Array Into Textbox ?

Nov 21, 2011

Does anyone have any hints on how to place these monthly sales numbers in an array so they show up in 3 separate text boxes (one for domestic sales, one for international sales and one for total sales. ( i.e .User enters Month number in a month text box and the above information should show up in the 3 individual text boxes).

'Basic Info:


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VS 2008 Add A Newly Created Textbox To A Dynamic Textbox Array

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.

Here is my code so far below.

Public Class Form1
Dim MyBoxes() As TextBox = {Address, UserName, Password}
Dim Numbox As Integer = 1


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Add A Newly Created Textbox To A Dynamic Textbox Array?

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.[code]....

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Add A Newly Created Textbox To Dynamic Textbox Array?

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.[code]...

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Textbox Control Array Can't Access A Textbox From Another Form?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a lot of control array textboxes called txt(1) to txt(320) on form2. I have a textbox1 on form1 with a click evet that says textbox1.text= form2.txt(1).text but it gives an error (txt is not a member of form2). I tried disabling option explicit, option strick and option infer. Still won't work. My code is to long for this place maybe a short version osf the code. Do I need to make a Public MyArray(15,15,15,15) as string, in the Module1 then copy txt(n).text to the array or is there a way to access txt(n).

Public Class Form2
DPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loadim txtBox(340) As TextBox


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Create An Array For Textbox / E.g. TextBox(a).Text?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm creating a program which you can fill in a number of boxes and then send it as an email. I would like to know if there is a way to create some form of array out of all my textboxes so that i can save time on the email.For example,

For i = 1
EmailCont = TextBox(i).Text

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Getting Textbox Values From Textbox Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a textbox array based on the number of 'Channels' on another form. This number dictates how many textboxes (and other controls) to add to my new form.

I expect the user to type in their 'type' of channel into each textbox.

The thing I am having problems with is once the user types in the information, how do I access the data and store it for a future form?

Here is my code (once again excuse my programming skills):

Public Class Fixture1Setting
Dim labels As New List(Of Label)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Use An Array With A Textbox?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm trying to use a textbox to locate a specific product. It partially works (ie, it doesn't crash) but what I am trying to do is get the textbox to autoload the description as the user types. I have several products of similar description and the user needs to see the entire description in order to make a selection[code]...

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Add Each Item In An Array To A New TextBox?

Feb 29, 2012

This is my source so far[code]...

At the moment it reads in what I have in a text file, splits it up based on where commas are placed and puts the split data into an array, i.e. if the text file is a,b,c it will split up the 3 characters and put them into an array.

What I want to know is, is it possible to write each item from the array into a new TextBox - in the same way that It adds 1 to the 'i' variable each time, except with each new item the TextBox it uses goes up by one, i.e. 'a' in TextBox1, then 'b' in Textbox2

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Binding A Textbox To An Array?

Jun 29, 2009

'Initialize an array
Dim myArray() As String = {"One", "Two", "Three"}
'as expected the text property of Textbox1 displays "One"


How do I get Textbox1.text to display the new value in myArray(0)?

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Get String Array From TextBox?

Feb 1, 2010

how to get string array from TextBoxexample: textbox1 = "Name"



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Getting Textbox Array Or Indexes?

Apr 26, 2011

I have some problem doing my practice in vb .net, what im trying to do is to array or do indexes my textbox, for an example i have 5 textbox,i would like to do like vb classic version, like this:



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Loop Through A Textbox Array?

Mar 10, 2009

I've been looking far and wide to find the answer to my question. Its probably has a simple answer, but I am new to VB2008 and can't figure it out. I have a web form setup 30 textboxes, and am trying to find a way to quickly add them to an array through a loop.Their ID's are all - TextBox1,TextBox2 ect. I have this loop here that runs with no errors, but nothing shows up in the TextBox's on the web form.If the TextBoxes are already on the form, do I still need to declare new boxes when trying to add them to the array? [code]...

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Put The Values Of Textbox Into An Array?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm working on my code about cpu scheduling and I encountered a problem in putting the values inputted of the user from the textbox to an array, when I try to retrieve the value from the array I always get '0' and I don't

Public Class Form3
'Public txtIN As TextBox
Dim lbl As Label


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Saving The Value In A Textbox To An Array?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a form that display's 5 text boxes for student names. Each student names has 5 text boxes to the right of it, the text boxes to the right are for 5 test scores to be inputted. I need to save the values of every one of the text boxes to 2 array's that are declared in a Basic Module, (this is my first application that uses multiple forms) but the values need to be saved not when a button is pressed, but when the user changes the text in the boxes.

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Textbox Array Or Indexes?

Dec 24, 2010

I have some problem doing my practice in vb .net, what im trying to do is to array or do indexes my textbox, for an example i have 5 textbox,i would like to do like vb classic version, like this:



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.Net MS Publisher Strings Array To TextBox ?

May 14, 2011

I am creating a Simple Publisher Application in which I need to insert texts in different textbox from an array of strings .I have coded it like this .

Dim texts(40) As String 'Array of strings to be inserted
shpTextBox = appPub.ActiveDocument.Pages(pageIndex).Shapes.AddTextbox _
(Orientation:=PbTextOrientation.pbTextOrientationHorizontal, _[code]......

Now It only populates first text box with the first string in the array (For 0th index) and rest textboxes contains empty strings ,though texts array has values.

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Add Values From A TextBox To An Array Via An AddButton?

Feb 6, 2012

After I store the values into the array via the addButton I need to display each value and the total of all the values into a TextBox via the createButton Here is an image of how the application is supposed to look: [URL]

Public Class MainForm
Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click


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Adding Textbox Content To Array?

Jan 9, 2012

What I need is to take numbers from several textboxes (4 rows, 5 columns) and put them into an array. I was able to successfully do this with the string data, but there were only 5 items, and I'm not quite sure I did that right although it works. I've seen in the book how to get data from input boxes and listboxes but not textboxes. BTW-I've included my code, but this is only from one of the forms for this project.

Public Class StudentData
Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click


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Array Price Not Showing In Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

I can not tell if my array is not working at all. Here is the code:

Friend Class pizzaarray
Structure Size
Dim sizedecimal As Decimal


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Convert Textbox Text To Array?

Aug 14, 2011

I have text in a textbox and I want to convert it to an array. If I declare the variable as an array, I get an error saying you can't do that. If I don't declare it as an array, I get an outside range exception. Is there any way around this limitation?

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Creating A Collection Array From Textbox's

Jan 12, 2010

I have a group of boxes witch will all hold data input by the user. I am using an arraylist to store these, or atleast I am hoping to. So, the problem I have is getting the data to actually save to the arraylist. It keeps giving the error saying that type string cannot be converted to array list.

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Getting Textbox Data Into An Array: VB 2008

Jun 8, 2011

I have textbox in my form .. I enter the student name in the text e.x (vbstudent)

I want to sign textbox data to array, each letter in one index.


How can I do that ..

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Inputing Items From Textbox To An Array?

Oct 20, 2010

I am just showing the type of setup I have been playing around with.

Public Class Form1
Dim count As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim price(9) As Double


The notes nor my book show how to input data, only already known data (data that is already in the code).

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Method To Reverse Array In A Textbox

Apr 25, 2012

Is There Any Method To Reverse Array In A Textbox? i want to reverse the array by line in the textbox [Code]

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Random Text To A Textbox From An Array?

Sep 7, 2010

I am working on a 1st grade math program for schools in the Dominican Republic. What I am ttrying to do is have an array of farm animals. The question on the form is "How many letters are in the word " ". The " " is a textbox. All this will start when the click on a picture of a clock. A timer will also start, but I have that part done.

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Setting Up Array And Putting It In Textbox

Nov 21, 2011

Any hints on how to place these monthly sales numbers in an array so they show up in 3 separate text boxes (one for domestic sales, one for international sales and one for total sales. (i.e .User enters Month number in a month text box and the above information should show up in the3 individual text boxes).

'Basic Info:
'Month Domestic International
'1 100,000 150,000
'2 90,000 120,000
'3 75,000 210,000
'4 88,000 50,000
'5 125,000 220,000
'6 63,000 80,000

Public Class MainForm
Private totals(,) As String = {{"100,000", "150,000"},
{"90,000", "120,000"},
{"75,000", "210,000"},
{"88,000", "50,000"},
{"125,000", "220,000"},
{"63,000", "80,000"}}

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Splitting Text From A TextBox Into An Array?

Sep 6, 2010

Im writing a program where im trying to split some text imported from a textfile into a textbox into an array.The array is undefined and i would like each piece of text to be an element in the array. I would then like to sort this information into alphabetical order.This is the code I have at present; I apologise if any appears to be out of sequence or whatever, VB is a rather puzzling language to myself!

PS i have the code behind a button as you can tell from the code.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim textInput As String
textInput = TextBox1.Text


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Textbox : Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array

Feb 9, 2012

I am trying to put this into one TextBox instead of using two TextBoxes, I receive the error(Index was outside the bounds of the array.)

The error is in ( TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & ((arrNumber(i)) & (p)) & " ," & vbCrLf)

Public Class Form1
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim arrNumber(0 To 4) As Integer


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Using An Array To Insert Items Into A Textbox?

Apr 27, 2011

I am having some trouble splitting a string within an array into 2 values. For example in my textbox I have several lines of measurements that are Length x Width: 20x14, 10x8, 16x13. Each measurement is on its own line. I'm trying to split all Width values that are greater than 12 into 2 separate measurements, so with that last example, I would have 5 measurements (LxW): 20x12, 20x2, 10x8, 16x12, 16x1, then I would like to add these measurements to a new textbox with each measurement on its own line.

Here is the code I have so far. Again, I am very new to programming and this is the first serious project for me since "Hello World", so what I have might be way off. Thanks in advance.

Dim room As String = RoomsTextBox.Text
If room.EndsWith(vbCrLf) Then room = room.Substring(0, room.Length - vbCrLf.Length)
Dim roomarray() As String = room.Split(vbCrLf)


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