Array.Sort Returns Blank Data When Sorting A Structure Array?
Jun 19, 2009
I'm trying to sort an array based on a structure but whenever I do this, it basically erases all the data in the entire array.I have verified that the array is populated correctly, it is when using array.sort that everything returns blank.
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Mar 29, 2009
I have create a structure type array. sort the array so i can display the sorted array in a listbox. I want to be able to either sort by last name or the student with the highest score. Here's what I have so far:
Structure student
Dim firstName As String
Dim lastName As String
I heard about the IComparer thing but I didn't know how to implement it into my project.
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Jun 3, 2010
I made an Array of Structure as given below. Now I want to sort them using different parameters.
"Array.Sort(ArratName)" or "Array.Reverse(ArrayName)" didn't work as I expected.
CheckNumber As
[Code] .....
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Oct 25, 2011
I have the following array structure defined and am having trouble figuring out how to sort it..
Public svrElements() As svrElementRec
Structure svrElementRec
Public ElemName As String
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Apr 10, 2009
I want to sort the individuals according to their fitness values descending.
' Declaring a structure
Public Structure AnIndividual
Dim XCoord() As Integer
Dim YCoord() As Integer
Dim FitnessValue As Double
End Structure
[Code] .....
Each individual has a fitness function and has its own X and Y coordinates. I just want to say if individual six (for example) has the lowest fitness value then rank this individual the first one and so on for the rest of individuals.
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Mar 26, 2009
I'm using VB.Net 2005. I have created a Structure Array that contains 7 fields. I am trying to figure out how to sort this thing and have no idea. I've been reading up on the Array.Sort function and I'm bombarded with Overloads. I just don't know how to set up the statement. Below is my
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Nov 21, 2009
I have an array of structure and need to sort it using selection sort. I have to sort the array by the last name field in ascending order (A to Z). I dont understand how to use the selection sort method.
The code i have so far...
Public Class frmMain
Structure EmployeeInfo
Dim first As String
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Dec 2, 2009
Here's the data I'm trying to work with
Spark Plugs
column 1: PR214,PR223,PR224,PR246,PR247,PR248,PR324,PR326,PR444
column 2: MR43T,R43,R43N,R46N,R46TS,R46TX,S46,SR46E,47L
column 3: RBL8,RJ6,RN4,RN8,RBL17Y,RBL12-6,J11,XEJ8,H12
column 4L 14K22,14K24,14K30,14K32,14K33,14K35,14K38,14K40,14K44
Here is what i came up with for my code so far
Public Class frmMain
Private strSpark() As String = {"PR214","PR223","PR224","PR246","PR247","PR248","PR324", "PR326","PR444"}
Private strBrands As String(,) = { { } }
End Class
View 4 Replies
Jan 29, 2009
Sub Sort()
ReDim RollsCC(NumOfPlayers - 1)
For N As Integer = 0 To (NumOfPlayers - 1)[code]....
Here I am creating a temp single dimensional array, merging my 2d array into it, and then attempting to sort it by Rolls(N,1), which is a integer 1-6, Everything seems to be working right with the exception of this.
RollsCC.Sort(RollsCC, 0, 1)
How would one specify a numeral sort based on the first character in the string? im aware that I am switching Rolls(n,1) and Rolls(n,0) information during the sort.
View 5 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
I'm using a Listview in VirtualMode, so I can 'add' a lot of files almost instantly. A Listview in VirtualMode does not allow sorting, so I need to sort the data myself. The data is stored as a List of Structure (it's faster to load than a List of ListViewItem). The code below works fine, but I need to sort based on multiple variables in the Structure. Code:
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Jun 1, 2009
I've come up with the following and it's partly working.
Public serial1, serial2, serial3, serial4, serial5 As SerialPort
Public serialports() As Object = New Object() {serial1, serial2, serial3, serial4, serial5}
dComPort = "COM4"[code]....
The above code works fine! But im having trouble trying to now retreive whats stored in the array.In the above example, an entry will be stored in serialports(4), all other array elements will be blank.If I do this it works.
MsgBox(serialports(4).PortName) ' this retuns the value COM4
But I'd like to loop though all array elements and print out ALL the PortNames, The below code doesnt work, I get an error Object variable or With block variable not set.
For i = 0 To serialports.Length - 1
View 3 Replies
Mar 1, 2010
I am using the Array type .Sort function to sort my array.By default it places the result Array into Ascending order Least to Greatest How do I change that to Descending order Greatest to Least?and How do I change it to Closest to logic? or does that not exist?Assume there is an Array of Numbers 0,13,21,-2,4,5,1.34 and I want them to sort closest to 0 or some other arbitray value; the Output should look similar to:
View 19 Replies
Apr 13, 2012
I'm using the following code to read in a highscores file with the score written first and the player's name written to the next line, and then display the top 3 scores or fewer if there aren't 3 scores written to the file. A highscores display should have the scores sorted with the highest first so that's what this program tries to implement.
Array.sort() isn't doing a damn thing. In fact, the program's not even reversing the arrays like it should either. I've tested array.sort() this way with the names and scores arrays given explicitly and it works fine. I thought maybe it was still reading the data as string even though it's declared otherwise but it rounds off decimals when I change the array type to Integer so I'm pretty sure it's not that.
I have no idea why reading the data in from a file changes how it's sorted. My teacher didn't understand what was going on either. Does anyone know what's going on here?
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form2
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
View 1 Replies
Nov 29, 2011
best way to sort an array of doubles into a lowest to highest array of the same length.
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Jun 6, 2011
im tryin to store data in an array using a structure. However, the code im using keeps returning a null referece exception, even when there is something in the input boxes. This is the code im using:
With SaveInfo(Index)
.EmployeeID = EmployeeIDComboBox.Text
.EmployeeName = EmployeeNameBox.Text
View 6 Replies
May 27, 2010
I'm having problems with marshaling in VB.NET to C++, here's the code :
In the C++ DLL :
struct APP_PARAM
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Apr 19, 2009
I need to sort an array containing a list of words and search the same using binarysearch. For certain reasons, the word-list must always be sorted using the sorting-rules of "en-US" i.e. American Regional Settings. The code will run under various international Operating Systems and of course this will mean that the word-list will be sorted differently according to the local Regional Settings in use. One problem could arise on a computer/device running with Lithuanian Regional Settings. Why? Because the letter "Y" in most languages is sorted like X-Y-Z while in Lithuanian, the sort order is I-Y-J. This behavior would create havoc to my program.
However, in means of flexibility I believe Guffa's answer is the best one. Why? Let's use another example:In German, the letter Ö is sorted Ö-X-Z while in Swedish and Finnish, the order is X-Z-Ö. In Estonian the sort order is Z-Ö-X. Complicated, isn't it? Guffa's solution will let me force Swedish sorting-oder (changing CultureInfo) on a device running under German Regional settings. Using Comparer.DefaultInvariant with its association to English wouldn't help in this case, probably the letter Ö would end up with O. Therefore my vote will go to Guffa.
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May 6, 2012
I have a structure with 6 arrays inside it that is serializable so I can save the arraylist of them to a file and load them from the file. This part works.
When loaded from the file the data from a single specific record is populated to a listview control, this works on form load. The user can then select different records and in theory display the data in them (specifically the stuff in the arrays).
Displaying the data works as I'm editing the data, and on first load of the form and displaying the "default" record from the structures. Any other time (trying to switch between records during editing or after loading) the record is pulled (as shown by stepping through the code line by line) but the data in the arrays in the structure and only the data in the arrays is missing.
I've gone through all the code that runs and there is nothing that overwrites the array data in the records between displays so I'm at a complete loss as to why this data is going missing.
Below is the structure and the code.
Defined in a Module so as to be accessible when needed in several places through the program:
Public JBonus As New JobBonuses
Public JBonuslist As New ArrayList
On load to set dimensions to the arrays:
JBonus.Str = New Integer(999) {}
JBonus.Agi = New Integer(999) {}
JBonus.Vit = New Integer(999) {}
View 1 Replies
Nov 8, 2011
I epochly failed creating an array structure. How would I build it like I tried to do with values for each data type.
Structure PovertyGuidelines
Dim Id As Decimal
Dim NumberOfPersons As Decimal
Dim AnnualIncome As Decimal
End Structure
Private Data(20) As PovertyGuidelines
Private Id(,) As Decimal = {{1D, 2D, 3D}}
Private NumberOfPersons(,) As Decimal = {{6D, 9D, 7D}}
Private AnnualIncome(,) As Decimal = {{24000D, 32000D, 27000D}}
View 1 Replies
Dec 3, 2009
i have a 2d array that i want to sort the data from into a file so i can retreve it and put it back into the array. i need to know the better file format to use.
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Jan 31, 2010
I have problems with array of structures are like this
structure order
end structure
and then I created many array of structures, like this private arrayorder (100) as order
now i need to sort the entire xxxxxx member of the array of the structure with a function, but I dont want to use loops with arrays indexes to access the information. I want to know if there is another method to reference the array and the member of the structure to get the data.
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Feb 20, 2010
I want to create a user defined data structure, which will be a 2 dimensional array such that each individual square of this 2-dimensional array will also store the score and the grades. ( Iam using VB.NET)
More details: for example: There is an 2 dimensional array with 3 columns and 2 rows, I want to fill each of the
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Mar 29, 2010
I'm trying to build something called a structure which will store data it retrieves from a text file. I have the structure set up like this:
Structure Employee
Dim FirstName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim ID As String
Dim Hours As Integer
Dim Wage As Decimal
Dim EarnedPay As Decimal
End Structure
[Code] .....
How to set these operations up?
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a database table of company information.It's about 50 records and contains things like company id, company name, address, phone number, shipping rate1, shipping rate2,etc.I want to load that table into a structure that I can quickly search within my code.I want to search by id to find the company, and then use the company's data to update some records.My lazy way has always been to add a listbox for each piece of data, then do an indexof on the id, then access the same index on the other listboxes.[code]
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Nov 9, 2010
After gathering the Machine names on the (sealed) LAn i am then getting the ip addresses, MAc address and Macine User name of each machine on the LAn..These details will need to be accessed seperately for use in the security testing and i am unsure how best to store the active data (though eventually in a database) Am i best to create a Multidimensinal arrayList or array(bearing in mind that all the data is convereted to "String" (arrays can only store one data type??) The data found on the live network is allways changing making an array a difficult choice? I have read some tutorials mentioning making a structure with the data and storing this in an arraylist but i dont know whether this will make accessing the individual data items (ip,MAc,HostName etc) a difficult procedure?
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Aug 29, 2009
I am trying to communicate with an external device and i am trying to send a byte array to the external device via sockets but i am always getting a response the message size is too small so i am not sure what i have done wrong. Between the data type there should be no alignment present and all numbers are represented in little endian format. The char array is not null terminated as mentioned in the protocol specifications.
I have to send data based on a struct that embeds 2 other struct. So here's my code for the struct used to convert to byte array and the sending part.
Public Structure MESSAGETYPE_OIP_Login
Dim UserName() As PSTRING
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May 23, 2010
I want to make a structure within a structure. Basically it will appear like this:
Structure ID
dim CardType as string
im CardCode as string
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Oct 12, 2010
In I am trying to assign an array of structure to another array of same structure[code]...
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Dec 16, 2010
I have the array dimensioned as public to the form. I populate the array on Form1_Load.When I click the button btnReversingAnArray the first time all are sorted in reverse except for Wendy and it is the last item shown. ie..(The book I am even shows an image of the list Box and their example also shows Wendy as the last item)
Then I do nothing else except I click the button btnReversingAnArray again and then it displays correctly.
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Feb 23, 2010
I have an array x in size of objects (between 1 and 100) and I want to increase the size to 101 ... I've resized the array and that adds the objects but unfortunatly (not suprising) the added items have not been initialised, do I've reverted to using a do while loop and adding the elements indiviually, but looking at the code around it where addrange is used extensivily, I was just wondering if that was a neat way of doing the same thing
Bit of a learning question, just looking for neat ways to do the same thing
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