Application Design Suggestions For A HotKey Manager?

Jul 12, 2011

I simply want to create an application that can save each n every keystroke pressed from the keyboard and then user will be able to assign it a hotkey. And then whenever user presses that hotkey the data that is relevent/linked with that hotkey should be pasted into the active window e.g. notepad, ms word, email etc. I have developed it on my own everything is working fine but whenever I hit the assigned hotkey it wont stop sending data to the active window maybe because of timer.

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Suggestions On Including Web Browser Control In Desktop Application

Mar 10, 2010

I am writing a desktop app in VB.Net, and I'd like to include a web browser control to automate certain functions the user might have to perform in the browser. I have to render the page so I do not want to use the webrequest to make direct calls. When I publish the app, do I have to be concerned with which version of Internet Explorer the user has on their machine? Are their any third party, freely available, stable web browser controls available for VB.Net that people are using?

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How To Create Hotkey For Application

Mar 3, 2009

What is the code to create hotkey? I want to create a hotkey that has the same function in my NEXT_BUTTON. So, that a user will just press the key Enter (Hotkey) than clicking the NEXT_BUTTON.

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Global Hotkey Working For Application

Mar 17, 2012

I have implemented a global Hotkey into my code but the problem is that when I move the focus from the form to IE (For Example) i cannot use the Hotkey from my application. Everything is working great if I was to stay int the form but that's not the purpose of this code.

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
RegisterHotKey(Me.Handle, 9, MOD_ALT, VK_F9)
End Sub
Private Sub frmMain_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, e As
[Code] .....

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Create HotKey Shared Only For The Entire Application?

Jan 12, 2012

Basically i am creating a vbnet system software. I want to create a shortcut key to lock the system with out affecting the windows explorer (just my system only). Is it possible to create one for that? Or let's say create a procedure that triggers anywhere whether the focus is on a control, on a form (whether shown as normal or modal), or on any other that has the focus on it.

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VS 2008 : Make The Application Wait For Hotkey?

Nov 13, 2009

I want to make a program that's constantly running on the background and when I hit a specific combination of keys (example ctrl + alt + A) on any application it does *stuff*.

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Write An Application That Would Start Minimized To The System Tray And Then Assign A Hotkey To This App?

Jun 13, 2011

We run a CRM package and one of the features that it lacks is the ability to Date and Time Stamp when someone updates an activity. I was wondering if it would be possible to write a application that would start minimized to the system tray and then assign a hotkey to this app, for example CTRL Shift and K, that would paste a date time stamp into what ever application was focused at the time.

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Hide Application From Task Manager Application Tab?

Apr 5, 2011

I have written an application in Visual Basic 2010 that I would like to hide from the Task Manager Application Tab, if possible. It's fine if it is listed in the Processes tab.

The purpose of the application is to allow users to postpone a restart following software update installations that require restarts. The application includes a form the user's must interact with so it can't be permanently hidden from view on the desktop. I am basically looking to mimic the WSUS Windows Update dialog which allows users to postpone restarts.

VB6 has app.taskvisible which is no longer included in VB 2010. I have seen a lot of discussion around this topic but no real solutions.

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Make Feature Suggestions For .NET?

Jun 17, 2011

Where do we make feature suggestions for VB.NET?Basically, I'd like to suggest that they introduce "strikethrough comments". As an alternative to using the single quote ' for remarks, you can use the backquote (ASCII 96) ` which does exactly the same thing except that the text appears with strikethrough. This would be good for "commenting out" code. So if I am replacing a bit of code, I can "cross out" the old code,

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Change A Hotkey To Another Hotkey?

Jan 4, 2011

i would like to ask if it is possible to change a hotkey to another hotkey in when keys.k is pressed it will output as if keys.a is pressed..when I press k in a keyboard it will output letter a in any textarea will go on as long as the program continue running..

for the reason that i would like to create a program that will change a keystroke to another keystroke..anyone familiar with a dota hotkey/warkey?..its just like that..when I press alt+q it will output the num. 7 in the numlock

alt+q = 7 ; alt+w = 8
alt+a = 4 ; alt+s = 5
alt+z = 1 ; alt+x = 2

and so on..its just like that

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Log When An Application Is Killed Through The Task Manager?

Jul 21, 2009

I was wondering if there is a way to log into a database when an application was killed using the task manager?

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Set Program In Application Tab In Task Manager

Apr 9, 2009

I create a form and set the border style to FixedSingle , this form dosen't have (control box) and when i want to unload this form i should press ALT+CRLT+DEl and cancel it form process tab ( not Applications tab) how can i set my program in application tab in task manager?(show in taskbar is true)

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Show Exe In Task Manager (application)

Jun 13, 2011

My exe ( only show in Task Manager (Process), but not show in Task Manager (application). How can i fix it?

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VS 2010 Task Manager Application?

Nov 26, 2011

I am making a application that shows the current applications running. So far, I have made this code that shows the processes that are running:

Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Form1
Public Sub New()


However I only want to show the list of applications. Anyway to do this?

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How To Make URL Suggestions And Show Link In Progress Bar

Nov 17, 2010

How can I make it to where when I am typing into the combobox that it will show url suggestions? Like in my history. Like if I type in "[URL]" and google is in my combobox history, that it drop down the combobox and show me that url? Also, how can I make it to where when I hover over a link that it will show me the link url in my status bar?

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Made Download Manager Application In .net 2008?

Apr 17, 2010

how can made download manager application in 2008?

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Restrict Application Closing Even From Task Manager?

Oct 23, 2011

I have created an application in VB2010 and deployed it such a way that it will start automatically when a user logins.I want user to restrict closing the application, so i disabled the close button also in the forms.But still users are able to close the application from Task Manager. Is there any option to restrict application closing even from task manager...?

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Application Responding In Task Manager But Interface Freezes

Apr 14, 2011

In my application, the user can create a word document from a word template with dynamically added text and data to it. This happens on a backgroundworker so that the application doesn't hang during the process. This all works fine and the word document opens correctly when finished. Now if the user leaves the application to do something else, in most cases when they come back to it, it has frozen. It's still responding/running in task manager but the interface is frozen. In debug mode, it never freezes and so I can't catch the exact moment when the freeze occurs. My backgroundworker is disposed of when complete and I close everything related to the word object.

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Setting The Manager Property In AD Without Knowing The Manager's URL?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a function that will allow me to edit the manager property of a user here:

Public Shared Sub SetManagerProperty(ByVal de As DirectoryEntry, ByVal pName As String, ByVal pValue As String)
'First make sure the property value isnt "nothing"


But what if the manager is not in the Company OU? How can I edit this to search for him in the entire domain?

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C# - Communicating With Processeses - Create An Application That Will Act As Some Sort Of Task Manager

Jan 6, 2011

I'm going to create an application that will act as some sort of task manager. For stability reasons I will not use threads but processes instead. I have to deal with several third party libraries and/of COM servers that are not always that stable and can produce severe crashes sometimes. This may (of course) not affect the task manager

Problem with using processes is how to communicate with them? The process must f.e. give a status back of what it's doing every x seconds.

I was thinking of using TCP over a separate port per process, but is this the best way of doing this?

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Forms :: Make An Application That Allows The Manager Of The Company Whether The Employees Are Truly Active?

Sep 18, 2011

I want to make an application that allows the manager of the company whether the employees are truly active: screenshot and a "timer" to measure the time of the activity of the employee Can be controlled using the mouse or keyboard while the application is not active, but in execution.Is it possible in to know if the user of the machine is using the mouse or keyboard? My idea is to set a "Timer" which triggers automatically after the connection of the employee and every 10 seconds the application checks whether the mouse position has changed or a letter is entered on the keyboard except the"Timer" Will Be stopped until have a new mouse position or activity on the keyboard. But the problem is: is the application able to know the position of the mouse or to capture all keyboard input even if the application n 'is not active(not in the foreground)?

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Hide Application From Appearing In Task Manager Process List?

Jun 8, 2011

i dont no much about ..i am php developer i have just developed a mini application in i wanted to know how to hide our application from appearing in task manager...

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Stop Ctrl Alt Delete F4 Windows Task Manager In Application?

Oct 3, 2011

how can i stop ctrl alt delete f4 windows task manager in my application

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App.TaskVisible Equivalent Code - Which Hides The Application In The Applications List In Task Manager?

Dec 20, 2010

anyone knows the equivalent code for App.TaskVisible in App.TaskVisible is from VB6 which hides the application in the applications list in task manager and not in the processes list tab.

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Design For .NET Scheduler Application?

Jan 27, 2010

I wish to develop an application in VB.NET to provide to following functionality and hope you can give me some pointers on which direction to take.I need some kind of "server" type component which sits in the background monitoring request from users and performing various task. (this component can be install locally or centrally)
The users submit an instruction to the "server" to perform a certain task at a designated date and time. (or perform the task straight away)

The "server" would perform the task at the desired date and time and inform the user the result of the task.I have thought of using a central database to which the user writes the instructions. The "server" could read from the database to obtain the instructions, and write the result back to the database.

I want a fast reaction to the instructions, so the "server" must poll the database every few seconds; I fear this may be detrimental to performance. Also how do I get the server to perform the task at the desired time? Again checking all outstanding tasks against the current time is not very efficient, so I thought about utilising the Windows Scheduler, but I am not sure of the best way of integrating this functionality.

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Database Application Design Recommendations?

Mar 22, 2012

The main purpose of the my app that I need your help with is, to deliver an always (or close to) up to date a list of files for the user to choose from for a variety of common purposes. For instance, opening the selected file in its native client editor application so the user can make changes. Another purposes would be to print the file, and I have others.

If nothing else (meaning recommendations for a better design that still keep my desired in mind) I'd like ideas on how to update my complex DataSet (background processing options, what's the most efficeient/quickest way to update my DataSet) as the list of files changes while my app is running and my app is designed to never close due to the long amount of time it take to load it initially.

The list must be always kept up to date while my app is running because not only the intial loading of data takes a lot of time but updates (new/modified/deleted) could potentially take too long depending on not only how much data to update/add (new files) but how efficeient my code is in updating the list. To be perfectly clear: If a new file is created then it need to be somehow (automatically preferably or manually i.e. button code) add to the list. If a file is deleted then it needs to bet removed from the list. And if the file has changed, perhaps some of it metadata or thumbnail image have changes so update the file's data in the list. All of which (new/modified/deleted) need to be as real-time as possble without degrading the server too much and without the user waiting more than a handful of seconds.

Listing all the files as quick as possible whether that be with or without metadata initially is very important because most of the time the user is going to filter (or scroll the list by typing) for a partial file name. Once the user filters/scrolls to the desired file there's a very good chance that he/she isn't even interested in the metadata, most of the time the user wants my app to open the selected file in its native client editor application so he/she can view or modify the file. The initial
load time of the data doesn't concern me as much as updates because the user can possibly do other things while it initially loads all the data as long as it not too long (more than a few minutes). From there the updates will either be automatic if possible (most desirable from a users standpoint) or the user initiated (e.g. button). Plus I'm thinking the updates might need to be done with a few different background processes (multiple threads) because I think I need one for periodic updates (e.g. every
15 minutes) and one background process for page updates meaning whatever the user has either scrolled to or filtered for, more accurately all files currently display to the user will be systematically update in the background so the user can still operate my app.

I'm currently using SqlDataAdapter.Fill to fill a DataSet object variable (which is bound [BindingSource] to a DataGridview control) to first populate the DataSet from the SQL query and then prorgammatically adds records (DataRow) for local files but please make recommendations. I don't mind big changes or starting over if necessary, I just want the best app possible based on the aforementioned criteria. I'm not sure if it complicates matters but I've also added custom columns in the DataSet for some special needs (thumbnail of files, booleans for tracking custom statuses). For the local files I'm currently populating the DataSet prorammatically (iterating a path/file string collect made by System.IO.Directory.GetFiles) since the list is first (and very quickly) populated with Vault files (which is always a far larger list than the local files) so . Again, I don't have to take this direction, make recommendations.

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VS 2008 Application Design Opinions?

Sep 17, 2009

I am making a small application for a friend, to help her update her website. The website is a very simple one, using a menu (table of links) in one frame, and the content in the other frame. The content consists merely of pictures, with some information (text) below each picture. Because my friend has no clue how to change her website (let alone upload it and the images to the right FTP folders), I decided to make an application that does that for her.

I had decided on the following design, but now I'm having second thoughts whether or not it's a good idea:

1. I use a Database to store the information and path to each picture.

2. I generate the content HTML files completely from scratch every time an update is required, retrieving the image path + info from the database and generating the correct HTML code from it.

3. I save the HTML files and upload them + all the images they use to the FTP.

She can now add, remove and/or edit any items in her website, in each category, and it works fine at the moment. But there are a few problems:

1. When she decides to remove a picture (from the database), the actual image will stay on the FTP server. She only has a maximum of 100 MB capacity, so having 50 unused images on there is not very efficient. To remedy this, I simply remove all the images before uploading the new website, so there will only ever exist the current images.

2. When her site gets larger, the amount of images will increase, possibly to about 80 MB. I don't think she'll want to wait for 80 MB in pictures to upload when she only changed a typo in one of the picture's descriptions.In the past, the whole site is uploaded at once without considering which changes were made, so that wasn't very good. I decided to keep track of which categories were changed, and only upload the categories that have been changed. This reduces the amount of images to upload, but there still could be around 10 MB in a single category, which is acceptable but still not ideal.

3. The images she has chosen have to remain on her computer, because they are uploaded again every time she updates here site. If she removes them, they will not be found and cannot be uploaded. Now, the images would still be on the server, so there really isn't any need for her to keep the images. But, due to point 1, they get deleted, so I don't have them anymore.

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Change A Classic Windows Application Design NET?

Jun 21, 2010

Using visual studio 2008 environment, i would like to change a classic windows application design, so i'm wondering if there is an idea a bout this. i've find some skins like irriskins ( ), but i'ts not what i'm looking for.

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FAQ Describing Its True Advantages In VB Application Design?

Jul 7, 2011

I simply leave the GUID text blank in Properties/ Application. Can someone give the advantages of using the GUID? I have done a few searches on Google and VBFORUMS but have not found a FAQ describing its true advantages in VB Application design.

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C# - Class Design For Reports In .NET Application That Use A Conglomeration Of Data?

Jul 20, 2011

I can articulate my question well enough to get some clear and usable feedback here. I have reports (like paper reports) in my .NET application that have data bound to them. Typically the reports are a combination of many data elements across several busniess entites that may not all relate through an Inheritance hierarcy, etc. This makes it difficult to get all the needed data placed together to bind to the report.

So what I have done before are make 'Report' classes with data elements specific to supporting the reports they are bound to, and on the back end might be tied to specially created Stored Procedures that bring this data back (maybe several joins across many tables to get the right data needed). So if I was to make an analogy to the database world, I am essentially 'denormailizing' the data structure to get all of this data into a single class to make it easy to bind to the report.

However on the hard line OOP concepts and architecture design, one could say that a report is just another 'thing' to bind data to, and its class should not be designed just to suit the needs of data binding. In this thought process, I would actually need to make my class design be able to create the relationships needed to get all of the data together properly to still be bound, but not create any special 'Report' classes. I find this difficult to do sometimes. It is much easier to create these relationships in the back end stored procedures and then just output the resultset to be almost immediately bound to the report.

So what is the right way to solve this? If I create these specialized report classes with really no behavior, am I introducing an anti-pattern like the Anemic Domain Model?I could use some feedback, and please speak up if my question and scenarios did not make sense.

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