Push Multiple Keys .net Ignores Previous Key And Only Focuses On The Other Key?

Apr 6, 2011

I can detect single key downs with this code, however once I push multiple keys vb.net ignores previous key and only focuses on the other key. Can someone help me figure out how to detect multiple keydowns at the same time?Private Sub frmMain_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown


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Select Multiple Lines Then Push That Out To A Single Variable

Nov 20, 2011

I have a listview box. I load the listview up from a text file and everything is divided into three groups. I need to be able to select multiple lines then push that out to a single variable, separated by commas. Two things are happening that are problematic:

1) If I just have it set to smallicons and no checkboxes, anything I select is highlighted right up until the control loses focus at which point everything un-selects.

2) If I turn on checkboxes, I can click boxes and they stay selected when I lose focus BUT the checkboxes are cut off on the left side of the control. (The checkbox appears to go off the edge of the control.) There's plenty of space in the control for the checkbox and the listed items.

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File I/O And Registry :: Listing Multiple Regkeys Under Multiple Keys?

Jun 13, 2012

I am trying to list all printers (PrintersConnections) under all users (HKEY_USERS)

problem is I dont know the user name keys in advance and need to exclude .DEFAULT and *_CLASSES so first I need to list all key names (%usernamekey%) directly under HKEY_USERS then for all keys that lists lsit all keys under HKEY_USERS\%usernamekey%PrintersConnections

Here is the code I have so far but I get errors about object variable not set, I suspect because of the way I doing the for each and listing the key names and then doing it again

Private Sub DetectPrntrs()
Dim RemReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey


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Forms :: Begin Encrypting Keystrokes When The User Focuses On A Password Field?

Oct 11, 2010

basicly im attempting to make a key encoder type application that i want to begin encrypting keystrokes when the user focuses on a password field . Is it possible for a windows forms application to do this and if so how can it be done ?

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Multiple Hot Keys Instead Of Assigning One

Jan 13, 2012

I'm creating a project that involves hot keys, but it requires multiple hot keys instead of assigning one. I'm going to make it so if a user presses for example CTRL + T on they keyboard while a textbox is selected, it'll show CTRL+T in the textbox and assign the key to do something. How do I do these though? Here's the code I've used for single hot keys:


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Pressing Multiple Keys At The Same Time?

Oct 7, 2009

im trying to make a two player game in vb 2008, it involves to ships either side of the screen shooting at each other.

A problem that ive found is that my code or vb wont recognize two keyboard inputs at the same time.

Private Sub Form3_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode


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Reading Multiple Registry Keys?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying write a code that will check the framework version on the same computer it runs.

Now this code has to be able to run on every machine regardless the frameowrk version on it.

Now, i know how to read one registery key, but i don't know how to check muliple keys.

For example "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftNET Framework SetupNDP"

Under the key "NDP" there are a couple of more keys, how can i get the keys name?

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Sorting Generic List On Multiple Keys?

Nov 2, 2009

I need to sort a list (of person) to person.Age within person.Department. f I user personlist.sort with a comparer for Age and then sort again with a comparer for Department, the sequence of age is destroyed.

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Multiple Key_down - All Player Keys Stop Working

Jul 23, 2010

I am making a program where there are 2 label boxes and I have scripted both so that they move when a key is pushed. what I am trying to make is a multiplayer game that shares one keyboard. So Player1 has keys num.8 6 5 4 and player2 has keys wsad.


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IDE :: In Datagridview, Read Only=True When Add A Row, It Is Copying Previous Row Data To New Row And Blank The Previous Row?

Jul 16, 2011

In Datagridview, Set as DatagridView1.ReadOnly=True,


When i tried to add a Row, it is copying previous Row data to new row,and also blank the previous row, why?Like Insert Row, Why...?

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Game Programming :: Detecting Whether One Of The Arrow Keys Is Pressed, All The Other Keys Seem To Be Detected Apart From The Arrow Keys?

Oct 21, 2008

I have a problem detecting whether one of the arrow keys is pressed, all the other keys seem to be detected apart from the arrow keys??? I have set key preview to True........ It detects the arrrow keys BUT ONLY if I have NO other controls on the form??? example..

Me.Text = e.keycode

It works, but then if I add a button for example, it stops.

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VS 2008 Store And Display Data With Multiple Identical Keys?

Feb 28, 2012

I am designing a test launch tool that I want the user to be able to select a product type from a list and then choose a station type from another list. Depending on what they choose will determine what is run (what is passed out).

The data will look like the following :
Product Station Test to load Config file to use
10-9890-1 mfgtest1 Progamming.xml config5.conf
10-9890-1 mfgtest2 Configuration.xml config92.conf


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3D Cube Ignores Timer?

Mar 10, 2011

Attached is a file that creates a 3D cube, I did not make this but found it here at this site.Playing around with it I found out how to, on pressing of any key change the distance of the camera, thus changing the shade of the cube.So if you held a key down it got darker and darker.I want this to happen, but on a timer. So i created a timer, set the interval to 1 and did the same exact code. Set the timer to true, and nothing happens. Ever. I tried doing messagebox.show to show me a message every tick, and that didn't work either. So I went and broke the timer class?


Now i made a new application file, because I use timers all the time and it works. I copy pasted the code, and added the directx stuff, and it ..breaks my timer to do nothing at all ever.. Even if it is unrelated to my cube.

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App Ignores All Nav Commands Post NavError?

Oct 9, 2009

I am running an AxWebBrowser with a proxy server connection to reach the internet. However, after a navigation error event, the application ignores all further navigate commands. When not connecting through a proxy, the code works fine. Here's the main

RefreshIESettings("") 'Working proxy picked off the web, have tried different proxies
WebBrowser1.Navigate("www.fiali3kskfjls.com") 'Intentional Navigate Error


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Streamreader Ignores Accented Character

Oct 8, 2009

My problem is when the file I am reading contains an accented character the streamreader simply ignores this character. So if the line I read in was a 10 bytes line, it now only writes back out a 9 byte line. This is a huge issue as the file I am working with has to be a fixed length. I know there is some encoding that can be done to make this work, but know very little about it. [Code]

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WebRequest.GetResponse Ignores Timeout Value?

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to set a near-infinite timeout value on a WebRequest, considering that the HTTP-based API which I'm querying already graciously handles timeouts by sending back an XML document that declares a timeout. For some reason though, the following code still throws an exception:


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Datatable :: Creating New Columns Ignores Datatype?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a datatable which has a number of rows containing dataThen I need to add some empty datacolumns which I do like this:

Dim OT_Hours As New DataColumn("OT_Hours")
OT_Hours.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double")


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Graphics.Drawstring Ignores Kerning Instructions?

Dec 14, 2011

I was unhappy with the kerning in one of the installed fonts on my system, so I re-defined the kerning in a font editor and installed the revised font (under a new name) on my system. When I use the new font in Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, my new kerning works fine - but when I use Drawstring in a VB program, although the new font is used, the kerning instructions are ignored.Does anyone know if this a feature of the Graphics.Drawstring method, or am I failing to set a switch somewhere? If it's a feature, is there another method which kerns correctly?

VBE 2010 .net 4.0 XP SP3

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Hot Keys VB 10 Express - Giving Auto Typer Hot Keys?

Jun 25, 2011

just wondering how i could give my auto typer hot keys, for example they press f1 to start the typer f2 to stop it.


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VS 2010 Shortcut Keys (KeyUp) E.Keys Combinations?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a shortcut which expands or collapses my treeview using the ctrl+alt+up-arrow or ctrl+alt+down-arrow:

If Keys.ControlKey And e.KeyCode = Keys.Alt And e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
End If


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Asp.net - Reading CSV File With OLEDB Ignores First Line Even With HDR=No In Connection String?

Jan 4, 2011

We're converting a Classic ASP site to an ASP.NET site. One function was to upload a 'template' of data in CSV format for importing into the database. There were several different record types in there (the first field always indentifies the type of data).The task was to get the CSV into a DataTable so it could be validated (new project is to have MUCH better validation rules)

The code seemed pretty straightforward - watered down (taking out comments, Try/Catch, etc) it is as follows:

Dim da As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDirectory & ";" & "Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited;""")


The DataTable (dtData) is populated, but only starting with the second line of the CSV file DESPITE the fact that "HDR=No" is in the connection string.

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Windows Application Ignores App.config And Uses Something To Connect To Local Database

Jan 10, 2012

The application sits on a virtual environment and when I remote in and run the application, it connects to the remote database. However, when I remote in with a service account and double click the same .exe, it tries to connect to the local host database and ignores the app.config. The code is the same, only the login name I use is different. The login I use is part of the local admin group. Any ideas?

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File I/O And Registry :: Reading Multiple Keys From The Registry?

Aug 27, 2008

I am writing an application that connects to a specific com port. This com port can change depending on how many physical ports are on the PC, and if other USB devices have installed com ports before this one.

I have the communication to the com port all working great, but I need to get the com port description not just the "COM#" which is all I currently get.

I found in the registry where the description is stored but am having trouble doing what I need.

In this key:


there is a varied number of sub keys. The are numbered 0000-NNNN depending on how many ports you have. Inside each of these keys, there are multiple values, although I am only interested in one or 2 of them.

My problem is, that I do not know how to get a list of the subkeys (the 0000-NNNN keys/folders) from the original key I posted. I have looked through a few registry tutorials, and I can view the default value in the listed key, but I could not find how to list the subkeys of the listed key.

Does anyone have any sample code they could share that shows how I can get a listing of subkeys, and then run through those subkeys checking for a specific value in one of the strings contained in the subkey?

I am using VB.net 2008 and Windows XP.

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Loop Through A List Of The Keys That Are Available In The 'Keys' Enumeration?

Jan 13, 2011

How could I loop through a list of the keys that are available in the 'Keys' enumeration? It seems like it should be something easy to do, but I'm not having any luck finding a collection that I can loop through.

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Asp.net - Connecting To Remote Computer Using WinNT:// Provider And Directory Services Ignores Username/password

Jun 10, 2010

Here is the final code that worked for me. This uses WNetAddConnection2 to establish a connection first, before using DirectoryEntry.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Net
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.IO


So I moved the code to an ASP.Net web app, which is impersonating a service account through the Impersonate section of web.config. The account I am impersonating does not have admin rights on any of the workstations so I put in a username/password into the constructor for the computer entry like so:

Dim deComputer As New DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Computername + ",computer", username, password).The username is that of a domain account which has local admin rights on every workstation. If I look at the Username property of the resulting deComputer object I can see that the username matches what I entered.Also if I enter in an invalid password it throws an error, so it is authenticating in some fashion.

However if I now try and add or remove a user from a remote workstation I get a general access denied error. If I add the service account that ASP.Net is using as a local admin on that workstation it will add and remove no problem.So next I tried using the LogonAPI (advapi32.dll ->LogonUser call) to login as the user account that is a local admin on all workstations, impersonated the resulting WindowsIdentitiy and tried running just the original deComputer instantiation. When I do this every property, excepty Path, returns an OLE exception..

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VB Array Push - Add A Value ?

Mar 25, 2012

I am currently iterating through a loop and redimensionalising my array every time I need to add a value (as you can imagine this takes some time for a redim every loop) is there a way I can implement a push similar to ruby or java? This would need to save the processing time needed to redimensionalise the array every time I need to add a value to it.

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C# - How To Push Only The Updated Cells Using RDA

Feb 24, 2012

In my inventory mobile application , i use RDA.using the mobile device ,i update only the Barcode of a particular Item which is in the Item Master(.sdf file). then I push the tables to the SQL Server.there is a web application handles all the other functionality , including Item Master Changes.for and eg.

(1) I pull the Item master to the Mobile Device.
(2)change the Item Name from the Web application.(NOT FROM DEVICE)
(3)Update Bar code from the Device
(4)push table from mobile Device to SQL Server.

In this situation Old Item Name is replaced.My need is only to update the Barcode.

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How To Push New Record In BindingSource

Sep 8, 2009

I have a fairly simple form that uses a SQLAdapter, a DataSet, and a BindingSource to allow users to navigate through the records in a table. Each time the user navigates to a new record, I update a DataGridView control that shows the appropriate records in another table. Now I'm trying to add a new record to the main form, using this code:

bs.AddNew() 'bs is the BindingSource object.
"tblCostCodeStructures") 'da and ds are the DataAdapter and DataSet, respectively.

Now, this seems to work alright, but it doesn't seem to actually retrieve a primary key for the new record from SQL Server. This is important, because without a primary key there's no way to requery the DataGridView and tell it what the correct Foreign Key is for whatever new records a user may create. I know the code is writing the record, because I can open SQL Server and see the new record, and I can close the form and re-open it to see and edit the new record just fine.

However, I need a way for the new record to be immediately available. Obviously, closing and re-opening a form every time the user adds a new record is not going to work! How can I make it so that as soon as the user creates a new record, that record is submitted to SQL Server, the dataset updated, and the form updated so that I have the new Primary Key field available?

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How To Push Objects Onto Stacks

Apr 19, 2012

sub main()
dim menuhistory as stack(of menu)
dim currentmenu as menu
dim apple as new menu("fruit")


I'm trying to create a stack of menus so I can navigate forward and back between different menus, however when I get down the push line to push my menu onto the stack I get the following error:"NullReferenceException was unhandled: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.". I'm unsure what the problem is as I am trying to push an object onto my stack, a menu object. The same error occurs even if I change the object I am trying to push directly to apple as well.

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Push Dataset Into SQL Server?

Jan 9, 2009

I have a Class that is creating a large dataset (over 32,000 records) on the fly. I want to take the dataset and import it directly into SQL Server 2005 but I have not been able to find anything in ADO that allows me to do that all in one chunk. Doing a search I found some people in a similar situation that have exported the dataset to an XML file and then imported into SQL Server, which seems like a long way to go just to get something done that I would think would be part of ADO.Net.

However, for lack of a better option, I went a head and created the XML file but now I am having problems getting it to import into SQL Server so before I lose another day of productivity I am goin to ask a question.Is there a way to insert a dataset directly into SQL Server without going to a file first (even if I have to do it one row at a time)?


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