Change .Text Property Of TextBoxes In An Array Of TextBox

Jun 19, 2012

I have an array of textboxes. Lets say this one:[code]What i want to do is set the .Text property for each of the textboxes of the array.I have tried this: [code]

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How To Change TextBox Text Property On A UserControl From The Other Loaded One

Nov 30, 2011

I have two UserControls already loaded how to change TextBox text property on a UserControl from the other loaded one.

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VS 2005 : Put Existing Labels Into An Array (to Loop Through And Change .text Property)?

Jun 23, 2011

I am writing an app to be a single button failover of a set of mirrored SQL servers. The app has to handle several other functions (enable/disable and start/stop of services, writing to local registry, copying files from server A to server B, initiating stored procedures, etc.)I have a collection of labels that indicate the status of 4 services on 2 servers, I wrote a function to check the services when passed the machine name, and the service name. Originally I just called the function 8 times (4 services, 2 machines) and populated the labels 'manually'. I have all of this within a timer so that the service status is refreshed every couple seconds. Id like to clean up the code to a single for/next loop that operates on 2 arrays (an array of service names, and an array of labels) such as:

'**Fetch_Status is the function that gets service status, it accepts 2 strings, machine name
'**and service name and returns status "running", "Stopped", as my_status
Dim Services() As String = {"Service1", "Service2", "Service3", etc.}


The only reason I want the control array is to be able to use the .Text and .BackColor properties of the labels in the loop. If I make an array of strings with the label names it doesnt seem to pick that up.

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Change A Property Of Multiple TextBoxes?

Mar 18, 2012

is it possible to make this:

TextBox1.Enabled = False
TextBox2.Enabled = False
TextBox3.Enabled = False


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Change Order Of Textboxes In Textbox Series (When Using Tab Key)?

Mar 10, 2012

I had problem with one textbox (texbox were third in row but while you used TAB it were as last), so I recreated all buttons in right order, but now it is totally wrong, when I click TAB it goes to first textbox, again TAB and it goes to 7th in ROW !instead to second in row :/ Weird thing is that I created all those textbox in row so 1 text box -> 2nd textbox etc. so I thought TAB will just go in order of creation, but it's not.How can I rearrange order of focus on text boxes while you using TAB ?? All those txt boxes has Tab Index = 23...

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Bind A Dataview.count Property To A Textbox.text Property?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a dataview an i would like to show the count property in a text box.

i tryied the following

me.textbox1.DataBindings.add(new DataBindind("Text",DataView,"Count"))

But i have a exception.

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[2008] Changing DataBindings Text Property For TextBoxes Using Code

Jan 8, 2009

I used to use ADODC with VB6. Once I've set up databindings I can set a text box or other controls to link with a database's specific field by changing the Text property under Data > DataBindings. I want to change the field the text box links to at different times using code. How can I do this?

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Textbox - Use The Right Alignment Property Or The RighttoLeft Property Of A Text Box?

Nov 18, 2009

I want to type the characters from right to left (to behave as a right alignment). But I am not supposed to use the Right Alignment property or the RighttoLeft property of a text box.For example, I want to enter the characters of a string from right and each character should shift one space left so that the user can enter another character after that.

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Change - User Puts The Amount Of Money In The Textbox And Then In Separate Textboxes

Dec 7, 2009

I am having problems with creating this change problem. The idea is that the user puts the amount of money in the textbox and then in separate textboxes shows Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Nickles and Pennies.


You Money: 12.54

Dollars: 12
Quarters: 2
Dimes: 0
Nickles: 0
Pennies: 4

Here is the code I have so far:


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How To Do Array Of Textboxes When User Input Number Of Textbox To Be Loaded / When Button Clicked

Jun 22, 2010

how to do array of textboxes when a user input a number of textbox to be loaded and when the button clicked, the array of textbox that the user enters will appear?

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Change A Textbox Property At Run Time

Aug 4, 2009

I want to give the user the ability to modify the font characteristics of a textbox on a form, using buttons. In the button click_event, I can successfully have the user change the font color to red directly:


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Split An Array Of Text Into 3 Textboxes Using VB 2010?

Apr 23, 2012

I so far have created a randomizer in Virtual Basic 2010 that:Takes people's names that the user imputed in form2 into an array (split by spaces).Randomizes the array Displays the array with a consecutive number and period behind it for each name that was imputed.

Here is the source code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim names() As String
Dim i As Integer


Pay attention to the last bit. I want to take the variable txt and split it. Then I want to take the first 10 names and display them in RichTextBox1, take the next 10 names and display them in RichTextBox2, and display the last 10 names in RichTextBox3.

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How To Array Textbox On Form (in Property Window)

May 21, 2011

I have 50 textboxes,
for i = 1 to 50
textbox(i)="This is " & i
Next i
This is very simple. But I cannot put textboxes on FORM1. How can I array (index) them on FORM1 (in Property Window)?

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Get Text From Many Dynamic Textboxes And Combine Them Into One Textbox?

Jul 15, 2011

In my form, A user can do some stuff on my program which will create a new tabpage with a text box on it. The user also selects the name of the tab, which is then the name of the textbox with a "2" on the end of it.

What I need to know is how to get the texts from however many tabpage's textboxes there are and combine them into one textbox, as a sort of receipt.

What I was thinking, because I have this method of removing all the tabpages, is using a code like the one below maybe to do the job, not sure how I would alter it to work though. [code]...

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Change A Property Of Data Bound Textbox On Start Up Of A Form?

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to change a property of a data bound textbox on start up of a form and each time a new record is navigated to. I can't find the a good event to attach this action to.

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Create Array Of Textboxes In Code That Equate To Text Boxes On Form?

Dec 18, 2009

I have 81 text boxes on a form and would like to create a text array in code that will equate to these boxes on the form. Once I've assigned each text box from the form to the array entry, I'd just like to work with the array - then have the actual text boxes on the form reflect the changes made to the array.

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Automatically Change Text Property Of An Object?

Feb 13, 2010

How do I transfer the value of a variable and place it into the text property of an object on form load?

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Change The Text Property Of A Button When Clicked?

Mar 4, 2012

how would i go about changing the text property of a button when clicked. Im using panels to switch between what the form shows but when i click the button to switch panels i want the text of the button to change but i cant figure out what property to change and how to go about doing it.

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Textbox Does Not Take .text Property?

Jun 13, 2010

I have Visual basic 2008 express and I have the next code:


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VS 2008 Automatically Change The Text Property Of A Button

Jan 26, 2010

is there a way so that a button will get it's Text Property from an array on form load?

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Change Property Value When I Change Name Property Of Control In Desgin Time?

Mar 10, 2010

I inherits textbox Control and I added some new properties to it .one of these properties value i want it to change it's value in desgin time when i change Name property of the new textbox

Public Class NewTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Private _txtSubName As String = String.Empty

That is the property for set or get SubstringName of Textbox

Public Property SubName() As String
Return _txtSubName[code].....

that's the property i want to change it's value when i change Name property of the control.i tried to overrides Name property but it's not overridable also i trieds to overloads it but it doesn't work in desgin time.Here is something i tried but it's wronge.

Private _txtName As String = ""
Public Overloads Property Name() As String

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Textbox.Text Property Not Updating?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a windows form which contains a textbox.I have a loop in my code doing some farly intensive work. In the middle of the loop I want to update my text box.text property on the form to let my users see some simple progress.

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Windows - Selected Index Value On Text Change Property - Performance Hit

Aug 2, 2011

I am working on windows application form I am having one text box and Listbox. I want if user type on textbox, then List box item is going to be selected, that is working fine. List Box has more than 10,000 records. It takes time to select item from ListBox, while write data in textbox.


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Word.application :: Change Font Property Of Part Of A Text?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm making a VB .net program to build a word document, depending on some parameters.Now I want to do an input of a text in a table, where a part of the text is in bold and an other part not. In this case "This is my text andthis is my bold text".How can I do that?

Simple code:
oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")


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Can't Clear Textbox Text Property When It Contains A Numerical Value

Oct 6, 2011

I'm trying to write a Database manager in VB (2010) that updates a SQL database that compiles and summarizes my financial records. The code works, but I'm having issues with one exception that I think I understand, but can't circumvent. I've built an I/O form that enters a series of purchases and sales into a temporary datatable. After review of the list, the program connects to the database and executes the SQL. That all works and isn't a problem.


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VS 2010 Override Text Property In Textbox?

Aug 9, 2011

I just start working with VB. In a programme I need to keep the value in text property after programme closed.That is why I want to change (override) Text property in TextBox.Then this value will be default value when I open the programme again.I will assing a value to textbox1 in a Sub.

Sub button1_click
End Sub

Then I need to change the Text value under "Properties" window.TextBox1 System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

I think there is Get-Set method for property override but I dont know how to use.How can I do that?

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How To Change Label Text Using Textbox Text From Another Form In VB 2008 Express

Sep 17, 2010

I cant seem to find any link or topic regarding my problem. I have 2 forms in a project, form one has labels and adjacent combobox while the other form (form 2)has textboxes with adjacent combobox. I am supposed to change the text property of the labels using textbox entry from form 2 and add/delete/change combobox contents in fom 1 using entries combobox at form 2.

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Change Textbox Text Size And Position Of Text In Winforms?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a normal textbox which multiline property is set to true and now I need the text written in the textbox should have a large font size.So is it possible with the normal textbox.[code]...

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Create An Array For Textbox / E.g. TextBox(a).Text?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm creating a program which you can fill in a number of boxes and then send it as an email. I would like to know if there is a way to create some form of array out of all my textboxes so that i can save time on the email.For example,

For i = 1
EmailCont = TextBox(i).Text

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Change Text Box Properties In An Array?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm trying the Text Box array suggested in a previous posting and getting only partial success. Here's the situation.

I want to change a control's back color based on a specific situation.

I have defined the array at theclass level for the form that I am working on, as[code]...

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