Making A Selection Updates The Data Bound Labels On Form

Oct 19, 2011

I have a Data Bound ListBox on a 2nd form, making a selection updates the Data Bound Labels on form1. The problem I have is the ListBox is desplaying the ID not the Title, I have chect all obvios places and find nothing.

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Detail Bound Form Updates Main List Form, But Does Not Update Data

Jan 29, 2010

I have a main form with datagridview containing a list of contacts:

Public Class Form1
Private Db As New DataClasses1DataContext
Private Sub Form1_Load


After saving, I get the correct message ("Saved"), and the DataGridView in the first form gets updated in real time.

But... when I take look at the data (or close and reopen the forms) the data in the database (SQL server) have not changed! What happens!

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App. To Create An Control Array At Runtime That Will Consist Of Up To 50 Data Bound Labels

Mar 13, 2010

I need my app. to Create an Control Array at runtime that will consist of up to 50 Data Bound Labels. The app. will first be checking the 1st database field (Ing1) to see if there is data, if so then only create the 1st Data Bound Label (lblIng1) and then check the next field and so on.

The problem is that VB 2008 dos not seem to support Control Arrays. There must be another way to work around this.

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Making Multiple Copies Of A Data Bound Object From A DataGridView - How To Decouple Them

May 19, 2009

I have a DataGridView object to which I've bound a list of objects (of type Asset) returned from a database query.I'm programming in VB using Visual Studio 2005.I want to grab two copies of the bound object (calling them oldAsset and newAsset) from the selected row in the DataGridView, update newAsset based on input from other controls on the form, and pass both oldAsset and newAsset to a function that will update the appropriate record in the DB.I try to grab the two copies like this:

Dim currentRow As DataGridViewRow = Me.AssetDataGridView.CurrentRow
Dim newAsset As Asset
newAsset = currentRow.DataBoundItem


Opening a watch window on oldAsset and newAsset indicates that the appropriate values are pulled at this point. But when I try to change a property of just newAsset, like

newAsset.CurrentLocationID = cboLocations.SelectedValue

I see that the corresponding value in oldAsset is also changed. This is not what I want, but it's obviously what I'm telling the computer to do.

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Data Grid Selection Load Form - Call A Stored Procedure With The Value Of The Selection

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying have a data grid selection populate a form. I am new to this.Basically I have a connection persistance object and I would like to call that and call a stored procedure with the value of the selection. The datagrid is bound to an object.


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VS 2005 - Making Application Check Online For Updates?

May 2, 2009

I remember seeing a tutorial a while ago about making your application check online for updates..I did this a year or two ago but have since lost my example. Can someone explain how you do this or supply me with a link if you know a good tutorial?

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Opening Form Bound To Main Data

Jan 3, 2012

I have a form which has my main data. On the form is a button to open another form called AccountNotes.

The table keys are as follows:
etc etc


When I open the form AccountNotes how do I ensure it is tied or bound to the main form record I am viewing?

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Can't Delete Date Field In Data Bound Form

Oct 15, 2009

I've been working on this for some time and I'm surprised that no one else has had this problem. I have a databound form with multiple date fields. I cannot delete a date field once it has been populated. I can change the date, but that is about it. Once Clearing the field i cannot lose focus of the textbox or even close the form. I have read one article on this but it does not seem to be working. The below code I have found. how to get the field to allow nulls? This is not an issue with the table not allowing nulls either.


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Access To Bound Data Items From A Textbox / When Text Box Is Not On Form

Dec 20, 2010

In my application, I have a data bound form using a binding control (built by the wizard). The application has one primary data screen plus a few more on tabcontrol subscreens.Picture for example that the tabcontrol has two tabs, tab1 and tab2.When the form is displayed, tab1 is visible.Now picture the form or window split in half the top part of the form has a few textbox controls bound to the data and there are a few textbox controls in the lower half of the screen on tab1 of tabcontrol1.There are a few textbox controls on tab2 as well.When the form displays, I can access any of the .text properties of any of the textbox's that I can see on the form and in tab1 of the tabcontrol.BEFORE tab2 is chosen or even, I need to get some of the data from the .text property on a textbox control that is on tab2.I have tried to get the data but as far as VB is concerned, it does not appear to be there UNTIL tab2 is displayed.

To prove this, I put a command button on the form and it simply does this: MSGBOX (mytext box33. text)mytextbox33 is a databound control on tab2 of the tabcontrol1.tab2 is not in focus and apparently, neither is the can I read the .text property of a textbox that is on a form but the form (or tab) is not in focus?

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Change A Property Of Data Bound Textbox On Start Up Of A Form?

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to change a property of a data bound textbox on start up of a form and each time a new record is navigated to. I can't find the a good event to attach this action to.

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Placing Cursor In Data Bound DataGridView On Form Load

May 1, 2012

I have searched the web and this site for an answer but have not been able to solve this problem.I am not able to place a flashing cursor in a specified cell of a data bound DataGridView on Form_Load.My test project consists of a single Visual Basic 2008 form with a database created in Microsoft SQL Express 2005 using the Add New Data Source in the Data Sources window.The database has one table consisting of 2 columns.Column 1 being the primary key with Identity Specification set to On.The second column is a VarChar50.The DataGridView was placed on the form by dragging it from the Data Sources window thereby creating the Binding Navigator and the Private_Sub Form_Load code.I have added the code that should put the cursor where I want it.[code]

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Update A Table In Dataset Without Using A Form Class Where The Data Could Be Bound?

Apr 12, 2011

I have written some functions that I have in a module. In one of the functions I would like to update a table that is in a dataset. I would like to do this with this function and not from a form class where the table could be bound. I need to call the function from various places in the application.

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Displaying Data From Tables Of Database On Form Labels

Jul 14, 2009

I am new to the forum and I was wondering if anyone would know how to display data from the tables of a MS Access database on labels on a form. The code underneath is my code for saving inputted data from textboxes.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
objDA = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM CDetails", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password=;" & "User ID=Admin;Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "CustomerDetails.mdb")
objDS = New Data.DataSet()
objCB = New OleDbCommandBuilder(objDA)
[Code] .....
I would like to show these saved details onto another form. Is there a way to select rows and cells in the database and fetch the data in them to display them onto labels?

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Audio Hardware - Read All The Labels Integer As The Sound Of Midi - Controls Selection On Vb 2005

Jul 30, 2009

I want to build a system that will take the input from an electric guitar and capture the frequency of the sound. and when the frequency is captured, the system identify the chord, and create new controls to represent the audio frequency. i want to use the label as the controls. so when the controls is created, how can i know that the user is click on what label. is there something like in vb 2005 express? then when the label is all created, i want the system to read all the labels integer as the sound of midi. so i have to assign what integer for what sound.

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Making A Data Entry Form

Apr 28, 2009

Im new to this forum and VB Programming. I have installed Visual Basic Express 2008 and SQL Server. The first thing I did was create a new project and within that project created a new sql database. The database I created is to keep a list of clients and I have fields such as client_ID, Firstname..etc The next thing I did was create a data entry form for all the database fields using textboxes. Also 2 buttons named save & cancel. So when the user fills out the client info and clicks on save I want the data to be written to the client table. I know the code has to be written within the save button but I don't know where to start like opening the connection, writing to the database and closing the connection.

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Making A Selection Around A Richtextbox, Vb Express 2010

Apr 16, 2011

i want user when clicks a button to show a selection around a richtextbox and not inside it selecting the text... what i have right now is this: richtextbox1.focus() that will indeed focus the richtextbox but the problem is, it only selects its text content.

What i want is something similar to a Yellow or Blue Square showing around the richtextbox i want to "select", so the user will properly notice the richtextbox more easelly.

i tried messing with the vb express rectangle stuff but i cant get it to draw over all objects, its actually always displaying below all objects in the forum

EDIT: ive also tried using a tiff picturebox with a drawed empty rectangle on it, but the dreadish thing when put over other objects like textboxes, it simply just displays the color of the form emitting any other objects in between, setting the background color to transparent under web colors had the same problem...

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Making A Selection From An At Runtime Generated Listbox?

Oct 22, 2011

Private Sub ListOfCrops_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListOfCrops.SelectedIndexChanged

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How To Fire Event When Making Selection Of Editable ComboBox

Jun 15, 2012

I have a ComboBox that is databound to an ObservableCollection of strings. The ComboBox is also editable, so you can either enter in your own value or select one from the list. The issue I'm running into is the index of SelectedItem seems to be the index of the last item you selected when you've entered in your own value in the ComboBox, though it's -1 when you have IsTextSearchEnabled set to true. The problem is, if someone entered their own value and then decide to instead select the item on the ComboBox that had been selected before, the index doesn't change so the SelectionChange event doesn't fire. How could I get an event to fire in this situation?

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When Ever There Is A Combo Box It Will Open Another Screen And Making The Selection Is A Breeze?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a combo box on few of my 2010 programs. The end users that use my program have touch screens and they have a hard time making selections on the combo box. I have an Android cell phone and when ever there is a combo box it will open another screen and making the selection is a breeze.

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VS 2008 : Display Information From A Text File After Making A ComboBox Selection?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a program that needs to display a playlist of songs, for a band performing someplace, from a .txt file. The songs in the file are listed as follows:

All You Need is Love-Beatles


The first line is the song's title and group name. The second is the songs genre. The third line is the songs length, 4.25 is 4 minutes and 25 seconds.upon clicking a button, I need to display a playlist from this .txt file based on the number of minutes the band has to play, minutes entered into a TextBox, and the songs genre, selected from a ComboBox. The songs cannot repeat and must be random.I have already coded the program to read the .txt file but have not clue where to start with the rest.

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Sql - Windows Form Not Getting Updates From Database?

Apr 13, 2011

Ive only recently starting fiddling with Visual Basic Express and Sql Databases. Ive managed to get a database up and running, and can query information from it. I have even created a form that can add a new entry to the table im using.The first form has a ComboBox that list the PlayerNames in my table. Form2 allows you to add a new name to the table, but anything I add isnt immediately updated in Form1. I have to relaunch the program to see the new entries. Even then, these new entries dont seem to be permanent as they eventually dissappear.The code I have for Form1:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Data Table Only Partially Updates (Parameter Related)?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a data table that I am updating. The table has 5 rows.The first row in the data table that has an ID of 1 will not update with new values, but the rest of the data table does update, I can't figure out why.

It is an access database I am updating, Is there a problem with my Update String? Because it updates all of my table except for the first row that has an ID of 1.

Dim sqlSSRTotalUpdateParameters As String = "UPDATE [SSRTotalChecker_" & FullName & "] SET [Totals]=@Totals,[Category]=@Category,[Materials]=@Materials, [Labour - Field Effort]=@LabourFE," & _
" [Labour - PMO]=@LabourPMO, [Labour - Supervision]=@LabourSuperv, [Labour - Administration]=@LabourAdmin," & _


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Data Bound To ListBox - Display Two Data Items As A Single Item?

May 7, 2012

I have an Address Book project with a listbox. The listbox is bound to the database via the little arrow pop-up box in the corner of the listbox. I have the DisplayMember set to FirstName, and obviously only display the First Name of the contact in the ListBox. Is there an easy way to change it so that it displays the First and Last names? I can't change the binding because I need it to get the ID of the record selected.Here's the basis of my code...

Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CompanyDataSet.Contacts' table. You can move,


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VS 2008 : Data Bound List Box, Displaying Data Into Textbox?

Jan 3, 2011

I want it so every time I click an ITEM in the Listbox it displays ALL the data into the textbox. I know there's an easy way using table adapters and binding the listbox, but I'd prefer to do it this way for my project.

So this is what I got.

Lst.DataSource = ds
Lst.DisplayMember = "tblStudent.FirstName"
Lst.ValueMember = "tblStudent.StudentID"


It only adds the first rows details to the text box when I click the second record the first rows details are still there.

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VS 2010 - Form.Activated - Refreshing A Form Bound To Different Tables

Feb 4, 2011

I had issues in refreshing a form that is bound to different tables in a database. Various forms allow the user to change and add and update information on the form via the database. I had created a public sub in that form that the other forms could call, after saving the data, that was supposed to refresh the data on the main form. This was not working so I researched the problem. I came across this page which pertains to Form.Activated: [url]

I placed all of the table adapter fills into this event, instead of in Form_Load, and it seems to work now, when the form first loads, and when other forms update data. My question is does anyone have experience using this and what are the consequences, if any, in using this to reload/refresh the data showing on the form?

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Data Updates While Program Runs, Access DB File Doesn't Update?

Jun 25, 2009

Tried searching and found some related issues but none exactly like I was having
I iterate thorugh a DGV and write to one of the fields of the row. After it writes this field, I do an update() command.

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Saving Updates To Data Table Using Binding Navigator Save Item Button?

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to understand how the binding navigator buttons are actually working.

I started by creating a table called "Students" in MS Access,

I then "dragged and dropped" that table onto my VB form after importing the data connection.

When I debug, I click the add new (the yellow plus "+") then I type info into my fields (700_Number, First_Name, MI, Last_Name). (700_Number=Primary Key)

After I am finished typing into the four text boxes, I click save. If I end my program then start the debugger again, the record is still goes away only if I change some of the code anywhere in my program.

Also, I am trying to use the record I just put into my database for another part of my program. I use this line of code:


This is just to see if what I am trying to put into my database is actually making it there. Every time I run, this message box turns up blank.

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Valid Delete Command - Creating A Form That Creates New Users And Then Updates Them To A Dataset

Dec 29, 2010

I am creating a form that creates new users and then updates them to a dataset, I have done this ok, but I am getting a runtime error when I delete a record. Please see below the exception being thrown

"Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows"

My code below


So I know I need to add a delete command, but how do I write this in code and do I write it in the saveitem click event? I guess I would because the app crashes when I click save to update the dataset.

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Drop Down Box Bound To Data?

May 20, 2010

I have a drop down box that I want bound to "TicketBindingSource - InvoiceStatus". However I want to have the text bound only. The choices I would like to specify from my own list (Invoiced, Needs Invoice...) When the user clicks on a choice I want it to update the database. [code]...

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Set Data Bound Combobox To A Value?

Apr 22, 2012

I have a data bound combo box which i want to open at a certain row in the table

i can't set the selectedvalue because it is databound

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