Best Way To Insert Data Into SQL Server 2005?

Oct 19, 2007

I have a app (which I will turn into a webform soon), my app generates a datatable of values (3 columns and on average about 1000-3000 rows).What is the best way to get this data table into an SQL Server? I can create a table on SQL Server no problem but I've found simply looping through the datatable and doing 1000-3000 insert statements is slow (a few seconds). I'd like to make this as streamlined as possible so was wondering is there is a native way to insert all records in a batch via or something.

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Insert Xml Data To Sql Server 2005 Table Using Windows Form?

Jan 23, 2012

I have exported data from a SQL Server table into a XML file and the output looks like this:

Filename = 11190.xml
Table name = LRTest


Now I want to save the above XML file into my SQL Server 2005 table

With the same columns using windows forms, in every exported xml file there are 100 to 200 records. .

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Insert Data To A SQL Server Compact Database Sql Server Mdf?

Feb 28, 2010

i have a app in visual basic mobile 2008, so i finish but now i need to tranfer the data generate in the in the app mobile to data base in sql server 2008.

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Insert To Sql Server 2005 Using VB

Jul 14, 2009

I have an application that collects digital signatures, and saves them as a bitmap to a specified directory. After the code saves the bitmap, I use a SQLDataAdapter to insert the path to the bitmap into a text field. All the code works on my computer, but on customer computers it does not. I do not get an error msg, but the string value of the path is not inserted. All security works because they can write any other records to the same database. [Code]

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Bulk Insert TO SQL SERVER 2005?

Nov 1, 2010

I would like to make bulk insert from .txt file to SQL server 2005. here is the format of the text file?

Decoding CDR from file DCRC2118.RCP1.num2 (121148 bytes) in binary mode detax.pld ** d:/wf/perl.exe #5.00402Article # 0 ticket # 14D 04 00 01 00 FF FF 21 FF 10 04 21 07 09 25 00 00 01 04 21 07 09 25 09 35 63 36 03 13 56 39 17 03 00 00 07 91 25 27 91 09 57 1F 08 63 77 10 17 90 12 28 6F 07 91 25 27 90 10 02 0F 07 91 25 27 90 10 00 0F 07 63 7F 71 00 65 28 FC 00 00 00 ++Ticket length


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Bulk Insert From Access To SQL Server 2005?

May 5, 2009

I have been given a task to create a new billing system for my company and I have been trying to get the customers from one Access 2000 database into the SQL Server 2005 table

Public Sub IPCustomers()
Dim rtn As Integer
Dim OLEDBConn1 As New


The problem lies in the strSQL where you see dbo_Libraries.LibDescription.Value and dbo_Libraries.LibID.Value.

Before, I merely put single quotes around the fields from the from the Access Table and it inserted exactly the code itself, dbo_Libraries.LibDescription.Value and dbo_Libraries.LibID.Value , and only 1 record. There are over 300 records in the table.

When I put double quotes around both, separating them out from the string I get the error "Arguments Not Set."

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Bulk Insert To Remote SQL Server 2005?

Dec 8, 2009

Ok where am I messing up here, I had this working to a local SQL 2005 instance. However I am unable to get this to work to a remote SQL instance. Why?


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Insert Data Onto A SQL Server Database

Nov 16, 2011

I'm trying to insert data onto a SQL server database. The Database connects up fine and retrieves data but I'm having difficulty inserting new data. [code] The query works if I run it through the table in database explorer and value of dim h shows 1 (rows affected). However, nothing gets updated.

View 13 Replies

Insert Some Data On SQL Server Database?

Nov 9, 2011

how to insert some data on SQL Server database?i've tried this code, but it not works for's the code:

Dim constring As String = "Data source=.sqlexpress;attachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;integrated security=true;connect timeout=30;user instance=true"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constring)


View 1 Replies - Accept Post Data In Asp And Insert Into Sql Server?

Mar 9, 2012

I just re did my question and added a few other scripts needed to pull everything together This is the small script I am using to receive the post and push the data into the SQL Server (2008 if that matters):


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Insert Or Update Data Into Linked Server?

Apr 30, 2009

how to insert and update data into cache database which is setup as a linked server on sql server 2005.I mean to say insert / update query statement.

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Insert The Excel Data Into Sql Server Databases

Aug 4, 2006

I would like to import the excel in to the sql server using how can i do it? Another question is how can i execute the DTS using

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VS 2005 Insert Data Using Sql?

Oct 15, 2011

i have a probleam with sql command .Here is my code which iam try to add data in database. For your info i am using sql server 2005..

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class page
Private Sub btnaddsuplier_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Quickly Insert Data To Remote Mysql Server

Jun 24, 2011

I have small application in

I have one table in msaccess, which is having around 20,000 records,

now, I want to insert these records to remote server of mysql,

I tried as below code, it takes around 3-4 hours to insert data, dst in code is having all records from ms Access


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VS 2005 How To Insert Data To MS Access

Feb 19, 2010

i'm trying to insert data from Form about customer and i have the following [code]but the underlined line above is giving me error that says"Data type mismatch in criteria expression" how can i sole this problem?

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Format XML Data In Values Using Insert Query In SQL Server 2008?

Feb 16, 2012

INSERT INTO [ET_SolutionText]


In Above Query, SolnTextValue is XML field. How i can format XML data in Values using insert query in SQL server 2008?

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Insert A Data Which Is In Binary Format Into Sql Server Database Table

Dec 11, 2010

I have insert a data which is in binary format into sql server database table Column type of table is Image Type. I have to read this column from a XML file,I am able to read but


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.net And Ms Sql 2005 Couldn't Insert Data Into Database?

Sep 2, 2009

currently im stuck at the part where user enter data through form and form pass it to database.but it is just not working.there is a patient database with id,nric,name ,dob,address,telephone, dateofregister fields.Can anyone help me to point out where i did mistake in this coding?

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Addpatient
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


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Ms Sql 2005 Couldnt Insert Data Into Database?

Nov 3, 2007

ms sql and been learning by browsing through many online tutorials and guides to complete a system.currently im stuck at the part where user enter data through form and form pass it to database.but it is just not working.there is a patient database with id,nric,name ,dob,address,telephone, dateofregister fields

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Addpatient
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


View 7 Replies

Insert Image Data From XML File To Database Table Using .net, Sql Server CE And Writexml?

Jan 5, 2012

How to correctly insert image data from XML file to database table using sql server CE and openxml,XML file is written by DataSet.WriteXml method?image data is stored in database table is : XML file Content after written by WriteXml method is :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

but after inserting with openrowset and openxml using stored procedure to another database table its value changes to this :0x2F0039006A002F00340041004100510.and is not the first value and raises an error in for opening image from database.

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Add Data In SQL Server 2005 Database?

Mar 10, 2010

'm just a beginner who want to learn on manipulating SQL Server data using I have already experienced manipulating data in ms access. So I just recycled the code that I used in here. But unfortunately I got this error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.And another problem is that, I'm not really sure if what I have inputted in the SqlConnection matches what is in SQL Server. Here is a screen shot of sql server management studio express:

Dim idnum As String


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Select Data From Sql Server 2005

Mar 11, 2010

VB.NET:i want to select data from sql server 2005 DB table and displaying into text box that depends on combo box selection using VB.NET

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Data Backup In Sql Server 2005 And 2008?

Dec 24, 2008

i want to take back up of our data base data i request to you for give best solution for it .. code .. and it will also run whenever some one accessing our project?

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Export Data From SQL Server 2005 To Excel?

Nov 15, 2011

My application is in VS2008 and coded in I have my database in Sql Server 2005.I have a Database table say Table1 in My Database named Test. Now i want to export the data in Table1 to a MS-Excel(.xls) file on the click of a button. An excel file should be generated after the user clicks on the button and the generated Excel file should have the data that is present in Table1. Can anyone provide me with a link. My code is in

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Import Data From Sql Server 2005 To Excel?

Sep 21, 2011

example or reference how to do import the data in sql to excel?

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Save Data Of Textboxes On SQL Server 2005 ?

Dec 17, 2010

I want to know how to save data of textboxes on SQL Server 2005

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Saving SQL Server 2005 Data To Excel?

May 27, 2010

I am trying to save(export) data from a table in sql 2005. the version of office used is 2007.

I through something together quickly, thinking it would work.. but now I am not sure why its not.? everything seems to work, no errors or anything.. just no excel file either.

Dim strfilename As String = ""
Dim intOpenResult As Integer = vbOKCancel


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Select Data From Sql Server 2005 DB Table?

Mar 11, 2010

VB.NET:i want to select data from sql server 2005 DB table and displaying into text box that depends on combo box selection using VB.NET

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VS 2005 Get A SQL Server VB Data Layer Class?

May 28, 2009

Need a SQL Server "SQLClient" (VB) Data Layer Class?

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Loading Data From Database (SQL Server 2005) Into A Combox?

Jul 9, 2010

column name = CustomerName

SQL server database name = SQLDEV6.

I have been given a task to create a application in vb that is supose to load data from a table named tblCustomers from a DataBase.

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