Method To Reverse Array In A Textbox

Apr 25, 2012

Is There Any Method To Reverse Array In A Textbox? i want to reverse the array by line in the textbox [Code]

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Reverse Sorting An Array - Array.Reverse (strTheString)?

Dec 16, 2010

I have the array dimensioned as public to the form. I populate the array on Form1_Load.When I click the button btnReversingAnArray the first time all are sorted in reverse except for Wendy and it is the last item shown. ie..(The book I am even shows an image of the list Box and their example also shows Wendy as the last item)


Then I do nothing else except I click the button btnReversingAnArray again and then it displays correctly.



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Scope Of .NET's List(Of T).Reverse Method

Apr 7, 2009

I've got a simple function that takes a List parameter. While working with it, it copies it and reverses the copy using .NET's List(Of T).Reverse method.


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Reverse An Array Of Objects?

Dec 29, 2009

Reverse an array of objects?

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Reverse Whole Array Of Booleans?

Jun 8, 2012

How can I reverse a whole array of Booleans?

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Move Through Array In Reverse Using Loop And Not For?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm in a pickle... either that or it's getting too late in the day. How do I loop through an array in reverse without using FOR?I have an array of string values, I need to loop through these values until I find the first instance of a value then stop. I have considered a sort on the array but each query would need me to sort it accordingly (the data in the array has many instances of the strings within strings I am looking for, e.g. there could be several 'to' but I need the first, there could be several 'from' but i need the last)When I find the instance of the string, I then need to grab specific data from that string.


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Reverse An Integer Number Without Using An Array?

Mar 9, 2010

I just want to know if we can reverse an integer number without using an array

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Convert String To An Array - Reverse The Order

Sep 10, 2011

I hope that I'm not just overlooking something, but I am really struggling with working with an array. To simplify my issue: Suppose you type out the values: 1 through 5 into a textbox (1 2 3 4 5). I'm looking to convert that string to an array, so that I can reverse the order and then show the new order in the textbox.


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Reverse Letters In Textbox?

Jul 29, 2009

How can i reverse letters in textbox...

textbox2.text = textbox1.text.reverse

This code doesnt work!!

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Reverse A String Of Words Without Using The Reverse Function?

Apr 5, 2010

I need to reverse a string of words without using the reverse function. This is what I have so far, BUT it only shows the last two letters. For example: if i type "John" it will only give me "ho"

Public Class frmReverse
Dim original As String
Dim New1 As String


I need to this without using things we haven't seen in class.

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Allow The User To Enable Or Disable A Textbox By Clicking Either A Button (enable) Or The Reverse?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to allow the user to enable or disable a textbox by clicking either a button (enable) or the reverse. (disable) if the user clicks the enable button the textbox should receive the focus.

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Array.copy Method In .net?

Apr 18, 2012

Public Shared Function EncryptRSA(ByVal infilename As String, ByVal outfilename As String, ByVal pubkey As String) As String


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How To Use Array.Exist Method

Apr 28, 2009

how to use Array.Exist. I want to check if a value already exist in the array or not. Below are my sample code.


Type argument inference failed for type parameter 'T' of 'Public Shared Function Exists(Of T)(array() As T, match As System.Predicate(Of T)) As Boolean'. Type argument inferred from the argument passed to parameter 'match' conflicts with the type argument inferred from the argument passed to parameter 'array'.

View 7 Replies

Convert Method Parameters Into Array?

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a Visual Basic.NET method that can convert method parameters into an array?[code]...

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Does Array.GetLowerBound Method Always Return 0?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there ANY case it's not 0?

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Method Of Search In An Array Structure?

Jan 6, 2010

I have this as the structure

Public Structure TagInfo
Dim TagName as String
Dim hpt as Integer


have the structures are populated and when the form opens up, I make a copy of the structure.on my form i have a textbox... that would have information matching the TagName(x).TagValue I am trying to figure out how i could find that value in my textbox quicker than doing a loop through the tagname structure.

View 14 Replies

VS 2008 Add A Newly Created Textbox To A Dynamic Textbox Array

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.

Here is my code so far below.

Public Class Form1
Dim MyBoxes() As TextBox = {Address, UserName, Password}
Dim Numbox As Integer = 1


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Add A Newly Created Textbox To A Dynamic Textbox Array?

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.[code]....

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Add A Newly Created Textbox To Dynamic Textbox Array?

Aug 30, 2011

I wanted to simply on click a button to add those newly created textboxes to an array of textboxes. Starting with those labeled "Address". But I am finding this very difficult. I am able to add those originally on the form into the array very easily. But am unable to add the newly created textboxes into the array.[code]...

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Textbox Control Array Can't Access A Textbox From Another Form?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a lot of control array textboxes called txt(1) to txt(320) on form2. I have a textbox1 on form1 with a click evet that says textbox1.text= form2.txt(1).text but it gives an error (txt is not a member of form2). I tried disabling option explicit, option strick and option infer. Still won't work. My code is to long for this place maybe a short version osf the code. Do I need to make a Public MyArray(15,15,15,15) as string, in the Module1 then copy txt(n).text to the array or is there a way to access txt(n).

Public Class Form2
DPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loadim txtBox(340) As TextBox


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C# - Shorthand Array Declaration In A Method Call?

Mar 25, 2010

This is hopefully a softball syntax question: I need to call a method with an empty Object array for evaluation and set initial state. In C# I would just do this:

func(new Object[]{});

In VB.NET I am forced to do this:

Dim ctrls() As Control = {}

Is there a way to shorthand the call in VB.NET and have everything happen in one line of code?

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Paint Method That Should Only Work When There Are Items In Array

Oct 12, 2010

I have a little question about the following Array in my project:
Dim mycuts() As String

I have certain paint method in my code that may only be executed if the array is not empty and has values in it: I have tried to achieve this in this way:
sender As
[Code] .....

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Preserve An Array Inside A Class Method?

Mar 30, 2010

I have been learning about OOP and classes from a book and one of the question is the book has asked to create a simple Saving/Checking accounts Program. The question says that most of the functionality must be done through an Accounts Class, and this Acoounts class must inherit certain private fileds from an base class 'Transaction.

The question also says that data from the Saving/Checking accounts Program must be read to and from a text file, and these functions must be done within the Acounts class.

i have done everything the question asks to the best of my knowlegde and understanding but when it comes to storing and retieving data from the textfile i cannot utilise the array i created to store the textfile data onto it.

Bank Account.Write a program to maintain a person's Savings and Checking accounts. The program should keep track of and display the balances in both accounts, and maintain a list of transactions (deposits, withdrawals, fund transfers, and check clearings) separately for each account. The two lists of transactions should be stored in sequential files so that they will persist between program sessions.

Consider the form in Figure 11.12. The two dropdown combo boxes should each contain the items Checking and Savings. Each of the four group boxes corresponds to a type of transaction. (When Savings is selected in the Account combo box, the Check group box should disappear.) The user makes a transaction by typing data into the text boxes of a group box and pressing the button. The items appearing in the Transactions list box should correspond to the type of account that has been selected. The caption of the second label in the Transfer group box should toggle between "to Checking" and "to Savings" depending on the item selected in the "Transfer from" combo box. If a transaction cannot be carried out, a message (such as "Insufficient funds") should be displayed.

The program should use two classes, Transaction and Account. The class Transaction should have properties for transaction name, amount, date, and whether it is a credit (deposit) or debit (withdrawal/check). The class Account, which will have both a checking account and a savings account as instances, should use an array of Transaction objects. In addition, it should have properties for name (Checking or Savings) and balance. It should have methods to carry out a transaction (if possible), to display the list of transactions, and to load and retrieve the set of transactions into or from a sequential file. The events InsufficientFunds and TransactionCommitted should be triggered at appropriate times.

Hint: In order for an Account object to display a list of transactions, a list box should be passed to a method as an argument. The method might be declared with Sub EnumerateTransactions(ByVal lb As ListBox).

Here is my code. I am sorry this code is basic and unedited.

Public Class Form3
'load contents of Text file into the listbox when first loaded
'store data in file into array of accounts, record no. counts


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Writing An Application But Getting Error1Expression Is Not An Array Or A Method?

Jun 23, 2012

I am writing an application that has a user enter a wage per hour plus an anticipated salary increase percent and calculates the the users salary for the next 10 years. I have received some help from a few folks who are beginners like myself with visual basic and we are at a road block.

Public Class Form1


Error1Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list

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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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Another Method To Reference The Array And The Member Of The Structure To Get The Data?

Jan 31, 2010

I have problems with array of structures are like this

structure order
end structure

and then I created many array of structures, like this private arrayorder (100) as order

now i need to sort the entire xxxxxx member of the array of the structure with a function, but I dont want to use loops with arrays indexes to access the information. I want to know if there is another method to reference the array and the member of the structure to get the data.

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Array() Extension Method Of IEnumerable Throws ArrayTypeMismatchException?

Dec 14, 2009

why the next example throws a System.ArrayTypeMismatchException?New Int16(){4,5,6}.Cast(of UInt16).ToArray()I expected that this line returned a UInt16 array containing 4,5 and 6.

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Error: Expression Is Not An Array Or A Method And Cannot Have An Argument List

Aug 4, 2011

i have these 3 sets of code that are giving me INT() errors. Error: Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list.


Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser


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Create An Array For Textbox / E.g. TextBox(a).Text?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm creating a program which you can fill in a number of boxes and then send it as an email. I would like to know if there is a way to create some form of array out of all my textboxes so that i can save time on the email.For example,

For i = 1
EmailCont = TextBox(i).Text

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Array Of Structures Method - Get The File Read And Printed Onto A List Box?

Apr 17, 2012

These are the directions for the assignment.So far I am able to get the file read and printed onto a list box.The book we have for the class does not clearly talk about using the array of structure method with formatting an imported text file.After that I'm pretty much having a bit of trouble with everything else.I know I can figure most of it out but what I'm having a big amount of trouble with is the array of structures that he wants.I know that when I have the file imported that I need to save it temporarily and go through it and at every ":" put it in an array and save that spot and then keep scanning through the file. I know it is going to be a for loop using the index to count through but I'm not sure if how to start it.This is how the text file that he wants sorted out looks.

Ally Gators:Tim Tebow:240:280:250
Ally Gators:Albert Gator:150:175:222
Ally Gators:Joe Cool:195:220:217[code]...........

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