Binding Multiple IDs Into Form With Two Parent / One Child Tables

Apr 3, 2009

I am very new to vb. I have to create a registration form based on the a complainant form and offender form. Complainant form fills out, take the complainant_ID and parse it to registration form to load. Now when the registration form loads, it has registration_Id and complainant_ID, fills out necessary info and add an offender from the offender form and pass back the offender_ID to the registration on this registration form, we have registration_ID, complainant_ID, and offender_ID..complainant and offender can have more than one registration..

Table structures:
Complainant table(complaint_ID, last, first)
Offender table(offender_ID, last, first)
Registration table(registration_ID, complainant_ID, offender_ID, type, desc)

What I have done so far:
Using separate dataset for each form. Complainant/Offender/Registration form load and save fine. But I do not know how to bind these Ids together so they stay in sync.. What I mean, when I add new complainant, take the complainant_Id, parse it to registration to create a new registration for that particular complainant, and also add an offender to that newly created registration, and pass offender_ID back to registration form. I am using visual studio 5 and sql express..

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Creating DataRelation With Parent And Child Tables And Generating Xml With Subnodes For Child Table?

May 21, 2012

Dim obj_DataTable As New System.Data.DataTable("Category")
Dim obj_DataSet As New DataSet()
'Declaring the array of DataColum to hold the Primary Key Columns


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.net - Parent/Child Relationships Failing When Getting Data From Parent Class With Multiple Forms Open?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a main form, and some sub forms, and each sub form can have some sub forms. When I have multiple sub forms open, and I try to get data from the parent form, it returns the data from the wrong parent form.For example I have two instances of Mainform.subform running. If I do something like this in a child form of one instance of the subform. It returns data from the other subform.

dim l = Mainform.subform.listofdata

Edit:I am using visual Studio 2008. Winforms, form designed using designer. In my mainform I am doing this

Protected Friend frmMain as Mainform
frmmain = new mainform

In frmMain I am doing this

Protected Friend frmsub as new Subform'
frmsub = new subform


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Aggregating Parent/child Tables Using Linq To SQL?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm having a nightmare with LINQ. I've got a table of Projects, and each project has many InvoiceHeaders. The Invoice header had a field AmountNet - the value of the invoice.

I want to retrive, for arguments sake, all of the fields from Projects, with the count of invoice headers and the sum of AmountNet. I.e. list of my projects, how many invoices I've raised and the value.

Doesn't sound hard does it.... well, I've just spent the best part of two hours charging through Google and SO to find a solution.


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Sql - Inserting Multiple Parent Rows And Multiple Child Rows For Each Parent With ADO.NET In One Setting

Nov 28, 2011

I am looking for a howto or someone expert in ADO.NET who can explain me how to properly solve the following scenario:I have two datatables in a dataset:

ParentTable (ParentID, Name) for user data ChildTable (ParentID, ActivityID, ...) for schedule data

Tables are linked together at the database level by ParentID which is an Identity column in ParentTable.

Both tables are data bound to a separate DataGridView on the GUI. There supposed to be a "1 parent/N children" relationship between the tables, meaning if I create a new entry in the ParentTable (a new user) I get a clean DataGrid in the child grid to type schedule data for the user. So I setup two DataAdapters for each table to fill their result into a DataSet. I also set up a DataRelation object and assign it to the DataSet to link the two tables by their ParentID columns. Also when I add a row into the ChildTable via DataGrid I use SetParentRow to set the parent row.


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Update Dataset Parent & Child Tables With Auto-generated Identity Key?

May 31, 2009

I am using ADO.NET Datasets in my VB Applications. I have a typed dataset with one Parent table and many child tables. I want to generate Identity Key when I insert data into Parent Table and then update the data in all child tables with the Same key (As Foregin key).At last, I want to update the dataset in Database(SQL Server08).Well, the above thing can be possible by first inserting Parent Table in Database directly, get the Identity column and than use to for Child tables.

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How To Work On Both Parent And Child Form Without Closing Child

Apr 10, 2011

i have created two forms A and B when button in form A is clicked B is invoked when B is running its not possible to work on A until i close form B. How can i work on A without closing B

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Passing Data From Child To Parent Form Which Is A Child Of Another One

Apr 17, 2012

i have three forms

when i click button1 on form1=====> form2.showdialog()
then click button 1 on form2 =====> form3.showdialog
then click button 1 on form 3 =====>


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Unable To Place A Label Box In The MDI Parent Form And Then Open A Child Form The Label Box Highlighted In Child Form?

Dec 15, 2011

I have an issue when I place a label box in the MDI Parent form and then open a child form the label box highlighted in child form?

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Bind Data From Multiple Tables To One Binding Navigator?

May 28, 2010

I'm using a SQL database and I want to bind five tables to one Binding Navigator.

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C# - LINQ To SQL Join Two Tables To Select Parent Table Twice Based On Two Different Columns From Child Table?

Aug 23, 2010

I have two tables Employees and CafeLogs. Some employees can be cashiers and also customers at the Cafe shop.

Table structures:

Employees: EmployeeId(PK) , FirstName, LastName
CafeLogs: LogId (PK), CashierId, EmployeeId, Value, => CashierId and EmployeeId are the data from column EmployeeId of Empoyee table

Table relationship:

Employees 1:N CafeLogs (CashierId (FK))


Right now I know how to select only LogId, Employee's name, and , Value, not with Cashier name yet.

Dim query = From log In db.CafeLogs _
Join emp In db.Employees On emp.EmployeeId Equals log.EmployeeId _
Select log.LogId, emp.FirsName, emp.LastName, log.Value

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VS 2008 Binding Multiple Tables To A Grid View Then Updating, Inserting Or Deleting?

Mar 24, 2011

How can I do this, this what I got so far.

Dim ClassID As Integer = 1
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Database


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Sql - SSIS - Script Component, Split Single Row To Multiple Rows (Parent Child Variation)

Mar 5, 2012


Basically here's what I want to do.

Input data
ID Item Name
1 Apple01,02,Banana01,02,03
2 Spoon1,2,Fork1,2,3,4


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Interface And Graphics :: MDI Parent / Child - Child To Check To See If It Is The Last Child Object Before Closing

Feb 18, 2011

Im working with MDI parent/child objects. when closing the child objects i need the child to check to see if it is the last child object before closing. i couldn't find anything on google, maybe im searching for the wrong thing.

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Can't Fit Child Form Into Mdi Parent

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to size an MDI form to fit its 2 children perfectly within itself but when I use simple sizing it doesn't work - the MDI form always introduces scroll bars and the children seem to be too big for the parent. My three mDI form methods where this occurs is below.

Private Sub positionSyncForm()<br/>
With m_SyncManager<br/>
.Top = 0<br/>


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MDI Child And MDI Parent Both Are MDI Form?

Dec 13, 2011

May I know is there any solution for both MDI parent and MDI child is MDI form?I am trying to set like this.
uiAdjustment.MDIParent = Me uiAdjustment and "Me" is both MDI form and it show error when I am trying to do like this.

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2003 Control On Child Form To Create Event On Parent Form?

Oct 28, 2010

Here is the pertinent part of my code:

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub MenuItem3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2010 Sub/Child Form Close When Click On Main/Parent Form?

Jun 5, 2012

i am having some trouble in my Windows form application. i have 2 forms1st Main / Parent Form2nd Sub / Child Form (Menu)

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Write Text From A Parent Form To The Active Mdi Child Form VB 2010

Jan 28, 2012

It has to be a simple line of code but I do not know how to construct it. Using VB 2010 Express, I have a MDI parent form and many child forms. I want the parent form to determine what child form is active and load data into the RichTextBox1 on the child form. Each Child form has a RichTextBox1. The parent form gets its data by loading a file.

I am close to a solution but just can't get there. You will see in the code below, if I make a direct reference to a specific child form, it works great. What I want to do is to use the Active Form function to determine which form to write to. I have looked at the MS tutorial which gets me close.

Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,


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MDI Child Maximized - The Child Form Shows Maximized In The MDI Parent But Behind The UserControl

Nov 12, 2010

Note: I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. Note: There are a lot of MDI Child posts, but none (that I have found) that apply to my scenario... Scenario I have an MDI form with a UserControl docked at the top. The UserControl is for navigation and is ~50 pixels in height. When I show a child form with its WindowState property already set to 'Maximized', the child form shows maximized in the MDI parent, but behind the UserControl.


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Call A Form Load Parent Event From A Child Form?

Jun 3, 2011

I have two forms. Form A and Form B. Form A has a datagrid that is populated from a SQL Database Table query. When a button is pressed Form B is launched that allows you to add a record to the database table. I need for the datagrid to be refreshed and show the newly added record when I close form B and go back to the parent.


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Open A MDI Child Form Using A MenuList On The Main MDI Parent Form?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a MDI Parent form created with a MenuList, I also have the MDI child form created.ow do I go about using the MenuList to open the MDI child form within the parent form?

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Refreshing DataGrid On Parent Form After A Child Form Has Updated DB?

Dec 3, 2009

Basically I have two forms - Form1 has a DataGrid on it (Infragistics) and in the double-click row event it creates an instance of the EditForm and passes along the UniqueId for editing. Once the user saves the changes (if they make changes) - I want the DataGrid on Form1 to refresh. Here is how I thought I could get this to work ... I create a public property called RefreshRequired as boolean. Before unloading the EditForm it sets this property to true. Then Unloads. This continues the code in Form1 (which showed the EditForm as modal) but RefreshRequired is still showing as False? Why isn't my EditForm able to set the property?

Private Sub grdList_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles grdList.DoubleClick
' TODO Ignore Double-Click Event when Right Mouse Button Triggers Event


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Stop All The Functions On Parent Form While Child Form Is Still On Screen?

May 1, 2009

form1 has datagridview, when I click "add new", form2 appears(details view, allowing me to add new records into datagridview on form1). when I click "add new" again, form2 appears again, if I click x times, form2 will appear x times. How do I stop the add new button and all the functions on form1 from working until form2 is closed?

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Update Open Child Mdi Form Textbox From Parent Form?

Feb 3, 2012

I have a date selector on mdi parent that updates a property when date is changed. When I open a child form, it grabs the property just fine. However if I change the date again after the child is open the date does not change on the child unless I close and reopen the form as expected. What would be the best way to automatically update all open child forms when the date is changed on the parent at anytime? running a timer to parse the date property is impractical.

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Updating Parent Form From Dataset After Editing In Child Form?

Aug 24, 2009

I have two forms....Mainform is filled with controls that are databound to a datasource.....then I have a child form that is used to edit data from parent form.......the data that is displayed on the child form uses the Filter() method of the binding source to display data only for the customer selected......

The child form has the standard OK and CANCEL buttons set up as dialog result.......after I edit the content in child form, the changes are displayed on the child form correctly......but when closing the child form and going back to the parent form the changes dont appear there unless I restart the application.....I also tried adding the tableadapter.update/fill method in the 'OK' dialog result event handler and it still doesnt work......

How can I make the changes take effect on the parent form without restarting the application?

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VS 2010 : Load A Child Form By Default In MDI Parent Form?

Jan 23, 2011

I want to load a child form which is a login form by default when the parent form is loaded.Right now when I click new file on the toolbar of the parent form, then only the login form is loaded but i want it be loaded by default without clicking anything.

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VS 2010 Child Form Tell Parent Form It Is Closing And Send ID?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a parent form that has a list of items and each item has a unique ID. The user can open one or many of the items in a child form (it is set up in a tabbed MDI), but it can only open one instance of each item at a time.

In the parent form, I was going to make a collection (or something like that, maybe there is a better way) to keep track of which items are open in the child forms. I need to know when each child is closed so that it can be removed from the collection and reopened at a later time. I was thinking that when the child form closes, it somehow does something (like raise an event) that tells the parent form to remove the unique ID from the list of current open child forms.

My questions are, is this a good way to do this and I am pretty sure I would use the form closed event in the child form to update that parent form, but as well, I didn't know if this is the best way of handling it.

If raising the event is a good way, are some examples on how to do it out there? I found some for controls, but not while the form is closing/closed.

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Winforms - Disable The Parent Form When Call A Child Form?

May 14, 2010

How can I disable the parent form when I call a child form?This code doesn't disable the parent form like I thought it would:


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Accessing MDI Parent From Child Form?

Jan 31, 2011

I am trying to access a control (statusbar panel) on my MDI parent form from a child form.

Here's my
(located in child form)
Dim frmParent As frmMain
frmParent = DirectCast(Me.MdiParent, frmMain)


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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