AM.

How can i run a command prompt to execuite FormPost.exe and them click on "start" button, all via command prompt?

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Set Select Command In Code

Nov 9, 2009

On button Click I want to Set the Select command of a Gridview. I do this and then databind the grid but it doesn't work. What am i doing wrong? [code]

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ASP.NET Dynamic Command Button Event Not Firing?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm trying to create Command Buttons dynamically, but clicking the button in question doesn't seem to raise the corresponding CommandButton_Click event. I noticed that in the examples on SO a property is set for Button.OnCommand as well as the CommandName and CommandArgument but it isn't an option in intellisense.(code below without the OnCommand), is it accessed in some other way - if so, why do the examples I've found all show it as .OnCommand?

EDIT: Further to help, I have added the handler however the event is still not firing. The buttons reside in an UpdatePanel and are rebuilt on every postback (along with the handler). I have created a simplified example of what I'm doing which is shown below If the button event fires, it writes "EVENT FIRED" to the txtTestFired Textbox - suffice to say I have never seen that.

.aspx file
<form id="frmMain" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="scmAddProducts" runat="server">


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Button Command To Open Up Another Windows Form From Another?

May 29, 2012

I'm trying to figure out the script needed being executed by a button element (or some kind of element) to launch another windows form from the same project when being in another windows form? I'm a bit of a beginner with this language, so I don't know simple scripts like this one

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Changing Of A Picture In A Picturebox By Button Command?

Jan 6, 2010

Today i am working on a project for one of my college courses. I have a picture moving by button command. ex: up, left, right, down.

I need the image to react as each button in pressed for example the arrow is pointing up when i press left button the arrow needs to change to point left.If i could get some help that would be great. I have all of the images and i also need to know how to link them.

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Command Button To Launch Email With Attachment?

Mar 15, 2012

What I would like to do is create a command button that launches an email from outlook attaching the current word document to a set email address. I'm not fussed if the word document is saved or not as it is only the email receipent that needs it, likewise I don't mind if the code instructs the email to send of just opens it ready to be sent.

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Hook Into The Mouse Click On A Command Button?

Feb 24, 2011

I need to write an application that can validate wether or not a proper process was followed based on information that was entered into another .NET appliction. Basically, I need to be able to intercept a mouse click on a button in another application so that instead of submitting the data it triggers my validation code then cancel the action if need be.

We do not have the code to the other application. I have everything I need perform the validation. The only thing I don't know how to do is intercept the mouse click on the button control of the other application. Can some one show me how this is done?

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Increment The Month In Datetimepicker Using A Command Button?

Mar 7, 2011

Im trying to change or increment the month value of the datetimepicker using a command button. I tried to use the sample code from MSDN site but I was only able to increment once. I want to increment the value of the month everytime you click the command button. Do I need to use a loop statement? If so, how do I do that? I used this code below which can only increment or change the month value once but when you click the button again, no changes will be shown.Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

'DateTimePicker2.Value = New DateTime(2001, 10, 20)
DateTimePicker2.Value = New DateTime(DateTimePicker2.Value.Year, DateTimePicker1.Value.Month + 1, DateTimePicker2.Value.Day) End Sub

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Run A Already Existing Vb Program When A Command Button Is Clicked?

Aug 7, 2011

what i am trying to do rather than having all my project files all around my documets is put them into one program by having a log in system that i have made sucssefully and at the moment i have it set out with 10 buttons and for button one i want to open my version of notepad from the debug file in the bin folder there is a .exe program that is the one i want to run i dont know if it is possible but when i came to coding button 1 i coded

dim openfile
("C:Documents and SettingsPeteMy
DocumentsVisual Studio 2010Projects

but i got a error like this and i tried this as well



but at the first backslash i got a syntax error

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Run A Dos Command With A Button And The Output Need To Come In The Outpud Textbox?

Oct 13, 2009

I want to run a dos command with a button and the output need to come in the outpud textbox.the only problem is that i need to give another option in the dos command, how can i do this?This is what i use. but how can i give the second command in that command that is already running?

Private Sub CMDAutomate2()
Dim myprocess As New Process
Dim StartInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
StartInfo.FileName = "cmd" 'starts cmd window


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