How To Make Cursor Prompts

Jul 21, 2010

I have a form and Onload the cursor blinks at a textbox called txtProdesc, I want to have no cursor blinking at all

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VS 2008 THe JuMpIN CuRsOr - Make Cursor To Jump To The Next Textbox After Type The Digit

Jan 14, 2010

how can i make my cursor to jump to the next textbox after i type the digit

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Communicate With TWO Cmd Prompts?

Jan 14, 2009

I have a program that opens the command prompt and sends commands. I need to leave the first CMD open, open ANOTHER cmd and send more commands to the second one.

Then I do some processing and can close them both. How can I open more than one, and how do I refer to the first or second one?

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How To Make Own Second Cursor

Aug 2, 2010

I got an issue again, Im using a program which automatically does the work I normally have to do, but it uses my mouse to click on a java application. Normally I would have to do it myself but now the program does it. I was wondering wether there was a way to create a second mouse cursor, to not interrupt the main mouse cursor, so I could do other work while my program is still doing its work. Like 2 mouses, 1 is the main cursor, the other one is programmed to do its work even if the form is not focused.


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How To Make Your Own Second Cursor

Aug 2, 2010

I am using a program which automatically does the work I normally have to do, but it uses my mouse to click on a java application. Normally I would have to do it myself but now the program does it. I was wondering whether there was a way to create a second mouse cursor, to not interrupt the main mouse cursor, so I could do other work while my program is still doing its work. Like 2 mouses, 1 is the main cursor, the other one is programmed to do its work even if the form is not focused. Or if this wouldnt be possible, is there a way to let my form click on certain places on itself without it being focused. E.g. my form is not focused but the process still goes on, there is still being clicked on it.

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Cursor File Make Jpg Or Bmp?

Aug 6, 2009

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Cursor = New Cursor("C:WINDOWSCursorsarrow_rl.cur")
Me.Cursor = Cursor
End Sub

can i use jpg or bitmap gif file for curser ....

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Crystal Reports Prompts Login Only On Other PC

Jan 10, 2012

I made a small VB.NET application which includes a Crystal Report. Running the Crystal Report on the machine I made it works perfectly. When I run the application on my laptop, the Crystal Report always prompts me for a login even though the database has no login set to it. I have tried passing in "Admin" and "" with code, but no luck. I'm working with an Access database, this is the code I have to load my Crystal Report:

If frmReport Is Nothing OrElse frmReport.IsDisposed Then
frmReport = New frmReport
End If
frmReport.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "../../Reports/Klantenbeheer.rpt"
frmReport.MdiParent = Me

I did look at Prevent login of ODBC Text driver in Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 but I'm not sure if it applies to my situation? I also tried setting the rpt's datasource to the datasource I work with in the application and then assigning that to the ReportSource, but no luck either.

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Make A Form Draw A Cursor?

Apr 23, 2010

I need a code that when put in a timer will create a cursor were your cursor is and then leave it there. So its like a place marker to let you know were you were when you clicked.

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Make A Program That Moves The Cursor?

Jan 25, 2009

How do you make a program that moves your cursor to a selected color? So you start the program and then the cursor will auto move to the color red (if that is signified).

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Make Cursor Ignore Form?

Nov 7, 2009

I wonder how i could do so a form gets unclickable. I am doing a crosshair and when i test it out and put it on its place then when i trying to shoot the program i can make a forms startposition custom?

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VS 2008 How To Make Cursor Image

Mar 9, 2010

How to make cursor image like this program? url...I want to make Launcher like this but i can't make it even with autoupdater.

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Create An Application That Prompts The User For A Number Less Than 100?

Nov 16, 2011

-Create an application that prompts the user for a number less than 100 and then when the button [Check Number' is clicked - displays whether the number is one digit or two digits.

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Make A Form That Follows A Cursor Delayed And Smoothly?

Oct 9, 2011

I want to make a project that when form loads the form follow the mouse [delayed and smoothly]

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Make An Image Follow Cursor Even Outside An Application?

Oct 5, 2010

In VB.Net with Winforms how do I make an image follow the cursor even when it leaves the form? I want to do this during a drag and drop operation. BCL and/or GDI is better for my usecase than P/Invokes.

If you are familiar with PeaZip, it does something of this sort when dragging a file from it's interface.

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Make Drop Down List Show With Cursor?

Aug 21, 2009

I have a menu strip, which i want the drop down items to show when i move my cursor over it.

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Make Relative Cursor Position On The Form?

Jun 3, 2012

I am working on a screen cropping program. The program works by expanding the current for to maximum and the opacity level set to 35% so the screencan be seen from behind. The cropping code is below:

Private Sub disect_mouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
Me.Opacity = 0


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Avoiding Microsoft Excel Prompt - User Is Getting Two Prompts

Feb 7, 2012

I'm writing the following bits of code for a SaveFile Dialog box in Visual Basic 2010.NET. The code works well as the XLSX file is created and opens in Microsoft Excel. However, the problem that I am having is that if the program overwrites a file, the user is getting two prompts. One prompt is from the program's own SaveFile dialog confirming the choice. The other is from Microsoft Excel asking you the same. It's as if the program is running in the background. Does anyone know how I can write this code to save the file as an Excel file? [Code]

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Make A TreeNode Change Cursor When Mouse Hovers Over It?

Jul 15, 2010

I have created a menu using a treeview to launch forms when the user clicks on a node. To complete the look-and-feel, I have set up the nodes to look like hyperlinks. I'd like to have the cursor change to a hand (like the one you see when you hover over a link) when the user hovers over a node, however so far I've only been able to have the cursor change on hovering inside the treeview, as opposed to over a node. As far as I can tell, a TreeNode doesn't have events such as MouseEnter, so I can't have them handle the events themselves.

I am attempting to use this function to loop through the nodes and check the Bounds property of the TreeNode against the Point property of the cursor, but so far the If block always evaluates to false, meaning that the cursor never changes.[code]...

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Make The Form Follow The Cursor Or Mouse Smoothly?

Oct 6, 2011

How to make the form follow the cursor or mouse smoothly?

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VS 2008 : Executing DOS/Command Line Commands With User Prompts?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that does the following:Executes the following command line string (wmic /node:computername bios get serialnumber)Prompts user for the "node" entry Displays the resulting serial number in a dialog box I'm a bit of a noob at this (I haven't coded anything in VB since early 2000s) so I'm at a bit of a loss where to start. I plan on including some functions to submit the node entry and the resulting serial number to a database in the future for archiving as well.

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Make An Integer Equal The Horizontal Location Of The Cursor On The Form?

Nov 2, 2009

what code is needed in order to make an integer equal the horizontal location of the cursor on the form?

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Make Cursor To Jump To Next Order Tab Textbox When I Type Number?

Jan 13, 2010

I dont want to use tab or enter and i want tha cursor to jumb to the next tab order textbox when i type a number

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VS 2005 Cross Cursor And Make It The Width And Height Of The Form

Oct 6, 2009

I am trying to use a cross cursor and make it the width and height of the form without any luck. I read in a thread i may have to use a custom cursor, is this true? I have tried to re size the Cursors.Cross


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Application Control - IE Continually Shows Prompts To Users About Working Offline

Aug 17, 2010

We have a issue with laptops for the current client in which IE continually shows prompts to users about working offline. The laptops are on a flaky wireless connection (Personally I would much rather fix this but they would much rather just fix this issue, apparently this works better money wise. I have my doubts).

Anyway the issue I'm facing is removing this box from opening at all.. Now there are two ways I can think of doing this. A possible Hook if it is available to catch it before it comes out and stop it. Or the less nice way is to when the box comes up to automatically hit the "try again" option using a sendkeys push.

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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Feb 18, 2009

I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. The program should then display a simple bar graph comparing each store's sales. Create each bar in the bar graph by displaying a row of asterisks (*) in a list box. Each asterisk in a bar represents $100 in sales. I have to make two different versions of this program. One using a "do while ... loop" and the other using a "for ... next loop". Could someone give me a hint on how to do this. I the "do while ... loop" version and I have had some problems, especially with converting the numbers to asterisks.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Clear everything


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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Jun 5, 2011

this is my first vb. and i have assignment and i have been trying for hours but i couldn't do it right I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. Create a loop to prompt for an amount for the first store using an inputbox and do not exit until you have good data. The inputs cannot be negative or greater than 5000, but may contain decimal values. The program should then display a simple bar graph corresponding to the amount of sales using a row of asterisks (*) in a listbox. Each asterisk represents $100 in sales. Display the total of all the stores by looping this process for each store.


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Implement A Controlling Design Logic That Prompts The User For A Length And The Area To Calculate?

Aug 12, 2009

I am trying to implement a controlling design logic that prompts the user for a length and the area to calculate until he or she enters a number less than zero in the length to end.So far I have it where I believe it�s doing the calculations but it�s not ending when I input a number less than zero or zero.

Sub Main()
' Declare Length As Float
Dim Length As Double
' Declare s, c, t As Float


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Replace Default Windows Cursor With A Custom Cursor (winforms)?

Feb 16, 2011

This VS010 solution is not providing my intended outcome as a custom override of a 'crosshair' or 'reticle' cursor e.Graphics.DrawPath() is the function that isn't working. This

WORKING solution demonstrates how it's supposed to work. The additonal PictureBox added to a Panel is, for reasons I don't understand, not allowing the 'new' cursor to appear.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing


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Cursor - User Control - Able To Update Its Cursor While It Is Disabled

Apr 28, 2009

I have a user control, and want to be able to update its cursor while it is disabled. For example, say that I have a user control whose cursor is Default. The below code works ONLY when the user control is already enabled; if it is disabled the below code doesn't work and the cursor remains Default: Me.MY_USER_CONTROL.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor

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Set The Cursor To 'cursor.wait' For The Whole Display Screen?

Jul 2, 2009

How can I set the curosr to 'cursor.wait' for the whole display screen and not just for the application form? I have tried "Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor" And several variations but without success.

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