App Ignores All Nav Commands Post NavError?

Oct 9, 2009

I am running an AxWebBrowser with a proxy server connection to reach the internet. However, after a navigation error event, the application ignores all further navigate commands. When not connecting through a proxy, the code works fine. Here's the main

RefreshIESettings("") 'Working proxy picked off the web, have tried different proxies
WebBrowser1.Navigate("") 'Intentional Navigate Error


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3D Cube Ignores Timer?

Mar 10, 2011

Attached is a file that creates a 3D cube, I did not make this but found it here at this site.Playing around with it I found out how to, on pressing of any key change the distance of the camera, thus changing the shade of the cube.So if you held a key down it got darker and darker.I want this to happen, but on a timer. So i created a timer, set the interval to 1 and did the same exact code. Set the timer to true, and nothing happens. Ever. I tried doing to show me a message every tick, and that didn't work either. So I went and broke the timer class?


Now i made a new application file, because I use timers all the time and it works. I copy pasted the code, and added the directx stuff, and it ..breaks my timer to do nothing at all ever.. Even if it is unrelated to my cube.

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Streamreader Ignores Accented Character

Oct 8, 2009

My problem is when the file I am reading contains an accented character the streamreader simply ignores this character. So if the line I read in was a 10 bytes line, it now only writes back out a 9 byte line. This is a huge issue as the file I am working with has to be a fixed length. I know there is some encoding that can be done to make this work, but know very little about it. [Code]

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WebRequest.GetResponse Ignores Timeout Value?

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to set a near-infinite timeout value on a WebRequest, considering that the HTTP-based API which I'm querying already graciously handles timeouts by sending back an XML document that declares a timeout. For some reason though, the following code still throws an exception:


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Datatable :: Creating New Columns Ignores Datatype?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a datatable which has a number of rows containing dataThen I need to add some empty datacolumns which I do like this:

Dim OT_Hours As New DataColumn("OT_Hours")
OT_Hours.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double")


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Graphics.Drawstring Ignores Kerning Instructions?

Dec 14, 2011

I was unhappy with the kerning in one of the installed fonts on my system, so I re-defined the kerning in a font editor and installed the revised font (under a new name) on my system. When I use the new font in Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, my new kerning works fine - but when I use Drawstring in a VB program, although the new font is used, the kerning instructions are ignored.Does anyone know if this a feature of the Graphics.Drawstring method, or am I failing to set a switch somewhere? If it's a feature, is there another method which kerns correctly?

VBE 2010 .net 4.0 XP SP3

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Push Multiple Keys .net Ignores Previous Key And Only Focuses On The Other Key?

Apr 6, 2011

I can detect single key downs with this code, however once I push multiple keys ignores previous key and only focuses on the other key. Can someone help me figure out how to detect multiple keydowns at the same time?Private Sub frmMain_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown


View 3 Replies - Reading CSV File With OLEDB Ignores First Line Even With HDR=No In Connection String?

Jan 4, 2011

We're converting a Classic ASP site to an ASP.NET site. One function was to upload a 'template' of data in CSV format for importing into the database. There were several different record types in there (the first field always indentifies the type of data).The task was to get the CSV into a DataTable so it could be validated (new project is to have MUCH better validation rules)

The code seemed pretty straightforward - watered down (taking out comments, Try/Catch, etc) it is as follows:

Dim da As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDirectory & ";" & "Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited;""")


The DataTable (dtData) is populated, but only starting with the second line of the CSV file DESPITE the fact that "HDR=No" is in the connection string.

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Windows Application Ignores App.config And Uses Something To Connect To Local Database

Jan 10, 2012

The application sits on a virtual environment and when I remote in and run the application, it connects to the remote database. However, when I remote in with a service account and double click the same .exe, it tries to connect to the local host database and ignores the app.config. The code is the same, only the login name I use is different. The login I use is part of the local admin group. Any ideas?

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How To Post A File Via HTTP Post

Jun 11, 2009

Having a problem with sending a file via HTTP post in I am trying to mimic the following HTML so the does the same thing.[code]

View 4 Replies - Connecting To Remote Computer Using WinNT:// Provider And Directory Services Ignores Username/password

Jun 10, 2010

Here is the final code that worked for me. This uses WNetAddConnection2 to establish a connection first, before using DirectoryEntry.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Net
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.IO


So I moved the code to an ASP.Net web app, which is impersonating a service account through the Impersonate section of web.config. The account I am impersonating does not have admin rights on any of the workstations so I put in a username/password into the constructor for the computer entry like so:

Dim deComputer As New DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Computername + ",computer", username, password).The username is that of a domain account which has local admin rights on every workstation. If I look at the Username property of the resulting deComputer object I can see that the username matches what I entered.Also if I enter in an invalid password it throws an error, so it is authenticating in some fashion.

However if I now try and add or remove a user from a remote workstation I get a general access denied error. If I add the service account that ASP.Net is using as a local admin on that workstation it will add and remove no problem.So next I tried using the LogonAPI (advapi32.dll ->LogonUser call) to login as the user account that is a local admin on all workstations, impersonated the resulting WindowsIdentitiy and tried running just the original deComputer instantiation. When I do this every property, excepty Path, returns an OLE exception..

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Insert A PICTURE Into A Forum Post - Inserting Code Into A Forum Post?

Nov 25, 2008

<edit on 10th March 2010.>

Changed thread type to QUESTION. I was then able to mark AS ANSWER the relevent post which now also immediately follows this post and so it is easier to find as suggested by forum user j2associates .

<edit> It is also my 3rd post in this thread, the 8th one up, of my posts, from the bottom ( for now ), as the forum format has changed yet again.I will leave the rest of this post( as is ) purely for historical reasons. I have been on these forums long enough to see 3 forum changes. <edit> 19th May, 2010> Link added to a video on the next line of text.


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DB/Reporting :: Include An Average In A Column Where The Average Ignores Zero Values In A Report Cell?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to include an average in a column where the average ignores zero values in a report cell where the column may have



I want 16, not 11 so (17 + 19 + 12 + 13 + 19) / 5 not (17 + 19 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 13 + 19) / 7 Something like this if it would work.

=SUM(Fields!fieldname.Value) / Count(iif(Fields!count_cycle_per_hour.Value >= 0,Fields!fieldname.Value,0))

Essentially just average everything in the column NOT a zero?

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Regex - Regular Expression To Split By Comma + Ignores Comma Within Double Quotes?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm trying to parse csv file with VB.NET.csv files contains value like 0,"1,2,3",4 which splits in 5 instead of 3. There are many examples with other languages in Stockoverflow but I can't implement it in VB.NET.Here is my code so far but it doesn't work...

Dim t As String() = Regex.Split(str(i), ",(?=([^""]*""[^""]*"")*[^""]*$)")

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Function - Method Or Routine That Converts Currency String In A Databound Textbox To Decimal And Ignores Empty Strings ""

Jun 12, 2011

As the title says I have a form with many databound textboxes. some of these boxes have data in them and some are empty. I need to add them altogether, so far all of the conversion methods I have tried err out when they run into an empty string, except Val, but then Val won't handle the string with a $ in it. I've tried decimal.parse which handles the $ but not the empty string. So I seem to be in circle that I can't get out of.

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VS 2010 : HTTP Webrequest Post Inside HTTP Webrequest Post?

Oct 6, 2011

Im trying to create a software which can post into yahoogroups.I've done trying to log in yahoomail but my problem is when I am going to post in yahoogroups, I am turning back in to yahoo log in page.

Here's my code so far:


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text


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Between And Before Commands

Jun 23, 2010

ok with this is going be realy hard to explain i just wanta learn this commands so lets say you have a combolistbox


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How To Use AT Commands

Apr 24, 2007

i have to make a project in to connect with nokia phone using AT commands. There are so many articles on it but i hvae found nothing complete.

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More Commands On One Row?

Dec 27, 2011

why this code doesn�t work:

If CheckBox9.Checked = True Then CheckBox10.Checked = True : If CheckBox8.Checked = True Then CheckBox9.Checked = True

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AT Commands For SMS Messages

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to use a cell phone modem to send an sms message but i'm not sure whats wrong with my code?? Also i'm getting en error with _ContsSMS = False .. but i have no idea what that line is ? (Also are AT commands not used for Windows 7, is this why it wont work?)

Using COM7 As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _
'set command message format to text mode(1)


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Cannot Input CMD Commands?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm fairly new here and based on the help that i've seen people give I though this would be a great place to ask! Basically, I'm new with coding, so I decided to work with Minecraft - specific a Minecraft Server Starter. It has a built in text box to display all the stuff that the console would normally display and an input tetbox to use commands.I have it so you can either use the Normal Minecraft Server or a Bukkit server. Basically, when I run minecraft.jar it works perfectly, I get the Output from the console and I can input commands.When I use craftbukkit.jar (bukkit) I get the Output of the console fine, but I can't input any commands... I can't figure out why it's doing this!


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Commands Not Being Added?

Aug 1, 2011

So I have this page as such:

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="ViewContacts.aspx.vb" Inherits="ViewContacts" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">


and the commands are not being added to the buttons to add, edit or delete contacts....

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Execute Two Commands At Once?

Dec 31, 2009

catch statements - it works well just checking my disk drive for a file, if an error is thrown then I open the disk tray and ask them to put the disk in, click OK on the message box and it performs another check for the file, if this fails the button that starts all this is disabled on my main form (the code is shown below).

Okay, so my problem is I'd like to have the message box pop up and the have the drive open up (using an API which I have) either at the same time or in the order of: message box then drive open. I can see two ways to do this: Have the commands happen at the same time (Can you even do this?) OR Have the message box appear and then open the disk drive (but how I could achieve this I don't know as the message box waits for the user to click OK... I originally though of starting a timer just before and getting it to open the disk drive tray in the tick event,


Public Class Form1
'open cd-rom tray API
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal _


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Ftp With Custom Commands?

Oct 20, 2010

I wrote a program that read a text file, find some specific text and eventually replace it with other. This works fine but after the file creation I have to ftp MANUALLY to my AS400, putting the file and finally run a specific command.

Here's the question, I saw that I can use FtpWebRequest but it only permits to download, upload and so on, I need to run a custom command (passing a string).in other words here's what I need:

user = "me"
pass = "you"
host = "as400"

ftp.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(user.Text, pass.Text)'now the connection is opened put my file send custom command

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Parse Sql Commands To The Db?

Aug 13, 2010

I am using mysql and I have installed the connector... here is a sample of my code. so far I can sucessfully connect to the db, but i am trying to learn how to parse sql commands to the db. for example in this snippet, i wanted to add to the testing table, an entry consisting of Fname and Lname.... It is not working... what should i be doing different ??



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Receive Sms With At-commands?

Mar 28, 2011

When my mobile phone is connected to hyperterminal, I can use the at-command AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0 If I receive an sms then, hyperterminal will show me the content immediatly.

Is there a way to fix this in VB.NET?[code]...

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Run Cmd Commands Straight ?

Jun 16, 2011

Is is possible to run cmd commands straight from VB. I want to be able to set up a command in vb without showing the black cmd window

path= C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6in
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft.jar nogui

Is it possible to run it without making a batch file? ( I want be be able to change some of the values in the commands to)I found Shell(pathname[,windowstyle]) but I am not quite sure how to use it or if it is the right code.

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Run Commands Via Application?

Apr 28, 2012

Im creating a windows application, not a console application which will hopefully run commands within the program.


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Run Some DOS Commands With Arguments?

Mar 7, 2012

Visual Studio 2010
Windows 7 X64

I'm making a multipurpose tool. In with I need to run some DOS commands with arguments.So, Ex. of what I have now.

Private filepath As String = "C:UsersTTGToolToolG5.5.0pluginscom.zend.guard.core.resources.win32.x86_5.5.0
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]....

So it should be "like I like cats" or what ever it is in the textboxes in the command prompt.

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SMS Application Using AT Commands?

Jun 10, 2009

I am currently developing an SMS application to read and receive SMS. I run the application and tried to send an SMS and the application indicates that the message is successfully sent. However the recipient did not receive the SMS. I am using Sony Ericsson T610

Code:Imports SystemImports System.ThreadingImports System.ComponentModelImports System.IO.Ports
Public Class Form1 'connect your mobile/GSM modem to PC, 'then go in device


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