Application Control - IE Continually Shows Prompts To Users About Working Offline

Aug 17, 2010

We have a issue with laptops for the current client in which IE continually shows prompts to users about working offline. The laptops are on a flaky wireless connection (Personally I would much rather fix this but they would much rather just fix this issue, apparently this works better money wise. I have my doubts).

Anyway the issue I'm facing is removing this box from opening at all.. Now there are two ways I can think of doing this. A possible Hook if it is available to catch it before it comes out and stop it. Or the less nice way is to when the box comes up to automatically hit the "try again" option using a sendkeys push.

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Webbrowser Offline - Show A Text Lable That Shows The Browser / User Is Offline?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a webbrowser and if the user is offline i need to be able to show a text lable that shows the browser / user is offline.

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Web Browser Control Working Offline - (Cached Web Pages) Only?

Aug 18, 2011

Is there a way to work the web browser control for viewing off-line (Cached web pages) only? Is it possible to view cached web pages from IE9 on a web browser control off-line? The reason i am asking this question is because IE9 automatically switches from off-line mode to on-line mode when it cannot find something in the cache by default. For forensic purposes this is not acceptable for these reasons: Active content (Viruses, java script, activex cookies etc)

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Create An Application That Prompts The User For A Number Less Than 100?

Nov 16, 2011

-Create an application that prompts the user for a number less than 100 and then when the button [Check Number' is clicked - displays whether the number is one digit or two digits.

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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Feb 18, 2009

I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. The program should then display a simple bar graph comparing each store's sales. Create each bar in the bar graph by displaying a row of asterisks (*) in a list box. Each asterisk in a bar represents $100 in sales. I have to make two different versions of this program. One using a "do while ... loop" and the other using a "for ... next loop". Could someone give me a hint on how to do this. I the "do while ... loop" version and I have had some problems, especially with converting the numbers to asterisks.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Clear everything


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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Jun 5, 2011

this is my first vb. and i have assignment and i have been trying for hours but i couldn't do it right I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. Create a loop to prompt for an amount for the first store using an inputbox and do not exit until you have good data. The inputs cannot be negative or greater than 5000, but may contain decimal values. The program should then display a simple bar graph corresponding to the amount of sales using a row of asterisks (*) in a listbox. Each asterisk represents $100 in sales. Display the total of all the stores by looping this process for each store.


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Webbrowser Control Image Offline Images Does Not Show?

Jul 18, 2009

i'm making an app which uses a webbrowser control to show some offline (not cache) html pages like a slide show. let's say pages in a folder on the desktop etc when it came to testing the whole thing, i figured out that the images in the html are not visible on the webbrowser control. instead there is a space where the image should be, corresponding the actual image dimensions.and when i right click on this empty space where images should be, and click on properties, i see the image size given as -1 byte (minus 1 byte) and there is no image type.

however given any online url's to the same webbrowser control or opening the same html pages with the real internet explorer i got no problem and see the images.i've been googling for almost 10 hours for a solution without success, so any hints are welcome. used vb 2008, .net framework 3.5, ie 7.

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.net Desktop App : Log Users Application's Usage By Users After Remote Deployment?

Apr 3, 2012

1.I�d like to publish a free desktop application for the users to download and use meanwhile I�d like to collect usage information ex: user ip address, user�s registration information, used features, time spent� if the user allows the report to be sent back.

2.Also , in order for the user to be able to use the application, he�ll have to register it then, everytime, before the application loads, it gets verified online that it was registered, maybe validate the registration information or a valid user name and password, no critical personal information. The target of this step is for the application to be used exclusively by the registered user and maybe on his computer only.

View 2 Replies Desktop App : Log Users Application's Usage By Users After Remote Deployment

Apr 4, 2012

1. I�d like to publish a free desktop application for the users to download and use meanwhile I�d like to collect usage information ex: user ip address, user�s registration information, used features, time spent� if the user allows the report to be sent back. 2. Also , in order for the user to be able to use the application, he�ll have to register it then, everytime, before the application loads, it gets verified online that it was registered, maybe validate the registration information or a valid user name and password, no critical personal information. The target of this step is for the application to be used exclusively by the registered user and maybe on his computer only. Any alternative way to achive the target is just fine.

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Taking Control Of Another Application With Sendkeys Or Windows API Is Not Working?

Nov 18, 2011

I have tried to control another application to automate a process we do 100 times a day. It is simple enough, a few key strokes is all but I have been foiled in all attempts

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.NET Framework 3.5 Offline Installer Is 200 MBs Larger Than The .NET 4 Offline Installer?

Jan 13, 2011

I have code/support an application built on .NET framework that has always run on .NET 2. This year we are upgrading the application to use .NET 3.5 (or 4?). In preparing for this change we noticed that that Offline Installer (required for our customer base) for .NET 3.5 is 200+ MBs bigger than the .NET 4 offline installer.

Here are my questions.Why is the dotnet 3.5 installer so much bigger than the 4 offline installer?

Can we TARGET .NET 3.5 but distribute .NET 4. In other words, is .NET 4 backwards compatible? Assuming that .NET 4 was the only installed .NET could application still target earlier frameworks?

IF our application is compiled for x86 CPU (rather than Any CPU) do you still have to distribute the x64/x86 Client Profile or can we just distribute the x86 Client Profile? In other words, can we distribute the x86 Client Profile even though it will be installed on x64 machines if our app is compiled for x86 target CPU? Any risks or gotchas for doing this?

The issue is that if we upgrade our app to target .NET 4 there are a lot of application servers that we also have to upgrade which effects a number of other applications.

View 2 Replies - Sending Emails In Bcc To Multiple Users Not Working

Dec 15, 2011

I am developing project in which i am sending emails to multiple user as follows

Dim users(20) As String
users(0) = ""
users(1) =""


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VS 2010 Working With Files Already Open By Another Users?

Sep 29, 2011

I created a program that processes files on a nightly bases for the company I work for. These files are used on a daily basis and very often a file is left open by a user and it causes my program to error out and not finish running. My program needs delete access to these files.

I need 1 of 2 solutions.

1. I need somehow add a check to see if a file is in use and if it is just skip it.

2. I need to make my program automatically force close the files on the users. (note that these are shared by one computer, I can put the program on the computer that the files reside so that it has access to close them out.)

how to add a check for if a file is in use or not?

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Continually Add Set Of 3 Rows

Aug 1, 2011

I'm trying to decide on the best approach for the following senerio in my form: I have a form that contains 3 rows of text boxes and dropdowns. Each row matches the other as far as the objects it contains. There's also a button on the form called Add Another set.
When the user clickes this button, I need to display another set of 3 rows of the text boxes and dropdowns.


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Program That Will CONTINUALLY Press The Enter Key?

Oct 9, 2009

I am apart of an online game. With this, I need a program that will CONTINUALLY press the Enter Key. Basically, I will click on the chat box in-game (where you talk) and then I need a program where it will automatically press the enter key. The faster the better. I would like as many times as you can do, once every millisecond, or if it's possible, to do it ALL the time.

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C# - ASP.NET Web Control Shows Old Data After The First Postback

Aug 16, 2011

I'm having a weird problem with a custom Web Control in an ASP.NET forms application. For a web application, I figured that it would save me a lot of time to create a class which inherits from CompositeControl which combines a label with some other control such as a TextBox or DropDownList. This composite control has several properties that wrap properties of the underlying properties (e.g.: EnteredText wraps TextBox.Text). The controls can be used for databinding in the same way as the regular ones, but instead of txtBox.Text = someObject.someProperty you use compositeControl.EnteredText = someObject.someProperty. These controls are then used on ASPX pages and ASCX user controls.


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Transparent Control Shows Up As Black

Aug 6, 2009

Im working on in Basically I�m trying to create a nice looking control that draws several PNG images (stars in this example) that light up as you hover the cursor over them. This side of things is working perfectly (see picture 1).


The problem is trying to make it work using a transparent background for the control. I can make the control transparent by setting the controls back color and using Me.Setstyle to enable transparency support, but every time the image refreshes to show any lit stars it repaints over the stars again � making the shaded areas darker each time. This results in a horrible mess (see picture 2).


Next I tried to clear the background each time a repaint occurs so that the stars are drawn on a blank canvas each time to stop this problem. The only way I know how to do this is to use graphics.clear(Color.Transparent) before my code to paint the star images. But this does not work as the control shows a black background instead of a transparent one (see picture 3)!


away the background to leave me with a transparent canvas to paint images onto? And is anyone smart enough to come up with a solution to this irritating issue?

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Working With Timers - Scoreboard Application For Class That Would Control A Scoreboard

Nov 18, 2009

I working on a scoreboard application for class that would control a scoreboard like you would see at a football game. My problem is that I'm not sure exactly how to work with timers. I would like a timer to start at either 15 or 12 minutes and count down the quarter. I'd like to be able to pause the timer, have it count up in case I need to add time to the clock.

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Adding To Collection Just Continually Duplicates Added Record?

May 7, 2010

I have run into this problem a number of times, and I am not sure what I might be doing wrong - or if this is just a bug, or not going to work.I have a collection that I setup on my own (eg, collection class). I then cycle a Log file that has text entires and I read those, and then parse the entry and attempt to add it to my collection.

But as each entry is added, ALL records just get duplicated - in other words, as I add entry 2, both entrys 1 AND 2 wind up with the same values - as I add 3, all 3 entries get the same value - and this continues no matter how many entries. For example,
if I added 100 entries, I would have 100 duplicates of the last record added.I have stepped through the debugger and watched this occur and just cannot figure out why this is not working as it should. Here is the code...

Not objReader.EndOfStream
' Read one full line


No matter what I do, my lstSent collection just winds up with EVERY entry being the same as the last entry added.

Add the elements into the collection if its a "Sent" itemElem = objReader.ReadLine

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How Many Times Click On Play Button It Continually Flashes

May 12, 2011

i am having a weird issue with VS 2008 when i go to debug my program. When i click on the play button to run the program it flashes real quick and goes back to the VB IDE. No matter how many times i click on the play button it continually flashes and then goes back without displaying my form window or anything.What type of setting would i need to change in order to correct this issue? I've been through most settings in the "my project" section and i do not see anything that could be causing it to do something like this.My older vb apps I've made seem to work just fine when i click the play button on them. Only noticed this problem whenever i go and make a new vb app.

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Application Shows Error When Install In Another PC

Jun 3, 2011

I have created setup file of my program. I have tried to install it there in two pcs to test it that its working properly or not. One pc has visual studio & my program worked there after being installed but another pc doesnt have visual studio & my program doesnt work there after being installed. It shows error message that "WindowsApplication1 WindowsAoolication has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the in-converience." What does it mean? Does it mean it that I couldnt create setup file properly?

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WPF Itemscontrol Binding - Control Doesn't Update And Shows The Same As Before

Feb 21, 2012


So i have that code in my xaml and the button gets filed with a list of string. Depending on what the users chooses on previous Usercontrol that item will be filed with differents items. The problem is if the user select one option at the first run the button will be filled correctly but if the user go back and select the other option the control doenst update and shows the same as before.. My english is not the best but i think i could made me understand! PS: the bindind on Button is to a readOnly property so i cant define it to Mode="TwoWay".. i took a look on the debug and the property ExportFormat gets updates with the new items but the usercontrol still displays the first option!!

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User Types In Letters, Application Shows?

Nov 27, 2011

Basically I just want it so that someone can type in their password but it comes up as Asterisks (*) instead of their password.I'm using VB 2010 and making a Console Application.

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Can A Web Application Support More Users Than A Windows RDP Application

Oct 18, 2010

i am wondering if there are any case studies / white papers available comparing web applications to remote desktop applications on running on comparable hardware? What I am trying to get at is if a web application can support more users, as far as hardware resources go, than the same windows based application running on terminal services?

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Communicate With TWO Cmd Prompts?

Jan 14, 2009

I have a program that opens the command prompt and sends commands. I need to leave the first CMD open, open ANOTHER cmd and send more commands to the second one.

Then I do some processing and can close them both. How can I open more than one, and how do I refer to the first or second one?

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Application That Shows The Calculation Sequence Consisting Of 3 Form?

Mar 5, 2010

I want to make an application that shows the calculation sequence consisting of 3 form.1 is an input form,form 2-step sequence of calculations can be saved as pdf,he calculation

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How To Make Cursor Prompts

Jul 21, 2010

I have a form and Onload the cursor blinks at a textbox called txtProdesc, I want to have no cursor blinking at all

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When Click On A Listview Item It Searches For Same 'Application' Name And Shows Path

Sep 29, 2010

im creating an array that contains something like this [code]Then i need to make it so when i click on a listview item it searches for the same "Application" name and shows the path.I have everything planned out, but im not sure what i should use to do this.Should i use list(Of string), arraylist or just string(,)?I have no idea of the amount of elements it will contain. I was thinking of using a list so i can use .find without having to make a search function.Anyways, what would be the best/fastest way to do this? Its possible i might have up to 1000 rows in this array, so i want something fastish.

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Crystal Reports Prompts Login Only On Other PC

Jan 10, 2012

I made a small VB.NET application which includes a Crystal Report. Running the Crystal Report on the machine I made it works perfectly. When I run the application on my laptop, the Crystal Report always prompts me for a login even though the database has no login set to it. I have tried passing in "Admin" and "" with code, but no luck. I'm working with an Access database, this is the code I have to load my Crystal Report:

If frmReport Is Nothing OrElse frmReport.IsDisposed Then
frmReport = New frmReport
End If
frmReport.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "../../Reports/Klantenbeheer.rpt"
frmReport.MdiParent = Me

I did look at Prevent login of ODBC Text driver in Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 but I'm not sure if it applies to my situation? I also tried setting the rpt's datasource to the datasource I work with in the application and then assigning that to the ReportSource, but no luck either.

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Repeater Control Overlapping For Some Users?

Oct 29, 2010

My whole websites makes use of the ASP.NET(2.0) repeater control and I have been getting some complains from people that they cant view my site as the controls are overlapping.This sounds like a browser issue to me as I never see it in IE8 or IE7 or Chrome or Firefox.

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