Update The Dataset Each Time User Updates It?

Aug 27, 2009

Before performing an update, the application must search for that record in the database. Once it's found then it return to the Data access layer. Typicaly when i return rows i return them in a dataset. The i send it to the client to load on to the ListView Constrol or to textbooxes. therefore data was sent from the dataset object, therefore onces the user has made updates to the data, first i must update the dataset.

In the Data access layer i can write method that contains the command object for update DB and bind it with the current Dataset so that each time dataset updates it sychrinizes DB with it. Assume i have a method called update() in teh business layer that calls the updateDB in the DataAccess Layer, how can i call the Update() of the business layer each time the user updates the dataset?

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Update Binding Dataset If User Deletes A Row From DataGridView

Jul 27, 2009

I have a manually created a dataset (dsPickingList) that I add data too as the user inputs data on a form. There is a datagridview on my form of which it's datasource is set to dsPickingList.What I would like to do is spot if a user deleteds a row from the datagridview and update the dataset (dsPickingList) as it is ultimatly this dataset that is stored to the db and printed, not the DataGridView.[code]This is why I need the action from the DataGridView to update the dataset

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Multi-user Application - Updating All Clients When A User Updates Data (push Vs Pull)?

Aug 26, 2009

I am designing a fairly small application to manage a waiting area for a clinical department. There will be a receptionist who books appointments and updates exisiting appointments to say that a patient has "Arrived". In seperate rooms will be nurses who call patients who have "Arrived" and update the appointment as "In Session" and finally as "Discharged". The appointments are viewed in a flexgrid with nurses across the top and time down the left, patient names are displayed at the relevant times and the cells are shaded a colour to represent the current appointment status ("Booked", "Arrived", "In Session" and "Discharged").

I am using SQL Server as the back-end and Visual Basic 6 (I know) as my front-end.I have been told that there will be 2 or 3 nurses plus the receptionist logged in to the system but I would like to cater for growth.My question is what is the best mechanism to use in order to reflect the status change made by one user on the screens of the other users currently logged in?

I have been thinking about using a timer to refresh the data at a set interval but I do not want to keep hitting the server excessively (although what is considered excessive? we would be talking about a call for data every 60 secs per user). Plus the server could be serving data for many other applications so this is another consideration.Alternatively I have been thinking about sending some kind of message via Winsock to the other users notifying them of data changes as they happen. I don't have a lot of experience with this and am concerned about clients not receiving messages and users seeing old data. It also seems strange to me that once the days appointments have been retrieved from the database that "in theory" a client could go the whole day without having to query the database again to pick up changes - kind of scary.Some information on the data:We would probably be looking at around 100 appointments per day We capture patient name, date of birth, date and time of appointment and appointment status.What is the standard approach / best practice for this kind of scenario?

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Check For Updates And If There Is An Update

Apr 4, 2009

Alright, when I open my program I want it to check for updates and if there is an update I want it to download. So far I have a text file saying the most recent version and then it downloads that file and compares it to the current file version. If the current file version < recent version then it will download the file. :O Can someone help me with the code? :3 I have a hosting server with direct download links.

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Program With Updates - Messagebox Comes Up To Say There Is An Update?

Aug 29, 2011

When i create a program in VB 2008, is there a way that a messagebox comes up to say there is an update?

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Update Button Only Updates First Checked Row Not Others?

Feb 1, 2011

I got the database to update, but it only does it for the first row selected not for the others.

Protected Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView6.Rows
' Selects the text from the TextBox
Dim selectedcheck As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("chkselect"), CheckBox)
If selectedcheck.Checked = True Then


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Update Record By Using Dataadapter - Updates Only Item No(0)

Mar 15, 2012

I have antyped dataset and simlpy want to update a record by using dataadapter but the aupdate method affect only ONE Item

Here is the code :

Dim cb3 As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da3)
DSBANQUE.Tables("BANQUES").Rows(INC2).Item(0) = BANQREB.Text


It updates only item no(0) and give me the massage of the RECORD UPDATED but it dosnt it returns the same value for the other items (1,2,3,4,5)

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Valid Delete Command - Creating A Form That Creates New Users And Then Updates Them To A Dataset

Dec 29, 2010

I am creating a form that creates new users and then updates them to a dataset, I have done this ok, but I am getting a runtime error when I delete a record. Please see below the exception being thrown

"Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows"

My code below


So I know I need to add a delete command, but how do I write this in code and do I write it in the saveitem click event? I guess I would because the app crashes when I click save to update the dataset.

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.net - Update Statement Updates 0 Rows Via The C# Winform Application?

May 29, 2010

I'm trying to update a row via c# winform application. The update query generated from the application is formatted correctly. I tested it in the sql server environment, it worked well. When i run it from the application i get 0 rows updated.Here is the snippet that generates the update statement using reflection - don't try to figure it out. Carry on reading after the code portion:

public void Update(int cusID)
SqlCommand objSqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
Customer cust = new Customer();


The above final update statement works on the sql environment, but when running via the application, the execute non query runs ok and gets 0 rows updated!

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Real Time SQL Database Updates Between Multiple Clients?

May 31, 2010

I'm using a SQL database and I'm writing a VB.NET client application. This application is used on multiple computers at the same time. If one of the clients makes an update to the database I would like to have the other clients to be aware of the update.

Has ony one already done this before?

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The Update() Of An Application Doesn't Perform Any Updates Or Deals With Concurrency?

Nov 10, 2009

I have written an application to perform a simple CRUD operation i've used MVC design pattern... DAL was designed using the wizard. I was able preserve the olds value of teh fields of EMployee class using a seperatemethod

PreserveOldValues(){ //code}

in the SearchByIndex() i call the fill method and i used the data to initialize the current Employee object also i preserve those values using PreserveOldValues() the i call update() and internall i pass the preserved values......However it doesnt do concurrencies and updates..

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VS 2008 Updates In Datagridview Doesn't Update All Row Back To Database?

Nov 16, 2011

I've got a question below:load data from a table in database into a datagridview,make change in datagridview,and use update function to update change back to tablebut 13 changes, only 12 being update back to databaseonly the top row on the datagridview not being update??

For Each orow As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
orow.Cells(1).Value = TextBox1.Text


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Add User Updates To A Database?

Dec 15, 2011

I got the printing. Now how can I allow users to update the database, such as Add, Change, or Delete records accordingly? Then I am finished with my project.

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Data Updates While Program Runs, Access DB File Doesn't Update?

Jun 25, 2009

Tried searching and found some related issues but none exactly like I was having
I iterate thorugh a DGV and write to one of the fields of the row. After it writes this field, I do an update() command.

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Allows A User To Select A Program To Run At A Certain Time For A Specific Amount Of Time All Choosen By The User

Jul 1, 2010

I have a program that allows a user to select a program to run at a certain time for a specific amount of time all choosen by the user. Everything works with the exception of if my program has launched the other program, my program become non-responsive. Meaning I am not able to look at that window again. Not that one really needs too, because when time is up my program closes the program it opened, then closes itself. I just want to be able to see my program when the other program is running. how to do this and perhaps drop me some links, that would be wonderful. This is what I have coded, but like I stated there are no code errors.


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Active Directory User Properties Updates?

Jul 22, 2011

I wrote a sub that would update an Active Directory user's phone numbers using the lines below:

SetProperty(dirEntryResults, "telephoneNumber", strPhoneNumber)
SetProperty(dirEntryResults, "mobile", strPhoneMobileNumber)

The telephone number updates successfully but the mobile number never updates although the strPhoneMobileNumber variable has a valid phone number value. The code executes without any errors. What do I need to do to change the mobile number?

Sub UpdateUserAcct(ByVal userLogin As String, ByVal strPhoneNumber As String, ByVal strPhoneMobileNumber as String)
Dim dirUser As DirectoryEntry = GetDirectoryEntry()
Dim dirUserSearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(dirUser)


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DataSet Editor - Allows The User To Edit A DataTable In A Strongly-typed DataSet

Mar 15, 2010

When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet. What's the best way to do this?

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C# - Convert A Date And Time To UTC Time Based On The Time Zone Of The User?

Sep 6, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application with a SQL Server back end. I am storing all my dates in UTC format and doing the appropriate conversions to the local time zone of the browser viewing it. One of the pages asks for a start date and end date (no times).

I am taking the start date and setting the time to 00:00:00 hours (midnight) and I'm taking the End time and adding a time of 23:59:59, so that the date range covers the whole day. Now what I'm trying to do is do a SQL query to do a search for records in this date range. The problem is, the data in SQL is in UTC time and the user is typing their dates and times in their local date and times. My quickest solution was to convert the date and time to UTC, then search the records. However, by doing this, I am to believe ASP.NET converts the given time and date to UTC based on the server time zone. How can I convert a date and time to UTC time based on the time zone of the user?

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Detail Bound Form Updates Main List Form, But Does Not Update Data

Jan 29, 2010

I have a main form with datagridview containing a list of contacts:

Public Class Form1
Private Db As New DataClasses1DataContext
Private Sub Form1_Load


After saving, I get the correct message ("Saved"), and the DataGridView in the first form gets updated in real time.

But... when I take look at the data (or close and reopen the forms) the data in the database (SQL server) have not changed! What happens!

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List To Update Every Time And Show The Values Each Time To Which The Previous Value Is Added To The New Calculation?

Jun 22, 2010

The idea with this form is to add the futures which is calculated when the button is pushed but I need the list to update every time and show the values each time to which the previous value is added to the new calculation, e.g. of what it should look like in listbox:

Year 1: $1,290.93
Year 2: $2,724.32
Year 3: $4,350.76

I have been working on this a while and I am at a standstill, I was given a function to clear the form everytime it calculates but I don't know how to implement it, I am new to VB. Here is what I have so far:

Public Class frmFutureValue
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click


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Update Several Records Using UPDATE Command At One Time?

Jan 27, 2010

We know:"UPDATE tt SET Points=" & iPoints & " WHERE Ref='" & sRef & "'"Can we update several records using UPDATE command at one time?

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Get SNTP Time - User Can Changes The System Time Of His Computer To A Advancing Date?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm using

Days = Dat2.Subtract(Dat1).Days


Dat2 = today

Dat1 = installed date

to trace the days of a program installed in user's computer.However, the user can changes the system time of his computer to a advancing date. How can I get a SNTP time from internet to solve this problem?

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DB Synchronisation Behavior - Can A User Read The Entry While Other User Is Updating That On Exact Same Time

Jul 25, 2011

I have a oracle database. I use the OracleDataAdapter(Oracle.DataAccess.dll) for select, update, insert, delete operations. I don't set any (table) locks on my own(I only start a transaction). I have a oracle table named "test" with the entry "test1".

Now my question: Can Person A read the entry "test1" while Person B is updating/deleting the entry at the exact same time? What happens in the worst case? An old match/empty match or can it cause any kind of exception/error(e.g. "TableLocked-Exception")?

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Writing User Info Such As User, Computer Name, Date, And Time To An Acces Database?

Sep 25, 2009

writing user info such as user, computer name, date, and time to an acces database using a button click event. Then use a query to check if the user has accepted the aggreement. If the user has accepted the aggreement then call a vb.exe that display the aggrement. I have a login script that runs the vb.exe and uses a button click that records the user info to a csv file, but if the user has already agreed to the policies I do not want it run again.

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Dataset Will Not Update

Dec 31, 2010

I have had some reall problems with this. I have a form with a datagridview, now I can add new records and the dataset will update fine, but it wont update when I want to delete a record.[code]...

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Update XML With Dataset?

Jan 4, 2010

Im using a dataset to add records into an xml file.what i want to know is... can you use a dataset to update a existing record in the xml file?if so can i get the dataset/row to reference the specific "record id" i am wanting to amend?

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Process.start Access Denied - Create A User Account And Modify It's Registry Before The User Logs On The First Time

May 31, 2012

I thought I postet this yesterday but I can't find my thread so if this is a duplicate please point me at the original one. Background: I need to create a user account and Modify it's registry before the user logs on the first time. Creating the account is done by using the Winnt provider (works great). To create the profile I'm trying to use Process.start to launch a process as the newly created user. With the use of loaduserprofile property the users profile gets created and i can do my regwrites without problem.


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Ado.net Update Joined Dataset

Sep 21, 2009

I have been on this for a week, with no luck, I keep getting the same error at the same place. IBasically, I join 3 tables together for reporting, I update one of the tables while reading thru, after I want the updates to stay.The error is something like "Update requires valid update command on Datarow".[code]

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Code - Update Dataset ?

Dec 18, 2009

Tell me what happen when i do following code?

SqlCommandBuilder1 = New SqlCommandBuilder(SqlDataAdapter1) SqlCommand1.CommandText = "select * from phieumuonsach " SqlDataAdapter1.InsertCommand = SqlCommandBuilder1.GetInsertCommand SqlDataAdapter1.Update(DataSet1, "phieumuon")

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DB/Reporting :: Why Can Not Update A Dataset

May 12, 2010

Today i have been checking out the concept of datasets and i like the way they work except for a minor issue i have with it.The following code should get a databasetable and put it in a dataset and return that set to the user.[code]I submit the table name and it will select it, read it and fill the dataset with it, then return it. And it does exactly that once.If i try to re-read the same datatable it just returns the exact same dataset as the first time yet i am 100000% sure that i changed it .

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