Create An Array For Textbox / E.g. TextBox(a).Text?
Jun 11, 2011
I'm creating a program which you can fill in a number of boxes and then send it as an email. I would like to know if there is a way to create some form of array out of all my textboxes so that i can save time on the email.For example,
I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.
Here is my code so far below.
Public Class Form1 Dim MyBoxes() As TextBox = {Address, UserName, Password} Dim Numbox As Integer = 1
I have text in a textbox and I want to convert it to an array. If I declare the variable as an array, I get an error saying you can't do that. If I don't declare it as an array, I get an outside range exception. Is there any way around this limitation?
I am working on a 1st grade math program for schools in the Dominican Republic. What I am ttrying to do is have an array of farm animals. The question on the form is "How many letters are in the word " ". The " " is a textbox. All this will start when the click on a picture of a clock. A timer will also start, but I have that part done.
Im writing a program where im trying to split some text imported from a textfile into a textbox into an array.The array is undefined and i would like each piece of text to be an element in the array. I would then like to sort this information into alphabetical order.This is the code I have at present; I apologise if any appears to be out of sequence or whatever, VB is a rather puzzling language to myself!
PS i have the code behind a button as you can tell from the code.
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim textInput As String textInput = TextBox1.Text
I want to create an array and Textbox & Button Array consisting of one thousand number and Letter( one thousand )
From 0 - 9 and From A - Z
When i press on Button, I want to see one thousand random number Every time the numbers must changed! Except the location 400 and 410 for example i want to see in the location 400 " 7 " for example and in the location 410 "Y" for example
I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.[code]....
I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.[code]...
I have a lot of control array textboxes called txt(1) to txt(320) on form2. I have a textbox1 on form1 with a click evet that says textbox1.text= form2.txt(1).text but it gives an error (txt is not a member of form2). I tried disabling option explicit, option strick and option infer. Still won't work. My code is to long for this place maybe a short version osf the code. Do I need to make a Public MyArray(15,15,15,15) as string, in the Module1 then copy txt(n).text to the array or is there a way to access txt(n).
Public Class Form2 DPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loadim txtBox(340) As TextBox
How to take Textbox.text string and store in 2D array..I have total of three textbox..Number one textbox takes name and Second textbox takes grades and stores in third textbox,
I have an array of textboxes. Lets say this one:[code]What i want to do is set the .Text property for each of the textboxes of the array.I have tried this: [code]
See asteriks ***below for the problems: There is text in CStr(rdrPlayers("PlayerName")) and the textbox for loop is 15 so why the extra textbox's 6 thru 15 (1 to 15 then 6 - 15 under them 6 is visable others are out of panel display I shortened my code below
I started learning visual basic a while back but stopped, now I am trying all over. I created this very basic windows form application. What I am trying to do is add a greeting based on the time of day. Example, the user will enter a name and click the button to get a greeting; example: Good morning Bob.This greeting is based on the time of day; example if time after 12:00pm, good afternoon, if greater then 5pm good evening and so on.Here is what I have written so far:
Im wonder how i can create a textfile from the text inside in the textbox. I have already begun with the code, but i get an error.
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim output As String = Nothing output = TextBox2.Text output = GetFileContents("C: est.txt") End Sub
This is the only way I know how to obtain the info I need for this equation but if generated again with no input from the textboxes I get an error. Is there anyway to bypass this if its generated a second time with no inputs?
I am trying to put text of my dynamic textbox in some other textbox when user changes the selectedindex of a list.But dont know why it is giving me error's.
Private Sub UserText_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UserText.TextChanged If Me.ListBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then If TBnew.createdTB(Me.ListBox1.SelectedIndex) = 1 Then
I want a text in my textbox in gray that dissapears when the user clicks in the textbox.I am not sure if that is a good enough explanaition so here is an example:You often have search boxes on websites or application.In the searchbox there often is a text like "search", "keyword", "type here".As soon as you click with your mouse inside the textbox it dissapears.I could make this in code but I was wondering if there already is a textbox property for this?
I have created a textbox array based on the number of 'Channels' on another form. This number dictates how many textboxes (and other controls) to add to my new form.
I expect the user to type in their 'type' of channel into each textbox.
The thing I am having problems with is once the user types in the information, how do I access the data and store it for a future form?
Here is my code (once again excuse my programming skills):
Public Class Fixture1Setting Dim labels As New List(Of Label) Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
I have a textbox in my Application with a button to submit the text thats in the textbox..But i want to be able to hit the Return Key on the Keyboard to do the same action as the button how do i do this any ideas?
How do I do text formatting in a Text Box? I want to bold a selection on a textbox without affecting the rest of the text. HOw do I do this with Textbox and RichText formattting?
I will try to explain what i want to do.I have make 3 textbox in form1 And i have a form2 where i have a Textbox ( Multiline )What i want i want to have the text from the 3 textbox to my textbox in form2.
textboxt1.text = tennis textboxt2.text = boys textboxt3.text = 01-01-2011
I'm using vb2008 and Internet Explorer 8 in Windiows 7 Is that possible to print text from TextBox to the TextBox on the Internet Explorer like (Port box or address box in connection part )?