Valid Delete Command - Creating A Form That Creates New Users And Then Updates Them To A Dataset

Dec 29, 2010

I am creating a form that creates new users and then updates them to a dataset, I have done this ok, but I am getting a runtime error when I delete a record. Please see below the exception being thrown

"Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows"

My code below


So I know I need to add a delete command, but how do I write this in code and do I write it in the saveitem click event? I guess I would because the app crashes when I click save to update the dataset.

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Update Requires A Valid Delete Command?

Nov 14, 2011

sqlDA_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName.Fill(SqlDS_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName1, "OA_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName")
Me.BindingContext(Me.SqlDS_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName1, "OA_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName").RemoveAt(0)
Me.sqlDA_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName.Update(SqlDS_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName1, "OA_FrmOTUnit_Delete_Select_Venue_Period_UnitName")

the row gets delete in the dataset when i put RemoveAt(0). But when i want to refelect in the database, it gives me the error: "Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows."

Primary Key Issue!!!! Hell such a litttle mistake mannn... toooook so much time and so irritating...

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DataRow Collection - Update Requires Valid Delete Command?

May 1, 2010

I'm going through a book which is teaching me some basic coding principles of the language. The current section is detailing how to set up a master child form using two tables linked with a foreign key. The master table is displayed as a number of text boxes, and below is a grid with the child table which shows related records to whatever master record you happen to be checking out. At the top of the screen are the default navigation controls that are added with the grid. The master table is named Person and the child table Book. They are linked using a foreign key and have cascade set up on them.

The book informed me of the code required under the save icon on the navigation control so that when it is clicked both tables will be updated as required. It is as follows:
If Validate() Then
'Make sure editing has completed on both master and child tables
[Code] .....

I have double checked that the code matches that shown, so this should in theory work fine. But if I manually delete a record from the Book (child table) grid and then click the Save icon on the navigation bar it comes up with the error "Update Requires A Valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows".

Why changes made are not permanently saved to the database? I gather that it's using a "copy" of the data in the database but how do I get the code/form to make changes to the actual underlying database records as well as just the copy? I find this system very unusual, if someone deletes a record in the application why would anyone want this to be just done temporarily?

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Updates From Multiple Users?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a program that uses sql for the database. The issue im having is when two users attempt to update the same record then the update from second user overwrites the record from the first user. I believe this problem comes from the the way i attempt to preserve existing text in the fields.

My thought on whats going on is: If the form has fields A and B. Both users start with a blank form. User 1 adds a record with an entry in field A. When user 2 goes to update the record with an entry in form B, the program overwrites user 1s field A entry with the blank field A from user 2.

Is there a way to force it to grab the most recent data before it tries to add/update? I thought about resetting the digit combo box to the same digit which would trigger the change event for that field. but the issue with that is it would also wipe out the current entries on the form.

Below is the change event for the digit combobox, the main submit procedure, and the subprocedure for one of the days.

Private Sub cboDigit_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboDigit.SelectedIndexChanged, cboOffice.SelectedIndexChanged, dtEndDate.ValueChanged, dtStartDate.ValueChanged


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.net - Application Updates Ignored By Users Are Never Reshown?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm using the Application Updates option in Visual Studio with 'Before the Application Starts' checked.Users are complaining of canceling the update and then finding out they really want the update. When they decide they want to update there is no way for them to update the application until I publish a new version, because once they cancel the dialog box it never shows up again.

Is there a way to create a menu option to force a check for updates?

Kind of off-topic... Are there any open source Application Update programs for .NET?

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Error Occurred Creating Form - Parameter Not Valid

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to run my program to test it. Actually I am trying to run second form to see it that its working properly or not. But it shows me error. First time I got this error message:
"Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown"
& second time I got this one
"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.
The error is: Parameter is not valid."
By the way my program has 25 forms.

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DataSet Not Displaying Add/Update/Delete From Form

Feb 17, 2010

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to create an application (.VB). The application connects to a Microsoft Access 2007 database. When the user starts the application, the application pulls in the data from the database via the "TableAdapter.Fill" method. The user can then add/update/delete records in the form and those changes are saved and confirmed in the database. The problem is when the user close completely out of the application and restarts it, the modifications that were made and originally sent/saved to the database are wiped/deleted. It appears that the dataset in the application never saves the modifications and when the program restarts it uses the data that was originally loaded into it during the design/build phase of the application.

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Update The Dataset Each Time User Updates It?

Aug 27, 2009

Before performing an update, the application must search for that record in the database. Once it's found then it return to the Data access layer. Typicaly when i return rows i return them in a dataset. The i send it to the client to load on to the ListView Constrol or to textbooxes. therefore data was sent from the dataset object, therefore onces the user has made updates to the data, first i must update the dataset.

In the Data access layer i can write method that contains the command object for update DB and bind it with the current Dataset so that each time dataset updates it sychrinizes DB with it. Assume i have a method called update() in teh business layer that calls the updateDB in the DataAccess Layer, how can i call the Update() of the business layer each time the user updates the dataset?

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Creates A Root Folder And Sub-folder In The Users C-drive?

May 11, 2010

I have a program that creates a root folder and sub-folder in the users C-drive.I unfortunatley did not think this through propaly. Senario = if a user does not have access to the C-drive and just has an account to thier 'My Documents' then they cannot use this program.How i achieve the C-drive root-folder, sub-folder, and eventually text file creation is as follows;

+ Label81.Text) Then[code]...

I do not what to change the format of this code too much as it is embedded heavily in my code, what i want to do is instead of checking and creating these folders and text files in the C-drive, i would like to change the location to a potentially unrestricted area, eg; 'my Documents'. how to alter this code to achieve this?

View 12 Replies

Is There A Specific Save Command That Updates Access File Permanently

Jun 17, 2010

1.) I dragged my detail view over to the form window to create a bindingnavigator, fields, etc.When I press save on the form, the database is temporairly saved.However, if I save my visual basic project, I lose all the changes I have made to my database.Is there a specific save command that updates the access file permanently?The default command added by dragging over the dataset does not work.

2. My database is accessed with the following string:[code]However, doesn't this mean that the database MUST be placed in that specific folder on any PC? Is there a way to simply build the database into the compile so the program automatically generates the database when installed on anyones computer?

3.) This might be fixed by fixing the previous two issues, but if I compile my program and try to install it, I get an error message "Could not download the application.The application is missing required files."

View 16 Replies

Add New Sql Command To DataSet's Command Collection And Fill DataTable?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to add a new select command to my dataset. To do that, I have added a new partial class to my project. Because we have to use partial class if we want to extend generated dataset codes. [code]...

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Code That Creates A Button Onto Form?

Mar 26, 2011

Is there code that creates a button onto the form? The button will not exist until the code is run.

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Detail Bound Form Updates Main List Form, But Does Not Update Data

Jan 29, 2010

I have a main form with datagridview containing a list of contacts:

Public Class Form1
Private Db As New DataClasses1DataContext
Private Sub Form1_Load


After saving, I get the correct message ("Saved"), and the DataGridView in the first form gets updated in real time.

But... when I take look at the data (or close and reopen the forms) the data in the database (SQL server) have not changed! What happens!

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Delete Folders In Users Start MenuPrograms?

Sep 9, 2011

I am developing a VB.NET application which we will be running at user login on our corporate network which will be setting up the user's environment, this will include the start menu.

I have a method which is attempting to delete all files and folders located in the user's Start MenuPrograms folder (C:Users{user}AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms), our environment is Windows 7.[code]...

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One Form Which Creates A Number Of Copyof Another, And Getting This Error?

Jun 11, 2011

I keep getting this error, The requested resource is in use. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700AA)how do i fix this

I'm using this script to copy the form
Public Sub CopyFORM(ByVal sTARTLOOP As Integer, ByVal ENDLOOP As Integer, ByVal textinputbox As String)


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Creating Different Users That Have Different Authorization Using .net?

Apr 25, 2010

I am not capable of creating different users that have different authorization using

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Creating Inactive Users In VB?

Jan 26, 2011

I am having trouble creating inactive users in VB. I watched the tutorial [URL]but it is for C# and the code behind won't work in VB. I need the users to be inactive when they register and send the administrator an email saying someone has registered to be approved.

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Creating Win App To Communicate Between Users On LAN

Jun 4, 2012

My project is to create a windows application for communicating between users on our LAN, to both send and receive short text messages. I am attaching a rough draft of my Form in Basic, with notes about what I want in the different parts. I am only trying to find out if my goals are possible in VB-2010, before I invest a lot of time searching for and experimenting with the code... so here are my initial questions:

1) Is it possible to build such an application in Visual Basic 2010, and would I be able to use the free "Express" version I have downloaded, or would I need to purchase the full version?
2) Basically, each user would run the EXE program which is the main window (like the attached), and would see all users connected to the LAN (and listening on the specified port) in the ListBox... would receive incoming messages in the top window (output from a console module I have already got working), and be able to send to anyone on the LAN using the bottom window... Is all of this possible in VB-2010?
3) Is there any complications making this application work well on both Windows XP and Windows 7 (64bit) user machines?

I don't expect this to be easy by any means, I just want to know if I'm embarking on something that is possible or not.
Attached image(s)

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Add Information To A SQL Database - What Is Valid Insert Command

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to add information to a SQL database. I've had trouble getting it to update (and I'm only doing one entry at a time!). However, even one at a time gives me trouble. The red line of code gives me this error: Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows. what I'm doing wrong--I think it may be syntax, but I'm think the parameters are correct.


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VS 2008 Finding The Valid Update Command?

Oct 15, 2009

This is for visual basic 2008 express edition.Ive been trying to update records from the table of my memrec.dbml and dbase1DataSet.xsd in the visual basic environment.Im not using any sql database server but Im just using the built-in sql server within the visual basic 2008 express.I was able to add records and retreived it to display in the textboxes.My 1st block of codes I used to edit records has an error message which says:NotSupportedException was unhandled - Sql server does not handle comparison of NText, Text, Xml, or Image data types.

My 2nd block of codes I tried to used doesn't have any error and it ables to change the records while at runtime but when you exit the program the changes was not save at all cause when you run it again the records that were changed during runtime goes back to its original records.Let me take you a look at the two blocks of codes



1.What do you see as possible cause for having an error in 1st block of codes?What's the remedy for that?

2.For the 2nd block of codes,what is the valid update command to be added in the line in order to save the changes not just during runtime but until you exit the program and run it again?

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2008 Debugging - Form That Creates An Instance Of A New Class

Dec 8, 2009

I have a form that creates an instance of a New Class. The code is simple so there is no issues with the programming.

I can step through the code on the Main Form without issues. Stepping Into moves from 1 line to the next.

I can't seem to debug the code within the class though. I set breakpoints but "stepping into" doesn't work. The code gets executed, but it doesn't step through each instruction.

I've tried changing many of the options within Tools > Debug with no luck.

I've tried deleting files from bindebug and obdebug.

Not being able to debug my programs.

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Creating Report For Total Users Per Job

Jul 17, 2009

So I had a report I needed to create and needed to get the total users per job for a system that I was not (and still am not) very familiar with. I asked the developer for that system for the code and was told it was no easy task. He sent me a query that didn't look anything like a user count. I told him I needed something to get all the users for each and every job in order to put it in the report I was building for one of the clients. I was told that wouldn't really work. I looked at his code as it worked on a per job basis.

The following is an example of the "logic" used to get the user count per job in
SELECT username FROM TABLE1 and put in a dataset
[Code] .....

There were no UNION statements in the query1 or query2, there was no select count(*) from table, there was no recordset.count..

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Creating Settings For Multiple Users

Jun 28, 2011

I have a form which has a textbox named "textbox1", and a button named "Button 1". Button 1 is meant to be a submission for textbox1 (i.e. when button1 is pressed, the value of textbox1 is saved and remembered). I want the value of textbox1 to be remembered on any computer, but I need it to be update-able too. I tried using settings to do this like so:

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.TextBox1.Text = My.Settings.TextBox1


but the problem in doing this is it only works for the current user. When the application is then put on another computer the value is blank.

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VS 2005 Creating Different Instance For Different Users?

Aug 29, 2009

I have created a multiuser application and at different user login i want to create different instances of the application.How to do this? Can somebody give the concept of how to approach this?

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4.0 VS2010 Using VB: Force Textbox Update To Appear To Users Before Following Command Lines Are Finished (Onclick)?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm fairly new to something I have been spinning my wheels on. I would like to update the value a textbox and then load some data when a user clicks a button. I have this working perfectly but unfortunately the textbox change isn't visible until AFTER the data loads. I've tried several methods, updatepanel, backgroundworker, and async

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Creating A Tool To Log Encountered By Users Of System

Jan 14, 2009

I haven't been doing a programming for awhile now. But, I was a VB programmer before. I will be creating a tool to log issues encountered by the users of our system. It will be a web based. I'm planning to create it in VB.Net. Any resources that you could share is greatly appreciated. I'm looking for a ready program that I could start with to speed up my programming.

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VS 2010 Creating Settings For Multiple Users?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a form which has a textbox named "textbox1", and a button named "Button 1". Button 1 is meant to be a submission for textbox1 (i.e. when button1 is pressed, the value of textbox1 is saved and remembered). I want the value of textbox1 to be remembered on any computer, but I need it to be update-able too.I tried using settings to do this like so:

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.TextBox1.Text = My.Settings.TextBox1
End Sub


but the problem in doing this is it only works for the current user. When the application is then put on another computer the value is blank.

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Delete The Selected Record From Listview On Listview Delete Command?

Dec 27, 2011

hows to remove the selected row when i click on delete button of selected item in listview ?

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Sql - Delete Command In .net?

Aug 29, 2010

I am working in visual stdio 2005.I want to delete a row from my table the tables's name is displayed in listbox, when I press delete button in my app nothing happen's.

Private Sub cmdDELETE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDELETE.Click
Dim mycom As SqlCommand
Dim ra As Integer


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Sql - Windows Form Not Getting Updates From Database?

Apr 13, 2011

Ive only recently starting fiddling with Visual Basic Express and Sql Databases. Ive managed to get a database up and running, and can query information from it. I have even created a form that can add a new entry to the table im using.The first form has a ComboBox that list the PlayerNames in my table. Form2 allows you to add a new name to the table, but anything I add isnt immediately updated in Form1. I have to relaunch the program to see the new entries. Even then, these new entries dont seem to be permanent as they eventually dissappear.The code I have for Form1:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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