Change A Property Of Data Bound Textbox On Start Up Of A Form?

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to change a property of a data bound textbox on start up of a form and each time a new record is navigated to. I can't find the a good event to attach this action to.

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Access To Bound Data Items From A Textbox / When Text Box Is Not On Form

Dec 20, 2010

In my application, I have a data bound form using a binding control (built by the wizard). The application has one primary data screen plus a few more on tabcontrol subscreens.Picture for example that the tabcontrol has two tabs, tab1 and tab2.When the form is displayed, tab1 is visible.Now picture the form or window split in half the top part of the form has a few textbox controls bound to the data and there are a few textbox controls in the lower half of the screen on tab1 of tabcontrol1.There are a few textbox controls on tab2 as well.When the form displays, I can access any of the .text properties of any of the textbox's that I can see on the form and in tab1 of the tabcontrol.BEFORE tab2 is chosen or even, I need to get some of the data from the .text property on a textbox control that is on tab2.I have tried to get the data but as far as VB is concerned, it does not appear to be there UNTIL tab2 is displayed.

To prove this, I put a command button on the form and it simply does this: MSGBOX (mytext box33. text)mytextbox33 is a databound control on tab2 of the tabcontrol1.tab2 is not in focus and apparently, neither is the can I read the .text property of a textbox that is on a form but the form (or tab) is not in focus?

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Simple Databinding - Handle Bound Field/property Change - Winforms / .Net?

Oct 19, 2009

I have a custom control with a bindable property:-

Private _Value As Object
<Bindable(True), ... > _
Public Property Value() As Object


Also, here, I'm adding a handler to the DataBindings.CollectionChanged event.This is the second place that I retrieve the type:-

Private Sub DataBindings_CollectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs)
If e.Action = CollectionChangeAction.Add Then
Dim b As Binding = DirectCast(e.Element, Binding)


I need the first place, because the BindingContextChanged event is not fired until some time after InitializeComponent.The second place is needed if the binding field is programatically changed.Am I handling the correct events here, or is there a cleaner way to do it?

Note: My GetValueType method uses the CurrencyManager.GetItemProperties....etc, to retrieve the type.

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Using A Data Bound Combo Box But Getting Error Of Public ReadOnly Property?

Mar 28, 2012

I was using a data bound combo box pretty well before, now on my new project i get this error:

Public ReadOnly Property DataConnectionString() As String


Configuration system failed to initialize System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException was unhandled
This is in Settings.Designer.vb I'm using VB2010

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Handle Textbox Selection Start Property?

May 24, 2011

When i am assigning text in to textbox that time the selection start property is zero so the cursor(caret) is moving to first location of the textbox.

Code Sample

Consider that the textbox already have text like 'Hello Developers'
Dim CurPosition As Integer = TextBox1.SelectionStart
'CurPosition=11 (i.e) SelectionStart is 11 (cursor position)'


so when i am executing this code the cursor move up and down

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Datagrid Bound Column Properties Column Property Will Not Change

Aug 4, 2009

I have a datagrid that I am unable to change the width setting, it always reverts back to the original setting.

To change this setting:

1. select the datagrid view tasks

2. Edit columns bound column properties

3. Select Width property

4. Width property will always revert back to the original setting.

I have check the properties settings without any luck.

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VS 2008 : Data Bound List Box, Displaying Data Into Textbox?

Jan 3, 2011

I want it so every time I click an ITEM in the Listbox it displays ALL the data into the textbox. I know there's an easy way using table adapters and binding the listbox, but I'd prefer to do it this way for my project.

So this is what I got.

Lst.DataSource = ds
Lst.DisplayMember = "tblStudent.FirstName"
Lst.ValueMember = "tblStudent.StudentID"


It only adds the first rows details to the text box when I click the second record the first rows details are still there.

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Determine Data Field Bound To A Textbox?

Jun 17, 2011

Assuming rnameTxt is a textbox and is bound to a field is a DataSet named "TableData".

rnameTxt.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", TableData, "Customer.rname", True))

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Get Database Data Type Of A Bound Textbox?

Apr 18, 2010

Is there a function that tells me the data type (e.g., DateTime, Integer, Varchar) of a bound textbox?

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Event Is Fired When A Data Is Loaded Into A Bound Textbox

Mar 23, 2009

created a control inheriting a textbox. it is used to format a datetime data. i created a custom property DateTimeFormatMask which is "MM/dd/yyyy" by default. problem i'm having is that when datatable is filled by adapter and the textbox is populated with the data, it is not formatted..i placed the codes that formats the data in the Validating Event which doesn't seem to be triggered at this point.below is my code on my

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Forms :: Change A Property On Form - Doesn't Show That Change

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why.


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Detail Bound Form Updates Main List Form, But Does Not Update Data

Jan 29, 2010

I have a main form with datagridview containing a list of contacts:

Public Class Form1
Private Db As New DataClasses1DataContext
Private Sub Form1_Load


After saving, I get the correct message ("Saved"), and the DataGridView in the first form gets updated in real time.

But... when I take look at the data (or close and reopen the forms) the data in the database (SQL server) have not changed! What happens!

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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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Change A Textbox Property At Run Time

Aug 4, 2009

I want to give the user the ability to modify the font characteristics of a textbox on a form, using buttons. In the button click_event, I can successfully have the user change the font color to red directly:


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Adding Values Of A Column In A Data-bound Datagridview And Placing Results In A Textbox?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a datagridview that is populated from an Oracle 11g DB. What I would like to do is add the values of a column together and display the results in a textbox. What would be the easiest way to do this?

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Change .Text Property Of TextBoxes In An Array Of TextBox

Jun 19, 2012

I have an array of textboxes. Lets say this one:[code]What i want to do is set the .Text property for each of the textboxes of the array.I have tried this: [code]

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How To Change TextBox Text Property On A UserControl From The Other Loaded One

Nov 30, 2011

I have two UserControls already loaded how to change TextBox text property on a UserControl from the other loaded one.

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Opening Form Bound To Main Data

Jan 3, 2012

I have a form which has my main data. On the form is a button to open another form called AccountNotes.

The table keys are as follows:
etc etc


When I open the form AccountNotes how do I ensure it is tied or bound to the main form record I am viewing?

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Can't Delete Date Field In Data Bound Form

Oct 15, 2009

I've been working on this for some time and I'm surprised that no one else has had this problem. I have a databound form with multiple date fields. I cannot delete a date field once it has been populated. I can change the date, but that is about it. Once Clearing the field i cannot lose focus of the textbox or even close the form. I have read one article on this but it does not seem to be working. The below code I have found. how to get the field to allow nulls? This is not an issue with the table not allowing nulls either.


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Making Form Start Location Change At Runtime

Feb 9, 2011

I have a program that has a large weather map which is 1920 x 1080 resolution. The start location is (0,0). I want people who use smaller resolutions to be able to see the whole map. I would like to create a button that allows me to shift the form down or right say 10 pixels each time the button is clicked. How would I do this?

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Making A Selection Updates The Data Bound Labels On Form

Oct 19, 2011

I have a Data Bound ListBox on a 2nd form, making a selection updates the Data Bound Labels on form1. The problem I have is the ListBox is desplaying the ID not the Title, I have chect all obvios places and find nothing.

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Placing Cursor In Data Bound DataGridView On Form Load

May 1, 2012

I have searched the web and this site for an answer but have not been able to solve this problem.I am not able to place a flashing cursor in a specified cell of a data bound DataGridView on Form_Load.My test project consists of a single Visual Basic 2008 form with a database created in Microsoft SQL Express 2005 using the Add New Data Source in the Data Sources window.The database has one table consisting of 2 columns.Column 1 being the primary key with Identity Specification set to On.The second column is a VarChar50.The DataGridView was placed on the form by dragging it from the Data Sources window thereby creating the Binding Navigator and the Private_Sub Form_Load code.I have added the code that should put the cursor where I want it.[code]

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Update A Table In Dataset Without Using A Form Class Where The Data Could Be Bound?

Apr 12, 2011

I have written some functions that I have in a module. In one of the functions I would like to update a table that is in a dataset. I would like to do this with this function and not from a form class where the table could be bound. I need to call the function from various places in the application.

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Cannot Start A Service After Changing 'Start' Property Through Registry

Mar 12, 2009

[code]...Cannot Start a Service After Changing 'Start' Property Through Registry

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How To Programmatically Change A Property For Every Form In A Project

Nov 4, 2011

I would like to be able to change a single property for every form by code instead of doing it manually. I'm a little new to .NET development, and I thought I was on the right track with the System.Reflection class, but I still can't put all the pieces together. Here is a basic outline of what I'm thinking (pseudocode):


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Change Property Value When I Change Name Property Of Control In Desgin Time?

Mar 10, 2010

I inherits textbox Control and I added some new properties to it .one of these properties value i want it to change it's value in desgin time when i change Name property of the new textbox

Public Class NewTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Private _txtSubName As String = String.Empty

That is the property for set or get SubstringName of Textbox

Public Property SubName() As String
Return _txtSubName[code].....

that's the property i want to change it's value when i change Name property of the control.i tried to overrides Name property but it's not overridable also i trieds to overloads it but it doesn't work in desgin time.Here is something i tried but it's wronge.

Private _txtName As String = ""
Public Overloads Property Name() As String

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Automitical Change Of Assigned Property Value Windows Form?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to use images as resources from another library.When I set it in the from.designer.vb-file and debug it, then it converts the value from:


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Check If A Field In A Data Table Is Null Before Creating A Textbox Bound To That Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I am building a data based application using VB 2008 an SQL Express. I need to create textboxes on my form using code, (With & End With) method. I need a simple code string that will allow the app to check if the field to wich the textbox wil be databound is Nul, If so the textbox will not be created.

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User Can Just Start Typing In The Data Without Having To Physically Click In The Cell To Start Entering Data?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a form where the user chooses a facility and then the list of patients for that facility are displayed in a data grid view. When I click to add a resident, the last name field on the data grid view is highlighted in blue below the last record that already exists.If I try to start typing without clicking in that cell, the facility changes - it looks like the control is still in the facility drop down box. How can I code it so that the user can just start typing in the data without having to physically click in the cell to start entering data?

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How To Array Textbox On Form (in Property Window)

May 21, 2011

I have 50 textboxes,
for i = 1 to 50
textbox(i)="This is " & i
Next i
This is very simple. But I cannot put textboxes on FORM1. How can I array (index) them on FORM1 (in Property Window)?

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